import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import er.erxtest.ERXTestCase;
public class ERXStringUtilitiesTest extends ERXTestCase {
* Represents a simple encapsulation of two strings and their expected
* Levenshtein distance.
private class LevenshteinExample {
* First string
public String s1;
* Second string
public String s2;
* Levenshtein distance between {@code s1} and {@code s2}
public int d;
* Constructor
* @param s1
* first string
* @param s2
* second string
* @param d
* Levenshtein distance
public LevenshteinExample(String s1, String s2, int d) {
this.s1 = s1;
this.s2 = s2;
this.d = d;
* An array of known strings and distances
private NSArray<LevenshteinExample> levs;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
// Set up the levs array
NSMutableArray<LevenshteinExample> l = new NSMutableArray<>();
// When the values are the same, the distance is zero.
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("", "", 0));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("1", "1", 0));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("12", "12", 0));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("123", "123", 0));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("1234", "1234", 0));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("12345", "12345", 0));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("password", "password", 0));
// When one of the values is empty, the distance is the length of the
// other value.
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("", "1", 1));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("", "12", 2));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("", "123", 3));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("", "1234", 4));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("", "12345", 5));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("", "password", 8));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("1", "", 1));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("12", "", 2));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("123", "", 3));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("1234", "", 4));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("12345", "", 5));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("password", "", 8));
// Whenever a single character is inserted or removed, the distance is
// one.
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("password", "1password", 1));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("password", "p1assword", 1));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("password", "pa1ssword", 1));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("password", "pas1sword", 1));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("password", "pass1word", 1));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("password", "passw1ord", 1));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("password", "passwo1rd", 1));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("password", "passwor1d", 1));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("password", "password1", 1));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("password", "assword", 1));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("password", "pssword", 1));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("password", "pasword", 1));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("password", "pasword", 1));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("password", "passord", 1));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("password", "passwrd", 1));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("password", "passwod", 1));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("password", "passwor", 1));
// Whenever a single character is replaced, the distance is one.
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("password", "Xassword", 1));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("password", "pXssword", 1));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("password", "paXsword", 1));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("password", "pasXword", 1));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("password", "passXord", 1));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("password", "passwXrd", 1));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("password", "passwoXd", 1));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("password", "passworX", 1));
// If characters are taken off the front and added to the back and all
// of
// the characters are unique, then the distance is two times the number
// of
// characters shifted, until you get halfway (and then it becomes easier
// to shift from the other direction).
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("12345678", "23456781", 2));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("12345678", "34567812", 4));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("12345678", "45678123", 6));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("12345678", "56781234", 8));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("12345678", "67812345", 6));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("12345678", "78123456", 4));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("12345678", "81234567", 2));
// If all the characters are unique and the values are reversed, then
// the
// distance is the number of characters for an even number of
// characters,
// and one less for an odd number of characters (since the middle
// character will stay the same).
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("12", "21", 2));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("123", "321", 2));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("1234", "4321", 4));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("12345", "54321", 4));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("123456", "654321", 6));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("1234567", "7654321", 6));
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("12345678", "87654321", 8));
// The rest of these are miscellaneous interesting examples. They will
// be illustrated using the following key:
// = (the characters are equal)
// + (the character is inserted)
// - (the character is removed)
// # (the character is replaced)
// Mississippi
// ippississiM
// -=##====##=+ --> 6
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("Mississippi", "ippississiM", 6));
// eieio
// oieie
// #===# --> 2
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("eieio", "oieie", 2));
// brad+angelina
// bra ngelina
// ===+++======= --> 3
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("brad+angelina", "brangelina", 3));
// test international chars
// ?e?uli?ka
// e?uli?ka
// -======== --> 1
l.add(new LevenshteinExample("?e?uli?ka", "e?uli?ka", 1));
levs = l.immutableClone();
public void testMaskStringWithCharacter() {
String result;
String arg = "0123456789";
result = ERXStringUtilities.maskStringWithCharacter(arg, '*', 0, -1);
assertEquals("*********9", result);
result = ERXStringUtilities.maskStringWithCharacter(arg, '*', 0, arg.length());
assertEquals("**********", result);
result = ERXStringUtilities.maskStringWithCharacter(arg, '*', 0, -4);
assertEquals("******6789", result);
result= ERXStringUtilities.maskStringWithCharacter(arg, '*', 0, 5);
assertEquals("*****56789", result);
result= ERXStringUtilities.maskStringWithCharacter(arg, '*', 2, 5);
assertEquals("01***56789", result);
result = ERXStringUtilities.maskStringWithCharacter(arg, '*', -5, 9);
assertEquals("01234****9", result);
result = ERXStringUtilities.maskStringWithCharacter(arg, '*', -5, -5);
assertEquals("0123456789", result);
result = ERXStringUtilities.maskStringWithCharacter(arg, '*', -5, 5);
assertEquals("0123456789", result);
result = ERXStringUtilities.maskStringWithCharacter(arg, '*', -6, -5);
assertEquals("0123*56789", result);
result = ERXStringUtilities.maskStringWithCharacter("Visa 4111111111111111", '*', 5, -4);
assertEquals("Visa ************1111", result);
public void testMaskStringWithCharacter2() {
try {
//Illegal arguments. endIndex < beginIndex
ERXStringUtilities.maskStringWithCharacter("0123456789", '*', 6, 5);
fail("expected StringIndexOutOfBoundsException");
} catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// ignore
public void testMaskStringWithCharacter3() {
try {
//Illegal arguments. endIndex < beginIndex
ERXStringUtilities.maskStringWithCharacter("0123456789", '*', 6, 11);
fail("expected StringIndexOutOfBoundsException");
} catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// ignore
public void testMaskStringWithCharacter4() {
try {
//Illegal arguments. endIndex < beginIndex
ERXStringUtilities.maskStringWithCharacter("0123456789", '*', 11, 12);
fail("expected StringIndexOutOfBoundsException");
} catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// ignore
* Tests {@link StringUtils#getLevenshteinDistance(String, String)}.
public void testDistance() {
for (LevenshteinExample l : levs) {
assertEquals(l.d, StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(l.s1, l.s2), 0.00001);
* Tests {@link StringUtils#getLevenshteinDistance(String, String)}.
public void testLevenshteinDistance() {
for (LevenshteinExample l : levs) {
StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(l.s1, l.s2));
public void testSafeIdentifierName() {
String safeJavaIdentifierStart = "IamSafe";
String safeJavaIdentifierStartWithUnsafeChars = "Iam Nearly+Safe";
String unsafeJavaIdentifierStart = "0safe";
String nullIdentifierStart = null;
String emptyIdentifierStart = "";
String prefix = "prefix";
char replacement = '_';
String resultWithSafeStart = ERXStringUtilities.safeIdentifierName(safeJavaIdentifierStart, prefix, replacement);
String resultWithSafeStartUnsafeContent = ERXStringUtilities.safeIdentifierName(safeJavaIdentifierStartWithUnsafeChars, prefix, replacement);
String resultWithUnsafeStart = ERXStringUtilities.safeIdentifierName(unsafeJavaIdentifierStart, prefix, replacement);
String resultWithNullStart = ERXStringUtilities.safeIdentifierName(nullIdentifierStart, prefix, replacement);
String resultWithEmptyStart = ERXStringUtilities.safeIdentifierName(emptyIdentifierStart, prefix, replacement);
assertEquals(safeJavaIdentifierStart, resultWithSafeStart);
assertNotSame(safeJavaIdentifierStartWithUnsafeChars, resultWithSafeStartUnsafeContent);
assertEquals("Expected 2 replacements for unsafe characters", 2, resultWithSafeStartUnsafeContent.replaceAll("[^_]", "").length());
assertFalse("Did not expect prefix as identifier starts with safe character.", resultWithSafeStartUnsafeContent.contains(prefix));
assertNotSame(unsafeJavaIdentifierStart, resultWithUnsafeStart);
assertFalse("Expected no replacement for unsafe characters", resultWithUnsafeStart.contains("_"));
assertTrue("Did expect prefix as identifier starts with unsafe character.", resultWithUnsafeStart.contains(prefix));
assertNotSame(nullIdentifierStart, resultWithNullStart);
assertTrue("Did expect 'null' as identifier was null.", resultWithNullStart.contains("null"));
assertTrue("Did expect prefix as identifier was null.", resultWithNullStart.contains(prefix));
assertNotSame(emptyIdentifierStart, resultWithEmptyStart);
assertEquals(prefix, resultWithEmptyStart);