package; import org.quartz.DisallowConcurrentExecution; import org.quartz.InterruptableJob; import org.quartz.JobExecutionContext; import org.quartz.JobExecutionException; import org.quartz.Scheduler; import org.quartz.UnableToInterruptJobException; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOUtilities; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEnterpriseObject; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOGlobalID; import; @DisallowConcurrentExecution public abstract class ERQSJob extends ERQSAbstractJob implements InterruptableJob { public static final String ENTERPRISE_OBJECT_KEY = "eoJobKey"; public static final String NOT_PERSISTENT_OBJECT_KEY = "jobKey"; private ERQSJobDescription jobDescription; private boolean jobInterrupted = false; /** * Implementation of Job interface. * Called by the Scheduler when a Trigger associated with the job is fired.<br> * getJobContext() returns the jobContext after execute() is called.<p> * To be sure that any exception will be catched, _execute() call in surround by a try/catch block. * * @param jobexecutioncontext passed by the scheduler * @see <a href=""></a> */ @Override public final void execute(final JobExecutionContext jobexecutioncontext) throws JobExecutionException { super.execute(jobexecutioncontext); try { _execute(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("method: execute: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * _execute() is called by execute(). Put your code here and everything will be set up for you. * * @throws JobExecutionException * */ protected abstract void _execute() throws JobExecutionException; /** * It's a good place to put code that will be executed before job description deletion.<p> * Nothing is done automatically, you have to call this method manually if you want to give a chance to the job to * use its own logic. * * @param aJobDescription */ public abstract void willDelete(ERQSJobDescription aJobDescription); /** * It's a good place to put code that will be executed before job description save.<p> * Nothing is done automatically, you have to call this method manually if you want to give a chance to the job to * use its own logic. * * @param aJobDescription */ public abstract void willSave(ERQSJobDescription aJobDescription); /** * It's a good place to put code that will check if the job description can be saved or not.<p> * Nothing is done automatically, you have to call this method manually if you want to give a chance to the job to * use its own logic. * * @param aJobDescription */ public abstract void validateForSave(ERQSJobDescription aJobDescription); /** * It's a good place to put code that will check if the job description can be deleted or not.<p> * Nothing is done automatically, you have to call this method manually if you want to give a chance to the job to * use its own logic. * * @param aJobDescription */ public abstract void validateForDelete(ERQSJobDescription aJobDescription); /** * Send back the ERQSJobDescription Object attach to the job. * * @param ec editingContext (can be null if the NOScheduler object has been already defaulted) * @return the NOScheduler Object. * @throws IllegalStateException if there is no EOGlobalID in the JobDataMap or if ec is null and ERQSJobDescription object isn't already defaulted */ public ERQSJobDescription getJobDescription(final EOEditingContext ec) { if (jobDescription == null && ec == null) throw new IllegalStateException("method: getJobDescription: jobDescription is null and ec as parameter is null too."); ERQSJobDescription aJobDescription; if (jobDescription == null) { JobExecutionContext context = getJobContext(); if (context.getMergedJobDataMap() != null) { EOGlobalID id = (EOGlobalID) context.getMergedJobDataMap().get(ENTERPRISE_OBJECT_KEY); if (id != null) jobDescription = (ERQSJobDescription) ec.faultForGlobalID(id, ec); else jobDescription = (ERQSJobDescription) context.getMergedJobDataMap().get(NOT_PERSISTENT_OBJECT_KEY); if (jobDescription == null) throw new IllegalStateException("method: getJobDescription: unknown jobDescription."); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("method: getJobDescription: no job detail or job data map. The jobDescription is still null."); } aJobDescription = jobDescription; } else { aJobDescription = jobDescription; // if ec is not null, we make a local instance if (aJobDescription.isEnterpriseObject() && ec != null) aJobDescription = (ERQSJobDescription) EOUtilities.localInstanceOfObject(ec, (EOEnterpriseObject)aJobDescription); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("method: getNOScheduler: noScheduler: " + jobDescription); return aJobDescription; } public ERQSJobDescription getJobDescription() { return getJobDescription(null); } public NSTimestamp getLastExecutionDate() { return getJobDescription().lastExecutionDate(); } /** * Called by the <code>{@link Scheduler}</code> when a user interrupts the <code>Job</code>. * return void (nothing) if job interrupt is successful. * * @throws JobExecutionException * if there is an exception while interrupting the job. */ public void interrupt() throws UnableToInterruptJobException {"method: interrupt has been called for the job: " + getJobDescription()); jobInterrupted = true; } protected boolean isJobInterrupted() { return jobInterrupted; } }