package er.extensions.localization; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEnterpriseObject; import; import er.extensions.components.ERXStatelessComponent; /** * <div class="en"> * Examples: * <ol> * <li>value = "Localize me" -> the localized value of "Localize me"</li> * <li>keyPath = "componentName" (note that the path must be a String) -> localized name of the parent component</li> * <li>object = bug, an EO -> localized version of bug.userPresentableDescription (may or may not be useful)</li> * <li>object = bug, keyPath = "state" -> localized version of the bugs state</li> * <li>templateString = "You have @assignedBugs.count@ Bug(s) assigned to you", object = session.user * -> localized template is evaluated</li> * </ol> * Bindings: * @binding escapeHTML when <code>true</code> will escape the value * @binding keyPath the keyPath to get of the object which is to be localized * @binding object the object to derive the value of, if not given and keyPath is set, parent() is assumed * @binding omitWhenEmpty outputs an empty string if <code>true</code> when it would be <code>null</code> * @binding otherObject second object to use with templateString * @binding templateString the key to the template to evaluate with object and otherObject * @binding value string to localize * @binding valueWhenEmpty display this value if value evaluates to <code>null</code>. The binding * <i>omitWhenEmpty</i> will prevent this. * </div> * * <div class="ja"> * サンプル: * <ol> * <li>value = "Localize me" -> "Localize me" のローカライズ済み文字列</li> * <li>keyPath = "componentName" (文字列であるべき) -> 親コンポーネントのローカライズ名</li> * <li>object = bug, ( EO です ) -> bug.userPresentableDescription のローカライズ名 (必要かどうかは不明 ^^)</li> * <li>object = bug, keyPath = "state" -> bugs state のローカライズ名</li> * <li>templateString = "You have @assignedBugs.count@ Bug(s) assigned to you", object = session.user -> ローカライズ済みテンプレート</li> * </ol> * バインディング: * @binding escapeHTML when <code>true</code> will escape the value * @binding keyPath - ローカライズ対応オブジェクトへのキーパス * @binding object - 値を取り出すオブジェクト、指定されていない場合とキーパスがセットされていると parent() が使用される * @binding omitWhenEmpty outputs an empty string if <code>true</code> when it would be <code>null</code> * @binding otherObject - テンプレートと使用する第二のオブジェクト * @binding templateString - object と otherObject で使用するテンプレート * @binding value - ローカライズする文字列 * @binding valueWhenEmpty display this value if value evaluates to <code>null</code>. The binding * <i>omitWhenEmpty</i> will prevent this. * </div> */ public class ERXLocalizedString extends ERXStatelessComponent { /** * Do I need to update serialVersionUID? * See section 5.6 <cite>Type Changes Affecting Serialization</cite> on page 51 of the * <a href="">Java Object Serialization Spec</a> */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public ERXLocalizedString(WOContext context) { super(context); } private String objectToString(Object value) { String string = null; if(value != null) { if(value instanceof String) string = (String)value; else if(value instanceof EOEnterpriseObject) string = ((EOEnterpriseObject)value).userPresentableDescription(); else string = value.toString(); } return string; } public Object object() { Object value; if(hasBinding("object")) value = valueForBinding("object"); else value = parent(); return value; } public String value() { ERXLocalizer localizer = ERXLocalizer.currentLocalizer(); String stringToLocalize = null, localizedString = null; if(!hasBinding("templateString")) { if(hasBinding("object") || hasBinding("keyPath")) { Object value = object(); if(hasBinding("keyPath")) value = NSKeyValueCodingAdditions.Utility.valueForKeyPath(value, stringValueForBinding("keyPath")); stringToLocalize = objectToString(value); } else if(hasBinding("value")) { stringToLocalize = stringValueForBinding("value"); if(booleanValueForBinding("omitWhenEmpty") && localizer.localizedStringForKey(stringToLocalize) == null) { stringToLocalize = ""; } } if(stringToLocalize == null && hasBinding("valueWhenEmpty")) { stringToLocalize = stringValueForBinding("valueWhenEmpty"); } if(stringToLocalize != null) { localizedString = localizer.localizedStringForKeyWithDefault(stringToLocalize); } } else { String templateString = stringValueForBinding("templateString"); Object otherObject = valueForBinding("otherObject"); localizedString = localizer.localizedTemplateStringForKeyWithObjectOtherObject(templateString, object(), otherObject); } return localizedString; } }