package er.extensions.components; import java.util.Objects; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOActionResults; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext; import com.webobjects.appserver.WODirectAction; import com.webobjects.appserver.WORequest; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOResponse; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOSession; import; import; import er.extensions.appserver.ERXApplication; import er.extensions.appserver.ERXResourceManager; import er.extensions.appserver.ERXResponse; import er.extensions.appserver.ERXResponseRewriter; import er.extensions.appserver.ajax.ERXAjaxApplication; import; import; import; /** * Adds a style sheet to a page. You can either supply a complete URL, a file * and framework name or put something in the component content. The content of * the component is cached under a "key" binding and then delivered via a direct * action, so it doesn't need to get re-rendered too often. * * @binding filename name of the style sheet * @binding framework name of the framework for the style sheet * @binding href url to the style sheet * @binding key key to cache the style sheet under when using the component * content. Default is the sessionID. That means, you should *really* * explicitly set a key, when you use more than one ERXStyleSheet using * the component content method within one session * @binding inline when <code>true</code>, the generated link tag will be appended inline, * when <code>false</code> it'll be placed in the head of the page, when unset it * will be placed inline for ajax requests and in the head for regular * requests * @binding media media name this style sheet is for * @property er.extensions.ERXStyleSheet.xhtml (defaults <code>true</code>) if <code>false</code>, * link tags are not closed, which is compatible with older HTML */ // FIXME: cache should be able to cache on values of bindings, not a single key public class ERXStyleSheet extends ERXStatelessComponent { /** * Do I need to update serialVersionUID? * See section 5.6 <cite>Type Changes Affecting Serialization</cite> on page 51 of the * <a href="">Java Object Serialization Spec</a> */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Public constructor * * @param aContext * a context */ public ERXStyleSheet( WOContext aContext ) { super( aContext ); } protected static ERXExpiringCache<String, WOResponse> cache( WOSession session ) { ERXExpiringCache<String, WOResponse> cache = (ERXExpiringCache<String, WOResponse>)session.objectForKey( "ERXStylesheet.cache" ); if( cache == null ) { cache = new ERXExpiringCache<>( 60 ); cache.startBackgroundExpiration(); session.setObjectForKey( cache, "ERXStylesheet.cache" ); } return cache; } public static class Sheet extends WODirectAction { public Sheet( WORequest worequest ) { super( worequest ); } @Override public WOActionResults performActionNamed( String name ) { WOResponse response = ERXStyleSheet.cache( session() ).objectForKey( name ); String md5 = ERXStringUtilities.md5Hex( response.contentString(), null ); String queryMd5 = response.headerForKey( "checksum" ); if (Objects.equals(md5, queryMd5)) { //TODO check for last-whatever time and return not modified if not changed } return response; } } /** * Returns the complete url to the style sheet. * * @return style sheet url */ public String styleSheetUrl() { String url = stringValueForBinding("styleSheetUrl"); url = (url == null ? stringValueForBinding("href") : url); if( url == null ) { String name = styleSheetName(); if( name != null ) { url = application().resourceManager().urlForResourceNamed( name, styleSheetFrameworkName(), languages(), context().request() ); if( ERXResourceManager._shouldGenerateCompleteResourceURL( context() ) ) { url = ERXResourceManager._completeURLForResource( url, null, context() ); } } } return url; } /** * Returns the style sheet framework name either resolved via the binding * <b>framework</b>. * * @return style sheet framework name */ public String styleSheetFrameworkName() { String result = stringValueForBinding("styleSheetFrameworkName"); result = (result == null ? stringValueForBinding("framework") : result); return result; } /** * Returns the style sheet name either resolved via the binding <b>filename</b>. * * @return style sheet name */ public String styleSheetName() { String result = stringValueForBinding("styleSheetName"); result = (result == null ? stringValueForBinding("filename") : result); return result; } /** * Returns key under which the stylesheet should be placed in the cache. If * no key is given, the session id is used. * * @return cache key */ public String styleSheetKey() { String result = stringValueForBinding("key"); if( result == null ) { result = session().sessionID(); } return result; } /** * Specifies on what device the linked document will be displayed. * @return media string */ public String mediaType() { return stringValueForBinding( "media" ); } /** * Returns the languages for the request. * @return requested languages */ private NSArray<String> languages() { if( hasSession() ) { return session().languages(); } WORequest request = context().request(); if( request != null ) { return request.browserLanguages(); } return null; } /** * Appends the <link> tag, either by using the style sheet name and * framework or by using the component content and then generating a link to * it. */ @Override public void appendToResponse( WOResponse originalResponse, WOContext wocontext ) { String styleSheetFrameworkName = styleSheetFrameworkName(); String styleSheetName = styleSheetName(); boolean isResourceStyleSheet = styleSheetName != null; if( isResourceStyleSheet && ERXResponseRewriter.isResourceAddedToHead( wocontext, styleSheetFrameworkName, styleSheetName ) ) { // Skip, because this has already been added ... return; } // default to inline for ajax requests boolean inline = booleanValueForBinding( "inline", ERXAjaxApplication.isAjaxRequest( wocontext.request() ) ); WOResponse response = inline ? originalResponse : new ERXResponse(); String href = styleSheetUrl(); if( href == null ) { String key = styleSheetKey(); ERXExpiringCache<String, WOResponse> cache = cache( session() ); String md5; WOResponse cachedResponse = cache.objectForKey( key ); if( cache.isStale( key ) || ERXApplication.isDevelopmentModeSafe() ) { cachedResponse = new ERXResponse(); super.appendToResponse( cachedResponse, wocontext ); // appendToResponse above will change the response of // "wocontext" to "newresponse". When this happens during an // Ajax request, it will lead to backtracking errors on // subsequent requests, so restore the original response "r" wocontext._setResponse( originalResponse ); cachedResponse.setHeader( "text/css", "content-type" ); cache.setObjectForKey( cachedResponse, key ); md5 = ERXStringUtilities.md5Hex( cachedResponse.contentString(), null ); cachedResponse.setHeader( md5, "checksum" ); } md5 = cachedResponse.headerForKey( "checksum" ); NSDictionary<String, Object> query = new NSDictionary<>( md5, "checksum" ); href = wocontext.directActionURLForActionNamed( Sheet.class.getName() + "/" + key, query, wocontext.request().isSecure(), 0, false ); } response._appendContentAsciiString( "<link" ); if (styleSheetName != null && styleSheetName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".less")) { response._appendTagAttributeAndValue( "rel", "stylesheet/less", false ); } else { response._appendTagAttributeAndValue( "rel", "stylesheet", false ); } response._appendTagAttributeAndValue( "type", "text/css", false ); response._appendTagAttributeAndValue( "href", href, false ); response._appendTagAttributeAndValue( "media", mediaType(), false ); if( ERXStyleSheet.shouldCloseLinkTags() ) { response._appendContentAsciiString( "/>" ); } else { response._appendContentAsciiString( ">" ); } response.appendContentString("\n"); boolean inserted = true; if( !inline ) { String stylesheetLink = response.contentString(); inserted = ERXResponseRewriter.insertInResponseBeforeHead( originalResponse, wocontext, stylesheetLink, ERXResponseRewriter.TagMissingBehavior.Inline ); } if( inserted ) { if( isResourceStyleSheet ) { ERXResponseRewriter.resourceAddedToHead( wocontext, styleSheetFrameworkName, styleSheetName ); } else if( href != null ) { ERXResponseRewriter.resourceAddedToHead( wocontext, null, href ); } } } /** * Returns whether or not XHTML link tags should be used. If false, then * link tags will not be closed, which is more compatible with certain * browser parsers. Set the 'er.extensions.ERXStyleSheet.xhtml' to control * this property. * * @return true of link tags should be closed, false otherwise */ public static boolean shouldCloseLinkTags() { return ERXProperties.booleanForKeyWithDefault( "er.extensions.ERXStyleSheet.xhtml", true ); } }