package er.extensions.jdbc; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Blob; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.Enumeration; import javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet; import javax.sql.rowset.RowSetProvider; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOAdaptor; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOAdaptorChannel; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOAdaptorContext; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOAttribute; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EODatabaseContext; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOEntity; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOModel; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOModelGroup; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOQualifierSQLGeneration; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOSQLExpression; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOSQLExpressionFactory; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.JDBCAdaptor; import com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.JDBCContext; import er.extensions.eof.ERXEC; import; import; import; public class ERXJDBCUtilities { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ERXJDBCUtilities.class); public static final NSTimestampFormatter TIMESTAMP_FORMATTER = new NSTimestampFormatter("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%F"); public static class CopyTask { protected NSDictionary _sourceDictionary; protected NSDictionary _destDictionary; protected Connection _source; protected Connection _dest; protected boolean _quoteSource; protected boolean _quoteDestination; protected NSMutableArray<EOEntity> _entities = new NSMutableArray<>(); public CopyTask(EOModelGroup aModelGroup) { addEntitiesFromModelGroup(aModelGroup); } public CopyTask(EOModel aModel) { addEntitiesFromModel(aModel); } public CopyTask(EOEntity anEntity) { addEntity(anEntity); } public CopyTask() { } public void connect(NSDictionary aSourceConnectionDict, NSDictionary aDestConnectionDict) throws SQLException { _sourceDictionary = aSourceConnectionDict; _destDictionary = aDestConnectionDict; _source = connectionWithDictionary(aSourceConnectionDict); _dest = connectionWithDictionary(aDestConnectionDict); _quoteSource = Boolean.valueOf((String) aSourceConnectionDict.objectForKey("quote")).booleanValue(); _quoteDestination = Boolean.valueOf((String) aDestConnectionDict.objectForKey("quote")).booleanValue(); } public void connect(String sourcePrefix, String destPrefix) throws SQLException { _sourceDictionary = dictionaryFromPrefix(sourcePrefix); _destDictionary = dictionaryFromPrefix(destPrefix); connect(_sourceDictionary, _destDictionary); } private NSDictionary dictionaryFromPrefix(String prefix) { NSMutableDictionary dict = new NSMutableDictionary(); return dict; } protected void addEntitiesFromModelGroup(EOModelGroup group) { for (Enumeration enumeration = group.models().objectEnumerator(); enumeration.hasMoreElements();) { EOModel model = (EOModel) enumeration.nextElement(); if ("JDBC".equalsIgnoreCase(model.adaptorName())) { addEntitiesFromModel(model); } } } protected void addEntitiesFromModel(EOModel model) { for (Enumeration enumeration = model.entities().objectEnumerator(); enumeration.hasMoreElements();) { EOEntity entity = (EOEntity) enumeration.nextElement(); _entities.addObject(entity); } } public void addEntity(EOEntity entity) { _entities.addObject(entity); } public void run() throws SQLException { run(true); } public void run(boolean commitAtEnd) throws SQLException { for (Enumeration models = _entities.objectEnumerator(); models.hasMoreElements();) { EOEntity entity = (EOEntity) models.nextElement(); if (!entity.isAbstractEntity()) { copyEntity(entity); } } if (commitAtEnd) { commit(); } } public void commit() throws SQLException { _dest.commit(); } protected Connection connectionWithDictionary(NSDictionary dict) throws SQLException { String username = (String) dict.objectForKey("username"); String password = (String) dict.objectForKey("password"); String driver = (String) dict.objectForKey("driver"); String url = (String) dict.objectForKey("URL"); if (url == null) { url = (String) dict.objectForKey("url"); } Boolean autoCommit; Object autoCommitObj = dict.objectForKey("autoCommit"); if (autoCommitObj instanceof String) { autoCommit = Boolean.valueOf((String) autoCommitObj); } else { autoCommit = (Boolean) autoCommitObj; } boolean ac = autoCommit == null ? true : autoCommit.booleanValue(); // Boolean readOnly = (Boolean) dict.objectForKey("readOnly"); // boolean ro = readOnly == null ? false : readOnly.booleanValue(); try { Class.forName(driver); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new SQLException("Could not find driver: " + driver); } Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password); DatabaseMetaData dbmd = con.getMetaData();"Connection to {} {} successful.", dbmd.getDatabaseProductName(), dbmd.getDatabaseProductVersion()); con.setAutoCommit(ac); return con; } protected String[] columnsFromAttributes(EOAttribute[] attributes, boolean quoteNames) { NSArray<String> a = columnsFromAttributesAsArray(attributes, quoteNames); String[] result = new String[a.count()]; for (int i = 0; i < a.count(); i++) { String s = a.objectAtIndex(i); result[i] = s; } return result; } protected NSArray<String> columnsFromAttributesAsArray(EOAttribute[] attributes, boolean quoteNames) { if (attributes == null) { throw new NullPointerException("attributes cannot be null!"); } NSMutableArray<String> columns = new NSMutableArray<>(); for (int i = attributes.length; i-- > 0;) { EOAttribute att = attributes[i]; String column = att.columnName(); if (!ERXStringUtilities.stringIsNullOrEmpty(column)) { if (quoteNames) { columns.addObject("\"" + column + "\""); } else { columns.addObject(column); } } else { log.warn("Attribute {} column was null or empty.",; } } return columns; } protected EOAttribute[] attributesArray(NSArray<EOAttribute> array) { NSMutableArray<EOAttribute> attributes = new NSMutableArray<>(); for (int i = 0; i < array.count(); i++) { EOAttribute att = array.objectAtIndex(i); if (!ERXStringUtilities.stringIsNullOrEmpty(att.columnName())) { attributes.addObject(att); } } EOAttribute[] result = new EOAttribute[attributes.count()]; for (int i = 0; i < attributes.count(); i++) { result[i] = attributes.objectAtIndex(i); } return result; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void copyEntity(EOEntity entity) throws SQLException { EOAttribute[] attributes = attributesArray(entity.attributes()); String tableName = entity.externalName(); String[] columnNames = columnsFromAttributes(attributes, true); String[] columnNamesWithoutQuotes = columnsFromAttributes(attributes, false); // build the select statement, this selects -all- rows StringBuilder selectBuf = new StringBuilder(); selectBuf.append("select "); selectBuf.append(columnsFromAttributesAsArray(attributes, _quoteSource).componentsJoinedByString(", ")).append(" from "); if (_quoteSource) { selectBuf.append('"'); selectBuf.append(tableName); selectBuf.append('"'); } else { selectBuf.append(tableName); } EOQualifier qualifier = entity.restrictingQualifier(); if (qualifier != null) { EOAdaptor adaptor = EOAdaptor.adaptorWithName("JDBC"); adaptor.setConnectionDictionary(_sourceDictionary); EOSQLExpressionFactory factory = adaptor.expressionFactory(); EOSQLExpression sqlExpression = factory.createExpression(entity); String sqlString = EOQualifierSQLGeneration.Support._sqlStringForSQLExpression(qualifier, sqlExpression); selectBuf.append(" where ").append(sqlString); } selectBuf.append(';'); String sql = selectBuf.toString(); Statement stmt = _source.createStatement(); StringBuilder insertBuf = new StringBuilder(); insertBuf.append("insert into "); if (_quoteDestination) { insertBuf.append('"'); insertBuf.append(tableName); insertBuf.append('"'); } else { insertBuf.append(tableName); } insertBuf.append(" (").append(columnsFromAttributesAsArray(attributes, _quoteDestination).componentsJoinedByString(", ")).append(") values ("); for (int i = columnNames.length; i-- > 0;) { insertBuf.append('?'); if (i > 0) { insertBuf.append(", "); } } insertBuf.append(");"); String insertSql = insertBuf.toString(); System.out.println("CopyTask.copyEntity: " + insertSql); PreparedStatement upps = _dest.prepareStatement(insertSql); ResultSet rows = stmt.executeQuery(sql); // transfer each row by first setting the values int rowsCount = 0; while ( { rowsCount++; if (rows.getRow() % 1000 == 0) { System.out.println("CopyTask.copyEntity: table " + tableName + ", inserted " + rows.getRow() + " rows");"table {}, inserted {} rows", tableName, rows.getRow()); } NSMutableSet<File> tempfilesToDelete = new NSMutableSet<>(); // call upps.setInt, upps.setBinaryStream, ... for (int i = 0; i < columnNamesWithoutQuotes.length; i++) { // first we need to get the type String columnName = columnNamesWithoutQuotes[i]; int type = rows.getMetaData().getColumnType(i + 1); Object o = rows.getObject(columnName); if (o != null) {"column={}, value class={}, value={}", columnName, o.getClass(), o); } else {"column={}, value class unknown, value is null", columnName); } if (o instanceof Blob) { Blob b = (Blob) o; // stream this to a file, we need the length... File tempFile = null; try (InputStream bis = b.getBinaryStream()) { tempFile = File.createTempFile("TempJDBC", ".blob"); ERXFileUtilities.writeInputStreamToFile(bis, tempFile); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("could not create tempFile for row {} and column {}, setting column value to null!", rows.getRow(), columnName, e); upps.setNull(i + 1, type); if (tempFile != null) if (!tempFile.delete()) tempFile.delete(); continue; } FileInputStream fis = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(tempFile); } catch (FileNotFoundException e6) { log.error("could not create FileInputStream from tempFile for row {} and column {}, setting column value to null!", rows.getRow(), columnName); upps.setNull(i + 1, type); if (tempFile != null) if (!tempFile.delete()) tempFile.delete(); continue; } finally { if (fis != null) { try { fis.close(); } catch (IOException e) {} } } upps.setBinaryStream(i + 1, fis, (int) tempFile.length()); tempfilesToDelete.addObject(tempFile); } else if (o != null) { upps.setObject(i + 1, o); } else { upps.setNull(i + 1, type); } } upps.executeUpdate(); upps.clearParameters(); for (Enumeration e = tempfilesToDelete.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements();) { File f = (File) e.nextElement(); if (!f.delete()) f.delete(); } // if (rows.getRow() % 1000 == 0) { //"committing at count={}", rowsCount); // dest.commit(); //"committing done"); // } }"table {}, inserted {} rows", tableName, rowsCount); rows.close(); } } public static String jdbcTimestamp(NSTimestamp t) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append("TIMESTAMP '").append(TIMESTAMP_FORMATTER.format(t)).append('\''); return b.toString(); } /** * Copies all rows from one database to another database. The tables must * exist before calling this method. * * Example: * * <pre> * NSMutableDictionary sourceDict = new NSMutableDictionary(); * sourceDict.setObjectForKey("YourPassword", "password"); * sourceDict.setObjectForKey("YourUserName", "username"); * sourceDict.setObjectForKey("jdbc:FrontBase://", "URL"); * sourceDict.setObjectForKey("com.frontbase.jdbc.FBJDriver", "driver"); * sourceDict.setObjectForKey(Boolean.FALSE.toString(), "autoCommit"); * sourceDict.setObjectForKey(Boolean.TRUE.toString(), "readOnly"); * sourceDict.setObjectForKey(Boolean.TRUE.toString(), "quote"); * * NSMutableDictionary destDict = sourceDict.mutableClone(); * destDict.setObjectForKey("jdbc:postgresql://localhost/YourDestinationDatabase", "URL"); * destDict.setObjectForKey("YourPassword", "password"); * destDict.setObjectForKey("YourUserName", "username"); * destDict.setObjectForKey("org.postgresql.Driver", "driver"); * destDict.setObjectForKey(Boolean.FALSE.toString(), "autoCommit"); * destDict.setObjectForKey(Boolean.FALSE.toString(), "readOnly"); * destDict.setObjectForKey(Boolean.FALSE.toString(), "quote"); * * EOModel model = EOModelGroup.defaultGroup().modelNamed("YourModelName"); * ERXJDBCUtilities._copyDatabaseDefinedByEOModelAndConnectionDictionaryToDatabaseWithConnectionDictionary(model, sourceDict, destDict); * </pre> * @param m the model that defines the database to copy * * @param sourceDict * a NSDictionary containing the following keys for the source * database: * <ol> * <li>username, the username for the connection * <li>password, the password for the connection * <li>url, the JDBC URL for the connection, for FrontBase its * <code>jdbc:FrontBase://host/database</code> , for PostgreSQL * its <code>jdbc:postgresql://host/database</code> * <li>driver, the full class name of the driver, for FrontBase * its <code>com.frontbase.jdbc.FBJDriver</code> , for * PostgreSQL its <code>org.postgresql.Driver</code> * <li>autoCommit, a Boolean defining if autoCommit should be on * or off, default is true * <li>readOnly, a Boolean defining if the Connection is * readOnly or not, default is false. Its a good * <li>quote, a Boolean defining if the table and field names * should be "quoted" idea to make the sourceDict readOnly, * because one does not write. * </ol> * @param destDict * same as sourceDict just used for the destination database. */ public static void _copyDatabaseDefinedByEOModelAndConnectionDictionaryToDatabaseWithConnectionDictionary(EOModel m, NSDictionary sourceDict, NSDictionary destDict) { try { CopyTask task = new CopyTask(m); task.connect(sourceDict, destDict);;"committing..."); task.commit();"committing... done"); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("could not commit destCon", e); } } /** * @see #_copyDatabaseDefinedByEOModelAndConnectionDictionaryToDatabaseWithConnectionDictionary(EOModel, NSDictionary, NSDictionary) * @param modelGroup * the model group to copy * @param sourceDict * the source connection dictionary * @param destDict * the destination connection dictionary */ public static void _copyDatabaseDefinedByEOModelAndConnectionDictionaryToDatabaseWithConnectionDictionary(EOModelGroup modelGroup, NSDictionary sourceDict, NSDictionary destDict) { try { CopyTask task = new CopyTask(modelGroup); task.connect(sourceDict, destDict);;"committing..."); task.commit();"committing... done"); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("could not commit destCon", e); } } /** * Returns an adaptor channel with the given username and password. * * @param model the model to base this connection off of * @param userName the new username * @param password the new password * @return a new adaptor channel */ public static EOAdaptorChannel adaptorChannelWithUserAndPassword(EOModel model, String userName, String password) { String adaptorName = model.adaptorName(); NSDictionary connectionDictionary = model.connectionDictionary(); return ERXJDBCUtilities.adaptorChannelWithUserAndPassword(adaptorName, connectionDictionary, userName, password); } /** * Returns an adaptor channel with the given username and password. * * @param adaptorName the name of the adaptor to user * @param originalConnectionDictionary the original connection dictionary * @param userName the new username * @param password the new password * @return a new adaptor channel */ public static EOAdaptorChannel adaptorChannelWithUserAndPassword(String adaptorName, NSDictionary originalConnectionDictionary, String userName, String password) { EOAdaptor adaptor = EOAdaptor.adaptorWithName(adaptorName); NSMutableDictionary newConnectionDictionary = originalConnectionDictionary.mutableClone(); if (userName == null) { newConnectionDictionary.removeObjectForKey(JDBCAdaptor.UsernameKey); } else { newConnectionDictionary.setObjectForKey(userName, JDBCAdaptor.UsernameKey); } if (password == null) { newConnectionDictionary.removeObjectForKey(JDBCAdaptor.PasswordKey); } else { newConnectionDictionary.setObjectForKey(password, JDBCAdaptor.PasswordKey); } adaptor.setConnectionDictionary(newConnectionDictionary); return adaptor.createAdaptorContext().createAdaptorChannel(); } /** * Shortcut to java.sql.Statement.executeUpdate(..) that operates on an * EOAdaptorChannel. * * @param channel * the JDBCChannel to work with * @param sql * the sql to execute * @return the number of rows updated * @throws SQLException * if there is a problem */ public static int executeUpdate(EOAdaptorChannel channel, String sql) throws SQLException { return ERXJDBCUtilities.executeUpdate(channel, sql, false); } /** * Shortcut to java.sql.Statement.executeUpdate(..) that operates on an * EOAdaptorChannel. and optionally commits. * * @param channel * the JDBCChannel to work with * @param sql * the sql to execute * @param autoCommit if true, autocommit the connection after executing * @return the number of rows updated * @throws SQLException * if there is a problem */ public static int executeUpdate(EOAdaptorChannel channel, String sql, boolean autoCommit) throws SQLException { int rowsUpdated; boolean wasOpen = channel.isOpen(); if (!wasOpen) { channel.openChannel(); } Connection conn = ((JDBCContext) channel.adaptorContext()).connection(); try { try (Statement stmt = conn.createStatement()) { rowsUpdated = stmt.executeUpdate(sql); if(autoCommit) { conn.commit(); } } catch(SQLException ex) { if(autoCommit) { conn.rollback(); } throw new RuntimeException("Failed to execute the statement '" + sql + "'.", ex); } } finally { if (!wasOpen) { channel.closeChannel(); } } return rowsUpdated; } /** * Splits the given sqlscript and executes each of the statements in a * single transaction * * @param channel * the JDBCChannel to work with * @param sqlScript * the sql script to execute * @return the number of rows updated * @throws SQLException * if there is a problem */ public static int executeUpdateScript(EOAdaptorChannel channel, String sqlScript) throws SQLException { return ERXJDBCUtilities.executeUpdateScript(channel, sqlScript, false); } /** * Splits the given sqlscript and executes each of the statements in a * single transaction * * @param channel * the JDBCChannel to work with * @param sqlScript * the sql script to execute * @param ignoreFailures if true, failures in a particular statement are ignored * @return the number of rows updated * @throws SQLException * if there is a problem */ public static int executeUpdateScript(EOAdaptorChannel channel, String sqlScript, boolean ignoreFailures) throws SQLException { NSArray<String> sqlStatements = ERXSQLHelper.newSQLHelper(channel).splitSQLStatements(sqlScript); return ERXJDBCUtilities.executeUpdateScript(channel, sqlStatements, ignoreFailures); } /** * Splits the given sqlscript and executes each of the statements in a * single transaction * * @param channel * the JDBCChannel to work with * @param sqlStatements * the array of sql scripts to execute * * @return the number of rows updated * @throws SQLException * if there is a problem */ public static int executeUpdateScript(EOAdaptorChannel channel, NSArray<String> sqlStatements) throws SQLException { return executeUpdateScript(channel, sqlStatements, false); } /** * Splits the given sqlscript and executes each of the statements in a * single transaction * * @param channel * the JDBCChannel to work with * @param sqlStatements * the array of sql scripts to execute * @param ignoreFailures if true, failures in a particular statement are ignored * * @return the number of rows updated * @throws SQLException * if there is a problem */ public static int executeUpdateScript(EOAdaptorChannel channel, NSArray<String> sqlStatements, boolean ignoreFailures) throws SQLException { EOAdaptorContext adaptorContext = channel.adaptorContext(); // MS: Hack to support memory migrations if (!(adaptorContext instanceof JDBCContext)) { return 0; } ERXSQLHelper sqlHelper = ERXSQLHelper.newSQLHelper(channel); int rowsUpdated = 0; boolean wasOpen = channel.isOpen(); if (!wasOpen) { channel.openChannel(); } Connection conn = ((JDBCContext) adaptorContext).connection(); try { try (Statement stmt = conn.createStatement()) { Enumeration<String> sqlStatementsEnum = sqlStatements.objectEnumerator(); while (sqlStatementsEnum.hasMoreElements()) { String sql = sqlStatementsEnum.nextElement(); if (sqlHelper.shouldExecute(sql)) {"Executing {}", sql); try { rowsUpdated += stmt.executeUpdate(sql); } catch (Throwable t) { if (!ignoreFailures) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to execute '" + sql + "'.", t); } log.warn("Failed to execute '{}', but ignoring: ()", sql, ERXExceptionUtilities.toParagraph(t)); } } else {"Skipping {}", sql); } } } } finally { if (!wasOpen) { if (!conn.getAutoCommit()) { conn.commit(); } channel.closeChannel(); } } return rowsUpdated; } /** * Executes a SQL script that is stored as a resource. * * @param channel * the channel to execute the scripts within * @param resourceName * the name of the SQL script resource * @param frameworkName * the name of the framework that contains the resource * @return the number of rows updated * @throws SQLException * if a SQL error occurs * @throws IOException * if an error occurs reading the script */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static int executeUpdateScriptFromResourceNamed(EOAdaptorChannel channel, String resourceName, String frameworkName) throws SQLException, IOException {"Executing SQL script '{}' from {} ...", resourceName, frameworkName); try (InputStream sqlScript = WOApplication.application().resourceManager().inputStreamForResourceNamed(resourceName, frameworkName, NSArray.EmptyArray)) { if (sqlScript == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is no resource named '" + resourceName + "'."); } NSArray<String> sqlStatements = ERXSQLHelper.newSQLHelper(channel).splitSQLStatementsFromInputStream(sqlScript); return ERXJDBCUtilities.executeUpdateScript(channel, sqlStatements); } } /** * Drops tables, primary keys, and foreign keys for the tables in the * given model. * * @param channel * the channel to use for execution * @param model * the model to drop tables for * @param ignoreFailures if true, failures in a particular statement are ignored * @throws SQLException * if something fails */ public static void dropTablesForModel(EOAdaptorChannel channel, EOModel model, boolean ignoreFailures) throws SQLException { ERXJDBCUtilities.dropTablesForEntities(channel, model.entities(), ignoreFailures); } /** * Drops tables, primary keys, and foreign keys for the given list of * entities. This is useful in your Migration #0 class. * * @param channel * the channel to use for execution * @param entities * the entities to drop tables for * @param ignoreFailures if true, failures in a particular statement are ignored * @throws SQLException * if something fails */ public static void dropTablesForEntities(EOAdaptorChannel channel, NSArray<EOEntity> entities, boolean ignoreFailures) throws SQLException { ERXSQLHelper sqlHelper = ERXSQLHelper.newSQLHelper(channel); String sqlScript = sqlHelper.createSchemaSQLForEntitiesWithOptions(entities, channel.adaptorContext().adaptor(), sqlHelper.defaultOptionDictionary(false, true)); ERXJDBCUtilities.executeUpdateScript(channel, sqlScript, ignoreFailures); } /** * Creates tables, primary keys, and foreign keys for the tables in the * given model. This is useful in your Migration #0 class. * * @param channel * the channel to use for execution * @param model * the model to create tables for * @throws SQLException * if something fails */ public static void createTablesForModel(EOAdaptorChannel channel, EOModel model) throws SQLException { ERXJDBCUtilities.createTablesForEntities(channel, model.entities()); } /** * Creates tables, primary keys, and foreign keys for the given list of * entities. This is useful in your Migration #0 class. * * @param channel * the channel to use for execution * @param entities * the entities to create tables for * @throws SQLException * if something fails */ public static void createTablesForEntities(EOAdaptorChannel channel, NSArray<EOEntity> entities) throws SQLException { ERXSQLHelper sqlHelper = ERXSQLHelper.newSQLHelper(channel); String sqlScript = sqlHelper.createSchemaSQLForEntitiesWithOptions(entities, channel.adaptorContext().adaptor(), sqlHelper.defaultOptionDictionary(true, false)); ERXJDBCUtilities.executeUpdateScript(channel, sqlScript); } /** * Returns the name of the database product for the given channel (handy * when loading database-vendor-specific sql scripts in migrations). * * @param channel * the channel * @return the database the database product name ("FrontBase", * "PostgreSQL") */ public static String databaseProductName(EOAdaptorChannel channel) { return ((JDBCAdaptor) channel.adaptorContext().adaptor()).plugIn().databaseProductName(); } /** * Returns the name of the database product for the given an eomodel (handy * when loading database-vendor-specific sql scripts in migrations). * * @param model * the EOModel * @return the database the database product name ("FrontBase", * "PostgreSQL") */ public static String databaseProductName(EOModel model) { EODatabaseContext databaseContext = EODatabaseContext.registeredDatabaseContextForModel(model, ERXEC.newEditingContext()); EOAdaptor adaptor = databaseContext.database().adaptor(); String databaseProductName; if (adaptor instanceof JDBCAdaptor) { databaseProductName = ((JDBCAdaptor) adaptor).plugIn().databaseProductName(); } else { databaseProductName =; } return databaseProductName; } /** * Using the backing connection from the adaptor context, executes the given * query and calls delegate.processConnection(conn) for the Connection. This * handles properly closing all the underlying JDBC resources. * * @param adaptorChannel * the adaptor channel * @param delegate * the connection delegate * @throws Exception * if something goes wrong */ public static void processConnection(EOAdaptorChannel adaptorChannel, IConnectionDelegate delegate) throws Exception { boolean wasOpen = adaptorChannel.isOpen(); if (!wasOpen) { adaptorChannel.openChannel(); } try { Connection conn = ((JDBCContext) adaptorChannel.adaptorContext()).connection(); delegate.processConnection(adaptorChannel, conn); } finally { if (!wasOpen) { adaptorChannel.closeChannel(); } } } /** * Using the backing connection from the adaptor context, executes the given * query and calls delegate.processResultSet(rs) once for the ResultSet. This * handles properly closing all the underlying JDBC resources. * * @param adaptorChannel * the adaptor channel * @param query * the query to execute * @param delegate * the processor delegate * @throws Exception * if something goes wrong */ public static void executeQuery(EOAdaptorChannel adaptorChannel, final String query, final IResultSetDelegate delegate) throws Exception { ERXJDBCUtilities.processConnection(adaptorChannel, new IConnectionDelegate() { public void processConnection(EOAdaptorChannel innerAdaptorChannel, Connection conn) throws Exception { try (Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query)) { delegate.processResultSet(innerAdaptorChannel, rs); } } }); } /** * Using the backing connection from the adaptor context, executes the given * query and calls processor.process(rs) for each row of the ResultSet. This * handles properly closing all the underlying JDBC resources. * * @param adaptorChannel * the adaptor channel * @param query * the query to execute * @param delegate * the processor delegate * @throws Exception * if something goes wrong */ public static void processResultSetRows(EOAdaptorChannel adaptorChannel, String query, final IResultSetDelegate delegate) throws Exception { ERXJDBCUtilities.executeQuery(adaptorChannel, query, new IResultSetDelegate() { public void processResultSet(EOAdaptorChannel innerAdaptorChannel, ResultSet rs) throws Exception { while ( { delegate.processResultSet(innerAdaptorChannel, rs); } } }); } /** * Using the backing connection from the adaptor context, executes the given * query and returns a CachedRowSet of the results. This * can be useful for more complicated migrations. This handles properly * closing all the underlying JDBC resources. * * @param adaptorChannel * the adaptor channel * @param query * the query to execute * @return a CachedRowSet of the results * @throws Exception * if something goes wrong */ public static CachedRowSet fetchRowSet(EOAdaptorChannel adaptorChannel, String query) throws Exception { final CachedRowSet rowSet = RowSetProvider.newFactory().createCachedRowSet(); ERXJDBCUtilities.executeQuery(adaptorChannel, query, new IResultSetDelegate() { public void processResultSet(EOAdaptorChannel innerAdaptorChannel, ResultSet rs) throws Exception { rowSet.populate(rs); } }); return rowSet; } /** * IConnectionDelegate is like a closure for connection operations. * * @author mschrag */ public static interface IConnectionDelegate { /** * This method is called to give you the opportunity to process a Connection. * * @param adaptorChannel * the original adaptor channel * @param conn * the JDBC Connection * @throws Exception * if something goes wrong */ public void processConnection(EOAdaptorChannel adaptorChannel, Connection conn) throws Exception; } /** * IResultSetDelegate is like a closure for ResultSet operations. * * @author mschrag */ public static interface IResultSetDelegate { /** * This method is called to give you the opportunity to process a ResultSet or a * row of a ResultSet (depending on the context). * * @param adaptorChannel * the original adaptor channel * @param rs * the ResultSet * @throws Exception * if something goes wrong */ public void processResultSet(EOAdaptorChannel adaptorChannel, ResultSet rs) throws Exception; } }