package er.reporting; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext; import; import; import er.grouping.DRAttribute; import er.grouping.DRAttributeGroup; import er.grouping.DRReportModel; public class WRAttributeEditor extends WOComponent implements DRAttributeEditing { protected DRAttribute _attribute; protected DRAttribute _subAttribute; public WRAttributeEditor(WOContext c){ super(c); } public DRAttribute attribute() { return _attribute; } public void moveUp(DRAttribute member, boolean up) { int cnt; NSMutableArray arr = _attribute.attributes(); int cur = arr.indexOfObject(member); arr.removeObject(member); cnt = arr.count(); if (up) { int newdex = cur-1; if (newdex < 0) { arr.addObject(member); } else { arr.insertObjectAtIndex(member, newdex); } } else { int newdex = cur+1; if (newdex > cnt) { arr.insertObjectAtIndex(member, 0); } else { arr.insertObjectAtIndex(member, newdex); } } } // CHECKME ak This can not be working!! We will mess seriously when we have several users and one edits this item public void resetAttributes() { NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotification(DRReportModel.DRReportModelUpdateNotification, null, null); } public void deleteSubAttribute(DRAttribute subAtt) { _attribute.attributes().removeObject(subAtt); } public WOComponent deleteSubAttribute() { //log.debug( "attribute:"+ _attribute); //log.debug( "about to call parent"); DRAttributeEditing prt = (DRAttributeEditing)parent(); prt.deleteSubAttribute(_attribute); return null; } public void moveSubAttributeUp(DRAttribute subAtt, boolean up) { moveUp(subAtt, up); } public WOComponent down() { DRAttributeEditing prt = (DRAttributeEditing)parent(); prt.moveSubAttributeUp(_attribute, false); return null; } public WOComponent up() { DRAttributeEditing prt = (DRAttributeEditing)parent(); prt.moveSubAttributeUp(_attribute, true); return null; } public void toggleGroupInList(DRAttribute att) { DRAttribute newAtt; NSMutableArray arr = _attribute.attributes(); int curDex = arr.indexOfObject(att); if (att.isGroup()) { newAtt = DRAttribute.withKeyPathFormatLabelTotalUserInfo(att.keyPath(), att.format(), att.label(), att.shouldTotal(), att.userInfo()); } else { newAtt = DRAttributeGroup.withKeyPathFormatLabelTotalListUserInfo(att.keyPath(), att.format(), att.label(), att.shouldTotal(), new NSMutableArray(), att.userInfo()); } arr.insertObjectAtIndex(newAtt, curDex); arr.removeObjectAtIndex(curDex+1); } public WOComponent toggleGroup() { DRAttributeEditing prt = (DRAttributeEditing)parent(); prt.toggleGroupInList(_attribute); return null; } public void addObjectToList() { NSMutableArray arr = _attribute.attributes(); arr.addObject(DRAttribute.withKeyPathFormatLabelTotalUserInfo("keypath", null, "Label", false, null)); } public WOComponent add() { addObjectToList(); return null; } public String toggleGroupLabel() { if (_attribute.isGroup()) { return "Make Attribute"; } else { return "Make Group"; } } public String toggleGroupImg() { if (_attribute.isGroup()) { return "folders.gif"; } else { return "folder.gif"; } } public boolean isGroup() { return _attribute.isGroup(); } public WOComponent showUserInfo() { return null; } public int rowspan() { return _attribute.attributes().count()+1; } public DRAttribute subAttribute() { return _subAttribute; } public void setSubAttribute(DRAttribute v) { _subAttribute = v; } }