/* * #%L * Fork of JAI Image I/O Tools. * %% * Copyright (C) 2008 - 2015 Open Microscopy Environment: * - Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin-Madison * - Glencoe Software, Inc. * - University of Dundee * %% * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * #L% */ /* * $RCSfile: EBCOTRateAllocator.java,v $ * $Revision: 1.1 $ * $Date: 2005/02/11 05:02:08 $ * $State: Exp $ * * Class: EBCOTRateAllocator * * Description: Generic interface for post-compression * rate allocator. * * * COPYRIGHT: * * This software module was originally developed by Raphaël Grosbois and * Diego Santa Cruz (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-EPFL); Joel * Askelöf (Ericsson Radio Systems AB); and Bertrand Berthelot, David * Bouchard, Félix Henry, Gerard Mozelle and Patrice Onno (Canon Research * Centre France S.A) in the course of development of the JPEG2000 * standard as specified by ISO/IEC 15444 (JPEG 2000 Standard). This * software module is an implementation of a part of the JPEG 2000 * Standard. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-EPFL, Ericsson Radio * Systems AB and Canon Research Centre France S.A (collectively JJ2000 * Partners) agree not to assert against ISO/IEC and users of the JPEG * 2000 Standard (Users) any of their rights under the copyright, not * including other intellectual property rights, for this software module * with respect to the usage by ISO/IEC and Users of this software module * or modifications thereof for use in hardware or software products * claiming conformance to the JPEG 2000 Standard. Those intending to use * this software module in hardware or software products are advised that * their use may infringe existing patents. The original developers of * this software module, JJ2000 Partners and ISO/IEC assume no liability * for use of this software module or modifications thereof. No license * or right to this software module is granted for non JPEG 2000 Standard * conforming products. JJ2000 Partners have full right to use this * software module for his/her own purpose, assign or donate this * software module to any third party and to inhibit third parties from * using this software module for non JPEG 2000 Standard conforming * products. This copyright notice must be included in all copies or * derivative works of this software module. * * Copyright (c) 1999/2000 JJ2000 Partners. * */ package jj2000.j2k.entropy.encoder; import java.awt.Point; import jj2000.j2k.codestream.writer.*; import jj2000.j2k.wavelet.analysis.*; import jj2000.j2k.entropy.encoder.*; import jj2000.j2k.codestream.*; import jj2000.j2k.entropy.*; import jj2000.j2k.image.*; import jj2000.j2k.util.*; import java.util.Vector; import java.io.*; import com.sun.media.imageioimpl.plugins.jpeg2000.J2KImageWriteParamJava; /** * This implements the EBCOT post compression rate allocation algorithm. This * algorithm finds the most suitable truncation points for the set of * code-blocks, for each layer target bitrate. It works by first collecting * the rate distortion info from all code-blocks, in all tiles and all * components, and then running the rate-allocation on the whole image at * once, for each layer. * * <P>This implementation also provides some timing features. They can be * enabled by setting the 'DO_TIMING' constant of this class to true and * recompiling. The timing uses the 'System.currentTimeMillis()' Java API * call, which returns wall clock time, not the actual CPU time used. The * timing results will be printed on the message output. Since the times * reported are wall clock times and not CPU usage times they can not be added * to find the total used time (i.e. some time might be counted in several * places). When timing is disabled ('DO_TIMING' is false) there is no penalty * if the compiler performs some basic optimizations. Even if not the penalty * should be negligeable. * * @see PostCompRateAllocator * * @see CodedCBlkDataSrcEnc * * @see jj2000.j2k.codestream.writer.CodestreamWriter * */ public class EBCOTRateAllocator extends PostCompRateAllocator { /** Whether to collect timing information or not: false. Used as a compile * time directive. */ private final static boolean DO_TIMING = false; /** The wall time for the initialization. */ private long initTime; /** The wall time for the building of layers. */ private long buildTime; /** The wall time for the writing of layers. */ private long writeTime; /** * 5D Array containing all the coded code-blocks: * * <ul> * <li>1st index: tile index</li> * <li>2nd index: component index</li> * <li>3rd index: resolution level index</li> * <li>4th index: subband index</li> * <li>5th index: code-block index</li> * </ul> **/ private CBlkRateDistStats cblks[][][][][]; /** * 6D Array containing the indices of the truncation points. It actually * contains the index of the element in CBlkRateDistStats.truncIdxs that * gives the real truncation point index. * * <ul> * <li>1st index: tile index</li> * <li>2nd index: layer index</li> * <li>3rd index: component index</li> * <li>4th index: resolution level index</li> * <li>5th index: subband index</li> * <li>6th index: code-block index</li> * </ul> **/ private int truncIdxs[][][][][][]; /** * Maximum number of precincts : * * <ul> * <li>1st dim: tile index.</li> * <li>2nd dim: component index.</li> * <li>3nd dim: resolution level index.</li> * </ul> */ private Point numPrec[][][]; /** Array containing the layers information. */ private EBCOTLayer layers[]; /** The log of 2, natural base */ private static final double LOG2 = Math.log(2); /** The normalization offset for the R-D summary table */ private static final int RD_SUMMARY_OFF = 24; /** The size of the summary table */ private static final int RD_SUMMARY_SIZE = 64; /** The relative precision for float data. This is the relative tolerance * up to which the layer slope thresholds are calculated. */ private static final float FLOAT_REL_PRECISION = 1e-4f; /** The precision for float data type, in an absolute sense. Two float * numbers are considered "equal" if they are within this precision. */ private static final float FLOAT_ABS_PRECISION = 1e-10f; /** * Minimum average size of a packet. If layer has less bytes than the this * constant multiplied by number of packets in the layer, then the layer * is skipped. * */ private static final int MIN_AVG_PACKET_SZ = 32; /** * The R-D summary information collected from the coding of all * code-blocks. For each entry it contains the accumulated length of all * truncation points that have a slope not less than * '2*(k-RD_SUMMARY_OFF)', where 'k' is the entry index. * * <P>Therefore, the length at entry 'k' is the total number of bytes of * code-block data that would be obtained if the truncation slope was * chosen as '2*(k-RD_SUMMARY_OFF)', without counting the overhead * associated with the packet heads. * * <P>This summary is used to estimate the relation of the R-D slope to * coded length, and to obtain absolute minimums on the slope given a * length. **/ private int RDSlopesRates[]; /** Packet encoder. */ private PktEncoder pktEnc; /** The layer specifications */ private LayersInfo lyrSpec; /** The maximum slope accross all code-blocks and truncation points. */ private float maxSlope; /** The minimum slope accross all code-blocks and truncation points. */ private float minSlope; /** * Initializes the EBCOT rate allocator of entropy coded data. The layout * of layers, and their bitrate constraints, is specified by the 'lyrs' * parameter. * * @param src The source of entropy coded data. * * @param lyrs The layers layout specification. * * @param writer The bit stream writer. * * @see ProgressionType * */ public EBCOTRateAllocator(CodedCBlkDataSrcEnc src, LayersInfo lyrs, CodestreamWriter writer, J2KImageWriteParamJava wp) { super(src,lyrs.getTotNumLayers(),writer,wp); int minsbi, maxsbi; int i; SubbandAn sb, sb2; Point ncblks = null; // If we do timing create necessary structures if (DO_TIMING) { // If we are timing make sure that 'finalize' gets called. //System.runFinalizersOnExit(true); // The System.runFinalizersOnExit() method is deprecated in Java // 1.2 since it can cause a deadlock in some cases. However, here // we use it only for profiling purposes and is disabled in // production code. initTime = 0L; buildTime = 0L; writeTime = 0L; } // Save the layer specs lyrSpec = lyrs; //Initialize the size of the RD slope rates array RDSlopesRates = new int[RD_SUMMARY_SIZE]; //Get number of tiles, components int nt = src.getNumTiles(); int nc = getNumComps(); //Allocate the coded code-blocks and truncation points indexes arrays cblks = new CBlkRateDistStats[nt][nc][][][]; truncIdxs = new int[nt][numLayers][nc][][][]; int cblkPerSubband; // Number of code-blocks per subband int mrl; // Number of resolution levels int l; // layer index int s; //subband index // Used to compute the maximum number of precincts for each resolution // level int tx0, ty0, tx1, ty1; // Current tile position in the reference grid int tcx0, tcy0, tcx1, tcy1; // Current tile position in the domain of // the image component int trx0, try0, trx1, try1; // Current tile position in the reduced // resolution image domain int xrsiz, yrsiz; // Component sub-sampling factors Point tileI = null; Point nTiles = null; int xsiz,ysiz,x0siz,y0siz; int xt0siz,yt0siz; int xtsiz,ytsiz; int cb0x = src.getCbULX(); int cb0y = src.getCbULY(); src.setTile(0,0); for (int t=0; t<nt; t++) { // Loop on tiles nTiles = src.getNumTiles(nTiles); tileI = src.getTile(tileI); x0siz = getImgULX(); y0siz = getImgULY(); xsiz = x0siz + getImgWidth(); ysiz = y0siz + getImgHeight(); xt0siz = src.getTilePartULX(); yt0siz = src.getTilePartULY(); xtsiz = src.getNomTileWidth(); ytsiz = src.getNomTileHeight(); // Tile's coordinates on the reference grid tx0 = (tileI.x==0) ? x0siz : xt0siz+tileI.x*xtsiz; ty0 = (tileI.y==0) ? y0siz : yt0siz+tileI.y*ytsiz; tx1 = (tileI.x!=nTiles.x-1) ? xt0siz+(tileI.x+1)*xtsiz : xsiz; ty1 = (tileI.y!=nTiles.y-1) ? yt0siz+(tileI.y+1)*ytsiz : ysiz; for(int c=0; c<nc; c++) { // loop on components //Get the number of resolution levels sb = src.getAnSubbandTree(t,c); mrl = sb.resLvl+1; // Initialize maximum number of precincts per resolution array if (numPrec==null) { numPrec = new Point[nt][nc][]; } if (numPrec[t][c]==null) { numPrec[t][c] = new Point[mrl]; } // Subsampling factors xrsiz = src.getCompSubsX(c); yrsiz = src.getCompSubsY(c); // Tile's coordinates in the image component domain tcx0 = (int)Math.ceil(tx0/(double)(xrsiz)); tcy0 = (int)Math.ceil(ty0/(double)(yrsiz)); tcx1 = (int)Math.ceil(tx1/(double)(xrsiz)); tcy1 = (int)Math.ceil(ty1/(double)(yrsiz)); cblks[t][c] = new CBlkRateDistStats[mrl][][]; for(l=0; l<numLayers; l++) { truncIdxs[t][l][c] = new int[mrl][][]; } for(int r=0; r<mrl; r++) { // loop on resolution levels // Tile's coordinates in the reduced resolution image // domain trx0 = (int)Math.ceil(tcx0/(double)(1<<(mrl-1-r))); try0 = (int)Math.ceil(tcy0/(double)(1<<(mrl-1-r))); trx1 = (int)Math.ceil(tcx1/(double)(1<<(mrl-1-r))); try1 = (int)Math.ceil(tcy1/(double)(1<<(mrl-1-r))); // Calculate the maximum number of precincts for each // resolution level taking into account tile specific // options. double twoppx = (double)wp.getPrecinctPartition().getPPX(t,c,r); double twoppy = (double)wp.getPrecinctPartition().getPPY(t,c,r); numPrec[t][c][r] = new Point(); if (trx1>trx0) { numPrec[t][c][r].x = (int)Math.ceil((trx1-cb0x)/twoppx) - (int)Math.floor((trx0-cb0x)/twoppx); } else { numPrec[t][c][r].x = 0; } if (try1>try0) { numPrec[t][c][r].y = (int)Math.ceil((try1-cb0y)/twoppy) - (int)Math.floor((try0-cb0y)/(double)twoppy); } else { numPrec[t][c][r].y = 0; } minsbi = (r==0) ? 0 : 1; maxsbi = (r==0) ? 1 : 4; cblks[t][c][r] = new CBlkRateDistStats[maxsbi][]; for(l=0; l<numLayers; l++) { truncIdxs[t][l][c][r] = new int[maxsbi][]; } for(s=minsbi; s<maxsbi; s++) { // loop on subbands //Get the number of blocks in the current subband sb2 = (SubbandAn)sb.getSubbandByIdx(r,s); ncblks = sb2.numCb; cblkPerSubband = ncblks.x*ncblks.y; cblks[t][c][r][s] = new CBlkRateDistStats[cblkPerSubband]; for(l=0; l<numLayers; l++) { truncIdxs[t][l][c][r][s] = new int[cblkPerSubband]; for(i=0; i<cblkPerSubband; i++) { truncIdxs[t][l][c][r][s][i] = -1; } } } // End loop on subbands } // End lopp on resolution levels } // End loop on components if (t!=nt-1) { src.nextTile(); } } // End loop on tiles //Initialize the packet encoder pktEnc = new PktEncoder(src,wp,numPrec); // The layers array has to be initialized after the constructor since // it is needed that the bit stream header has been entirely written } /** * Prints the timing information, if collected, and calls 'finalize' on * the super class. * */ public void finalize() throws Throwable { if (DO_TIMING) { StringBuffer sb; sb = new StringBuffer("EBCOTRateAllocator wall clock times:\n"); sb.append(" initialization: "); sb.append(initTime); sb.append(" ms\n"); sb.append(" layer building: "); sb.append(buildTime); sb.append(" ms\n"); sb.append(" final writing: "); sb.append(writeTime); sb.append(" ms"); FacilityManager.getMsgLogger(). printmsg(MsgLogger.INFO,sb.toString()); } super.finalize(); } /** * Runs the rate allocation algorithm and writes the data to the bit * stream writer object provided to the constructor. * */ public void runAndWrite() throws IOException { //Now, run the rate allocation buildAndWriteLayers(); } /** * Initializes the layers array. This must be called after the main header * has been entirely written or simulated, so as to take its overhead into * account. This method will get all the code-blocks and then initialize * the target bitrates for each layer, according to the specifications. * */ public void initialize() throws IOException{ int n,i,l; int ho; // The header overhead (in bytes) float np;// The number of pixels divided by the number of bits per byte double ls; // Step for log-scale double basebytes; int lastbytes,newbytes,nextbytes; int loopnlyrs; int minlsz; // The minimum allowable number of bytes in a layer int totenclength; int maxpkt; int numTiles = src.getNumTiles(); int numComps = src.getNumComps(); int numLvls; int avgPktLen; long stime = 0L; // Start by getting all the code-blocks, we need this in order to have // an idea of the total encoded bitrate. getAllCodeBlocks(); if (DO_TIMING) stime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Now get the total encoded length totenclength = RDSlopesRates[0]; // all the encoded data // Make a rough estimation of the packet head overhead, as 2 bytes per // packet in average (plus EPH / SOP) , and add that to the total // encoded length for( int t=0 ; t<numTiles ; t++ ){ avgPktLen = 2; // Add SOP length if set if (((String)wp.getSOP().getTileDef(t)).equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { avgPktLen += Markers.SOP_LENGTH; } // Add EPH length if set if (((String)wp.getEPH().getTileDef(t)).equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { avgPktLen += Markers.EPH_LENGTH; } for( int c=0 ; c<numComps ; c++ ){ numLvls = src.getAnSubbandTree(t,c).resLvl+1; if( !src.precinctPartitionUsed(c,t) ) { // Precinct partition is not used so there is only // one packet per resolution level/layer totenclength += numLayers*avgPktLen*numLvls; } else { // Precinct partition is used so for each // component/tile/resolution level, we get the maximum // number of packets for ( int rl=0 ; rl<numLvls ; rl++ ) { maxpkt = numPrec[t][c][rl].x * numPrec[t][c][rl].y; totenclength += numLayers*avgPktLen*maxpkt; } } } // End loop on components } // End loop on tiles // If any layer specifies more than 'totenclength' as its target // length then 'totenclength' is used. This is to prevent that // estimated layers get excessively large target lengths due to an // excessively large target bitrate. At the end the last layer is set // to the target length corresponding to the overall target // bitrate. Thus, 'totenclength' can not limit the total amount of // encoded data, as intended. ho = headEnc.getLength(); np = src.getImgWidth()*src.getImgHeight()/8f; // SOT marker must be taken into account for(int t=0; t<numTiles; t++){ headEnc.reset(); headEnc.encodeTilePartHeader(0,t); ho += headEnc.getLength(); } layers = new EBCOTLayer[numLayers]; for (n = numLayers-1; n>=0; n--) { layers[n] = new EBCOTLayer(); } minlsz = 0; // To keep compiler happy for( int t=0 ; t<numTiles ; t++ ){ for( int c=0 ; c<numComps ; c++ ){ numLvls = src.getAnSubbandTree(t,c).resLvl+1; if ( !src.precinctPartitionUsed(c,t) ) { // Precinct partition is not used minlsz += MIN_AVG_PACKET_SZ*numLvls; } else { // Precinct partition is used for ( int rl=0 ; rl<numLvls ; rl++ ) { maxpkt = numPrec[t][c][rl].x * numPrec[t][c][rl].y; minlsz += MIN_AVG_PACKET_SZ*maxpkt; } } } // End loop on components } // End loop on tiles // Initialize layers n = 0; i = 0; lastbytes = 0; while (n < numLayers-1) { // At an optimized layer basebytes = Math.floor(lyrSpec.getTargetBitrate(i)*np); if (i < lyrSpec.getNOptPoints()-1) { nextbytes = (int) (lyrSpec.getTargetBitrate(i+1)*np); // Limit target length to 'totenclength' if (nextbytes > totenclength) nextbytes = totenclength; } else { nextbytes = 1; } loopnlyrs = lyrSpec.getExtraLayers(i)+1; ls = Math.exp(Math.log((double)nextbytes/basebytes)/loopnlyrs); layers[n].optimize = true; for (l = 0; l < loopnlyrs; l++) { newbytes = (int)basebytes - lastbytes - ho; if (newbytes < minlsz) { // Skip layer (too small) basebytes *= ls; numLayers--; continue; } lastbytes = (int)basebytes - ho; layers[n].maxBytes = lastbytes; basebytes *= ls; n++; } i++; // Goto next optimization point } // Ensure minimum size of last layer (this one determines overall // bitrate) n = numLayers-2; nextbytes = (int) (lyrSpec.getTotBitrate()*np) - ho; newbytes = nextbytes - ((n>=0) ? layers[n].maxBytes : 0); while (newbytes < minlsz) { if (numLayers == 1) { if (newbytes <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Overall target bitrate too "+ "low, given the current "+ "bit stream header overhead"); } break; } // Delete last layer numLayers--; n--; newbytes = nextbytes - ((n>=0) ? layers[n].maxBytes : 0); } // Set last layer to the overall target bitrate n++; layers[n].maxBytes = nextbytes; layers[n].optimize = true; // Re-initialize progression order changes if needed Default values Progression[] prog1,prog2; prog1 = (Progression[])wp.getProgressionType().getDefault(); int nValidProg = prog1.length; for(int prg=0; prg<prog1.length;prg++){ if(prog1[prg].lye>numLayers){ prog1[prg].lye = numLayers; } } if(nValidProg==0) throw new Error("Unable to initialize rate allocator: No "+ "default progression type has been defined."); // Tile specific values for(int t=0; t<numTiles; t++){ if(wp.getProgressionType().isTileSpecified(t)){ prog1 = (Progression[])wp.getProgressionType().getTileDef(t); nValidProg = prog1.length; for(int prg=0; prg<prog1.length;prg++){ if(prog1[prg].lye>numLayers){ prog1[prg].lye = numLayers; } } if(nValidProg==0) throw new Error("Unable to initialize rate allocator: No "+ "default progression type has been defined."); } } // End loop on tiles if (DO_TIMING) initTime += System.currentTimeMillis()-stime; } /** * This method gets all the coded code-blocks from the EBCOT entropy coder * for every component and every tile. Each coded code-block is stored in * a 5D array according to the component, the resolution level, the tile, * the subband it belongs and its position in the subband. * * <P> For each code-block, the valid slopes are computed and converted * into the mantissa-exponent representation. * */ private void getAllCodeBlocks() { int numComps, numTiles, numBytes; int c, r, t, s, sidx, k; int slope; SubbandAn subb; CBlkRateDistStats ccb = null; Point ncblks = null; int last_sidx; float fslope; long stime = 0L; maxSlope = 0f; minSlope = Float.MAX_VALUE; //Get the number of components and tiles numComps = src.getNumComps(); numTiles = src.getNumTiles(); SubbandAn root,sb; int cblkToEncode = 0; int nEncCblk = 0; ProgressWatch pw = FacilityManager.getProgressWatch(); //Get all coded code-blocks Goto first tile src.setTile(0,0); for (t=0; t<numTiles; t++) { //loop on tiles nEncCblk = 0; cblkToEncode = 0; for(c=0; c<numComps; c++) { root = src.getAnSubbandTree(t,c); for(r=0; r<=root.resLvl; r++) { if(r==0) { sb = (SubbandAn)root.getSubbandByIdx(0,0); if(sb!=null) cblkToEncode += sb.numCb.x*sb.numCb.y; } else { sb = (SubbandAn)root.getSubbandByIdx(r,1); if(sb!=null) cblkToEncode += sb.numCb.x*sb.numCb.y; sb = (SubbandAn)root.getSubbandByIdx(r,2); if(sb!=null) cblkToEncode += sb.numCb.x*sb.numCb.y; sb = (SubbandAn)root.getSubbandByIdx(r,3); if(sb!=null) cblkToEncode += sb.numCb.x*sb.numCb.y; } } } if(pw!=null) { pw.initProgressWatch(0,cblkToEncode,"Encoding tile "+t+"..."); } for (c=0; c<numComps; c++) { //loop on components //Get next coded code-block coordinates while ( (ccb = src.getNextCodeBlock(c,ccb)) != null) { if (DO_TIMING) stime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(pw!=null) { nEncCblk++; pw.updateProgressWatch(nEncCblk,null); } subb = ccb.sb; //Get the coded code-block resolution level index r = subb.resLvl; //Get the coded code-block subband index s = subb.sbandIdx; //Get the number of blocks in the current subband ncblks = subb.numCb; // Add code-block contribution to summary R-D table // RDSlopesRates last_sidx = -1; for (k=ccb.nVldTrunc-1; k>=0; k--) { fslope = ccb.truncSlopes[k]; if (fslope > maxSlope) maxSlope = fslope; if (fslope < minSlope) minSlope = fslope; sidx = getLimitedSIndexFromSlope(fslope); for (; sidx > last_sidx; sidx--) { RDSlopesRates[sidx] += ccb.truncRates[ccb.truncIdxs[k]]; } last_sidx = getLimitedSIndexFromSlope(fslope); } //Fills code-blocks array cblks[t][c][r][s][(ccb.m*ncblks.x)+ccb.n] = ccb; ccb = null; if(DO_TIMING) initTime += System.currentTimeMillis()-stime; } } if(pw!=null) { pw.terminateProgressWatch(); } //Goto next tile if(t<numTiles-1) //not at last tile src.nextTile(); } } /** * This method builds all the bit stream layers and then writes them to * the output bit stream. Firstly it builds all the layers by computing * the threshold according to the layer target bit-rate, and then it * writes the layer bit streams according to the Progression type. * */ private void buildAndWriteLayers() throws IOException { int nPrec = 0; int maxBytes, actualBytes; float rdThreshold; SubbandAn sb; float threshold; BitOutputBuffer hBuff = null; byte[] bBuff = null; int[] tileLengths; // Length of each tile int tmp; boolean sopUsed; // Should SOP markers be used ? boolean ephUsed; // Should EPH markers be used ? int nc = src.getNumComps(); int nt = src.getNumTiles(); int mrl; long stime = 0L; if (DO_TIMING) stime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Start with the maximum slope rdThreshold = maxSlope; tileLengths = new int[nt]; actualBytes = 0; // +------------------------------+ // | First we build the layers | // +------------------------------+ // Bitstream is simulated to know tile length for(int l=0; l<numLayers; l++){ //loop on layers maxBytes = layers[l].maxBytes; if(layers[l].optimize) { rdThreshold = optimizeBitstreamLayer(l,rdThreshold,maxBytes,actualBytes); } else { if( l<=0 || l>=numLayers-1 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The first and the"+ " last layer "+ "thresholds"+ " must be optimized"); } rdThreshold = estimateLayerThreshold(maxBytes,layers[l-1]); } for(int t=0; t<nt; t++) { //loop on tiles if(l==0) { // Tile header headEnc.reset(); headEnc.encodeTilePartHeader(0,t); tileLengths[t] += headEnc.getLength(); } for(int c=0; c<nc; c++) { //loop on components // set boolean sopUsed here (SOP markers) sopUsed = ((String)wp.getSOP().getTileDef(t)). equalsIgnoreCase("true"); // set boolean ephUsed here (EPH markers) ephUsed = ((String)wp.getEPH().getTileDef(t)). equalsIgnoreCase("true"); // Go to LL band sb = src.getAnSubbandTree(t,c); mrl = sb.resLvl+1; while (sb.subb_LL!=null) { sb = sb.subb_LL; } for(int r=0; r<mrl ; r++) { // loop on resolution levels nPrec = numPrec[t][c][r].x*numPrec[t][c][r].y; for(int p=0; p<nPrec; p++) { // loop on precincts findTruncIndices(l,c,r,t,sb,rdThreshold,p); hBuff = pktEnc.encodePacket(l+1,c,r,t, cblks[t][c][r], truncIdxs[t][l][c][r], hBuff, bBuff,p); if(pktEnc.isPacketWritable()) { tmp = bsWriter. writePacketHead(hBuff.getBuffer(), hBuff.getLength(), true, sopUsed,ephUsed); tmp += bsWriter. writePacketBody(pktEnc.getLastBodyBuf(), pktEnc.getLastBodyLen(), true,pktEnc.isROIinPkt(), pktEnc.getROILen()); actualBytes += tmp; tileLengths[t] += tmp; } } // End loop on precincts sb = sb.parent; } // End loop on resolution levels } // End loop on components } // end loop on tiles layers[l].rdThreshold = rdThreshold; layers[l].actualBytes = actualBytes; } // end loop on layers if (DO_TIMING) buildTime += System.currentTimeMillis()-stime; // The bit-stream was not yet generated (only simulated). if (DO_TIMING) stime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // +--------------------------------------------------+ // | Write tiles according to their Progression order | // +--------------------------------------------------+ // Reset the packet encoder before writing all packets pktEnc.reset(); Progression[] prog; // Progression(s) in each tile int cs,ce,rs,re,lye; int[] mrlc = new int[nc]; for(int t=0; t<nt; t++) { //loop on tiles int[][] lysA; // layer index start for each component and // resolution level int[][] lys = new int[nc][]; for(int c=0; c<nc; c++){ mrlc[c] = src.getAnSubbandTree(t,c).resLvl; lys[c] = new int[mrlc[c]+1]; } // Tile header headEnc.reset(); headEnc.encodeTilePartHeader(tileLengths[t],t); bsWriter.commitBitstreamHeader(headEnc); prog = (Progression[])wp.getProgressionType().getTileDef(t); for(int prg=0; prg<prog.length;prg++){ // Loop on progression lye = prog[prg].lye; cs = prog[prg].cs; ce = prog[prg].ce; rs = prog[prg].rs; re = prog[prg].re; switch(prog[prg].type){ case ProgressionType.RES_LY_COMP_POS_PROG: writeResLyCompPos(t,rs,re,cs,ce,lys,lye); break; case ProgressionType.LY_RES_COMP_POS_PROG: writeLyResCompPos(t,rs,re,cs,ce,lys,lye); break; case ProgressionType.POS_COMP_RES_LY_PROG: writePosCompResLy(t,rs,re,cs,ce,lys,lye); break; case ProgressionType.COMP_POS_RES_LY_PROG: writeCompPosResLy(t,rs,re,cs,ce,lys,lye); break; case ProgressionType.RES_POS_COMP_LY_PROG: writeResPosCompLy(t,rs,re,cs,ce,lys,lye); break; default: throw new Error("Unsupported bit stream progression type"); } // switch on progression // Update next first layer index for(int c=cs; c<ce; c++) for(int r=rs; r<re; r++){ if(r>mrlc[c]) continue; lys[c][r] = lye; } } // End loop on progression } // End loop on tiles if (DO_TIMING) writeTime += System.currentTimeMillis()-stime; } /** * Write a piece of bit stream according to the * RES_LY_COMP_POS_PROG progression mode and between given bounds * * @param t Tile index. * * @param rs First resolution level index. * * @param re Last resolution level index. * * @param cs First component index. * * @param ce Last component index. * * @param lys First layer index for each component and resolution. * * @param lye Index of the last layer. * */ public void writeResLyCompPos(int t,int rs,int re,int cs,int ce, int lys[][],int lye) throws IOException { boolean sopUsed; // Should SOP markers be used ? boolean ephUsed; // Should EPH markers be used ? int nc = src.getNumComps(); int[] mrl = new int[nc]; SubbandAn sb; float threshold; BitOutputBuffer hBuff = null; byte[] bBuff = null; int nPrec = 0; // Max number of resolution levels in the tile int maxResLvl = 0; for(int c=0; c<nc; c++) { mrl[c] = src.getAnSubbandTree(t,c).resLvl; if(mrl[c]>maxResLvl) maxResLvl = mrl[c]; } int minlys; // minimum layer start index of each component for(int r=rs; r<re; r++) { //loop on resolution levels if(r>maxResLvl) continue; minlys = 100000; for(int c=cs; c<ce; c++) { if( r<lys[c].length && lys[c][r]<minlys ) { minlys = lys[c][r]; } } for(int l=minlys; l<lye; l++) { //loop on layers for(int c=cs; c<ce; c++) {//loop on components if(r>=lys[c].length) continue; if(l<lys[c][r]) continue; // If no more decomposition levels for this component if(r>mrl[c]) continue; nPrec = numPrec[t][c][r].x*numPrec[t][c][r].y; for(int p=0; p<nPrec; p++) { // loop on precincts // set boolean sopUsed here (SOP markers) sopUsed = ((String)wp.getSOP().getTileDef(t)).equals("true"); // set boolean ephUsed here (EPH markers) ephUsed = ((String)wp.getEPH().getTileDef(t)).equals("true"); sb = src.getAnSubbandTree(t,c); for(int i=mrl[c]; i>r; i--) { sb = sb.subb_LL; } threshold = layers[l].rdThreshold; findTruncIndices(l,c,r,t,sb,threshold,p); hBuff = pktEnc.encodePacket(l+1,c,r,t,cblks[t][c][r], truncIdxs[t][l][c][r], hBuff,bBuff,p); if(pktEnc.isPacketWritable()) { bsWriter.writePacketHead(hBuff.getBuffer(), hBuff.getLength(), false,sopUsed,ephUsed); bsWriter.writePacketBody(pktEnc.getLastBodyBuf(), pktEnc.getLastBodyLen(), false,pktEnc.isROIinPkt(), pktEnc.getROILen()); } } // End loop on precincts } // End loop on components } // End loop on layers } // End loop on resolution levels } /** * Write a piece of bit stream according to the * LY_RES_COMP_POS_PROG progression mode and between given bounds * * @param t Tile index. * * @param rs First resolution level index. * * @param re Last resolution level index. * * @param cs First component index. * * @param ce Last component index. * * @param lys First layer index for each component and resolution. * * @param lye Index of the last layer. * */ public void writeLyResCompPos(int t,int rs,int re,int cs,int ce, int[][] lys,int lye) throws IOException { boolean sopUsed; // Should SOP markers be used ? boolean ephUsed; // Should EPH markers be used ? int nc = src.getNumComps(); int mrl; SubbandAn sb; float threshold; BitOutputBuffer hBuff = null; byte[] bBuff = null; int nPrec = 0; int minlys = 100000; // minimum layer start index of each component for(int c=cs; c<ce; c++) { for(int r=0; r<lys.length; r++) { if(lys[c]!=null && r<lys[c].length && lys[c][r]<minlys ) { minlys = lys[c][r]; } } } for(int l=minlys; l<lye; l++) { // loop on layers for(int r=rs; r<re; r++) { // loop on resolution level for(int c=cs; c<ce; c++) { // loop on components mrl = src.getAnSubbandTree(t,c).resLvl; if(r>mrl) continue; if(r>=lys[c].length) continue; if(l<lys[c][r]) continue; nPrec = numPrec[t][c][r].x*numPrec[t][c][r].y; for(int p=0; p<nPrec; p++) { // loop on precincts // set boolean sopUsed here (SOP markers) sopUsed = ((String)wp.getSOP().getTileDef(t)).equals("true"); // set boolean ephUsed here (EPH markers) ephUsed = ((String)wp.getEPH().getTileDef(t)).equals("true"); sb = src.getAnSubbandTree(t,c); for(int i=mrl; i>r; i--) { sb = sb.subb_LL; } threshold = layers[l].rdThreshold; findTruncIndices(l,c,r,t,sb,threshold,p); hBuff = pktEnc.encodePacket(l+1,c,r,t,cblks[t][c][r], truncIdxs[t][l][c][r], hBuff,bBuff,p); if(pktEnc.isPacketWritable()) { bsWriter.writePacketHead(hBuff.getBuffer(), hBuff.getLength(), false,sopUsed,ephUsed); bsWriter.writePacketBody(pktEnc.getLastBodyBuf(), pktEnc.getLastBodyLen(), false,pktEnc.isROIinPkt(), pktEnc.getROILen()); } } // end loop on precincts } // end loop on components } // end loop on resolution levels } // end loop on layers } /** * Write a piece of bit stream according to the * COMP_POS_RES_LY_PROG progression mode and between given bounds * * @param t Tile index. * * @param rs First resolution level index. * * @param re Last resolution level index. * * @param cs First component index. * * @param ce Last component index. * * @param lys First layer index for each component and resolution. * * @param lye Index of the last layer. * */ public void writePosCompResLy(int t,int rs,int re,int cs,int ce, int[][] lys,int lye) throws IOException { boolean sopUsed; // Should SOP markers be used ? boolean ephUsed; // Should EPH markers be used ? int nc = src.getNumComps(); int mrl; SubbandAn sb; float threshold; BitOutputBuffer hBuff = null; byte[] bBuff = null; // Computes current tile offset in the reference grid Point nTiles = src.getNumTiles(null); Point tileI = src.getTile(null); int x0siz = src.getImgULX(); int y0siz = src.getImgULY(); int xsiz = x0siz + src.getImgWidth(); int ysiz = y0siz + src.getImgHeight(); int xt0siz = src.getTilePartULX(); int yt0siz = src.getTilePartULY(); int xtsiz = src.getNomTileWidth(); int ytsiz = src.getNomTileHeight(); int tx0 = (tileI.x==0) ? x0siz : xt0siz+tileI.x*xtsiz; int ty0 = (tileI.y==0) ? y0siz : yt0siz+tileI.y*ytsiz; int tx1 = (tileI.x!=nTiles.x-1) ? xt0siz+(tileI.x+1)*xtsiz : xsiz; int ty1 = (tileI.y!=nTiles.y-1) ? yt0siz+(tileI.y+1)*ytsiz : ysiz; // Get precinct information (number,distance between two consecutive // precincts in the reference grid) in each component and resolution // level PrecInfo prec; // temporary variable int p; // Current precinct index int gcd_x = 0; // Horiz. distance between 2 precincts in the ref. grid int gcd_y = 0; // Vert. distance between 2 precincts in the ref. grid int nPrec = 0; // Total number of found precincts int[][] nextPrec = new int [ce][]; // Next precinct index in each // component and resolution level int minlys = 100000; // minimum layer start index of each component int minx = tx1; // Horiz. offset of the second precinct in the // reference grid int miny = ty1; // Vert. offset of the second precinct in the // reference grid. int maxx = tx0; // Max. horiz. offset of precincts in the ref. grid int maxy = ty0; // Max. vert. offset of precincts in the ref. grid for(int c=cs; c<ce; c++) { mrl = src.getAnSubbandTree(t,c).resLvl; nextPrec[c] = new int[mrl+1]; for(int r=rs; r<re; r++) { if(r>mrl) continue; if (r<lys[c].length && lys[c][r]<minlys) { minlys = lys[c][r]; } p = numPrec[t][c][r].y*numPrec[t][c][r].x-1; for(; p>=0; p--) { prec = pktEnc.getPrecInfo(t,c,r,p); if(prec.rgulx!=tx0) { if(prec.rgulx<minx) minx = prec.rgulx; if(prec.rgulx>maxx) maxx = prec.rgulx; } if(prec.rguly!=ty0){ if(prec.rguly<miny) miny = prec.rguly; if(prec.rguly>maxy) maxy = prec.rguly; } if(nPrec==0) { gcd_x = prec.rgw; gcd_y = prec.rgh; } else { gcd_x = MathUtil.gcd(gcd_x,prec.rgw); gcd_y = MathUtil.gcd(gcd_y,prec.rgh); } nPrec++; } // precincts } // resolution levels } // components if(nPrec==0) { throw new Error("Image cannot have no precinct"); } int pyend = (maxy-miny)/gcd_y+1; int pxend = (maxx-minx)/gcd_x+1; int y = ty0; int x = tx0; for(int py=0; py<=pyend; py++) { // Vertical precincts for(int px=0; px<=pxend; px++) { // Horiz. precincts for(int c=cs; c<ce; c++) { // Components mrl = src.getAnSubbandTree(t,c).resLvl; for(int r=rs; r<re; r++) { // Resolution levels if(r>mrl) continue; if(nextPrec[c][r] >= numPrec[t][c][r].x*numPrec[t][c][r].y) { continue; } prec = pktEnc.getPrecInfo(t,c,r,nextPrec[c][r]); if((prec.rgulx!=x) || (prec.rguly!=y)) { continue; } for(int l=minlys; l<lye; l++) { // Layers if(r>=lys[c].length) continue; if(l<lys[c][r]) continue; // set boolean sopUsed here (SOP markers) sopUsed = ((String)wp.getSOP().getTileDef(t)).equals("true"); // set boolean ephUsed here (EPH markers) ephUsed = ((String)wp.getEPH().getTileDef(t)).equals("true"); sb = src.getAnSubbandTree(t,c); for(int i=mrl; i>r; i--) { sb = sb.subb_LL; } threshold = layers[l].rdThreshold; findTruncIndices(l,c,r,t,sb,threshold, nextPrec[c][r]); hBuff = pktEnc.encodePacket(l+1,c,r,t, cblks[t][c][r], truncIdxs[t][l][c][r], hBuff,bBuff, nextPrec[c][r]); if(pktEnc.isPacketWritable()) { bsWriter.writePacketHead(hBuff.getBuffer(), hBuff.getLength(), false,sopUsed, ephUsed); bsWriter.writePacketBody(pktEnc. getLastBodyBuf(), pktEnc. getLastBodyLen(), false, pktEnc.isROIinPkt(), pktEnc.getROILen()); } } // layers nextPrec[c][r]++; } // Resolution levels } // Components if(px!=pxend) { x = minx+px*gcd_x; } else { x = tx0; } } // Horizontal precincts if(py!=pyend) { y = miny+py*gcd_y; } else { y = ty0; } } // Vertical precincts // Check that all precincts have been written for(int c=cs; c<ce; c++) { mrl = src.getAnSubbandTree(t,c).resLvl; for(int r=rs; r<re; r++) { if(r>mrl) continue; if(nextPrec[c][r]<numPrec[t][c][r].x*numPrec[t][c][r].y-1) { throw new Error("JJ2000 bug: One precinct at least has "+ "not been written for resolution level "+r +" of component "+c+" in tile "+t+"."); } } } } /** * Write a piece of bit stream according to the * COMP_POS_RES_LY_PROG progression mode and between given bounds * * @param t Tile index. * * @param rs First resolution level index. * * @param re Last resolution level index. * * @param cs First component index. * * @param ce Last component index. * * @param lys First layer index for each component and resolution. * * @param lye Index of the last layer. * */ public void writeCompPosResLy(int t,int rs,int re,int cs,int ce, int[][] lys,int lye) throws IOException { boolean sopUsed; // Should SOP markers be used ? boolean ephUsed; // Should EPH markers be used ? int nc = src.getNumComps(); int mrl; SubbandAn sb; float threshold; BitOutputBuffer hBuff = null; byte[] bBuff = null; // Computes current tile offset in the reference grid Point nTiles = src.getNumTiles(null); Point tileI = src.getTile(null); int x0siz = src.getImgULX(); int y0siz = src.getImgULY(); int xsiz = x0siz + src.getImgWidth(); int ysiz = y0siz + src.getImgHeight(); int xt0siz = src.getTilePartULX(); int yt0siz = src.getTilePartULY(); int xtsiz = src.getNomTileWidth(); int ytsiz = src.getNomTileHeight(); int tx0 = (tileI.x==0) ? x0siz : xt0siz+tileI.x*xtsiz; int ty0 = (tileI.y==0) ? y0siz : yt0siz+tileI.y*ytsiz; int tx1 = (tileI.x!=nTiles.x-1) ? xt0siz+(tileI.x+1)*xtsiz : xsiz; int ty1 = (tileI.y!=nTiles.y-1) ? yt0siz+(tileI.y+1)*ytsiz : ysiz; // Get precinct information (number,distance between two consecutive // precincts in the reference grid) in each component and resolution // level PrecInfo prec; // temporary variable int p; // Current precinct index int gcd_x = 0; // Horiz. distance between 2 precincts in the ref. grid int gcd_y = 0; // Vert. distance between 2 precincts in the ref. grid int nPrec = 0; // Total number of found precincts int[][] nextPrec = new int [ce][]; // Next precinct index in each // component and resolution level int minlys = 100000; // minimum layer start index of each component int minx = tx1; // Horiz. offset of the second precinct in the // reference grid int miny = ty1; // Vert. offset of the second precinct in the // reference grid. int maxx = tx0; // Max. horiz. offset of precincts in the ref. grid int maxy = ty0; // Max. vert. offset of precincts in the ref. grid for(int c=cs; c<ce; c++) { mrl = src.getAnSubbandTree(t,c).resLvl; for(int r=rs; r<re; r++) { if(r>mrl) continue; nextPrec[c] = new int[mrl+1]; if (r<lys[c].length && lys[c][r]<minlys) { minlys = lys[c][r]; } p = numPrec[t][c][r].y*numPrec[t][c][r].x-1; for(; p>=0; p--) { prec = pktEnc.getPrecInfo(t,c,r,p); if(prec.rgulx!=tx0) { if(prec.rgulx<minx) minx = prec.rgulx; if(prec.rgulx>maxx) maxx = prec.rgulx; } if(prec.rguly!=ty0){ if(prec.rguly<miny) miny = prec.rguly; if(prec.rguly>maxy) maxy = prec.rguly; } if(nPrec==0) { gcd_x = prec.rgw; gcd_y = prec.rgh; } else { gcd_x = MathUtil.gcd(gcd_x,prec.rgw); gcd_y = MathUtil.gcd(gcd_y,prec.rgh); } nPrec++; } // precincts } // resolution levels } // components if(nPrec==0) { throw new Error("Image cannot have no precinct"); } int pyend = (maxy-miny)/gcd_y+1; int pxend = (maxx-minx)/gcd_x+1; int y; int x; for(int c=cs; c<ce; c++) { // Loop on components y = ty0; x = tx0; mrl = src.getAnSubbandTree(t,c).resLvl; for(int py=0; py<=pyend; py++) { // Vertical precincts for(int px=0; px<=pxend; px++) { // Horiz. precincts for(int r=rs; r<re; r++) { // Resolution levels if(r>mrl) continue; if(nextPrec[c][r] >= numPrec[t][c][r].x*numPrec[t][c][r].y) { continue; } prec = pktEnc.getPrecInfo(t,c,r,nextPrec[c][r]); if((prec.rgulx!=x) || (prec.rguly!=y)) { continue; } for(int l=minlys; l<lye; l++) { // Layers if(r>=lys[c].length) continue; if(l<lys[c][r]) continue; // set boolean sopUsed here (SOP markers) sopUsed = ((String)wp.getSOP().getTileDef(t)).equals("true"); // set boolean ephUsed here (EPH markers) ephUsed = ((String)wp.getEPH().getTileDef(t)).equals("true"); sb = src.getAnSubbandTree(t,c); for(int i=mrl; i>r; i--) { sb = sb.subb_LL; } threshold = layers[l].rdThreshold; findTruncIndices(l,c,r,t,sb,threshold, nextPrec[c][r]); hBuff = pktEnc.encodePacket(l+1,c,r,t, cblks[t][c][r], truncIdxs[t][l][c][r], hBuff,bBuff, nextPrec[c][r]); if(pktEnc.isPacketWritable()) { bsWriter.writePacketHead(hBuff.getBuffer(), hBuff.getLength(), false,sopUsed, ephUsed); bsWriter.writePacketBody(pktEnc. getLastBodyBuf(), pktEnc. getLastBodyLen(), false, pktEnc.isROIinPkt(), pktEnc.getROILen()); } } // Layers nextPrec[c][r]++; } // Resolution levels if(px!=pxend) { x = minx+px*gcd_x; } else { x = tx0; } } // Horizontal precincts if(py!=pyend) { y = miny+py*gcd_y; } else { y = ty0; } } // Vertical precincts } // components // Check that all precincts have been written for(int c=cs; c<ce; c++) { mrl = src.getAnSubbandTree(t,c).resLvl; for(int r=rs; r<re; r++) { if(r>mrl) continue; if(nextPrec[c][r]<numPrec[t][c][r].x*numPrec[t][c][r].y-1) { throw new Error("JJ2000 bug: One precinct at least has "+ "not been written for resolution level "+r +" of component "+c+" in tile "+t+"."); } } } } /** * Write a piece of bit stream according to the * RES_POS_COMP_LY_PROG progression mode and between given bounds * * @param t Tile index. * * @param rs First resolution level index. * * @param re Last resolution level index. * * @param cs First component index. * * @param ce Last component index. * * @param lys First layer index for each component and resolution. * * @param lye Last layer index. * */ public void writeResPosCompLy(int t,int rs,int re,int cs,int ce, int[][] lys,int lye) throws IOException { boolean sopUsed; // Should SOP markers be used ? boolean ephUsed; // Should EPH markers be used ? int nc = src.getNumComps(); int mrl; SubbandAn sb; float threshold; BitOutputBuffer hBuff = null; byte[] bBuff = null; // Computes current tile offset in the reference grid Point nTiles = src.getNumTiles(null); Point tileI = src.getTile(null); int x0siz = src.getImgULX(); int y0siz = src.getImgULY(); int xsiz = x0siz + src.getImgWidth(); int ysiz = y0siz + src.getImgHeight(); int xt0siz = src.getTilePartULX(); int yt0siz = src.getTilePartULY(); int xtsiz = src.getNomTileWidth(); int ytsiz = src.getNomTileHeight(); int tx0 = (tileI.x==0) ? x0siz : xt0siz+tileI.x*xtsiz; int ty0 = (tileI.y==0) ? y0siz : yt0siz+tileI.y*ytsiz; int tx1 = (tileI.x!=nTiles.x-1) ? xt0siz+(tileI.x+1)*xtsiz : xsiz; int ty1 = (tileI.y!=nTiles.y-1) ? yt0siz+(tileI.y+1)*ytsiz : ysiz; // Get precinct information (number,distance between two consecutive // precincts in the reference grid) in each component and resolution // level PrecInfo prec; // temporary variable int p; // Current precinct index int gcd_x = 0; // Horiz. distance between 2 precincts in the ref. grid int gcd_y = 0; // Vert. distance between 2 precincts in the ref. grid int nPrec = 0; // Total number of found precincts int[][] nextPrec = new int [ce][]; // Next precinct index in each // component and resolution level int minlys = 100000; // minimum layer start index of each component int minx = tx1; // Horiz. offset of the second precinct in the // reference grid int miny = ty1; // Vert. offset of the second precinct in the // reference grid. int maxx = tx0; // Max. horiz. offset of precincts in the ref. grid int maxy = ty0; // Max. vert. offset of precincts in the ref. grid for(int c=cs; c<ce; c++) { mrl = src.getAnSubbandTree(t,c).resLvl; nextPrec[c] = new int[mrl+1]; for(int r=rs; r<re; r++) { if(r>mrl) continue; if (r<lys[c].length && lys[c][r]<minlys) { minlys = lys[c][r]; } p = numPrec[t][c][r].y*numPrec[t][c][r].x-1; for(; p>=0; p--) { prec = pktEnc.getPrecInfo(t,c,r,p); if(prec.rgulx!=tx0) { if(prec.rgulx<minx) minx = prec.rgulx; if(prec.rgulx>maxx) maxx = prec.rgulx; } if(prec.rguly!=ty0){ if(prec.rguly<miny) miny = prec.rguly; if(prec.rguly>maxy) maxy = prec.rguly; } if(nPrec==0) { gcd_x = prec.rgw; gcd_y = prec.rgh; } else { gcd_x = MathUtil.gcd(gcd_x,prec.rgw); gcd_y = MathUtil.gcd(gcd_y,prec.rgh); } nPrec++; } // precincts } // resolution levels } // components if(nPrec==0) { throw new Error("Image cannot have no precinct"); } int pyend = (maxy-miny)/gcd_y+1; int pxend = (maxx-minx)/gcd_x+1; int x,y; for(int r=rs; r<re; r++) { // Resolution levels y = ty0; x = tx0; for(int py=0; py<=pyend; py++) { // Vertical precincts for(int px=0; px<=pxend; px++) { // Horiz. precincts for(int c=cs; c<ce; c++) { // Components mrl = src.getAnSubbandTree(t,c).resLvl; if(r>mrl) continue; if(nextPrec[c][r] >= numPrec[t][c][r].x*numPrec[t][c][r].y) { continue; } prec = pktEnc.getPrecInfo(t,c,r,nextPrec[c][r]); if((prec.rgulx!=x) || (prec.rguly!=y)) { continue; } for(int l=minlys; l<lye; l++) { if(r>=lys[c].length) continue; if(l<lys[c][r]) continue; // set boolean sopUsed here (SOP markers) sopUsed = ((String)wp.getSOP().getTileDef(t)).equals("true"); // set boolean ephUsed here (EPH markers) ephUsed = ((String)wp.getEPH().getTileDef(t)).equals("true"); sb = src.getAnSubbandTree(t,c); for(int i=mrl; i>r; i--) { sb = sb.subb_LL; } threshold = layers[l].rdThreshold; findTruncIndices(l,c,r,t,sb,threshold, nextPrec[c][r]); hBuff = pktEnc.encodePacket(l+1,c,r,t, cblks[t][c][r], truncIdxs[t][l][c][r], hBuff,bBuff, nextPrec[c][r]); if(pktEnc.isPacketWritable()) { bsWriter.writePacketHead(hBuff.getBuffer(), hBuff.getLength(), false,sopUsed, ephUsed); bsWriter.writePacketBody(pktEnc. getLastBodyBuf(), pktEnc. getLastBodyLen(), false, pktEnc.isROIinPkt(), pktEnc.getROILen()); } } // layers nextPrec[c][r]++; } // Components if(px!=pxend) { x = minx+px*gcd_x; } else { x = tx0; } } // Horizontal precincts if(py!=pyend) { y = miny+py*gcd_y; } else { y = ty0; } } // Vertical precincts } // Resolution levels // Check that all precincts have been written for(int c=cs; c<ce; c++) { mrl = src.getAnSubbandTree(t,c).resLvl; for(int r=rs; r<re; r++) { if(r>mrl) continue; if(nextPrec[c][r]<numPrec[t][c][r].x*numPrec[t][c][r].y-1) { throw new Error("JJ2000 bug: One precinct at least has "+ "not been written for resolution level "+r +" of component "+c+" in tile "+t+"."); } } } } /** * This function implements the rate-distortion optimization algorithm. * It saves the state of any previously generated bit-stream layers and * then simulate the formation of a new layer in the bit stream as often * as necessary to find the smallest rate-distortion threshold such that * the total number of bytes required to represent the layer does not * exceed `maxBytes' minus `prevBytes'. It then restores the state of any * previously generated bit-stream layers and returns the threshold. * * @param layerIdx The index of the current layer * * @param fmaxt The maximum admissible slope value. Normally the threshold * slope of the previous layer. * * @param maxBytes The maximum number of bytes that can be written. It * includes the length of the current layer bistream length and all the * previous layers bit streams. * * @param prevBytes The number of bytes of all the previous layers. * * @return The value of the slope threshold. * */ private float optimizeBitstreamLayer (int layerIdx, float fmaxt, int maxBytes, int prevBytes) throws IOException { int nt; // The total number of tiles int nc; // The total number of components int numLvls; // The total number of resolution levels int actualBytes; // Actual number of bytes for a layer float fmint; // Minimum of the current threshold interval float ft; // Current threshold SubbandAn sb; // Current subband BitOutputBuffer hBuff;// The packet head buffer byte[] bBuff; // The packet body buffer int sidx; // The index in the summary table boolean sopUsed; // Should SOP markers be used ? boolean ephUsed; // Should EPH markers be used ? int precinctIdx; // Precinct index for current packet int nPrec; // Number of precincts in the current resolution level // Save the packet encoder state pktEnc.save(); nt = src.getNumTiles(); nc = src.getNumComps(); hBuff = null; bBuff = null; // Estimate the minimum slope to start with from the summary // information in 'RDSlopesRates'. This is a real minimum since it // does not include the packet head overhead, which is always // non-zero. // Look for the summary entry that gives 'maxBytes' or more data for (sidx=RD_SUMMARY_SIZE-1; sidx > 0; sidx--) { if (RDSlopesRates[sidx] >= maxBytes) { break; } } // Get the corresponding minimum slope fmint = getSlopeFromSIndex(sidx); // Ensure that it is smaller the maximum slope if (fmint>=fmaxt) { sidx--; fmint = getSlopeFromSIndex(sidx); } // If we are using the last entry of the summary, then that // corresponds to all the data, Thus, set the minimum slope to 0. if (sidx<=0) fmint = 0; // We look for the best threshold 'ft', which is the lowest threshold // that generates no more than 'maxBytes' code bytes. // The search is done iteratively using a binary split algorithm. We // start with 'fmaxt' as the maximum possible threshold, and 'fmint' // as the minimum threshold. The threshold 'ft' is calculated as the // middle point of 'fmaxt'-'fmint' interval. The 'fmaxt' or 'fmint' // bounds are moved according to the number of bytes obtained from a // simulation, where 'ft' is used as the threshold. // We stop whenever the interval is sufficiently small, and thus // enough precision is achieved. // Initialize threshold as the middle point of the interval. ft = (fmaxt+fmint)/2f; // If 'ft' reaches 'fmint' it means that 'fmaxt' and 'fmint' are so // close that the average is 'fmint', due to rounding. Force it to // 'fmaxt' instead, since 'fmint' is normally an exclusive lower // bound. if (ft <= fmint) ft = fmaxt; do { // Get the number of bytes used by this layer, if 'ft' is the // threshold, by simulation. actualBytes = prevBytes; src.setTile(0,0); for (int t=0; t<nt; t++){ for (int c=0; c<nc; c++) { // set boolean sopUsed here (SOP markers) sopUsed = ((String)wp.getSOP().getTileDef(t)).equalsIgnoreCase("true"); // set boolean ephUsed here (EPH markers) ephUsed = ((String)wp.getEPH().getTileDef(t)).equalsIgnoreCase("true"); // Get LL subband sb = (SubbandAn) src.getAnSubbandTree(t,c); numLvls = sb.resLvl + 1; sb = (SubbandAn) sb.getSubbandByIdx(0,0); //loop on resolution levels for(int r=0; r<numLvls; r++) { nPrec = numPrec[t][c][r].x*numPrec[t][c][r].y; for(int p=0; p<nPrec; p++) { findTruncIndices(layerIdx,c,r,t,sb,ft,p); hBuff = pktEnc.encodePacket(layerIdx+1,c,r,t, cblks[t][c][r], truncIdxs[t][layerIdx] [c][r],hBuff,bBuff,p); if(pktEnc.isPacketWritable()) { bBuff = pktEnc.getLastBodyBuf(); actualBytes += bsWriter. writePacketHead(hBuff.getBuffer(), hBuff.getLength(), true, sopUsed,ephUsed); actualBytes += bsWriter. writePacketBody(bBuff, pktEnc.getLastBodyLen(), true,pktEnc.isROIinPkt(), pktEnc.getROILen()); } } // end loop on precincts sb = sb.parent; } // End loop on resolution levels } // End loop on components } // End loop on tiles // Move the interval bounds according to simulation result if (actualBytes>maxBytes) { // 'ft' is too low and generates too many bytes, make it the // new minimum. fmint = ft; } else { // 'ft' is too high and does not generate as many bytes as we // are allowed too, make it the new maximum. fmaxt = ft; } // Update 'ft' for the new iteration as the middle point of the // new interval. ft = (fmaxt+fmint)/2f; // If 'ft' reaches 'fmint' it means that 'fmaxt' and 'fmint' are // so close that the average is 'fmint', due to rounding. Force it // to 'fmaxt' instead, since 'fmint' is normally an exclusive // lower bound. if (ft <= fmint) ft = fmaxt; // Restore previous packet encoder state pktEnc.restore(); // We continue to iterate, until the threshold reaches the upper // limit of the interval, within a FLOAT_REL_PRECISION relative // tolerance, or a FLOAT_ABS_PRECISION absolute tolerance. This is // the sign that the interval is sufficiently small. } while (ft < fmaxt*(1f-FLOAT_REL_PRECISION) && ft < (fmaxt-FLOAT_ABS_PRECISION)); // If we have a threshold which is close to 0, set it to 0 so that // everything is taken into the layer. This is to avoid not sending // some least significant bit-planes in the lossless case. We use the // FLOAT_ABS_PRECISION value as a measure of "close" to 0. if (ft <= FLOAT_ABS_PRECISION) { ft = 0f; } else { // Otherwise make the threshold 'fmaxt', just to be sure that we // will not send more bytes than allowed. ft = fmaxt; } return ft; } /** * This function attempts to estimate a rate-distortion slope threshold * which will achieve a target number of code bytes close the * `targetBytes' value. * * @param targetBytes The target number of bytes for the current layer * * @param lastLayer The previous layer information. * * @return The value of the slope threshold for the estimated layer * */ private float estimateLayerThreshold(int targetBytes, EBCOTLayer lastLayer) { float log_sl1; // The log of the first slope used for interpolation float log_sl2; // The log of the second slope used for interpolation float log_len1; // The log of the first length used for interpolation float log_len2; // The log of the second length used for interpolation float log_isl; // The log of the interpolated slope float log_ilen; // Log of the interpolated length float log_ab; // Log of actual bytes in last layer int sidx; // Index into the summary R-D info array float log_off; // The log of the offset proportion int tlen; // The corrected target layer length float lthresh; // The threshold of the last layer float eth; // The estimated threshold // In order to estimate the threshold we base ourselves in the summary // R-D info in RDSlopesRates. In order to use it we must compensate // for the overhead of the packet heads. The proportion of overhead is // estimated using the last layer simulation results. // NOTE: the model used in this method is that the slope varies // linearly with the log of the rate (i.e. length). // NOTE: the model used in this method is that the distortion is // proprotional to a power of the rate. Thus, the slope is also // proportional to another power of the rate. This translates as the // log of the slope varies linearly with the log of the rate, which is // what we use. // 1) Find the offset of the length predicted from the summary R-D // information, to the actual length by using the last layer. // We ensure that the threshold we use for estimation actually // includes some data. lthresh = lastLayer.rdThreshold; if (lthresh > maxSlope) lthresh = maxSlope; // If the slope of the last layer is too small then we just include // all the rest (not possible to do better). if (lthresh < FLOAT_ABS_PRECISION) return 0f; sidx = getLimitedSIndexFromSlope(lthresh); // If the index is outside of the summary info array use the last two, // or first two, indexes, as appropriate if (sidx >= RD_SUMMARY_SIZE-1) sidx = RD_SUMMARY_SIZE-2; // Get the logs of the lengths and the slopes if (RDSlopesRates[sidx+1] == 0) { // Pathological case, we can not use log of 0. Add // RDSlopesRates[sidx]+1 bytes to the rates (just a crude simple // solution to this rare case) log_len1 = (float)Math.log((RDSlopesRates[sidx]<<1)+1); log_len2 = (float)Math.log(RDSlopesRates[sidx]+1); log_ab = (float)Math.log(lastLayer.actualBytes+ RDSlopesRates[sidx]+1); } else { log_len1 = (float)Math.log(RDSlopesRates[sidx]); log_len2 = (float)Math.log(RDSlopesRates[sidx+1]); log_ab = (float)Math.log(lastLayer.actualBytes); } log_sl1 = (float)Math.log(getSlopeFromSIndex(sidx)); log_sl2 = (float)Math.log(getSlopeFromSIndex(sidx+1)); log_isl = (float)Math.log(lthresh); log_ilen = log_len1 + (log_isl-log_sl1)*(log_len1-log_len2)/(log_sl1-log_sl2); log_off = log_ab - log_ilen; // Do not use negative offsets (i.e. offset proportion larger than 1) // since that is probably a sign that our model is off. To be // conservative use an offset of 0 (i.e. offset proportiojn 1). if (log_off < 0) log_off = 0f; // 2) Correct the target layer length by the offset. tlen = (int)(targetBytes/(float)Math.exp(log_off)); // 3) Find, from the summary R-D info, the thresholds that generate // lengths just above and below our corrected target layer length. // Look for the index in the summary info array that gives the largest // length smaller than the target length for (sidx = RD_SUMMARY_SIZE-1; sidx>=0 ; sidx--) { if (RDSlopesRates[sidx] >= tlen) break; } sidx++; // Correct if out of the array if (sidx >= RD_SUMMARY_SIZE) sidx = RD_SUMMARY_SIZE-1; if (sidx <= 0) sidx = 1; // Get the log of the lengths and the slopes that are just above and // below the target length. if (RDSlopesRates[sidx] == 0) { // Pathological case, we can not use log of 0. Add // RDSlopesRates[sidx-1]+1 bytes to the rates (just a crude simple // solution to this rare case) log_len1 = (float)Math.log(RDSlopesRates[sidx-1]+1); log_len2 = (float)Math.log((RDSlopesRates[sidx-1]<<1)+1); log_ilen = (float)Math.log(tlen+RDSlopesRates[sidx-1]+1); } else { // Normal case, we can safely take the logs. log_len1 = (float)Math.log(RDSlopesRates[sidx]); log_len2 = (float)Math.log(RDSlopesRates[sidx-1]); log_ilen = (float)Math.log(tlen); } log_sl1 = (float)Math.log(getSlopeFromSIndex(sidx)); log_sl2 = (float)Math.log(getSlopeFromSIndex(sidx-1)); // 4) Interpolate the two thresholds to find the target threshold. log_isl = log_sl1 + (log_ilen-log_len1)*(log_sl1-log_sl2)/(log_len1-log_len2); eth = (float)Math.exp(log_isl); // Correct out of bounds results if (eth > lthresh) eth = lthresh; if (eth < FLOAT_ABS_PRECISION) eth = 0f; // Return the estimated threshold return eth; } /** * This function finds the new truncation points indices for a packet. It * does so by including the data from the code-blocks in the component, * resolution level and tile, associated with a R-D slope which is larger * than or equal to 'fthresh'. * * @param layerIdx The index of the current layer * * @param compIdx The index of the current component * * @param lvlIdx The index of the current resolution level * * @param tileIdx The index of the current tile * * @param subb The LL subband in the resolution level lvlIdx, which is * parent of all the subbands in the packet. Except for resolution level 0 * this subband is always a node. * * @param fthresh The value of the rate-distortion threshold * */ private void findTruncIndices(int layerIdx, int compIdx, int lvlIdx, int tileIdx, SubbandAn subb, float fthresh, int precinctIdx) { int minsbi, maxsbi, b, bIdx, n; Point ncblks = null; SubbandAn sb; CBlkRateDistStats cur_cblk; PrecInfo prec = pktEnc.getPrecInfo(tileIdx,compIdx,lvlIdx,precinctIdx); Point cbCoord; sb = subb; while(sb.subb_HH != null) { sb = sb.subb_HH; } minsbi = (lvlIdx==0) ? 0 : 1; maxsbi = (lvlIdx==0) ? 1 : 4; int yend,xend; sb = (SubbandAn)subb.getSubbandByIdx(lvlIdx, minsbi); for(int s=minsbi; s<maxsbi; s++) { //loop on subbands yend = (prec.cblk[s]!=null) ? prec.cblk[s].length : 0; for(int y=0; y<yend; y++) { xend = (prec.cblk[s][y]!=null) ? prec.cblk[s][y].length : 0; for (int x=0; x<xend; x++) { cbCoord = prec.cblk[s][y][x].idx; b = cbCoord.x+cbCoord.y*sb.numCb.x; //Get the current code-block cur_cblk = cblks[tileIdx][compIdx][lvlIdx][s][b]; for(n=0; n<cur_cblk.nVldTrunc; n++) { if(cur_cblk.truncSlopes[n] < fthresh) { break; } else { continue; } } // Store the index in the code-block truncIdxs that gives // the real truncation index. truncIdxs[tileIdx][layerIdx][compIdx][lvlIdx][s][b] = n-1; } // End loop on horizontal code-blocks } // End loop on vertical code-blocks sb = (SubbandAn)sb.nextSubband(); } // End loop on subbands } /** * Returns the index of a slope for the summary table, limiting to the * admissible values. The index is calculated as RD_SUMMARY_OFF plus the * maximum exponent, base 2, that yields a value not larger than the slope * itself. * * <P>If the value to return is lower than 0, 0 is returned. If it is * larger than the maximum table index, then the maximum is returned. * * @param slope The slope value * * @return The index for the summary table of the slope. * */ private static int getLimitedSIndexFromSlope(float slope) { int idx; idx = (int)Math.floor(Math.log(slope)/LOG2) + RD_SUMMARY_OFF; if (idx < 0) { return 0; } else if (idx >= RD_SUMMARY_SIZE) { return RD_SUMMARY_SIZE-1; } else { return idx; } } /** * Returns the minimum slope value associated with a summary table * index. This minimum slope is just 2^(index-RD_SUMMARY_OFF). * * @param index The summary index value. * * @return The minimum slope value associated with a summary table index. * */ private static float getSlopeFromSIndex(int index) { return (float)Math.pow(2,(index-RD_SUMMARY_OFF)); } }