package; import eiteam.esteemedinnovation.api.tool.SteamToolSlot; import eiteam.esteemedinnovation.commons.util.WorldHelper; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import; import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.PlayerEvent; import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.PlayerInteractEvent; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import static; public class ItemLeafBlowerUpgrade extends ItemSteamToolUpgrade { public ItemLeafBlowerUpgrade() { super(SteamToolSlot.SAW_HEAD, upgradeResource("blower"), null, 1); } @Override public void onUpdateBreakSpeedWithTool(PlayerEvent.BreakSpeed event, @Nonnull ItemStack toolStack, @Nonnull ItemStack thisUpgradeStack) { event.setNewSpeed(event.getNewSpeed() / 5F); } @Override public boolean onLeftClickBlockWithTool(PlayerInteractEvent.LeftClickBlock event, @Nonnull ItemStack toolStack, @Nonnull ItemStack thisUpgradeStack) { blowLeaves(WorldHelper.getExtraBlock9Coordinates(event.getFace()), event.getPos(), event.getWorld(), event.getEntityPlayer(), toolStack); return true; } /** * Harvests the coordinates in the coordinate array. * TODO Convert this to use mineExtraBlocks (or an equivalent) to reduce redundant code. This code is identical to * that method, except that it checks for isLeaves instead of canHarvest. Perhaps that method should take a predicate. * @param coordinateArray The two-dimensional array containing coordinates to add to x, y, z. * @param startPos The starting position * @param world The world. * @param player The player mining. * @param stack The tool being used to mine. */ private void blowLeaves(int[][] coordinateArray, BlockPos startPos, World world, EntityPlayer player, ItemStack stack) { BlockPos.MutableBlockPos pos = new BlockPos.MutableBlockPos(startPos); for (int[] aCoordinateArray : coordinateArray) { int thisX = startPos.getX() + aCoordinateArray[0]; int thisY = startPos.getY() + aCoordinateArray[1]; int thisZ = startPos.getZ() + aCoordinateArray[2]; pos.setPos(thisX, thisY, thisZ); IBlockState state = world.getBlockState(pos); Block block = state.getBlock(); if (block == null || world.isAirBlock(pos)) { continue; } if (WorldHelper.isLeaves(block, world, pos)) { world.setBlockToAir(pos); block.harvestBlock(world, player, pos, state, world.getTileEntity(pos), stack); } } } }