package eiteam.esteemedinnovation.commons; import eiteam.esteemedinnovation.api.APIConfig; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; public class Config { //Don't change this string. - @xbony2 public static final String VERSION = "@VERSION@"; public static final int JUMP_BOOST_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT = 10; public static final int JETPACK_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT = 10; public static final int JUMP_BOOST_CONSUMPTION_SHIFT_BOOST_DEFAULT = 10; public static final int POWER_FIST_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT = 5; public static final int THRUSTER_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT = 5; public static final int RUN_ASSIST_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT = 5; public static final int EXO_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT = 5; public static final int STEAM_TOOL_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT = 800; public static final int BASIC_TANK_CAPACITY_DEFAULT = 36000; public static final int REINFORCED_TANK_CAPACITY_DEFAULT = 72000; public static final int UBER_REINFORCED_TANK_CAPACITY_DEFAULT = 144000; public static final int ZINC_PLATE_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT = 30; public static final int REBREATHER_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT = 5; public static final int PYROPHOBIC_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT = 5; public static final int HYDROPHOBIC_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT = 10; public static final int PISTON_PUSH_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT = 5; public static final int RELOADING_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT = 15; public static final int DRAGON_ROAR_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT = 20000; public static final int BATTLE_DRILL_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT = 20; public static final int STEAMCELL_CAPACITY_DEFAULT = 100; public static final float extendedRange = 2.0F; //Range extension in blocks public static final float fallAssistDivisor = 2; public static boolean genCopperOverworldDeposits; public static boolean genZincOverworldDeposits; public static boolean passiveDrain; public static boolean disableParticles; public static boolean genPoorZincOre; public static int workshopLimit; public static int workshopWeight; public static int metalcastingHutLimit; public static int metalcastingHutWeight; public static boolean easterEggs; public static boolean enableNitorPoweredCrucible; public static boolean enableThaumcraftIntegration; public static boolean enableBotaniaIntegration; public static boolean enableEnchiridionIntegration; public static boolean enableTwilightForestIntegration; public static boolean enableBloodMagicIntegration; public static boolean enableEnderIOIntegration; public static boolean enableThermalFoundationIntegration; public static boolean enableIC2Integration; public static boolean enableNaturaIntegration; public static boolean enableTinkersConstruct; public static boolean enableRailcraftIntegration; public static boolean enableNEIIntegration; public static boolean enableAnchorAnvilRecipe; public static int mortarRadius; public static boolean expensiveMusketRecipes; public static int smasherDoubleChance; public static boolean dropItem; public static int duplicateLogs; public static int exoConsumption; public static int basicTankCapacity; public static int reinforcedTankCapacity; public static int uberReinforcedTankCapacity; public static int steamToolConsumptionDrill; public static int steamToolConsumptionAxe; public static int steamToolConsumptionShovel; public static int jumpBoostConsumption; public static int jetpackConsumption; public static int jumpBoostConsumptionShiftJump; public static int thrusterConsumption; public static int runAssistConsumption; public static int powerFistConsumption; public static int hammerConsumption; public static int fanConsumption; public static int screwConsumption; public static int heaterConsumption; public static int vacuumConsumption; public static int plonkerConsumption; public static int zincPlateConsumption; public static int rebreatherConsumption; public static int hydrophobicConsumption; public static int pyrophobicConsumption; public static int pistonPushConsumption; public static int reloadingConsumption; public static int dragonRoarConsumption; public static int steamCellCapacity; public static float musketDamage; public static float pistolDamage; public static float blunderbussDamage; public static int villagerId; public static boolean enableRedstoneValvePipe; // blocks public static boolean enableFunnel; public static boolean enablePlonker; public static boolean enableBoiler; public static boolean enableCharger; public static boolean enableCrucible; public static boolean enableHellCrucible; public static boolean enableEngineering; public static boolean enableFan; public static boolean enableFluidSteamConverter; public static boolean enableMortar; public static boolean enableGauge; public static boolean enableHammer; public static boolean enableHeater; public static boolean enableHorn; public static boolean enableMold; public static boolean enablePipe; public static boolean enablePump; public static boolean enableRuptureDisc; public static boolean enableSmasher; public static boolean enableTank; public static boolean enableThumper; public static boolean enableVacuum; public static boolean enableValvePipe; public static boolean enableChargingPad; public static boolean enableSaw; public static boolean enableWrench; // items public static boolean enableAstrolabe; public static boolean enableTopHat; public static boolean enableEmeraldHat; public static boolean enableGoggles; public static boolean enableDoubleJump; public static boolean enableJumpAssist; public static boolean enableRunAssist; public static boolean enableStealthUpgrade; public static boolean enableEnhancementAblaze; public static boolean enableEnhancementRevolver; public static boolean enableEnhancementSpeedloader; public static boolean enableEnhancementSilencer; public static boolean enableEnhancementRecoil; public static boolean enableEnhancementSpeedy; public static boolean enableEnhancementFastRockets; public static boolean enableEnhancementAmmo; public static boolean enableEnhancementAirStrike; public static boolean enableExosuit; public static boolean enableSteamExosuit; public static boolean enableLeatherExosuit; public static boolean enableFallAssist; public static boolean enableJetpack; public static boolean enableFirearms; public static boolean enableRL; public static boolean enableRocket; public static boolean enableRocketConcussive; public static boolean enableRocketMining; public static boolean enablePowerFist; public static boolean enableSpyglass; public static boolean enableSteamTools; public static boolean enableSurvivalist; public static boolean enableThrusters; public static boolean enableCanningMachine; public static boolean enableExtendoFist; public static boolean enablePitonDeployer; public static boolean disableMainBarrelRecipe; public static boolean enableReinforcedTank; public static boolean enableUberReinforcedTank; public static boolean enableEnderShroud; public static boolean enableRebreather; public static boolean enableHydrophobic; public static boolean enablePyrophobic; public static boolean enableAnchorHeels; public static boolean enablePistonPush; public static boolean enableReloadingHolsters; public static boolean enableFrequencyShifter; public static boolean enableDragonRoar; public static boolean enableSteamCell; public static boolean enableSteamCellBauble; // steam tool upgrades // core public static boolean enableTheVoid; public static boolean enableAutosmelting; public static boolean enableOverclocker; public static boolean enableFortune; // drill public static boolean enableBigDrill; public static boolean enableBattleDrill; public static boolean enableStoneGrinder; public static boolean enablePreciseCuttingHead; public static boolean enableInternalProcessingUnit; public static boolean enableThermalDrill; public static boolean enableChargePlacer; public static int battleDrillConsumption; // saw public static boolean enableLeafBlower; public static boolean enableTreeFeller; public static boolean enableChainsaw; public static boolean enableForestFire; // shovel public static boolean enableCultivator; public static boolean enableRotaryBlades; public static boolean enableSifter; public static boolean enableBackhoe; public static int backhoeRange; public static List<String> blacklistedStoneGrinderNuggets; //plates public static boolean enableCopperPlate; public static boolean enableIronPlate; public static boolean enableGoldPlate; public static boolean enableBrassPlate; public static boolean enableZincPlate; public static boolean enableLeadPlate; public static boolean enableThaumiumPlate; public static boolean enableElementiumPlate; public static boolean enableTerrasteelPlate; public static boolean enableYetiPlate; public static boolean enableFieryPlate; public static boolean enableSadistPlate; public static boolean enableVibrantPlate; public static boolean enableEnderiumPlate; public static boolean enableGildedIronPlate; public static boolean enableWings; public static boolean hasAllCrucial; public static boolean enableCanister; public static boolean singleButtonTrackpad; public static boolean removeHopperRecipe; public static boolean removeVanillaMetalToolRecipes; public static void load() { Configuration config = new Configuration(APIConfig.getConfigFile("EsteemedInnovation.cfg")); config.load(); // WORLD GEN genCopperOverworldDeposits = config.get("World Generation", "Generate Overworld Copper regenerating deposits", false).getBoolean(); genZincOverworldDeposits = config.get("World Generation", "Generate Overworld Zinc regenerating deposits", false).getBoolean(); villagerId = config.get("World Generation", "Villager ID", 694).getInt(); genPoorZincOre = config.get("Integration", "Railcraft Poor Zinc Ore", true).getBoolean(); workshopLimit = config.get("World Generation", "Maximum number of Workshops allowed to generate per village", 1).getInt(); workshopWeight = config.get("World Generation", "Workshop spawn weight", 7).getInt(7); metalcastingHutLimit = config.get("World Generation", "Maximum number of Metalcasting Huts allowed to generate per village", 1).getInt(); metalcastingHutWeight = config.get("World Generation", "Metalcasting Hut spawn weight", 5).getInt(); // WEAPONS expensiveMusketRecipes = config.get("Weapons", "Hardcore Musket Cartridge recipe (1 gunpowder per cartridge)", false).getBoolean(); disableMainBarrelRecipe = config.get("Weapons", "Remove ingot barrel recipe in case of conflicts (keeps plate recipe)", false).getBoolean(); enableFirearms = config.get("Weapons", "Enable firearms", true).getBoolean(); enableRL = config.get("Weapons", "Enable Rocket Launcher", true).getBoolean(); enableRocket = config.get("Weapons", "Enable Normal Rocket", true).getBoolean(); enableRocketConcussive = config.get("Weapons", "Enable Concussive Rocket", true).getBoolean(); enableRocketMining = config.get("Weapons", "Enable Mining Charge", true).getBoolean(); enableEnhancementAblaze = config.get("Weapons", "Enable Blaze Barrel enhancement", true).getBoolean(); enableEnhancementRevolver = config.get("Weapons", "Enable Revolver enhancement", true).getBoolean(); enableEnhancementSpeedloader = config.get("Weapons", "Enable Bolt Action enhancement", true).getBoolean(); enableEnhancementSilencer = config.get("Weapons", "Enable Makeshift Suppressor enhancement", true).getBoolean(); enableEnhancementRecoil = config.get("Weapons", "Enable Recoil Pad enhancement", true).getBoolean(); enableEnhancementSpeedy = config.get("Weapons", "Enable Breech Loader enhancement", true).getBoolean(); enableEnhancementFastRockets = config.get("Weapons", "Enable Streamlined Barrel enhancement", true).getBoolean(); enableEnhancementAmmo = config.get("Weapons", "Enable extended Magazine enhancement", true).getBoolean(); enableEnhancementAirStrike = config.get("Weapons", "Enable Air Strike enhancement", true).getBoolean(); musketDamage = Float.valueOf(config.get("Weapons", "Musket damage", "20.0F").getString()); pistolDamage = Float.valueOf(config.get("Weapons", "Pistol damage", "15.0F").getString()); blunderbussDamage = Float.valueOf(config.get("Weapons", "Blunderbuss damage", "25.0F").getString()); // MACHINES mortarRadius = config.get("Machines", "Item Mortar accuracy (radius in blocks)", 2).getInt(); smasherDoubleChance = config.get("Machines", "Chance of double drops from Rock Smasher (%)", 75).getInt(); duplicateLogs = config.get("Machines", "Chance of duplicate drops from Buzzsaw (1 in X)", 6).getInt(); dropItem = config.get("Machines", "Thumper drops items (may lag servers)", true).getBoolean(); // STEAM SYSTEM config.addCustomCategoryComment("SteamSystem", "Disabling any piece marked crucial disables pretty much the whole mod."); enableBoiler = config.get("SteamSystem", "Enable Boiler (Crucial)", true).getBoolean(); enableHorn = config.get("SteamSystem", "Enable Horn", true).getBoolean(); enableGauge = config.get("SteamSystem", "Enable Pressure Gauge (Crucial)", true).getBoolean(); enablePipe = config.get("SteamSystem", "Enable Steam Pipe (Crucial)", true).getBoolean(); enableRuptureDisc = config.get("SteamSystem", "Enable Rupture Disc", true).getBoolean(); enableTank = config.get("SteamSystem", "Enable Steam Tank (Crucial)", true).getBoolean(); enableValvePipe = config.get("SteamSystem", "Enable Valve Pipe", true).getBoolean(); enableFluidSteamConverter = config.get("Blocks", "Enable Steam Converter", true).getBoolean(); //enableBloodBoiler = config.get("SteamSystem", "Enable Blood Boiler", true).getBoolean(); // BLOCKS enableSaw = config.get("Blocks", "Enable the Buzzsaw", true).getBoolean(); enableCharger = config.get("Blocks", "Enable Steam Filler", true).getBoolean(); enableChargingPad = config.get("Blocks", "Enable Filling Pad", true).getBoolean(); enableCrucible = config.get("Blocks", "Enable Crucible", true).getBoolean(); enableHellCrucible = config.get("Blocks", "Enable Nether Crucible", true).getBoolean(); enableEngineering = config.get("Blocks", "Enable Engineering Table", true).getBoolean(); enableFan = config.get("Blocks", "Enable Fan (disabling this disables Vacuum)", true).getBoolean(); //enableGenocide = config.get("Blocks", "Enable Aquatic Genocide Machine", true).getBoolean(); enableMortar = config.get("Blocks", "Enable Item Mortar", true).getBoolean(); enableHammer = config.get("Blocks", "Enable Steam Hammer", true).getBoolean(); enableHeater = config.get("Blocks", "Enable Steam Heater", true).getBoolean(); enableMold = config.get("Blocks", "Enable Mold block", true).getBoolean(); enablePump = config.get("Blocks", "Enable Archimedes Screw", true).getBoolean(); enableSmasher = config.get("Blocks", "Enable Rock Smasher", true).getBoolean(); enableThumper = config.get("Blocks", "Enable Thumper", true).getBoolean(); enableVacuum = config.get("Blocks", "Enable Vacuum", true).getBoolean(); enablePlonker = config.get("Blocks", "Enable Plonker", true).getBoolean(); enableFunnel = config.get("Block", "Enable Funnel", true).getBoolean(); // BLOCK CONSUMPTION RATES hammerConsumption = config.get("Consumption", "Steam Hammer consumption", 4000).getInt(); fanConsumption = config.get("Consumption", "Fan consumption", 1).getInt(); screwConsumption = config.get("Consumption", "Archimedes Screw consumption", 100).getInt(); heaterConsumption = config.get("Consumption", "Steam Heater consumption", 20).getInt(); vacuumConsumption = config.get("Consumption", "Vacuum consumption", 3).getInt(); plonkerConsumption = config.get("Consumption", "Plonker consumption", 5).getInt(); // EXOSUIT passiveDrain = config.get("Exosuit", "Passively drain steam while in use", true).getBoolean(); enableExosuit = config.get("Exosuit", "Enable Exosuits in general (disabling disables both suits, all upgrades, and plates)", true).getBoolean(); enableSteamExosuit = config.get("Exosuit", "Enable Steam Exosuit (disabling disabled all its upgrades, as well)", true).getBoolean(); enableLeatherExosuit = config.get("Exosuit", "Enable Leather Exosuit (disabling only disables the suit)", true).getBoolean(); exoConsumption = config.get("Exosuit", "The amount of steam the Exosuit consumes", EXO_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT).getInt(); jumpBoostConsumption = config.get("Exosuit", "The amount of steam jump boost consumes", JUMP_BOOST_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT).getInt(); jetpackConsumption = config.get("Exosuit", "The amount of steam the Jetpack consumes", JETPACK_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT).getInt(); jumpBoostConsumptionShiftJump = config.get("Exosuit", "The amount of steam the jump boost shift jump consumes", JUMP_BOOST_CONSUMPTION_SHIFT_BOOST_DEFAULT).getInt(); thrusterConsumption = config.get("Exosuit", "The amount of steam the Exosuit Thrusters consumes", THRUSTER_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT).getInt(); runAssistConsumption = config.get("Exosuit", "The amount of steam the Exosuit Run Assist consumes", RUN_ASSIST_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT).getInt(); powerFistConsumption = config.get("Exosuit", "The amount of steam the Exosuit Power Fist consumes", POWER_FIST_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT).getInt(); zincPlateConsumption = config.get("Exosuit", "The amount of steam the Exosuit Zinc Plate consumes", ZINC_PLATE_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT).getInt(); rebreatherConsumption = config.get("Exosuit", "The amount of steam the Rebreather consumes", REBREATHER_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT).getInt(); hydrophobicConsumption = config.get("Exosuit", "The amount of steam the Hydrophobic Coatings consume", HYDROPHOBIC_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT).getInt(); pyrophobicConsumption = config.get("Exosuit", "The amount of steam the Pyrophobic Coatings consume", PYROPHOBIC_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT).getInt(); enableAnchorAnvilRecipe = config.get("Exosuit", "Use the leadless Anchor Heels recipe. This will always be true if there is no lead available.", false).getBoolean(); pistonPushConsumption = config.get("Exosuit", "The amount of steam the Piston Push consumes", PISTON_PUSH_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT).getInt(); reloadingConsumption = config.get("Exosuit", "The amount of steam the Reloading Holsters consume", RELOADING_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT).getInt(); dragonRoarConsumption = config.get("Exosuit", "The amount of steam the Dragon Roar consumes", DRAGON_ROAR_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT).getInt(); // EXOSUIT UPGRADES enableFallAssist = config.get("Exosuit Upgrades", "Enable Fall Assist", true).getBoolean(); enableJumpAssist = config.get("Exosuit Upgrades", "Enable Leap Actuator", true).getBoolean(); enableDoubleJump = config.get("Exosuit Upgrades", "Enable Pulse Nozzle", true).getBoolean(); enableRunAssist = config.get("Exosuit Upgrades", "Enable Modular Accelerator", true).getBoolean(); enableStealthUpgrade = config.get("Exosuit Upgrades", "Enable Acoustic Dampener", true).getBoolean(); enableJetpack = config.get("Exosuit Upgrades", "Enable Steam Jetpack", true).getBoolean(); enableThrusters = config.get("Exosuit Upgrades", "Enable Thrusters", true).getBoolean(); enableWings = config.get("Exosuit Upgrades", "Enable Wings", true).getBoolean(); enablePowerFist = config.get("Exosuit Upgrades", "Enable Power Fist", true).getBoolean(); enableCanningMachine = config.get("Exosuit Upgrades", "Enable Canner", true).getBoolean(); enableExtendoFist = config.get("Exosuit Upgrades", "Enable Extendo Fist", true).getBoolean(); enablePitonDeployer = config.get("Exosuit Upgrades", "Enable Piton Deployer", true).getBoolean(); enableReinforcedTank = config.get("Exosuit Upgrades", "Enable Reinforced Tank", true).getBoolean(); enableUberReinforcedTank = config.get("Exosuit Upgrades", "Enable Heavily Reinforced Tank", true).getBoolean(); enableEnderShroud = config.get("Exosuit Upgrades", "Enable Ender Shroud", true).getBoolean(); enableRebreather = config.get("Exosuit Upgrades", "Enable Rebreather", true).getBoolean(); enableHydrophobic = config.get("Exosuit Upgrades", "Enable Hydrophobic Coatings", true).getBoolean(); enablePyrophobic = config.get("Exosuit Upgrades", "Enable Pyrophobic Coatings", true).getBoolean(); enableAnchorHeels = config.get("Exosuit Upgrades", "Enable Anchor Heels", true).getBoolean(); enablePistonPush = config.get("Exosuit Upgrades", "Enable Piston Push", true).getBoolean(); enableReloadingHolsters = config.get("Exosuit Upgrades", "Enable Reloading Holsters", true).getBoolean(); enableFrequencyShifter = config.get("Exosuit Upgrades", "Enable Frequency Shifter", true).getBoolean(); enableDragonRoar = config.get("Exosuit Upgrades", "Enable Dragon Roar", true).getBoolean(); enableCopperPlate = config.get("Exosuit Plates", "Enable copper plate", true).getBoolean(); enableZincPlate = config.get("Exosuit Plates", "Enable zinc plate", true).getBoolean(); enableIronPlate = config.get("Exosuit Plates", "Enable iron plate", true).getBoolean(); enableGoldPlate = config.get("Exosuit Plates", "Enable gold plate", true).getBoolean(); enableBrassPlate = config.get("Exosuit Plates", "Enable brass plate", true).getBoolean(); enableLeadPlate = config.get("Exosuit Plates", "Enable lead plate", true).getBoolean(); enableThaumiumPlate = config.get("Exosuit Plates", "Enable thaumium plate", true).getBoolean(); enableElementiumPlate = config.get("Exosuit Plates", "Enable elementium plate", true).getBoolean(); enableTerrasteelPlate = config.get("Exosuit Plates", "Enable terrasteel plate", true).getBoolean(); enableYetiPlate = config.get("Exosuit Plates", "Enable yeti plate", true).getBoolean(); enableFieryPlate = config.get("Exosuit Plates", "Enable fiery plate", true).getBoolean(); enableSadistPlate = config.get("Exosuit Plates", "Enable sadist plate", true).getBoolean(); enableVibrantPlate = config.get("Exosuit Plates", "Enable vibrant plate", true).getBoolean(); enableEnderiumPlate = config.get("Exosuit Plates", "Enable enderium plate", true).getBoolean(); enableGildedIronPlate = config.get("Exosuit Plates", "Enable gilded iron plate", true).getBoolean(); basicTankCapacity = config.get("Exosuit Upgrades", "The amount of steam the basic tank can hold", BASIC_TANK_CAPACITY_DEFAULT).getInt(); reinforcedTankCapacity = config.get("Exosuit Upgrades", "The amount of steam the reinforced tank can hold", REINFORCED_TANK_CAPACITY_DEFAULT).getInt(); uberReinforcedTankCapacity = config.get("Exosuit Upgrades", "The amount of steam the heavily reinforced tank can hold", UBER_REINFORCED_TANK_CAPACITY_DEFAULT).getInt(); //enableDoubleJump = config.get("Exosuit Upgrades", "Enable double jump", true).getBoolean(); // ITEMS enableAstrolabe = config.get("Items", "Enable Astrolabe", true).getBoolean(); enableSpyglass = config.get("Items", "Enable Spyglass", true).getBoolean(); enableSteamTools = config.get("Items", "Enable steam tools", true).getBoolean(); enableSurvivalist = config.get("Items", "Enable Survivalist's Toolkit", true).getBoolean(); enableWrench = config.get("Items", "Enable Pipe Wrench", true).getBoolean(); enableCanister = config.get("Items", "Enable Canisters", true).getBoolean(); enableTopHat = config.get("Items", "Enable Top Hat", true).getBoolean(); enableEmeraldHat = config.get("Items", "Enable Emerald Top Hat", true).getBoolean(); enableGoggles = config.get("Items", "Enable Goggles/Monocle", true).getBoolean(); steamToolConsumptionAxe = config.get("Items", "The consumption rate of the Steam Axe", STEAM_TOOL_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT).getInt(); steamToolConsumptionDrill = config.get("Items", "The consumption rate of the Steam Drill", STEAM_TOOL_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT).getInt(); steamToolConsumptionShovel = config.get("Items", "The consumption rate of the Steam Shovel", STEAM_TOOL_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT).getInt(); enableSteamCell = config.get("Items", "Enable Steam Cell", true).getBoolean(); steamCellCapacity = config.get("Items", "Steam Cell capacity", STEAMCELL_CAPACITY_DEFAULT).getInt(); enableSteamCellBauble = config.get("Items", "Enable Steam Cell Bauble", true).getBoolean(); removeVanillaMetalToolRecipes = config.get("Items", "Remove Vanilla-style tool recipes for castable tools", true).getBoolean(); // STEAM TOOL UPGRADES enableBigDrill = config.get("Steam Tool Upgrades", "Enable Steam Drill's Hammer Head upgrade", true).getBoolean(); enableLeafBlower = config.get("Steam Tool Upgrades", "Enable Steam Axe's Leaf Blower upgrade", true).getBoolean(); enableCultivator = config.get("Steam Tool Upgrades", "Enable Steam Shovel's Cultivator upgrade", true).getBoolean(); enableRotaryBlades = config.get("Steam Tool Upgrades", "Enable Steam Shovel's Rotary Blades upgrade", true).getBoolean(); enableBattleDrill = config.get("Exosuit Upgrades", "Enable BattleDrill", true).getBoolean(); enableSifter = config.get("Steam Tool Upgrades", "Enable Steam Shovel's Sifter upgrade", true).getBoolean(); enableStoneGrinder = config.get("Steam Tool Upgrades", "Enable Steam Drill's Stone Grinder upgrade", true).getBoolean(); enableBackhoe = config.get("Steam Tool Upgrades", "Enable Steam Shovel's Backhoe upgrade", true).getBoolean(); enableTheVoid = config.get("Steam Tool Upgrades", "Enable Steam Tool core upgrade the Void", true).getBoolean(); enableAutosmelting = config.get("Steam Tool Upgrades", "Enable Steam Tool core upgrade autosmelting", true).getBoolean(); enableOverclocker = config.get("Steam Tool Upgrades", "Enable Steam Tool core upgrade overclocker", true).getBoolean(); enablePreciseCuttingHead = config.get("Steam Tool Upgrades", "Enable Steam Drill's Precise Cutting Head", true).getBoolean(); enableInternalProcessingUnit = config.get("Steam Tool Upgrades", "Enable Steam Drill's Internal Processing Unit", true).getBoolean(); enableTreeFeller = config.get("Steam Tool Upgrades", "Enable Steam Axe's Tree Felling upgrade", true).getBoolean(); enableChainsaw = config.get("Steam Tool Upgrades", "Enable Steam Axe's Chainsaw upgrade", true).getBoolean(); enableFortune = config.get("Steam Tool Upgrades", "Enable Steam Drill's fortune upgrade", true).getBoolean(); enableForestFire = config.get("Steam Tool Upgrades", "Enable Steam Axe's Forest Fire upgrade", true).getBoolean(); enableThermalDrill = config.get("Steam Tool Upgrades", "Enable Steam Drill's Thermal Drill upgrade", true).getBoolean(); enableChargePlacer = config.get("Steam Tool Upgrades", "Enable Steam Drill's Charge Placer upgrade", true).getBoolean(); backhoeRange = config.get("Steam Tool Upgrades", "The range (in each direction) that the Backhoe upgrade effects", 16).getInt(); battleDrillConsumption = config.get("Steam Tool Upgrades", "Steam consumption for the " + "BattleDrill. This is not the actual amount of steam, but the relative item damage.", BATTLE_DRILL_CONSUMPTION_DEFAULT).getInt(); blacklistedStoneGrinderNuggets = Arrays.asList(config.get("Steam Tool Upgrades", "Nuggets that the Stone Grinder cannot produce. These are OreDict entries", new String[] {}).getStringList()); // OTHER easterEggs = config.get("Other", "Enable Easter Eggs", true).getBoolean(); enableRedstoneValvePipe = config.get("Other", "Enable redstone support for Valve Pipes", true).getBoolean(); disableParticles = config.get("Other", "Disable block break particles (May solve crashes with guns, thumper)", false).getBoolean(); singleButtonTrackpad = config.get("Other", "Check both mouse buttons for the journal ctrl-click feature for single-button trackpad users. If you have trouble getting the ctrl-click feature to work on a trackpad, enable this.", false).getBoolean(); removeHopperRecipe = config.get("Other", "Remove Hopper crafting recipes (can still be made with the crucible)", true).getBoolean(); //INTEGRATION enableThaumcraftIntegration = config.get("Integration", "Enable Thaumcraft", true).getBoolean(); enableNitorPoweredCrucible = config.get("Integration", "Allow the Thaumcraft Nitor to power the Crucible", true).getBoolean(); enableBotaniaIntegration = config.get("Integration", "Enable Botania", true).getBoolean(); enableEnchiridionIntegration = config.get("Integration", "Enable Enchiridion", true).getBoolean(); enableTwilightForestIntegration = config.get("Integration", "Enable Twilight Forest", true).getBoolean(); enableBloodMagicIntegration = config.get("Integration", "Enable Blood Magic", true).getBoolean(); enableEnderIOIntegration = config.get("Integration", "Enable Ender IO", true).getBoolean(); enableThermalFoundationIntegration = config.get("Integration", "Enable Thermal Foundation", true).getBoolean(); enableIC2Integration = config.get("Integration", "Enable IC2", true).getBoolean(); enableNaturaIntegration = config.get("Integration", "Enable Natura", true).getBoolean(); enableTinkersConstruct = config.get("Integration", "Enable Tinker's Construct", true).getBoolean(); enableRailcraftIntegration = config.get("Integration", "Enable Railcraft", true).getBoolean(); enableNEIIntegration = config.get("Integration", "Enable NEI", true).getBoolean(); hasAllCrucial = enableBoiler && enableGauge && enableTank && enablePipe;; } }