package eiteam.esteemedinnovation.materials.raw.config; import*; import eiteam.esteemedinnovation.commons.OreDictEntries; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.init.Biomes; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLLog; import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class OreConfigurationParser { private OreGenerationDefinition[] ores; private String filename; private Gson gson; public OreConfigurationParser(String filename) { this.filename = filename; gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create(); } /** * Tries to write the default ores if the file does not exist, then parses the file as JSON into this object's * {@link #ores} array. */ public void load() throws IOException { writeDefault(); parse(); } /** * @return All of the OreGenerationDefinitions for this config file. */ public OreGenerationDefinition[] getOres() { return ores; } /** * @return The file name for this configuration object. */ public String getFilename() { return filename; } /** * The default replaceable OreDict values for surface ores (dim 0). */ private static final List<String> DEFAULT_SURFACE_REPLACEABLE_OREDICTS = new ArrayList<String>() {{ add(OreDictEntries.STONE_ORE); add(OreDictEntries.DIRT_ORE); add(OreDictEntries.SAND_ORE); add(OreDictEntries.SANDSTONE_ORE); add(OreDictEntries.GRAVEL_ORE); add(OreDictEntries.GRASS_ORE); }}; private static final List<Pair<Block, Integer>> DEFAULT_MESA_REPLACEABLE_BLOCKS = new ArrayList<Pair<Block, Integer>>() {{ add(Pair.of(Blocks.HARDENED_CLAY, OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE)); add(Pair.of(Blocks.STAINED_HARDENED_CLAY, OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE)); }}; /** * The default replaceable OreDict values for nether ores (dim -1). */ private static final List<String> DEFAULT_NETHER_REPLACEABLE_OREDICTS = new ArrayList<String>() {{ add(OreDictEntries.NETHERRACK_ORE); }}; /** * The default replaceable OreDict values for end ores (dim 1). */ private static final List<String> DEFAULT_END_REPLACEABLE_OREDICTS = new ArrayList<String>() {{ add(OreDictEntries.ENDSTONE_ORE); }}; /** * The default {@link OreGenerationDefinition}s, providing the following: * * Copper: * - Extreme Hills (all kinds), overworld, Y80-128, 5 per chunk * - Hell, nether dimension, Y0-128, 10 per chunk * - Sky, end dimension, Y0-128, 10 per chunk * * Zinc: * - Desert (and hills), overworld, Y65-80, 5 per chunk * - Mesa (all kinds), overworld, Y65-80, 5 per chunk * - Hell, nether dimension, Y0-128, 10 per chunk * - Sky, end dimension, Y0-128, 10 per chunk */ private static final OreGenerationDefinition[] DEFAULT_ORES = { new OreGenerationDefinition( new BiomeDefinition[] { new BiomeDefinition(0, Biomes.EXTREME_HILLS, 60, 90, 8, 5, DEFAULT_SURFACE_REPLACEABLE_OREDICTS, new ArrayList<>()), new BiomeDefinition(0, Biomes.EXTREME_HILLS_EDGE, 60, 90, 8, 5, DEFAULT_SURFACE_REPLACEABLE_OREDICTS, new ArrayList<>()), new BiomeDefinition(0, Biomes.EXTREME_HILLS_WITH_TREES, 60, 90, 8, 5, DEFAULT_SURFACE_REPLACEABLE_OREDICTS, new ArrayList<>()), new BiomeDefinition(-1, Biomes.HELL, 0, 128, 8, 10, DEFAULT_NETHER_REPLACEABLE_OREDICTS, new ArrayList<>()), new BiomeDefinition(1, Biomes.SKY, 0, 128, 8, 10, DEFAULT_END_REPLACEABLE_OREDICTS, new ArrayList<>()) }, OreDictEntries.MATERIAL_COPPER), new OreGenerationDefinition( new BiomeDefinition[] { new BiomeDefinition(0, Biomes.DESERT, 40, 70, 8, 5, DEFAULT_SURFACE_REPLACEABLE_OREDICTS, new ArrayList<>()), new BiomeDefinition(0, Biomes.DESERT_HILLS, 60, 80, 8, 5, DEFAULT_SURFACE_REPLACEABLE_OREDICTS, new ArrayList<>()), new BiomeDefinition(0, Biomes.MESA, 40, 80, 8, 5, DEFAULT_SURFACE_REPLACEABLE_OREDICTS, DEFAULT_MESA_REPLACEABLE_BLOCKS), new BiomeDefinition(0, Biomes.MESA_CLEAR_ROCK, 40, 80, 8, 5, DEFAULT_SURFACE_REPLACEABLE_OREDICTS, DEFAULT_MESA_REPLACEABLE_BLOCKS), new BiomeDefinition(0, Biomes.MESA_ROCK, 40, 80, 8, 5, DEFAULT_SURFACE_REPLACEABLE_OREDICTS, DEFAULT_MESA_REPLACEABLE_BLOCKS), new BiomeDefinition(-1, Biomes.HELL, 0, 128, 8, 10, DEFAULT_NETHER_REPLACEABLE_OREDICTS, new ArrayList<>()), new BiomeDefinition(1, Biomes.SKY, 0, 128, 8, 10, DEFAULT_END_REPLACEABLE_OREDICTS, new ArrayList<>()) }, OreDictEntries.MATERIAL_ZINC) }; /** * Converts a list of strings into a JsonArray of strings. */ private JsonArray writeStringsToArray(Iterable<String> strings) { JsonArray ary = new JsonArray(); for (String entry : strings) { ary.add(gson.fromJson(entry, JsonElement.class)); } return ary; } /** * Converts a list of Block;Integer pairs into a JsonArray of strings. The pair is turned into the format * domain:path(:metadata) where () is optional. */ private JsonArray writeBlocksToArray(Iterable<Pair<Block, Integer>> blocks) { JsonArray ary = new JsonArray(); for (Pair<Block, Integer> entry : blocks) { Block block = entry.getLeft(); Integer meta = entry.getRight(); StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); out.append(block.getRegistryName()); if (meta != OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE) { out.append(":").append(meta); } ary.add(new JsonPrimitive(out.toString())); } return ary; } /** * Converts a {@link BiomeDefinition} into a JsonObject, with keys "Dimension", "Biome", "MinY", "MaxY", * "MaxVeinSize", "MaxVeinsPerChunk", and "ReplaceableBlocks". */ private JsonObject writeBiomeToObject(BiomeDefinition biome) { JsonObject obj = new JsonObject(); obj.addProperty("Dimension", biome.getDimension()); Biome actualBiome = biome.getBiomeMatcher().getBiome(); obj.addProperty("Biome", actualBiome == null ? "*" : actualBiome.getRegistryName().toString()); obj.addProperty("MinY", biome.getMinY()); obj.addProperty("MaxY", biome.getMaxY()); obj.addProperty("MaxVeinSize", biome.getMaxVeinSize()); obj.addProperty("MaxVeinsPerChunk", biome.getMaxVeinsPerChunk()); JsonArray oreDicts = writeStringsToArray(biome.getReplaceableBlocksOreDict()); JsonArray blocks = writeBlocksToArray(biome.getReplaceableBlocksAndMeta()); blocks.addAll(oreDicts); obj.add("ReplaceableBlocks", blocks); return obj; } /** * Converts an array of {@link BiomeDefinition}s into a JsonArray of JsonObjects. * @see #writeBiomeToObject(BiomeDefinition) */ private JsonArray writeBiomesToArray(BiomeDefinition[] biomes) { JsonArray ary = new JsonArray(); for (BiomeDefinition biome : biomes) { ary.add(writeBiomeToObject(biome)); } return ary; } /** * Writes the default ores ({@link #DEFAULT_ORES}) to the file ({@link #getFilename()}) using all of the write * methods. */ private void writeDefault() throws IOException { File file = new File(getFilename()); if (file.exists() && file.isFile()) { return; } JsonObject main = new JsonObject(); JsonObject ores = new JsonObject(); for (OreGenerationDefinition ore : DEFAULT_ORES) { ores.add(ore.getOreName(), writeBiomesToArray(ore.getBiomeDefinitions())); } main.add("Ores", ores); File parent = file.getParentFile(); if (!parent.exists()) { parent.mkdirs(); } try (Writer writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(getFilename()))) { writer.write(gson.toJson(main)); } } /** * Converts a JsonArray of strings into a List of strings. It excludes all invalid OreDict names, for * safety, and to skip domain:path(:metadata) values in ReplaceableBlocks. */ private List<String> getOreDictsFromArray(JsonArray ary) { List<String> oreDicts = new ArrayList<>(); ary.forEach((element) -> { String str = element.getAsString(); if (OreDictionary.doesOreNameExist(str)) { oreDicts.add(str); } }); return oreDicts; } /** * Converts a JsonArray of strings into a List of Block;Integer pairs. It expects string values in the format * domain:path(:metadata) where () is optional. */ private List<Pair<Block, Integer>> getBlockMetaPairsFromArray(JsonArray ary) { List<Pair<Block, Integer>> blockMetaPairs = new ArrayList<>(); ary.forEach((element) -> { String str = element.getAsString(); String[] pieces = str.split(":"); String domain = "minecraft"; String path; int meta = OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE; if (pieces.length == 1) { path = pieces[0]; } else if (pieces.length == 2) { domain = pieces[0]; path = pieces[1]; } else { if (pieces.length > 3) { FMLLog.warning("[EI] More than 3 values separated by : in ReplaceableBlocks '%s' for Ore generation config. Expected maximum: 'domain:path:meta'. This may indicate a bug in your config!", str); } domain = pieces[0]; path = pieces[1]; meta = Integer.valueOf(pieces[2]); } blockMetaPairs.add(Pair.of(Block.REGISTRY.getObject(new ResourceLocation(domain, path)), meta)); }); return blockMetaPairs; } /** * Converts a JsonObject into a {@link BiomeDefinition}. It expects "Biome", "ReplaceableBlocks", "Dimension", * "MinY", "MaxY", "MaxVeinSize", and "MaxVeinsPerChunk" keys. */ private BiomeDefinition parseBiome(JsonObject obj) { JsonArray replaceableBlocksAry = obj.getAsJsonArray("ReplaceableBlocks"); List<String> oreDicts = getOreDictsFromArray(replaceableBlocksAry); List<Pair<Block, Integer>> blockMetaPairs = getBlockMetaPairsFromArray(replaceableBlocksAry); String biomeString = obj.get("Biome").getAsString(); BiomeMatcher biomeMatcher = new BiomeMatcher("*".equals(biomeString) ? null : Biome.REGISTRY.getObject(new ResourceLocation(biomeString))); return new BiomeDefinition(obj.get("Dimension").getAsInt(), biomeMatcher, obj.get("MinY").getAsInt(), obj.get("MaxY").getAsInt(), obj.get("MaxVeinSize").getAsInt(), obj.get("MaxVeinsPerChunk").getAsInt(), oreDicts, blockMetaPairs); } /** * Converts a JsonObject into a list of {@link OreGenerationDefinition}s. The JsonObject is expected to be in the * format of { "OreName": {object} }, where object is a {@link BiomeDefinition} parsed using * {@link #parseBiome(JsonObject)}. It skips every OreName that ends with "comment" (because some people like * _comment, some like comment, some like __comment, etc.). */ private List<OreGenerationDefinition> parseOreArrayObject(JsonObject object) { List<OreGenerationDefinition> ores = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> ore : object.entrySet()) { String oreName = ore.getKey(); if (oreName.endsWith("comment")) { continue; } if (oreName.equals(OreDictEntries.MATERIAL_COPPER) || oreName.equals(OreDictEntries.MATERIAL_ZINC)) { JsonElement value = ore.getValue(); if (value.isJsonArray()) { JsonArray array = value.getAsJsonArray(); List<BiomeDefinition> biomes = new ArrayList<>(); array.forEach((element) -> { if (element.isJsonObject()) { biomes.add(parseBiome(element.getAsJsonObject())); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("A value in %s array is not an object.", oreName)); } }); ores.add(new OreGenerationDefinition(biomes.toArray(new BiomeDefinition[biomes.size()]), oreName)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Ore value for %s must be an array.", oreName)); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Ore %s is defined, but is not a valid material. Only 'Zinc' and 'Copper' are allowed.", oreName)); } } return ores; } /** * Parses the file name's JSON into the ores and fallbacks arrays. * * Expects the file to already exist, so it's likely that before calling you should call writeDefault(). */ private void parse() throws IOException { JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); JsonObject main = parser.parse(FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(getFilename()))).getAsJsonObject(); List<OreGenerationDefinition> ores = parseOreArrayObject(main.getAsJsonObject("Ores")); this.ores = ores.toArray(new OreGenerationDefinition[ores.size()]); } }