package eiteam.esteemedinnovation.commons.init; import eiteam.esteemedinnovation.api.Constants; import eiteam.esteemedinnovation.commons.EsteemedInnovation; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.IStringSerializable; import net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelLoader; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import net.minecraftforge.oredict.ShapedOreRecipe; import java.util.function.Function; /** * A class for handling base initialization of content. See {@link eiteam.esteemedinnovation.armor.ArmorModule} for * a good example. Register it (so that the content actually gets initialized) in {@link ContentModuleHandler}. That * class will handle calling all of the methods within each ContentModule. * * The order that the methods are called is as follows: * 1. {@link #create(Side)} * 2. {@link #oreDict(Side)} * 3. {@link #preInitClient()} * 4. {@link #recipes(Side)} * 5. {@link #initClient()} * 6. {@link #postInitClient()} * 7. {@link #finish(Side)} */ public class ContentModule { /** * Initialize and register your items. Called during preInit in both client and server. * Use the setup methods below to easily handle registration; or just handle everything on your own. * @param side The side currently on */ public void create(Side side) {} /** * Setup your Ore Dictionary registration. Called during preInit in both client and server after {@link #create(Side)}. * @param side */ public void oreDict(Side side) {} /** * Register your recipes for the things you initialized in {@link #create(Side)}. Called during init in both client and server. * @param side */ public void recipes(Side side) {} /** * Handle any client-side preInit stuff here. Most likely, you'll want to use this to register your models. Called * in preInit on the client after {@link #oreDict(Side)}. */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void preInitClient() {} /** * Handle any client-side init stuff here. Use this to, for example, register client-side event handlers or register * color handlers. Called in init on the client after {@link #recipes(Side)}. */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void initClient() {} /** * Handle any client-side postInit stuff here. Called in postInit before {@link #finish(Side)}. */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void postInitClient() {} /** * Handle any finishing up here. This is called in postInit on client and server after {@link #postInitClient()}. * @param side */ public void finish(Side side) {} /** * Overload for {@link #setup(Item, String, CreativeTabs)} that uses {@link EsteemedInnovation#tab} for the tab argument. */ protected Item setup(Item startingItem, String path) { return setup(startingItem, path,; } /** * Sets up an Item with an unlocalized name, a registry name, an optional creative tab, and registers it to the * Item registry. * @param startingItem The item to start with * @param path The name of the item, excluding the EI mod ID. * @param tab The creative tab to add it to. Use null to not add it to a tab at all. * @return The registered item. */ protected Item setup(Item startingItem, String path, CreativeTabs tab) { startingItem.setUnlocalizedName(Constants.EI_MODID + ":" + path); if (tab != null) { startingItem.setCreativeTab(tab); } startingItem.setRegistryName(Constants.EI_MODID, path); return GameRegistry.register(startingItem); } /** * Overload for {@link #setup(Block, String, Function)} that uses the default constructor for {@link ItemBlock} as * the function. */ protected Block setup(Block startingBlock, String path) { return setup(startingBlock, path, ItemBlock::new); } /** * Overload for {@link #setup(Block, String, CreativeTabs, Function)} that uses the default constructor for * {@link ItemBlock} as the function. */ protected Block setup(Block startingBlock, String path, CreativeTabs tab) { return setup(startingBlock, path, tab, ItemBlock::new); } /** * Overload for {@link #setup(Block, String, CreativeTabs, Function)} that uses {@link EsteemedInnovation#tab} * as the tab. */ protected Block setup(Block startingBlock, String path, Function<Block, ItemBlock> itemBlockFunc) { return setup(startingBlock, path,, itemBlockFunc); } /** * Sets up a Block with an unlocalized name, a registry name, an optional creative tab, and registers it to the * Block registry. * @param startingBlock The block to start with * @param path The name of the block, excluding the EI mod ID * @param tab The creative tab to add it to. Use null to not add it to any tab. You will have to cast the null to * {@link CreativeTabs}. * @param itemBlockFunc A function that passes a {@link Block} and returns an {@link ItemBlock}. The returned value * is what will be used as the block's according item. Pass null to make this Block not have * any item. You will have to cast the null to {@link Function}. * @return The registered block (ItemBlock is not returned). */ protected Block setup(Block startingBlock, String path, CreativeTabs tab, Function<Block, ItemBlock> itemBlockFunc) { startingBlock.setUnlocalizedName(Constants.EI_MODID + ":" + path); if (tab != null) { startingBlock.setCreativeTab(tab); } startingBlock.setRegistryName(Constants.EI_MODID, path); GameRegistry.register(startingBlock); if (itemBlockFunc != null) { ItemBlock ib = itemBlockFunc.apply(startingBlock); ib.setRegistryName(startingBlock.getRegistryName()); GameRegistry.register(ib); } return startingBlock; } /** * Registers a block model for all of the provided variants. This registers it specifically for the ItemBlock. * @param block The block * @param name The name of the property as passed to IProperty.create * @param variants All of the variants (probably Enum.values()) */ protected void registerModelAllVariants(Block block, String name, IStringSerializable[] variants) { registerModelAllVariants(Item.getItemFromBlock(block), name, variants); } /** * Registers an item model for all of the provided variants * @param item The item * @param name see #registerModelAllVariants * @param variants see #registerModelAllVariants */ protected void registerModelAllVariants(Item item, String name, IStringSerializable[] variants) { for (int i = 0; i < variants.length; i++) { IStringSerializable string = variants[i]; registerModel(item, i, name + "=" + string.getName()); } } /** * Registers the block's model for metadata 0 and variant "inventory". * @param block the block */ protected void registerModel(Block block) { registerModel(block, 0); } /** * Overload for {@link #registerModel(Block, int, String)} that passes "inventory" as the variant. */ protected void registerModel(Block block, int meta) { registerModel(block, meta, "inventory"); } /** * Overload for {@link #registerModel(Item, int, String)} that passes the ItemBlock for the provided Block as the item. */ protected void registerModel(Block block, int meta, String variant) { registerModel(Item.getItemFromBlock(block), meta, variant); } /** * Registers the item's model for metadata 0 and variant "inventory". * @param item the item */ protected void registerModel(Item item) { registerModel(item, 0); } /** * Registers an item's model with a specific metadata value and variant "inventory". * @param item the item * @param meta the metadata */ protected void registerModel(Item item, int meta) { registerModel(item, meta, "inventory"); } /** * Registers the item's model with the according variant. * @param item The item * @param meta The metadata * @param variant The variant. If a specific property, it should likely be "property=name" */ protected void registerModel(Item item, int meta, String variant) { ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(item, meta, new ModelResourceLocation(item.getRegistryName(), variant)); } /** * Overload for {@link #registerModelItemStack(ItemStack, String)} that passes "inventory" as the variant. */ protected void registerModelItemStack(ItemStack stack) { registerModelItemStack(stack, "inventory"); } /** * Registers an item model for the given itemstack, based on its unlocalized name. */ protected void registerModelItemStack(ItemStack stack, String variant) { Item item = stack.getItem(); String name = item.getRegistryName() + "." + stack.getItemDamage(); ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(item, stack.getItemDamage(), new ModelResourceLocation(name, variant)); } protected void add3x3Recipe(ItemStack out, String in) { GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ShapedOreRecipe(out, "xxx", "xxx", "xxx", 'x', in )); } public void registerTileEntity(Class<? extends TileEntity> clazz, String key) { GameRegistry.registerTileEntityWithAlternatives(clazz, EsteemedInnovation.MOD_ID + ":" + key); } }