package eiteam.esteemedinnovation.commons.capabilities.player; import; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; public interface PlayerData { /** * Gets the prevStep for the player. * @return Float. Can be null. */ @Nullable Float getPreviousStepHeight(); /** * Gets the tick cache for the player. Used b the exosuit wings. * @return int */ int getTickCache(); /** * Gets whether the player's range has been extended (for example by the Extendo Fist) * @return boolean */ boolean isRangeExtended(); /** * Gets the player's previous X, Z motions. * @return Pair of doubles. */ @Nullable Pair<Double, Double> getLastMotions(); /** * Sets the previous step height * @param value Float, can be null */ void setPreviousStepHeight(@Nullable Float value); /** * Sets the tick cache * @param value int */ void setTickCache(int value); /** * Sets the player's range-extended status. * @param value boolean */ void setRangeExtended(boolean value); /** * Sets the player's previous X, Z motions. * @param value a pair of doubles */ void setLastMotions(@Nullable Pair<Double, Double> value); /** * Sets whether the player has unlocked this specific piece in their EI journal. * @param piece The keyname for the piece. This is ideally how you should be handling your * {@link BookPiece#isUnlocked(EntityPlayer)} implementer. * @param unlocked True if it is being unlocked, false if it is being locked. * @return True if the value changed in any way. */ boolean setHasUnlockedBookPiece(String piece, boolean unlocked); /** * @return A set of all unlocked pieces. The strings are the keys as utilized in {@link #setHasUnlockedBookPiece(String, boolean)}. */ Set<String> getAllUnlockedPieces(); class DefaultImplementation implements PlayerData { private Float previousStepHeight = null; private int tickCache = -1; private boolean isRangeExtended = false; private Pair<Double, Double> lastMotions = null; private Set<String> unlockedPieces = new HashSet<>(); @Override public Float getPreviousStepHeight() { return previousStepHeight; } @Override public int getTickCache() { return tickCache; } @Override public boolean isRangeExtended() { return isRangeExtended; } @Override public Pair<Double, Double> getLastMotions() { return lastMotions; } @Override public void setPreviousStepHeight(Float value) { previousStepHeight = value; } @Override public void setTickCache(int value) { tickCache = value; } @Override public void setRangeExtended(boolean value) { isRangeExtended = value; } @Override public void setLastMotions(Pair<Double, Double> value) { lastMotions = value; } @Override public boolean setHasUnlockedBookPiece(String piece, boolean unlocked) { return unlocked ? unlockedPieces.add(piece) : unlockedPieces.remove(piece); } @Override public Set<String> getAllUnlockedPieces() { return unlockedPieces; } } }