package v2.simpleUi; import v2.simpleUi.uiDecoration.UiDecoratable; import v2.simpleUi.uiDecoration.UiDecorator; import v2.simpleUi.util.ImageTransform; import android.content.Context; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams; import android.widget.LinearLayout; public class M_LeftRight implements ModifierInterface, UiDecoratable { private ModifierInterface myLeft; private ModifierInterface myRight; private UiDecorator myDecorator; private Integer minimumHeigthInDip; private boolean bothViewsSameHeigth; private float myLeftWeigth = 1; private float myRigthWeigth = 1; /** * @param left * @param leftWeigth * if the left view should be 3 times as big as the rigth one * pass 3 here * @param right * @param rigthWeigth * if the left view should be 3 times as big as the rigth one * pass 1 here */ public M_LeftRight(ModifierInterface left, int leftWeigth, ModifierInterface right, int rigthWeigth) { myLeft = left; myRight = right; myLeftWeigth = 1f / leftWeigth; myRigthWeigth = 1f / rigthWeigth; } public M_LeftRight(ModifierInterface left, int leftWeigth, ModifierInterface right, int rigthWeigth, int minimumLineHeigthInDIP, boolean bothViewsSameHeigth) { this(left, leftWeigth, right, rigthWeigth); this.minimumHeigthInDip = minimumLineHeigthInDIP; this.bothViewsSameHeigth = bothViewsSameHeigth; } @Override public View getView(Context context) { LinearLayout l = new LinearLayout(context); l.setPadding(l.getPaddingLeft(), l.getPaddingTop() + 10, l.getPaddingRight(), l.getPaddingBottom()); l.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); if (minimumHeigthInDip != null) { // params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( // LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, // MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec( // (int) ImageTransform.dipToPixels( // context.getResources(), minimumHeigthInDip), // MeasureSpec.EXACTLY), 1); l.setMinimumHeight((int) ImageTransform.dipToPixels( context.getResources(), minimumHeigthInDip)); } if (myDecorator != null) { int level = myDecorator.getCurrentLevel(); myDecorator.decorate(context, l, level + 1, UiDecorator.TYPE_CONTAINER); myDecorator.setCurrentLevel(level + 1); } View left = myLeft.getView(context); View right = myRight.getView(context); l.addView(left); l.addView(right); if (bothViewsSameHeigth) { left.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, myLeftWeigth)); right.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, myRigthWeigth)); int h = (int) ImageTransform.dipToPixels(context.getResources(), minimumHeigthInDip); left.setMinimumHeight(h); right.setMinimumHeight(h); } else { // TODO or always use FILL_PARENT for height? left.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, myLeftWeigth)); right.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, myRigthWeigth)); } if (myDecorator != null) { myDecorator.setCurrentLevel(myDecorator.getCurrentLevel() - 1); } return l; } @Override public boolean save() { return &&; } @Override public boolean assignNewDecorator(UiDecorator decorator) { myDecorator = decorator; boolean l = false; boolean r = false; if (myLeft instanceof UiDecoratable) { l = ((UiDecoratable) myLeft).assignNewDecorator(decorator); } if (myRight instanceof UiDecoratable) { r = ((UiDecoratable) myRight).assignNewDecorator(decorator); } return l && r; } }