package system; import listeners.ProcessListener; import util.EfficientList; import util.Log; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.ProgressBar; import android.widget.TextView; import commands.Command; public class TaskManager implements Runnable, ProcessListener { private static final String LOG_TAG = "Tast Manager"; private static TaskManager myInstance = new TaskManager(); public static TaskManager getInstance() { return myInstance; } private TaskList myTasks; private boolean isRunning; private Thread managerThread; private ProgressBar myProgressWheel; private TextView myProgressText; private TextView myProgressSizeText; private Handler mHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()); private String myIdleText = ""; private String myWorkingPrefix = "<"; private String myWorkingMiddle = "/"; private String myWorkingSuffix = ">"; public void addHighPrioTask(Command commandToAdd) { if (myTasks == null) { myTasks = new TaskList(); } myTasks.addHighPrioTask(commandToAdd); updateProgressIfNecesarry(myTasks.getMyHighPrioTasks().myLength); startTaskManagerIfNecesarry(); } public void addNormalPrioTask(Command commandToAdd) { if (myTasks == null) { myTasks = new TaskList(); } myTasks.addNormalPrioTask(commandToAdd); updateProgressIfNecesarry(myTasks.getMyNormalPrioTasks().myLength); startTaskManagerIfNecesarry(); } public void addLowPrioTask(Command commandToAdd) { if (myTasks == null) { myTasks = new TaskList(); } myTasks.addLowPrioTask(commandToAdd); updateProgressIfNecesarry(myTasks.getMyLowPrioTasks().myLength); startTaskManagerIfNecesarry(); } private void startTaskManagerIfNecesarry() { if (!isRunning()) { managerThread = new Thread(this); try { managerThread.start(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public synchronized boolean isRunning() { return isRunning; } public synchronized void setRunning(boolean isRunning) { this.isRunning = isRunning; } @Override public void run() { /* * do not built any infinite loops in here! this should be a one shot * thing */ setRunning(true); boolean anythingLeftToDo = true; Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Start executing all tasks!"); while (anythingLeftToDo) { anythingLeftToDo = false; while (checkIfIsNotEmpty(myTasks.getMyHighPrioTasks())) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Working on high priority tasks"); anythingLeftToDo = runTasksInList(myTasks.getMyHighPrioTasks()) || anythingLeftToDo; } while (checkIfIsNotEmpty(myTasks.getMyNormalPrioTasks())) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Working on normal priority tasks"); anythingLeftToDo = runTasksInList(myTasks .getMyNormalPrioTasks()) || anythingLeftToDo; } while (checkIfIsNotEmpty(myTasks.getMyLowPrioTasks())) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Working on low priority tasks"); anythingLeftToDo = runTasksInList(myTasks.getMyLowPrioTasks()) || anythingLeftToDo; } // now check if anything was added anythingLeftToDo = checkIfIsNotEmpty(myTasks.getMyHighPrioTasks()) || anythingLeftToDo; anythingLeftToDo = checkIfIsNotEmpty(myTasks.getMyHighPrioTasks()) || anythingLeftToDo; anythingLeftToDo = checkIfIsNotEmpty(myTasks.getMyHighPrioTasks()) || anythingLeftToDo; } setRunning(false); Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Finshed with all tasks. Doing Harakiri now!"); } private synchronized boolean checkIfIsNotEmpty(EfficientList<Command> l) { if (l.myLength > 0) { return true; } return false; } private boolean runTasksInList(EfficientList<Command> l) { initGui(myTasks.getMyHighPrioTasks().myLength); int i; for (i = 0; i < myTasks.getMyHighPrioTasks().myLength; i++) { onProcessStep(i, myTasks.getMyHighPrioTasks().myLength, l.get(i)); // dont use if to better find possible errors: // if (l.myArray[i] != null) Command x = l.get(i); if (x != null) { x.execute(); l.remove(x); } } resetGui(); return false; } private void initGui(final int listLength) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (myProgressWheel != null) { myProgressWheel.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); myProgressWheel.setMax(listLength); myProgressWheel.setProgress(0); } } }); } private void resetGui() { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { resetProgressText(); resetProgressWheel(); resetProgressSizeText(); } }); } private void updateProgressIfNecesarry(final int newListSize) { if (isRunning()) { if (myProgressWheel != null) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { myProgressWheel.setMax(newListSize); } }); } if (myProgressSizeText != null) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { myProgressSizeText.setText(myWorkingMiddle + newListSize + myWorkingSuffix); } }); } } } public View getProgressWheel(Context context) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "TM loading wheel"); if (myProgressWheel == null) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "TM new wheel"); myProgressWheel = new ProgressBar(context); } if (myProgressWheel.getContext() != context) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "TM wheel had wrong context"); ((ViewGroup) myProgressWheel.getParent()) .removeView(myProgressWheel); } resetProgressWheel(); return myProgressWheel; } private void resetProgressWheel() { if (myProgressWheel != null) { myProgressWheel.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } public View getProgressTextView(Context context, String idleText, String workingPrefix) { if (myProgressText == null) { myProgressText = new TextView(context); } if (myProgressText.getContext() != context) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "TM text had wrong context"); ((ViewGroup) myProgressText.getParent()).removeView(myProgressText); } if (idleText != null) { myIdleText = idleText; } if (workingPrefix != null) { myWorkingPrefix = workingPrefix; } resetProgressText(); return myProgressText; } private void resetProgressText() { if (myProgressText != null) { myProgressText.setText(myIdleText); } } public View getProgressSizeText(Context context, String idleText, String workingMiddle, String workingSuffix) { if (myProgressSizeText == null) { myProgressSizeText = new TextView(context); } if (myProgressSizeText.getContext() != context) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "TM size text had wrong context"); ((ViewGroup) myProgressSizeText.getParent()) .removeView(myProgressSizeText); } if (idleText != null) { myIdleText = idleText; } if (workingMiddle != null) { myWorkingMiddle = workingMiddle; } if (workingSuffix != null) { myWorkingSuffix = workingSuffix; } resetProgressSizeText(); return myProgressSizeText; } private void resetProgressSizeText() { if (myProgressSizeText != null) { myProgressSizeText.setText(myIdleText); } } @Override public void onProcessStep(final int pos, final int max, Object objectToProcessNow) { // Update the progress bar Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (myProgressWheel != null) { myProgressWheel.setMax(max); myProgressWheel.setProgress(pos); } if (myProgressText != null) { myProgressText.setText(myWorkingPrefix + pos); } if (myProgressSizeText != null) { myProgressSizeText.setText(myWorkingMiddle + max + myWorkingSuffix); } } }); } public static void resetInstance() { myInstance = new TaskManager(); } }