package gui.simpleUI; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.ImageButton; import android.widget.TextView; public class Theme implements EditItem { private Theme.ThemeBackground background1; private Theme.TextStyle headerText1; private Theme.TextStyle normalText1; private Theme.ThemeBackground backgroundForText1; private Theme.ThemeBackground backgroundButtons1; private Theme.ThemeBackground background2; private Theme.TextStyle headerText2; private Theme.TextStyle normalText2; private Theme.ThemeBackground backgroundForText2; private Theme.ThemeBackground backgroundButtons2; private final Theme.ThemeColors myColors; public Theme(Theme.ThemeColors colors) { myColors = colors; } public static Theme A(Context a, Theme.ThemeColors colors) { Theme theme = new Theme(colors); // theme.backgroundMainContainer = ThemeBackground.B1(); theme.background1 = ThemeBackground.B1(); theme.setAllTextStylesTo(TextStyle.DefaultAndroidStyle()); theme.backgroundButtons1 = ThemeBackground.B2(); return theme; } public void setAllTextStylesTo(Theme.TextStyle t) { headerText1 = t; headerText2 = t; normalText1 = t; normalText2 = t; } public static Theme B(Context a, Theme.ThemeColors colors) { Theme theme = new Theme(colors); // theme.backgroundMainContainer = ThemeBackground.B2(); theme.backgroundButtons1 = ThemeBackground.B1(); theme.setAllTextStylesTo(TextStyle.Pony(a, 40)); theme.headerText1 = TextStyle.Pony(a, 40); theme.headerText2 = TextStyle.Pony(a, 40); theme.normalText1 = TextStyle.Pony(a, 25); theme.normalText2 = TextStyle.Pony(a, 15); return theme; } public static Theme C(Context a, Theme.ThemeColors colors) { Theme theme = new Theme(colors); // theme.backgroundMainContainer = ThemeBackground.B2(); theme.backgroundButtons1 = ThemeBackground.B1(); theme.headerText1 = TextStyle.Disko(a, 40); theme.headerText2 = TextStyle.Disko(a, 40); theme.normalText1 = TextStyle.Disko(a, 25); theme.normalText2 = TextStyle.Disko(a, 15); return theme; } public static Theme D(Context a, Theme.ThemeColors colors) { Theme theme = new Theme(colors); // theme.backgroundMainContainer = ThemeBackground.B2(); theme.headerText1 = TextStyle.Gothic(a, 45); theme.headerText2 = TextStyle.Gothic(a, 45); theme.normalText1 = TextStyle.Gothic(a, 30); theme.normalText2 = TextStyle.Gothic(a, 20); theme.backgroundButtons1 = ThemeBackground.B2(); return theme; } public static Theme E(Context a, Theme.ThemeColors colors) { Theme theme = new Theme(colors); // theme.backgroundMainContainer = ThemeBackground.B2(); theme.headerText1 = TextStyle.GiantHead(a, 45); theme.headerText2 = TextStyle.GiantHead(a, 45); theme.normalText1 = TextStyle.GiantHead(a, 30); theme.normalText2 = TextStyle.GiantHead(a, 20); theme.backgroundButtons1 = ThemeBackground.B2(); return theme; } public static Theme F(Context a, Theme.ThemeColors colors) { Theme theme = new Theme(colors); // theme.backgroundMainContainer = ThemeBackground.B2(); theme.headerText1 = TextStyle.GiantHead2(a, 45); theme.headerText2 = TextStyle.GiantHead2(a, 45); theme.normalText1 = TextStyle.GiantHead2(a, 30); theme.normalText2 = TextStyle.GiantHead2(a, 20); theme.backgroundButtons1 = ThemeBackground.B2(); return theme; } public static Theme G(Context a, Theme.ThemeColors colors) { Theme theme = new Theme(colors); // theme.backgroundMainContainer = ThemeBackground.B2(); theme.headerText1 = TextStyle.Scars(a, 45); theme.headerText2 = TextStyle.Scars(a, 45); theme.normalText1 = TextStyle.Scars(a, 30); theme.normalText2 = TextStyle.Scars(a, 20); theme.backgroundButtons1 = ThemeBackground.B2(); return theme; } public static Theme H(Context a, Theme.ThemeColors colors) { Theme theme = new Theme(colors); // theme.backgroundMainContainer = ThemeBackground.B2(); theme.headerText1 = TextStyle.Scars2(a, 45); theme.headerText2 = TextStyle.Scars2(a, 45); theme.normalText1 = TextStyle.Scars2(a, 30); theme.normalText2 = TextStyle.Scars2(a, 20); theme.backgroundButtons1 = ThemeBackground.B2(); return theme; } public static Theme I(Context a, Theme.ThemeColors colors) { Theme theme = new Theme(colors); // theme.backgroundMainContainer = ThemeBackground.B2(); theme.headerText1 = TextStyle.Grumble(a, 45); theme.headerText2 = TextStyle.Grumble(a, 45); theme.normalText1 = TextStyle.Grumble(a, 30); theme.normalText2 = TextStyle.Grumble(a, 20); theme.backgroundButtons1 = ThemeBackground.B2(); return theme; } public static class ThemeColors { private static final int DEFAULT_ALPHA = 220; public static final int[] Ggray = initGradientGray(); public static int whiteB = toARGB(DEFAULT_ALPHA, 255, 255, 255); public static int whiteD = toARGB(DEFAULT_ALPHA, 200, 200, 200); public static int redD = toARGB(DEFAULT_ALPHA, 100, 0, 0); public static int redB = toARGB(DEFAULT_ALPHA, 240, 35, 13); public static int greenD = toARGB(DEFAULT_ALPHA, 0, 80, 0); public static int greenB = toARGB(DEFAULT_ALPHA, 0, 110, 0); public static int blueD = toARGB(DEFAULT_ALPHA, 0, 0, 100); public static int blueB = toARGB(DEFAULT_ALPHA, 32, 32, 150); public static int orangeD = toARGB(DEFAULT_ALPHA, 255, 100, 0); public static int orangeB = toARGB(DEFAULT_ALPHA, 255, 162, 21); public static int grayD = toARGB(DEFAULT_ALPHA, 75, 75, 75); public static int grayB = toARGB(DEFAULT_ALPHA, 150, 150, 150); public static int blackD = toARGB(DEFAULT_ALPHA, 10, 10, 10); public static int blackB = toARGB(DEFAULT_ALPHA, 50, 50, 50); public static int blackT1 = toARGB(100, 0, 0, 0); public static int blackT2 = toARGB(200, 0, 0, 0); private int headerText1; private int headerShadow1; private int[] outer1BG; private int headerText2; private int headerShadow2; private int[] outer2BG; private int normalText1; private int normalShadow1; private int[] normalBG1; private int normalText2; private int normalShadow2; private int[] normalBG2; private int buttonText1; private int buttonShadow1; private int[] buttonBG1; private int[] buttonBG2; private int buttonShadow2; /** * @param alpha * [0..255] * @param red * [0..255] * @param green * [0..255] * @param blue * [0..255] * @return the calculated argb value */ public static int toARGB(int alpha, int red, int green, int blue) { return, red, green, blue); } private static int[] initGradientGray() { int[] c = new int[3]; int f = -20; c[0] = toARGB(255, 90 + f, 90 + f, 90 + f); c[1] = toARGB(255, 85 + f, 85 + f, 85 + f); c[2] = toARGB(255, 80 + f, 80 + f, 80 + f); return c; } private static int[] initGradientGray2() { int[] c = new int[3]; int f = -40; c[0] = toARGB(255, 190 + f, 190 + f, 190 + f); c[1] = toARGB(255, 185 + f, 185 + f, 185 + f); c[2] = toARGB(255, 160 + f, 160 + f, 160 + f); return c; } public static Theme.ThemeColors initToRed() { Theme.ThemeColors c = new ThemeColors(); int[] colorArray = new int[2]; colorArray[0] = ThemeColors.redB; colorArray[1] = ThemeColors.redD; c.applyToAllTextColors(ThemeColors.blackT1); c.applyToImportantBackgrounds(colorArray); c.applyToAllShadows(ThemeColors.redB); return c; } public static Theme.ThemeColors initToGreen() { Theme.ThemeColors c = new ThemeColors(); int[] colorArray = new int[5]; int alpha = 160; colorArray[0] = toARGB(alpha, 0, 95, 0); colorArray[1] = toARGB(alpha, 0, 95, 0); colorArray[2] = toARGB(alpha, 0, 110, 0); colorArray[3] = toARGB(alpha, 0, 95, 0); colorArray[4] = toARGB(alpha, 0, 95, 0); c.applyToAllTextColors(ThemeColors.whiteB); c.applyToImportantBackgrounds(colorArray); c.applyToAllShadows(ThemeColors.blackB); return c; } public static Theme.ThemeColors initToBlue() { Theme.ThemeColors c = new ThemeColors(); int[] colorArray = new int[2]; colorArray[0] = ThemeColors.blueD; colorArray[1] = ThemeColors.blueB; c.applyToAllTextColors(toARGB(255, 200, 200, 200)); c.applyToImportantBackgrounds(colorArray); c.applyToAllShadows(toARGB(255, 0, 0, 0)); return c; } public static Theme.ThemeColors initToBlack() { Theme.ThemeColors c = new ThemeColors(); c.applyToAllTextColors(ThemeColors.whiteB); c.applyToImportantBackgrounds(initGradientGray()); c.buttonBG1 = initGradientGray2(); c.applyToAllShadows(Color.GRAY); return c; } public void applyToAllShadows(int color) { normalShadow1 = color; normalShadow2 = color; buttonShadow1 = color; buttonShadow2 = color; headerShadow1 = color; headerShadow2 = color; } public void applyToAllBackgrounds(int[] colorGradient) { buttonBG1 = colorGradient; buttonBG2 = colorGradient; normalBG1 = colorGradient; normalBG2 = colorGradient; outer1BG = colorGradient; outer2BG = colorGradient; } public void applyToImportantBackgrounds(int[] colorGradient) { buttonBG1 = colorGradient; buttonBG2 = colorGradient; outer1BG = colorGradient; } public void applyToAllTextColors(int color) { normalText1 = color; normalText2 = color; headerText1 = color; headerText2 = color; buttonText1 = color; } public void applyNormal1(TextView v) { if (normalText1 != 0) v.setTextColor(normalText1); } public void applyNormal1(Button v) { if (buttonText1 != 0) v.setTextColor(buttonText1); } public int[] getBackgroundColors() { return outer1BG; } public void applyNormal2(TextView v) { if (normalText2 != 0) v.setTextColor(normalText2); } public void applyHeaderC1(TextView v) { if (headerText1 != 0) v.setTextColor(headerText1); } public void applyHeaderC2(TextView v) { if (headerText2 != 0) v.setTextColor(headerText2); } } public static class TextStyle { private Typeface textTypeface; private float textSize = 0; private float shadowSize = 1; private float shadowXPos = 1; private float shadowYPos = 1; /** * @param a * @param fontName * fonts have to be located in the assets/fonts folder and * fontName should be something like "MyFont.otf". Free fonts * are available at <a * href="" * ></a> for * example */ public void setTextFont(Context a, String fontName) { textTypeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(a.getAssets(), fontName); } public void setTextSize(int textSize) { this.textSize = textSize; } public static Theme.TextStyle DefaultAndroidStyle() { Theme.TextStyle s = new TextStyle(); return s; } /** * @param a * @param size * use 40 for big letters and 20 for small ones * @param color * @return */ public static Theme.TextStyle GiantHead(Context a, float size) { Theme.TextStyle s = new TextStyle(); s.setTextFont(a, "giant_head_regular_tt.ttf"); s.textSize = size; return s; } public static Theme.TextStyle Pony(Context a, float size) { Theme.TextStyle s = new TextStyle(); s.setTextFont(a, "one_trick_pony_tt.ttf"); s.textSize = size; return s; } public static Theme.TextStyle Gothic(Context a, float size) { Theme.TextStyle s = new TextStyle(); s.setTextFont(a, "gothic_ultra_tt.ttf"); s.textSize = size; return s; } public static Theme.TextStyle Disko(Context a, float size) { Theme.TextStyle s = new TextStyle(); s.setTextFont(a, "disko_tt.ttf"); s.textSize = size; return s; } public static Theme.TextStyle GiantHead2(Context a, float size) { Theme.TextStyle s = new TextStyle(); s.setTextFont(a, "giant_head_two_tt.ttf"); s.textSize = size; return s; } public static Theme.TextStyle Grumble(Context a, float size) { Theme.TextStyle s = new TextStyle(); s.setTextFont(a, "grumble_tt.ttf"); s.textSize = size; return s; } public static Theme.TextStyle Scars(Context a, float size) { Theme.TextStyle s = new TextStyle(); s.setTextFont(a, "myscars_tt.ttf"); s.textSize = size; return s; } public static Theme.TextStyle Scars2(Context a, float size) { Theme.TextStyle s = new TextStyle(); s.setTextFont(a, "mybleedingscars_tt.ttf"); s.textSize = size; return s; } public void applyTo(TextView v, int shadowColor) { if (textTypeface != null) v.setTypeface(textTypeface); if (textSize != 0) v.setTextSize(textSize); if (shadowColor != 0) v.setShadowLayer(shadowSize, shadowXPos, shadowYPos, shadowColor); } // public void applyTo(Button v) { // if (textTypeface != null) // v.setTypeface(textTypeface); // if (textSize != 0) // v.setTextSize(textSize); // // } } public static class ThemeBackground { private Orientation gradientOrientation; /** * is final because the colors in the theme can be changed but not the * ColorTheme itself */ private float[] cornerRadii; // private int leftPadding = SimpleUI.DEFAULT_PADDING; // private int topPadding = SimpleUI.DEFAULT_PADDING; // private int rightPadding = SimpleUI.DEFAULT_PADDING; // private int bottomPadding = SimpleUI.DEFAULT_PADDING; public static Theme.ThemeBackground B1() { Theme.ThemeBackground b = new ThemeBackground(); b.gradientOrientation = Orientation.TL_BR; b.cornerRadii = genCornerArray(10); return b; } public static Theme.ThemeBackground B2() { Theme.ThemeBackground b = new ThemeBackground(); b.gradientOrientation = Orientation.TOP_BOTTOM; b.cornerRadii = genCornerArray(5); return b; } public static Theme.ThemeBackground B3() { Theme.ThemeBackground b = new ThemeBackground(); b.gradientOrientation = Orientation.LEFT_RIGHT; b.cornerRadii = genCornerArray(10); return b; } public void applyTo(View v, int[] c) { if (c != null && gradientOrientation != null) { GradientDrawable s = new GradientDrawable(gradientOrientation, c); s.setCornerRadii(cornerRadii); v.setBackgroundDrawable(s); } } /** * @param leftTop * @param rightTop * @param rightBottom * @param leftBottom * @return */ public static float[] genCornerArray(int leftTop, int rightTop, int rightBottom, int leftBottom) { float[] a = new float[8]; int i = 0; a[i++] = leftTop; a[i++] = leftTop; a[i++] = rightTop; a[i++] = rightTop; a[i++] = rightBottom; a[i++] = rightBottom; a[i++] = leftBottom; a[i++] = leftBottom; return a; } private static float[] genCornerArray(int cornerSize) { return genCornerArray(cornerSize, cornerSize, cornerSize, cornerSize); } public void generateGUI(ModifierGroup group, Object message) { // group.addModifier(new ListModifier()); } } public void applyNormal1(View v) { if (background1 != null) background1.applyTo(v, myColors.normalBG1); } public void applyNormal1(EditText v) { if (backgroundForText1 != null) backgroundForText1.applyTo(v, myColors.normalBG1); if (normalText1 != null) normalText1.applyTo(v, myColors.normalShadow1); if (myColors != null) myColors.applyNormal1(v); } public void applyNormal1(TextView v) { if (backgroundForText1 != null) backgroundForText1.applyTo(v, myColors.normalBG1); if (normalText1 != null) normalText1.applyTo(v, myColors.normalShadow1); if (myColors != null) myColors.applyNormal1(v); } public void applyNormal1(Button v) { if (backgroundButtons1 != null) backgroundButtons1.applyTo(v, myColors.buttonBG1); if (normalText1 != null) normalText1.applyTo(v, myColors.buttonShadow1); if (myColors != null) myColors.applyNormal1(v); } public void applyNormal1(ImageButton v) { if (backgroundButtons1 != null) backgroundButtons1.applyTo(v, myColors.buttonBG1); // if (normalText1 != null) // normalText1.applyTo(v, myColors.buttonShadow1); // if (myColors != null) // myColors.applyNormal1(v); // TODO } public void applyNormal2(View v) { if (background2 != null) background2.applyTo(v, myColors.normalBG2); } public void applyNormal2(TextView v) { if (backgroundForText2 != null) backgroundForText2.applyTo(v, myColors.normalBG2); if (normalText2 != null) normalText2.applyTo(v, myColors.normalShadow2); if (myColors != null) myColors.applyNormal2(v); } public void applyNormal2(Button v) { if (backgroundButtons2 != null) backgroundButtons2.applyTo(v, myColors.buttonBG2); if (normalText2 != null) normalText2.applyTo(v, myColors.buttonShadow2); if (myColors != null) myColors.applyNormal2(v); } // public void applyToMainContainer(View v) { // if (backgroundMainContainer != null) // backgroundMainContainer.applyTo(v, myColors.outer1BG); // } public void applyOuter1(View v) { if (background1 != null) background1.applyTo(v, myColors.outer1BG); } public void applyOuter1(TextView v) { if (background1 != null) background1.applyTo(v, myColors.outer1BG); if (headerText1 != null) headerText1.applyTo(v, myColors.headerShadow1); if (myColors != null) myColors.applyHeaderC1(v); } public void applyOuter2(View v) { if (background2 != null) background2.applyTo(v, myColors.outer2BG); } public void applyOuter2(TextView v) { if (background2 != null) background2.applyTo(v, myColors.outer2BG); if (headerText2 != null) headerText2.applyTo(v, myColors.headerShadow2); if (myColors != null) myColors.applyHeaderC2(v); } @Override public void customizeScreen(ModifierGroup group, Object message) { this.background1.generateGUI(group, message); } }