package gui; import system.ActivityConnector; import util.EfficientList; import util.Log; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.ContextMenu; import android.view.ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.view.Window; import android.widget.AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo; import android.widget.BaseAdapter; import android.widget.ListView; import commands.Command; import commands.CommandGroup; /** * will probably be replaced by a smartui class * * @author Spobo * */ @Deprecated public class CustomListActivity extends ListActivity { ListSettings mySettings; // TODO why is this id static??: private String activityId = ""; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); // TODO write this in onresume?? activityId = getIntent().getExtras().getString( ActivityConnector.KEY_IDENTIFIER); Object x = ActivityConnector.getInstance() .loadObjFromNewlyCreatedActivity(this); if (x instanceof ListSettings) { mySettings = (ListSettings) x; Log.d("ListActivity", "Setting adapter=" + mySettings.adapter + " to CommandListActivity"); setListAdapter(mySettings.adapter); this.setTitle(mySettings.getActivityTitle()); } else { Log.e("ListActivity", "Passing CustomBasAdapter from Activity A to B failed!"); } registerForContextMenu(getListView()); } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { Log.d("ListActivity", "Creating optionsmenu"); if (createOptionsMenu(menu)) { return true; } Log.d("ListActivity", "No Optionsmenu defined"); return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu); } /* * every time you longpress an item in the list is done. so get the * commandgroup or command of the item and show all possibilities */ @Override public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) { AdapterContextMenuInfo info = (AdapterContextMenuInfo) menuInfo; int position = info.position; if (mySettings.adapter.getItem(position) instanceof ListItem) { ListItem item = (ListItem) mySettings.adapter.getItem(position); if (!createLongClickMenu(menu, item)) { Log.e("ListActivity", "Long click menu wasn't created correctly! :("); menu.close(); } Log.e("ListActivity", "Long click menu created correctly! :)"); } else { Log.e("ListActivity", "Long click menu wasn't created correctly! :("); menu.close(); } } @Override public boolean onContextItemSelected(MenuItem item) { AdapterContextMenuInfo info = (AdapterContextMenuInfo) item .getMenuInfo(); Log.d("ListActivity", "info.position=" + info.position); if (mySettings.adapter.getItem(info.position) instanceof ListItem) { ListItem listitem = (ListItem) mySettings.adapter .getItem(info.position); if (clickLongOnListItem(listitem, item.getItemId())) { executeCorrectLongClickCommand(listitem); refreshList(); return true; } else { Log.w("ListActivity", "long click on item in menu wasn't executed correctly"); } } Log.w("ListActivity", "LongCLick action wasn't executed correctly!"); return false; } @Override protected void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) { Log.d("ListActivity", "Item in list was clicked: pos=" + position + " id=" + id); Log.d("ListActivity", " -> Informing " + mySettings.adapter.getItem(position)); if (mySettings.adapter.getItem(position) instanceof ListItem) { ListItem item = (ListItem) mySettings.adapter.getItem(position); if (clickOnListItem(item)) { executeCorrectClickCommand(item); refreshList(); if (mySettings.closeOnCorrectClick) { this.finish(); } } else { Log.w("ListActivity", "on click command wasnt executed correctly!"); } } else { Log.w("ListActivity", "Item " + mySettings.adapter.getItem(position) + " was clicked in list, but wasn't ListItem " + "so nothing is done!"); } } @Override public boolean onMenuItemSelected(int featureId, MenuItem item) { Log.d("ListActivity", "Item in options menu clicked(featureId=" + featureId + ", item=" + item + ")"); if (featureId == Window.FEATURE_CONTEXT_MENU) { return onContextItemSelected(item); } if (featureId == Window.FEATURE_OPTIONS_PANEL) { if (mySettings.myMenuCommands != null) { if (mySettings.myMenuCommands instanceof CommandGroup) { boolean b = ((CommandGroup) mySettings.myMenuCommands).myList .get(item.getItemId()).execute(); refreshList(); return b; } boolean b = mySettings.myMenuCommands.execute(); refreshList(); return b; } } return super.onMenuItemSelected(featureId, item); } private void executeCorrectClickCommand(ListItem item) { if (mySettings.myCommandOnCorrectClick != null) { mySettings.myCommandOnCorrectClick.execute(item); } } private void executeCorrectLongClickCommand(ListItem item) { if (mySettings.myCommandOnCorrectLongClick != null) { mySettings.myCommandOnCorrectLongClick.execute(item); } } private void refreshList() { Log.d("ListActivity", "Trying to refresh list"); if (mySettings.adapter instanceof BaseAdapter) { ((BaseAdapter) mySettings.adapter).notifyDataSetChanged(); // ((BaseAdapter) mySettings.adapter).notifyDataSetInvalidated(); Log.d("ListActivity", " -> List refreshed :)"); } } public boolean clickOnListItem(ListItem i) { if (mySettings.myDefaultClickCommand != null) { return mySettings.myDefaultClickCommand.execute(i); } Command c = i.getListClickCommand(); if (c != null) { return c.execute(i); } Log.w("ListActivity", "Item has no click command and defaultClickCommand was null too!"); return false; } public boolean createOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { // check settings and load if necessary: if (mySettings == null) { Log.w("ListActivity", "mySetup was null, trying to reload it.."); if (activityId != "") { Object x = ActivityConnector.getInstance().getObj(activityId); if (x instanceof ListSettings) { mySettings = (ListSettings) x; Log.d("ListActivity", "Setting adapter=" + mySettings.adapter + " to CommandListActivity"); setListAdapter(mySettings.adapter); } } } // recheck mySettings if (mySettings == null) { Log.e("ListActivity", "mySetup could not be loaded"); // TODO exit app? return false; } if (mySettings.myMenuCommands instanceof CommandGroup) { Log.d("ListActivity", "Menu commands loaded"); return fillMenuWithCommandsFromCommandgroup(menu, (CommandGroup) mySettings.myMenuCommands); } if (mySettings.myMenuCommands != null) { Log.d("ListActivity", "Menu command was loaded"); menu.add(mySettings.myMenuCommands.getInfoObject().getShortDescr()); return true; } Log.w("ListActivity", "No menu commands were set"); return false; } public boolean createLongClickMenu(ContextMenu menu, ListItem item) { if (mySettings.myDefaultLongClickCommand instanceof CommandGroup) { return fillMenuWithCommandsFromCommandgroup(menu, (CommandGroup) mySettings.myDefaultLongClickCommand); } if (mySettings.myDefaultLongClickCommand != null) { menu.add(mySettings.myDefaultLongClickCommand.getInfoObject() .getShortDescr()); return true; } if (item.getListLongClickCommand() instanceof CommandGroup) { return fillMenuWithCommandsFromCommandgroup(menu, (CommandGroup) item.getListLongClickCommand()); } if (item.getListLongClickCommand() instanceof Command) { // TODO maybe let ListItem implement MetaInfoInterface ?? menu.add((item.getListLongClickCommand()).getInfoObject() .getShortDescr()); return true; } return false; } private boolean fillMenuWithCommandsFromCommandgroup(Menu menu, CommandGroup g) { EfficientList<Command> a = g.myList; final int l = g.myList.myLength; for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { menu.add(Menu.NONE, i, Menu.NONE, a.get(i).getInfoObject() .getShortDescr()); } return true; } public boolean clickLongOnListItem(ListItem item, int menuId) { final Command defaultC = mySettings.myDefaultLongClickCommand; if (defaultC != null) { Log.d("ListActivity", "Executing default long press command: " + defaultC); if (defaultC instanceof CommandGroup) { return ((CommandGroup) defaultC).myList.get(menuId).execute( item); } return defaultC.execute(item); } Command c = item.getListLongClickCommand(); Log.d("ListActivity", "Executing long press command: " + c); if (c instanceof CommandGroup) { return ((CommandGroup) c).myList.get(menuId).execute(item); } if (c instanceof Command) { return c.execute(item); } Log.d("ListActivity", "Item has no long click command and defaultLongClickCommand was null too!"); return false; } public void setCloseOnCorrectClick(boolean closeOnCorrectClick) { mySettings.closeOnCorrectClick = closeOnCorrectClick; } }