package ox.augmented; /** * A clone of the CustomARSetup displaying markers in the virtual world randomly around the user * instead of using the GPS coordinates of the given Pois. * */ import geo.GeoObj; import gl.Color; import gl.CustomGLSurfaceView; import gl.GL1Renderer; import gl.GLCamera; import gl.GLFactory; import gui.GuiSetup; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Stack; import; import ox.augmented.model.Poi; import ox.augmented.model.Tour; import system.EventManager; import system.Setup; import util.Log; import util.Vec; import worldData.SystemUpdater; import worldData.World; import actions.Action; import actions.ActionCalcRelativePos; import actions.ActionRotateCameraBuffered; import actions.ActionWaitForAccuracy; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.location.Location; import; import; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.widget.TextView; import commands.Command; import commands.ui.CommandShowToast; public class RelativePositionSetup extends Setup { public int activeTourID; //set by caller module private Tour theActiveTour; private Poi theCurrentPoi; private boolean minAccuracyReached; //Whether the GPS location is accurate, initially false private String nextPlace; //Name of the next location private Location nextLocation; //Poi of the next location private int distanceAway; //Distance to the next Poi in metres private GLCamera camera; private World world; private GLFactory objectFactory; private ActionWaitForAccuracy minAccuracyAction; private Action rotateGLCameraAction; private GuiSetup guiSetup; private TextView distanceInfo; private Stack<GeoObj> markers; //A stack of the markers corresponding to the displayed pois private Stack<Poi> markedPois; //A Stack of the displayed Pois private static final String LOG_TAG = "RelativePositionSetup"; public Context context; //public MapView mapView; //public RelativePositionSetup(Context mainActivity){ // this.context = mainActivity; //} public RelativePositionSetup(){ } public void setTour(int id) { activeTourID = id; theActiveTour = TourCreator.parseXml(context.getResources().openRawResource(activeTourID)); } public void setTour(Tour tour) { theActiveTour = tour; theActiveTour.setIndex(0); } @Override public void _a_initFieldsIfNecessary() { camera = new GLCamera(); world = new World(camera); markers = new Stack<GeoObj>(); markedPois = new Stack<Poi>(); minAccuracyReached = true; distanceInfo = new TextView(getActivity()); //PRECONDITION: setTour(int) or setTour(Tour) has already been called before creating this Setup Tour tour = theActiveTour; //Tour tour = new Tour(context.getResources().openRawResource(activeTourID)); List<Poi> poisTest = tour.getAllPois(); System.out.println("TourData"); System.out.println("ID: "+tour.getID()); System.out.println("Name: " +tour.getName()); System.out.println("Info: " +tour.getInfo()); System.out.println("Size: " +tour.getSize()); for (int i = 0; i<tour.getSize(); i++){ System.out.println("POI " + i); System.out.println("Name: "+poisTest.get(i).getName()); System.out.println("Latitude: "+poisTest.get(i).getLatitude()); System.out.println("Longitude: "+poisTest.get(i).getLongitude()); System.out.println("Info: "+poisTest.get(i).getInfo()); if (poisTest.get(i).getDataSource()!=null) System.out.println("HashTags: "+poisTest.get(i).getDataSource().getSearchString()); } //theActiveTour = tour; distanceInfo.setText("Tour loaded: " + tour.getName()); } private void addNextPoi() { if (theActiveTour.hasNext()){ final Poi p = theActiveTour.getCurrentPoi(); theActiveTour.incrementIndex(); theCurrentPoi = p; updateDistanceInfo(); //final GeoObj o = new GeoObj(p.getLatitude(),p.getLongitude()); Random r = new Random(); final GeoObj o = new GeoObj(); o.setVirtualPosition(new Vec(r.nextInt(10),r.nextInt(10),0)); //o.setComp(objectFactory.newDiamond(; //Green represents unvisited o.setComp(objectFactory.newPyramid(new Vec(r.nextInt(10),r.nextInt(10),0), 4,; o.setOnClickCommand(new Command(){ @Override public boolean execute() { String data = p.getDataSourceInfo(); if(p.hasDataSource() && data != "") { displayDataSourceInfo(p.getName(), data); } else { displayDataSourceInfo(p.getName(),"No social media data for this location"); } return true; } }); o.setOnDoubleClickCommand(new Command(){ @Override public boolean execute() { displayInfo(p.getName(),p.getInfo()); if (theCurrentPoi==p){ //If current Poi add the next addNextPoi(); o.setColor(; //Blue represents visited } return true; } }); world.add(o); //Add the next marker to the world markers.push(o); //Push it to the stack of markers markedPois.push(p); //Push the Poi to the stack of displayed Pois } } private void updateDistanceInfo() { nextPlace = theCurrentPoi.getName(); nextLocation = new Location("nextLocation"); nextLocation.setLatitude(theCurrentPoi.getLatitude()); nextLocation.setLongitude(theCurrentPoi.getLongitude()); } /* Display Help dialog screen */ private void help() { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this.getActivity()); View view = View.inflate(getActivity(), R.layout.help_ar_layout, null); builder.setView(view); builder.setPositiveButton("Ok", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }); AlertDialog dialog = builder.create();; } private void skipPoi() { markers.peek().setColor(; displayInfo(theCurrentPoi.getName(), theCurrentPoi.getInfo()); addNextPoi(); } private void previousPoi() { if(markers.size() > 1){ guiSetup.getTopView().removeAllViews(); GeoObj m = markers.peek(); //A rather crude test if(m.getGraphicsComponent().getColor().equals( { world.remove(markers.pop()); theActiveTour.decrementIndex(); markedPois.pop(); } m = markers.peek(); m.setColor(; theCurrentPoi = markedPois.peek(); updateDistanceInfo(); } } //Display a TextView stating a name of a location and the data source's information on it private void displayDataSourceInfo(String name, String info) { final TextView v = (TextView)View.inflate(getActivity(), R.layout.poi_layout, null); v.setText(name + "\n" + info); v.setTextColor(Color.white().toIntARGB()); v.setBackgroundColor(Color.blueTransparent().toIntARGB()); v.setTextSize(24f); v.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View arg0) { guiSetup.getTopView().removeAllViews(); } }); getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { guiSetup.getTopView().removeAllViews(); guiSetup.addViewToTop(v); } }); } //Display the name of a location and the defined information about it private void displayInfo(String name, String info) { /**InfoScreenSettings i = new InfoScreenSettings(getActivity()); i.addText(name); i.addText(info); ActivityConnector.getInstance().startActivity(getActivity(), InfoScreen.class, i);**/ //Using DataSourceDisplay since InfoScreen doesn't display as intended displayDataSourceInfo(name, info); } @Override public void _b_addWorldsToRenderer(GL1Renderer glRenderer, GLFactory objectFactory, GeoObj currentPosition) { this.objectFactory = objectFactory; glRenderer.addRenderElement(world); addNextPoi(); } @Override public void _c_addActionsToEvents(final EventManager eventManager, CustomGLSurfaceView arView, SystemUpdater updater) { rotateGLCameraAction = new ActionRotateCameraBuffered(camera); eventManager.addOnOrientationChangedAction(rotateGLCameraAction); eventManager.addOnLocationChangedAction(new ActionCalcRelativePos(world, camera)); /*minAccuracyAction = new ActionWaitForAccuracy(getActivity(), 24.0f, 10) { @Override public void minAccuracyReachedFirstTime(Location l, ActionWaitForAccuracy a) { //Add the first Poi once there is good signal minAccuracyReached = true; addNextPoi(); if (!eventManager.getOnLocationChangedAction().remove(a)) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Could not remove minAccuracyAction from the onLocationChangedAction list"); } } }; eventManager.addOnLocationChangedAction(minAccuracyAction);*/ eventManager.addOnLocationChangedAction(new Action() { @Override public boolean onLocationChanged(Location location) { if(minAccuracyReached){ Location l = camera.getGPSLocation(); distanceAway = (int) l.distanceTo(nextLocation); if(distanceAway < 5) { //Add the next poi if within 5m of the current markers.peek().setColor(; displayInfo(theCurrentPoi.getName(), theCurrentPoi.getInfo()); addNextPoi(); } updateDistanceInfo(); distanceInfo.setText("Next location: " + nextPlace + ", Distance: " + distanceAway +"m"); } return true; //So that it is never removed from the list } }); } @Override public void _d_addElementsToUpdateThread(SystemUpdater updater) { updater.addObjectToUpdateCycle(world); updater.addObjectToUpdateCycle(rotateGLCameraAction); } @Override public void _e2_addElementsToGuiSetup(GuiSetup guiSetup, Activity activity) { this.guiSetup = guiSetup; //guiSetup.addViewToTop(minAccuracyAction.getView()); //Help Button guiSetup.addImangeButtonToRightView( R.drawable.ic_action_help, new Command() { @Override public boolean execute() { help(); return true; } }); //Next Poi Button guiSetup.addButtonToBottomView(new Command() { @Override public boolean execute() { if(minAccuracyReached) { skipPoi(); } else {, "Waiting on GPS accuracy"); } return true; } }, "Next"); //Previous Poi Button guiSetup.addButtonToBottomView(new Command() { @Override public boolean execute() { if(minAccuracyReached) { previousPoi(); } else {, "Waiting on GPS accuracy"); } return true; } }, "Previous"); //Show Map Button guiSetup.addButtonToBottomView(new Command() { @Override public boolean execute() { if(isOnline()) { Intent intent = new Intent(getActivity(), MapActivity.class); Poi[] p = theActiveTour.getAllPoisAsArray(); int n = p.length; double[] lats = new double[n]; double[] longs = new double[n]; String[] names = new String[n]; for(int i = 0;i < n; i++) { lats[i] = p[i].getLatitude(); longs[i] = p[i].getLongitude(); names[i] = p[i].getName(); } intent.putExtra("LATS", lats); intent.putExtra("LONGS", longs); intent.putExtra("NAMES", names); intent.putExtra("CURRENT", Math.max(0,theActiveTour.getIndex()-1)); getActivity().startActivity(intent); return true; } Log.d("RelativePositionSetup.Show map", "No internet connection, not displaying map.");, "No internet connection"); return false; } }, "Show map"); //Text stating the next location and the distance to it guiSetup.addViewToBottom(distanceInfo); } public boolean isOnline() { ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) getActivity().getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); NetworkInfo netInfo = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo(); if (netInfo != null && netInfo.isConnectedOrConnecting()) { return true; } return false; } }