package geo; import gl.Renderable; import gl.scenegraph.MeshComponent; import java.util.Arrays; import javax.microedition.khronos.opengles.GL10; import system.Container; import system.EventManager; import util.EfficientList; import util.EfficientListQualified; import util.Log; import worldData.AbstractObj; import worldData.Updateable; import worldData.Visitor; import worldData.World; /** * A {@link GeoGraph} is a simple graph which holds {@link GeoObj}s and supports * shortest path search eg. it extends {@link AbstractObj} and can be added to a * virtual {@link World} directly * * @author Spobo * */ public class GeoGraph extends AbstractObj implements Container<GeoObj> { private static final boolean DEBUG1 = false; private static final boolean DEBUG2 = false; private static final String LOG_TAG = "GeoGraph"; private EfficientListQualified<GeoObj> myNodes; private EfficientList<Edge> myEdges; private boolean isPath; private boolean nonDirectional = true; private boolean useEdges; /** * this constructor will automatically enable edges! */ public GeoGraph() { useEdges = true; } public GeoGraph(boolean usesEdges) { this.useEdges = usesEdges; } public boolean isNonDirectional() { return nonDirectional; } // public GeoGraph(GeoGraph graphToClone) { // setUseEdges(graphToClone.isUsingItsEdges()); // setIsPath(graphToClone.isPath()); // setNonDirectional(graphToClone.isNonDirectional()); // try { // if (graphToClone.getMyEdges() != null) // myEdges = graphToClone.getMyEdges().clone(); // // } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // myEdges = new EfficientList<Edge>(); // e.printStackTrace(); // } // try { // if (graphToClone.getMyItems() != null) // myGeoObjects = graphToClone.getMyItems().clone(); // } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // myGeoObjects = new EfficientListQualified<GeoObj>(); // e.printStackTrace(); // } // // } public GeoGraph dijkstra(GeoObj startPoint, GeoObj target) { Log.d("GeoGraph", "Running Dijkstra-algo from " + startPoint + " to " + target); if (startPoint == null || target == null) { Log.e("GeoGraph", "Dijkstra-algo error: startPoint or target were null!"); return null; } if (startPoint == target) { Log.w("GeoGraph", "Dijkstra-algo warning: startPoint and target were the same points."); GeoGraph g = new GeoGraph(); g.add(startPoint); return g; } // first move source item to first position because dijstra uses first // item as startPoint if (!moveObjToFirstPosition(startPoint)) { return null; } int nodesArrayLength = myNodes.myLength; // init edgeWeight Array: int[][] edgeWeight = new int[nodesArrayLength][nodesArrayLength]; for (int i = 0; i < nodesArrayLength; i++) { // init GeoObj id's (from 0 to n): myNodes.get(i).dijkstraId = i; // and init edgeWeight array: Arrays.fill(edgeWeight[i], Integer.MAX_VALUE); } final int edgesLength = myEdges.myLength; if (DEBUG1) { System.out.println(myNodes); Log.d("GeoGraph", "EdgesArrayLength=" + edgesLength); System.out.println(myEdges); } for (int i = 0; i < edgesLength; i++) { final Edge e = myEdges.get(i); edgeWeight[e.from.dijkstraId][] = e.weight; if (nonDirectional) edgeWeight[][e.from.dijkstraId] = e.weight; } if (DEBUG2) debugShowDist(edgeWeight); // initialize: int[] specialPathLength = new int[nodesArrayLength]; GeoObj[] previousNodeInPath = new GeoObj[nodesArrayLength]; EfficientList<GeoObj> canidateSet = new EfficientList<GeoObj>(); // init arrays: for (int i = 0; i < nodesArrayLength; i++) { canidateSet.add(myNodes.get(i)); specialPathLength[i] = edgeWeight[0][i]; if (specialPathLength[i] != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { previousNodeInPath[i] = myNodes.get(0); } } if (DEBUG2) { // debugShowGeoObjArray("canidateSet.myArray", canidateSet); // debugShowGeoObjArray("previousNodeInPath", previousNodeInPath); debugShowIntArray("specialPathLenth", specialPathLength); Log.d("GeoGraph", "nodesArrayLength=" + nodesArrayLength); Log.d("GeoGraph", "Dijkstra-init ok, starting crawl:"); } // crawl the graph for (int i = 0; i < nodesArrayLength - 1; i++) { // find the lightest Edge among the candidates int lightest = Integer.MAX_VALUE; GeoObj n = myNodes.get(0); int candLength = canidateSet.myLength; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < candLength; i2++) { GeoObj g = canidateSet.get(i2); if (specialPathLength[g.dijkstraId] < lightest) { n = g; lightest = specialPathLength[g.dijkstraId]; } } canidateSet.remove(n); if (DEBUG2) { if (n != null) Log.d("GeoGraph", i + ": removed " + n + " (id=" + n.dijkstraId + ") from canidateSet"); else Log.d("GeoGraph", i + ": removed null (no id) from canidateSet"); // debugShowGeoObjArray(i + ": canidateSet", // canidateSet.myArray); Log.d("GeoGraph", i + ": lightest=" + lightest); } // see if any Edges from this GeoObj yield a shorter path than from // source->that GeoObj n for (int j = 0; j < nodesArrayLength; j++) { if (specialPathLength[n.dijkstraId] != Integer.MAX_VALUE && edgeWeight[n.dijkstraId][j] != Integer.MAX_VALUE && specialPathLength[n.dijkstraId] + edgeWeight[n.dijkstraId][j] < specialPathLength[j]) { // found one, update the path specialPathLength[j] = specialPathLength[n.dijkstraId] + edgeWeight[n.dijkstraId][j]; if (DEBUG2) { debugShowIntArray(i + "," + j + ": specialPathLength", specialPathLength); } previousNodeInPath[j] = n; } } } GeoGraph result = new GeoGraph(); result.setIsPath(true); int loc = target.dijkstraId; result.add(target); // backtrack from the target by P(revious), adding to the result list while (previousNodeInPath[loc] != myNodes.get(0)) { if (previousNodeInPath[loc] == null) { Log.d("GeoGraph", " -> No path found :("); return null; } result.insert(0, previousNodeInPath[loc]); loc = previousNodeInPath[loc].dijkstraId; } result.insert(0, myNodes.get(0)); result.addEdgesToCreatePath(); Log.d("GeoGraph", " -> Resulting path has length " + result.myNodes.myLength); return result; } public void addEdgesToCreatePath() { addEdgesToCreatePath(null); } public void addEdgesToCreatePath(EdgeListener li) { GeoObj lastPos = null; final int l = myNodes.myLength; GeoObj p; for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { p = myNodes.get(i); if (lastPos != null) { if (li != null) { li.addEdgeToGraph(this, lastPos, p); } else { // add default mesh: this.addEdge(lastPos, p, null); } } lastPos = p; } setIsPath(true); } @Override public boolean accept(Visitor visitor) { return visitor.default_visit(this); } private void debugShowIntArray(String string, int[] dist) { Log.d("GeoGraph", string); String line = " = "; for (int i = 0; i < dist.length; i++) { if (dist[i] == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { line += "inf, "; } else { line += dist[i] + ", "; } } Log.d("GeoGraph", line); } private void debugShowDist(int[][] dist) { Log.d("GeoGraph", "Distance Matrix:"); String line = ""; for (int i = 0; i < dist.length; i++) { line = " " + i + ": "; for (int j = 0; j < dist[i].length; j++) { if (dist[i][j] != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { line += dist[i][j] + ","; } else { line += "inf ,"; } } Log.d("GeoGraph", line); } } private boolean moveObjToFirstPosition(GeoObj obj) { if ((myNodes == null)) return false; if (myNodes.remove(obj)) { return myNodes.insert(0, obj); } return false; } @Override public boolean insert(int pos, GeoObj geoObj) { if (myNodes == null) myNodes = new EfficientListQualified<GeoObj>(); return myNodes.insert(pos, geoObj); } /** * @param geoObj * @return true if the {@link GeoObj} was added and false if it already * existed or was NULL */ @Override public boolean add(GeoObj geoObj) { if (myNodes == null) myNodes = new EfficientListQualified<GeoObj>(); if (myNodes.contains(geoObj) == -1) { myNodes.add(geoObj); return true; } return false; } /** * if this is set to true the visualization will connect all elements with * edges. now the order of the nodes is important and findPathTo() shouldnt * be used anymore * * TODO create edges so that order of nodes is unimportant again?? * * @param isPath */ public void setIsPath(boolean isPath) { this.isPath = isPath; } public boolean isPath() { return isPath; } // public Obj toObj(GeoObj relativeNullPoint) { // Obj o = new Obj(); // MeshGroup m = GLFactory.f().newMeshGroup(null, null); // Object[] a = myGeoObjects.myArray; // int size = myGeoObjects.myLength; // GeoObj lastPos = null; // final boolean isPath = isPath(); // for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { // GeoObj g = ((GeoObj) a[i]); // /* // * if the position of an geoObject isn't calculated automatically // * then calculate it now: // */ // if (!GeoObj.autoCalcTheVirtualPosOfGeoObjects) // g.calcVirtualPosition(relativeNullPoint); // /* // * then add the default selection commands set for the graph to the // * objects: // */ // g.setSelectionCommands(this); // m.add(g); // if (isPath) { // if (lastPos != null) { // m.add(createNewPath(lastPos, g, relativeNullPoint)); // } // lastPos = g; // } // } // // o.set(Consts.COMP_GRAPHICS, m); // return o; // } public GeoObj findBestPointFor(String searchTerm) { Log.d("GeoGraph", "Searching graph for " + searchTerm); GeoGraph searchResults = findGeoObjects(searchTerm); if (searchResults == null) { Log.d("GeoGraph", " -> Nothing found for '" + searchTerm + "'"); return null; } Log.d("GeoGraph", " -> Found item that matches"); return searchResults.getAllItems().get(0); } /** * @param start * can be null, then the current device position will be used as * the start point automatically * @param target * @return */ public GeoGraph findPath(GeoObj start, GeoObj target) { if (start == null) { start = getClosesedObjTo(EventManager.getInstance() .getCurrentLocationObject()); } return dijkstra(start, target); } /** * @param pos * @return the {@link GeoObj} contained in this {@link GeoGraph} which has * the smallest distance to the specified pos-{@link GeoObj} */ public GeoObj getClosesedObjTo(GeoObj pos) { GeoObj result = null; if (myNodes == null) return null; double minDistance; GeoObj a = myNodes.get(0); if (a != null) { minDistance = a.getDistance(pos); result = a; } else { return null; } for (int i = 1; i < myNodes.myLength; i++) { GeoObj o = myNodes.get(i); double distance = o.getDistance(pos); if (distance < minDistance) { minDistance = distance; result = o; } } return result; } public GeoGraph findGeoObjects(String searchTerm) { if (myNodes == null) return null; GeoGraph searchResults = null; for (int i = 0; i < myNodes.myLength; i++) { GeoObj o = myNodes.get(i); float matchQuality = o.matchesSearchTerm(searchTerm); if (matchQuality > 0) { if (searchResults == null) { searchResults = new GeoGraph(); } searchResults.insertWithDefinedQuality(matchQuality, o); } } return searchResults; } private void insertWithDefinedQuality(float matchQuality, GeoObj o) { if (myNodes == null) myNodes = new EfficientListQualified<GeoObj>(); myNodes.add(o, matchQuality); } /** * @param from * @param to * @param edgeMeshComp * if this is null a default mesh from {@link Edge} * .getDefaultMesh() will be used * @return the added edge or null if edge already existed in the graph */ public Edge addEdge(GeoObj from, GeoObj to, MeshComponent edgeMeshComp) { if (myEdges == null) myEdges = new EfficientList<Edge>(); if (hasEdge(from, to) == -1) { if (edgeMeshComp == null) edgeMeshComp = Edge.getDefaultMesh(this, from, to, this .getInfoObject().getColor()); Edge e = new Edge(from, to, edgeMeshComp); myEdges.add(e); return e; } else { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Tried to add new edge but edge from " + from + " to " + to + " already existed!"); } return null; } /** * @param from * @param to * @return the position of the edge in the list or -1 if its not in the list */ public int hasEdge(GeoObj from, GeoObj to) { if (myEdges == null) return -1; // TODO move this method to efficient list and ? for (int i = 0; i < myEdges.myLength; i++) { Edge e = myEdges.get(i); if ((e.from == from && == to) || (e.from == to && == from)) { return i; } } return -1; } /** * if this is disabled, all edges have a direction and an edge from A to B * cant be used to get from B to A. Default value is true * * @param nonDirectional */ public void setNonDirectional(boolean nonDirectional) { this.nonDirectional = nonDirectional; } @Override public String toString() { if (myNodes != null) { if (HasInfoObject()) return "GeoGraph '" + getInfoObject().getShortDescr() + "' (size=" + myNodes.myLength + ")"; return "GeoGraph <noname>(size=" + myNodes.myLength + ")"; } else { if (HasInfoObject()) return "GeoGraph '" + getInfoObject().getShortDescr() + "' (size=no objects in graph)"; return "GeoGraph <noname>(size=no objects in graph)"; } } @Override public void render(GL10 gl, Renderable parent) { if (myNodes == null) return; { for (int i = 0; i < myNodes.myLength; i++) { myNodes.get(i).render(gl, this); } } { if ((isPath || useEdges) && myEdges != null) { for (int i = 0; i < myEdges.myLength; i++) { myEdges.get(i).render(gl, this); } } } } @Override public boolean update(float timeDelta, Updateable parent) { if (myNodes == null) return true; setMyParent(parent); { for (int i = 0; i < myNodes.myLength; i++) { if (!myNodes.get(i).update(timeDelta, this)) { // remove node if no longer needed (it returned false) remove(myNodes.get(i)); } } } if (useEdges && myEdges != null) { for (int i = 0; i < myEdges.myLength; i++) { if (!myEdges.get(i).update(timeDelta, this)) { remove(myEdges.get(i)); } } } return true; } /** * tries to remove a {@link GeoObj} from this graph, this can be a node or * an edge too! * * @param x * @return */ @Override public boolean remove(GeoObj x) { // first try to remove item from the nodes if (myNodes.remove(x)) { x.setRemoved(); return true; } // then fom the edges if (myEdges.remove(x)) { x.setRemoved(); return true; } return false; } public EfficientList<Edge> getEdges() { if (myEdges == null) myEdges = new EfficientList<Edge>(); return myEdges; } /** * this flag is necessary to not automatically remove new created * {@link GeoGraph}s. This way .isEmpty() will only return true if the * {@link GeoGraph} was cleared at least one time */ private boolean isClearedAtLeastOneTime = false; @Override public void clear() { isClearedAtLeastOneTime = true; if (myNodes != null) myNodes.clear(); if (myEdges != null) myEdges.clear(); } @Override public void removeEmptyItems() { /* * TODO there is a flag isDeleted in GeoObj so search for these imtems * here? */ } public boolean isEmpty() { return getAllItems().myLength == 0; } @Override public boolean isCleared() { if (getAllItems().myLength == 0 && isClearedAtLeastOneTime) { return true; } return false; } @Override public EfficientListQualified<GeoObj> getAllItems() { if (myNodes == null) myNodes = new EfficientListQualified<GeoObj>(); return myNodes; } @Override public int length() { return getAllItems().myLength; } /** * enable this if all edges that are available should be displayed too * * @param useThem */ public void setUseEdges(boolean useThem) { useEdges = useThem; } public boolean isUsingItsEdges() { return useEdges; } public boolean hasEdges() { if (myEdges != null && myEdges.myLength > 0) return true; return false; } public EfficientList<GeoObj> getConnectedNodesOf(GeoObj obj) { EfficientList<GeoObj> result = new EfficientList<GeoObj>(); for (int i = 0; i < myEdges.myLength; i++) { if (myEdges.get(i).from.equals(obj)) { result.add(myEdges.get(i).to); } else if (myEdges.get(i).to.equals(obj)) { result.add(myEdges.get(i).from); } } return result; } public EfficientList<GeoObj> getFollowingNodesOf(GeoObj obj) { if (isNonDirectional()) { return getConnectedNodesOf(obj); } EfficientList<GeoObj> result = new EfficientList<GeoObj>(); if (myEdges != null) { for (int i = 0; i < myEdges.myLength; i++) { if (myEdges.get(i).from.equals(obj)) { result.add(myEdges.get(i).to); } } } return result; } public static GeoGraph convertToGeoGraph(EfficientList<GeoObj> list, boolean directional, SimpleNodeEdgeListener l) { return convertToGeoGraph(list, directional, l, l); } public static GeoGraph convertToGeoGraph(EfficientList<GeoObj> list, boolean directional, NodeListener nl, EdgeListener el) { GeoGraph result = new GeoGraph(); result.setNonDirectional(!directional); for (int i = 0; i < list.myLength; i++) { if (i == 0) { nl.addFirstNodeToGraph(result, list.get(0)); } else if (i == list.myLength - 1) { nl.addLastNodeToGraph(result, list.get(list.myLength - 1)); } else { nl.addNodeToGraph(result, list.get(i)); } if (i < list.myLength - 1) { el.addEdgeToGraph(result, list.get(i), list.get(i + 1)); } } return result; } /** * @param from * @param to * @return null of there is no edge for these nodes */ public Edge getEdge(GeoObj from, GeoObj to) { int pos = hasEdge(from, to); if (pos == -1) return null; return getEdges().get(pos); } }