package gl; import geo.GeoObj; import gl.animations.AnimationFaceToCamera; import gl.animations.AnimationRotate; import gl.scenegraph.MeshComponent; import gl.scenegraph.MultiColoredShape; import gl.scenegraph.Shape; import gl.textures.TextureManager; import gl.textures.Textured2dShape; import gl.textures.TexturedRenderData; import gl.textures.TexturedShape; import javax.microedition.khronos.opengles.GL10; import util.IO; import util.Log; import util.Vec; import worldData.Obj; import worldData.Visitor; import worldData.World; import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.widget.TextView; /** * Use this factory to understand how to create 3D objects with {@link Shape}s * and {@link RenderGroup}s. Often it is more efficient to create the objects * you need manually and not combine objects created with this factory. The * benefits of algorithmic objects are that they are much more flexible and * random {@link Vec}tors can be used to add a unique touch to each object. * * Loading object from externmal files like md3 is the alternative to this * approach. * * * @author Spobo * */ public class GLFactory { private static final String LOG_TAG = "GLFactory"; private static GLFactory myInstance = new GLFactory(); private GLFactory() { } public static GLFactory getInstance() { return myInstance; } public Shape newSquare(Color canBeNull) { Shape s = new Shape(canBeNull); s.add(new Vec(-1, 1, 0)); s.add(new Vec(-1, -1, 0)); s.add(new Vec(1, -1, 0)); s.add(new Vec(1, -1, 0)); s.add(new Vec(1, 1, 0)); s.add(new Vec(-1, 1, 0)); return s; } public MeshComponent newCube(Color canBeNull) { MeshComponent g = new Shape(); Shape s1 = newSquare(canBeNull); g.addChild(s1); Shape s2 = newSquare(canBeNull); s2.setPosition(new Vec(0, 0, 2)); g.addChild(s2); Shape s3 = newSquare(canBeNull); s3.setPosition(new Vec(0, 1, 1)); s3.setRotation(new Vec(90, 0, 0)); g.addChild(s3); Shape s4 = newSquare(canBeNull); s4.setPosition(new Vec(0, -1, 1)); s4.setRotation(new Vec(90, 0, 0)); g.addChild(s4); return g; } public Shape newTreangle(Color canBeNull) { Shape s = new Shape(canBeNull); s.add(new Vec(0, 0, 0.8f)); s.add(new Vec(0, 0.8f, 0)); s.add(new Vec(0.8f, 0, 0)); return s; } public Shape newHexagon(Color canBeNull) { Shape s = new Shape(canBeNull); s.add(new Vec(0, -1, 0)); s.add(new Vec(0, 1, 0)); s.add(new Vec(1, 0.5f, 0)); s.add(new Vec(0, -1, 0)); s.add(new Vec(0, 1, 0)); s.add(new Vec(-1, 0.5f, 0)); s.add(new Vec(0, -1, 0)); s.add(new Vec(1, 0.5f, 0)); s.add(new Vec(1, -0.5f, 0)); s.add(new Vec(0, -1, 0)); s.add(new Vec(-1, 0.5f, 0)); s.add(new Vec(-1, -0.5f, 0)); return s; } /** * see {@link GLFactory#newTexturedSquare(String, Bitmap, float)} * * @param bitmapName * @param bitmap * @return A 1 x 1 meter square */ public MeshComponent newTexturedSquare(String bitmapName, Bitmap bitmap) { return newTexturedSquare(bitmapName, bitmap, 1); } /** * see {@link GLFactory#newTexturedSquare(String, Bitmap, float)} * * @param context * @param iconId * The id of the icon that should be used as the texture (will * also be used as the unique texture name) * @param heightInMeters * @return */ public MeshComponent newTexturedSquare(Context context, int iconId, float heightInMeters) { return newTexturedSquare("" + iconId, IO.loadBitmapFromId(context, iconId), heightInMeters); } /** * Please read * {@link TextureManager#addTexture(TexturedRenderData, Bitmap, String)} for * information about the parameters. * * @param bitmapName * see * {@link TextureManager#addTexture(TexturedRenderData, Bitmap, String)} * @param bitmap * see * {@link TextureManager#addTexture(TexturedRenderData, Bitmap, String)} * @param heightInMeters * the square will have this height and width * @return */ public MeshComponent newTexturedSquare(String bitmapName, Bitmap bitmap, float heightInMeters) { if (bitmapName == null) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "No bitmap id set, can't be added to Texture Manager!"); return null; } if (bitmap == null) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Passed bitmap was null!"); return null; } TexturedShape s = new TexturedShape(bitmapName, bitmap); float f = (float) bitmap.getHeight() / (float) bitmap.getWidth(); float x = heightInMeters / f; float w2 = -x / 2; float h2 = -heightInMeters / 2; Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Creating textured mesh for " + bitmapName); Log.v(LOG_TAG, " > bitmap.getHeight()=" + bitmap.getHeight()); Log.v(LOG_TAG, " > bitmap.getWidth()=" + bitmap.getWidth()); Log.v(LOG_TAG, " > height/width factor=" + f); Log.v(LOG_TAG, " > w2=" + w2); Log.v(LOG_TAG, " > h2=" + h2); s.add(new Vec(-w2, 0, -h2), 0, 0); s.add(new Vec(-w2, 0, h2), 0, 1); s.add(new Vec(w2, 0, -h2), 1, 0); s.add(new Vec(w2, 0, h2), 1, 1); s.add(new Vec(-w2, 0, h2), 0, 1); s.add(new Vec(w2, 0, -h2), 1, 0); return s; } public MeshComponent newTextured2dShape(Bitmap bitmap, String bitmapName) { Textured2dShape s = new Textured2dShape(bitmap, bitmapName); return s; } public MeshComponent newArrow() { Color top =; Color bottom =; Color edge1 =; Color edge2 = Color.redTransparent(); float height = 4f; float x = 0.7f; float y = 0f; return newArrow(x, y, height, top, edge1, bottom, edge2); } public MeshComponent newCuror() { Color top = Color.silver1(); Color bottom = Color.silver2(); Color edge1 = Color.blackTransparent(); Color edge2 = Color.blackTransparent(); float height = 2; float x = 0.7f; float y = 0f; MeshComponent a = newArrow(x, y, height, top, edge1, bottom, edge2); a.setScale(new Vec(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f)); return a; } private MeshComponent newArrow(float x, float y, float height, Color top, Color edge1, Color bottom, Color edge2) { MeshComponent pyr = new Shape(null); MultiColoredShape s = new MultiColoredShape(); s.add(new Vec(-x, 0, height), top); s.add(new Vec(1, 0, 0), edge1); s.add(new Vec(-y, 0, -height), bottom); MultiColoredShape s2 = new MultiColoredShape(); s2.add(new Vec(0, -x, height), top); s2.add(new Vec(0, 1, 0), edge2); s2.add(new Vec(0, -y, -height), bottom); MultiColoredShape s3 = new MultiColoredShape(); s3.add(new Vec(x, 0, height), top); s3.add(new Vec(-1, 0, 0), edge1); s3.add(new Vec(y, 0, -height), bottom); MultiColoredShape s4 = new MultiColoredShape(); s4.add(new Vec(0, x, height), top); s4.add(new Vec(0, -1, 0), edge2); s4.add(new Vec(0, y, -height), bottom); pyr.addChild(s); pyr.addChild(s2); pyr.addChild(s3); pyr.addChild(s4); GLFactory.getInstance().addRotateAnimation(pyr, 120, new Vec(0, 0, 1)); return pyr; } public GeoObj newPositionMarker(GLCamera camera) { GeoObj o = camera.getGPSPositionAsGeoObj(); Shape diamond = newDiamond(Color.getRandomRGBColor()); diamond.setScale(new Vec(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f)); o.setComp(diamond); return o; } private void addRotateAnimation(MeshComponent target, int speed, Vec rotationVec) { AnimationRotate a = new AnimationRotate(speed, rotationVec); target.addAnimation(a); } public MeshComponent newGrid(Color netColor, float spaceBetweenNetStrings, int lineCount) { Shape s = new Shape(netColor); s.setLineDrawing(); float coord = (lineCount - 1) * spaceBetweenNetStrings / 2; Vec start = new Vec(coord, coord, 0); Vec end = new Vec(coord, -coord, 0); for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) { s.add(start.copy()); s.add(end.copy()); start.x -= spaceBetweenNetStrings; end.x -= spaceBetweenNetStrings; } start = new Vec(coord, coord, 0); end = new Vec(-coord, coord, 0); for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) { s.add(start.copy()); s.add(end.copy()); start.y -= spaceBetweenNetStrings; end.y -= spaceBetweenNetStrings; } return s; } public Obj newSolarSystem(Vec position) { Obj solarSystem = new Obj(); MeshComponent sunBox = new Shape(); if (position != null) sunBox.setPosition(position); solarSystem.setComp(sunBox); MeshComponent earthRing = new Shape(); MeshComponent earthBox = new Shape(); earthRing.addChild(earthBox); MeshComponent sun = GLFactory.getInstance().newNSidedPolygonWithGaps( 20,; GLFactory.getInstance().addRotateAnimation(sun, 30, new Vec(1, 1, 1)); sunBox.addChild(sun); GLFactory.getInstance().addRotateAnimation(earthRing, 40, new Vec(0.5f, 0.3f, 1)); earthBox.setPosition(new Vec(3, 0, 0)); sunBox.addChild(earthRing); MeshComponent earth = GLFactory.getInstance().newCircle(; earth.scaleEqual(0.5f); earthBox.addChild(earth); MeshComponent moonring = new Shape(); MeshComponent moon = GLFactory.getInstance().newCircle(Color.white()); moon.setPosition(new Vec(1, 0, 0)); moon.scaleEqual(0.2f); GLFactory.getInstance().addRotateAnimation(moonring, 80, new Vec(0, 1, -1)); moonring.addChild(moon); earthBox.addChild(moonring); return solarSystem; } public Obj newHexGroupTest(Vec pos) { Obj hex = new Obj(); MeshComponent g1 = new Shape(null, pos); hex.setComp(g1); g1.addChild(this.newHexagon(null)); MeshComponent g2 = new Shape(, new Vec(0, 5, 0.1f)); g2.addAnimation(new AnimationRotate(60, new Vec(0, 0, 1))); g1.addChild(g2); g2.addChild(this.newHexagon(null)); MeshComponent g3 = new Shape(, new Vec(0, 4, 0)); g3.addAnimation(new AnimationRotate(30, new Vec(0, 0, 1))); g2.addChild(g3); g3.addChild(this.newHexagon(null)); MeshComponent g4 = new Shape(, new Vec(0, 2, 0)); g4.addAnimation(new AnimationRotate(15, new Vec(0, 0, 1))); g3.addChild(g4); g4.addChild(this.newHexagon(null)); // Vec v = g4.getAbsolutePosition(); // System.out.println("absolut Pos: " + v); return hex; } public Shape newDiamond(Color canBeNull) { Shape s = new Shape(canBeNull); float width = 0.7f; float heigth = 2f; float c = -0.1f; // a factor for asymmetric shaping in x direction Vec top = new Vec(0, 0, heigth); Vec bottom = new Vec(0, 0, -heigth); Vec e1 = new Vec(-width + c, 0, 0); Vec e4 = new Vec(width - c, 0, 0); Vec e2 = new Vec(-width / 2 + c, width, 0); Vec e6 = new Vec(-width / 2 + c, -width, 0); Vec e3 = new Vec(width / 2 - c, width, 0); Vec e5 = new Vec(width / 2 - c, -width, 0); s.add(top); s.add(e1); s.add(e2); s.add(top); s.add(e2); s.add(e3); s.add(top); s.add(e3); s.add(e4); s.add(top); s.add(e4); s.add(e5); s.add(top); s.add(e5); s.add(e6); s.add(top); s.add(e6); s.add(e1); s.add(bottom); s.add(e1); s.add(e2); s.add(bottom); s.add(e2); s.add(e3); s.add(bottom); s.add(e3); s.add(e4); s.add(bottom); s.add(e4); s.add(e5); s.add(bottom); s.add(e5); s.add(e6); s.add(bottom); s.add(e6); s.add(e1); return s; } public Shape newDirectedPath(GeoObj from, GeoObj to, Color color) { return GLFactory.getInstance().newDirectedPath( to.getVirtualPosition(from), color); } public Shape newDirectedPath(Vec lineEndPos, Color c) { Shape s = new Shape(c); Vec orth = Vec.getOrthogonalHorizontal(lineEndPos).normalize() .mult(0.9f); Vec orthClone = orth.getNegativeClone(); float down = 0.5f; Vec l = lineEndPos.copy().setLength(0.3f); orth.add(l); orth.z -= down; orthClone.add(l); orthClone.z -= down; Vec start = new Vec().add(l.mult(3)); s.add(orth); s.add(start); s.add(lineEndPos); s.add(start); s.add(orthClone); s.add(lineEndPos); return s; } public MeshComponent newUndirectedPath(GeoObj from, GeoObj to, Color color) { return GLFactory.getInstance().newUndirectedPath( to.getVirtualPosition(from), color); } public Shape newUndirectedPath(Vec lineEnd, Color c) { float down = 0.5f; Vec e2 = Vec.getOrthogonalHorizontal(lineEnd).normalize().mult(0.9f); Vec e1 = e2.getNegativeClone(); e2.z -= down; e1.z -= down; Vec l25percent = Vec.mult(0.25f, lineEnd); Vec l75percent = Vec.mult(0.75f, lineEnd); Vec e3 = Vec.add(lineEnd, e1); Vec e4 = Vec.add(lineEnd, e2); e3.z -= down; e4.z -= down; Shape s = new Shape(c); s.add(e1); s.add(e2); s.add(l75percent); s.add(e3); s.add(e4); s.add(l25percent); return s; } public Shape newNSidedPolygon(int numberOfSides, float radius, Color c) { Shape s = new Shape(c); Vec v = new Vec(radius, 0, 0); double factor = 360. / numberOfSides; // there have to be n triangles: for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSides; i++) { s.add(v.copy()); v.rotateAroundZAxis(factor); s.add(v.copy()); // v.rotateAroundZAxis(factor); s.add(new Vec()); // middle } return s; } public Shape newCircle(Color c) { return newNSidedPolygon(20, 1, c); } public Shape newNSidedPolygonWithGaps(int numberOfSides, Color c) { Shape s = new Shape(c); Vec v = new Vec(1, 0, 0); double factor = 360 / numberOfSides; // there have to be n triangles: for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSides / 2; i++) { s.add(v.copy()); v.rotateAroundZAxis(factor); s.add(v.copy()); v.rotateAroundZAxis(factor); s.add(new Vec()); // middle } return s; } private static final float HEIGHT_TO_SIDE_FACTOR = (float) (2f / Math .sqrt(3f)); public Shape newPyramid(Vec center, float height, Color color) { Shape p = new Shape(color); // side length: float a = HEIGHT_TO_SIDE_FACTOR * Math.abs(height); Vec p1 = new Vec(center.x - 1f / 2f * a, center.y - 1f / 3f * Math.abs(height), 0f); Vec p2 = new Vec(center.x + 1f / 2f * a, center.y - 1f / 3f * Math.abs(height), 0f); Vec p3 = new Vec(center.x, center.y + 2f / 3f * Math.abs(height), 0f); Vec p4 = new Vec(center.x, center.y, height); p.add(p1); p.add(p2); p.add(p3); p.add(p1); p.add(p2); p.add(p4); p.add(p2); p.add(p3); p.add(p4); p.add(p3); p.add(p1); p.add(p4); return p; } public static void resetInstance() { myInstance = new GLFactory(); } public MeshComponent newCube() { return newCube(null); } public MeshComponent newCoordinateSystem() { return new MeshComponent(null) { @Override public boolean accept(Visitor visitor) { return false; } @Override public void draw(GL10 gl, Renderable parent) { CordinateAxis.draw(gl); } }; } /** * will face to the camera. also read * {@link GLFactory#newTexturedSquare(String, Bitmap, float)} * * @param textToDisplay * @param textPosition * @param textSize * @param context * @param glCamera * @return */ public Obj newTextObject(String textToDisplay, Vec textPosition, Context context, GLCamera glCamera) { float textSize = 1; TextView v = new TextView(context); v.setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD); // Set textcolor to black: // v.setTextColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 1).toIntARGB()); v.setText(textToDisplay); Obj o = new Obj(); MeshComponent mesh = this.newTexturedSquare("textBitmap" + textToDisplay, util.IO.loadBitmapFromView(v), textSize); mesh.setPosition(textPosition); mesh.addAnimation(new AnimationFaceToCamera(glCamera)); o.setComp(mesh); return o; } /** * also read {@link GLFactory#newTexturedSquare(String, Bitmap, float)} * * @param latitude * @param longitude * @param bitmap * the loaded bitmap (e.g. via * {@link IO#loadBitmapFromURL(String)} * @param uniqueBitmapName * a unique bitmap name * @param heightInMeters * @param glCamera * @return an {@link GeoObj} which can be added to the {@link World} e.g. */ public GeoObj newIconFacingToCamera(double latitude, double longitude, Bitmap bitmap, String uniqueBitmapName, float heightInMeters, GLCamera glCamera) { MeshComponent triangleMesh = GLFactory.getInstance().newTexturedSquare( uniqueBitmapName, bitmap, heightInMeters); triangleMesh.addChild(new AnimationFaceToCamera(glCamera, 0.5f)); GeoObj o = new GeoObj(latitude, longitude); o.setComp(triangleMesh); return o; } }