package actions;
import gl.GLCamera;
import util.Vec;
import worldData.Updateable;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
* This uses the virtual camera rotation to map input from the touchscreen or
* the trackball etc and do something along the virtual camera axes (eg camera
* movement or object movement or anything else). without mapping it to the
* current camera rotation, a x+10 movement would always be along the virtual x
* axis and not along the current camera x axis. <br>
* Dont forget to register it at the worldUpdater!
* @author Spobo
public class ActionWASDMovement extends Action {
protected GLCamera myTargetCamera;
private final float xReduction;
private final float yReduction;
private Vec accelerationVec = new Vec();
private float myMaxSpeed;
private float yFactor;
private float xFactor;
* @param camera
* @param xReduction
* redutcion in x (W or S key) direction. Higher means slower.
* Try 25f
* @param yReduction
* redutcion in y (A or D key) direction. Higher means slower.
* Try 50f
* @param maxSpeed
* maximum movementSpeed. Try 20f
public ActionWASDMovement(GLCamera camera, float xReduction,
float yReduction, float maxSpeed) {
myTargetCamera = camera;
this.xReduction = xReduction;
this.yReduction = yReduction;
myMaxSpeed = maxSpeed;
public boolean onTouchMove(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2,
float screenDeltaX, float screenDeltaY) {
yFactor = (-e2.getX() + e1.getX()) / yReduction;
xFactor = (e1.getY() - e2.getY()) / xReduction;
return true;
public boolean onReleaseTouchMove() {
xFactor = 0;
yFactor = 0;
return true;
public boolean update(float timeDelta, Updateable parent) {
if (xFactor != 0 || yFactor != 0) {
float[] rayDir = new float[4];
myTargetCamera.getCameraViewDirectionRay(null, rayDir);
accelerationVec.x = rayDir[0];
accelerationVec.y = rayDir[1];
accelerationVec.z = rayDir[2];
* now the yFactor which has to be added orthogonal to the x
* direction (with z value 0)
// Vec normalizedOrtoh =
// Vec.getOrthogonalHorizontal(accelerationVec);
Vec yDir = new Vec(yFactor, 0, 0);
yDir.rotateAroundZAxis(180 - myTargetCamera
// System.out.println("yDir="+yDir);
if (accelerationVec.getLength() > myMaxSpeed)
myTargetCamera.changeNewPosition(accelerationVec.x * timeDelta,
accelerationVec.y * timeDelta, accelerationVec.z
* timeDelta);
return true;