package de.rwth.setups; import geo.Edge; import geo.GeoGraph; import geo.GeoObj; import gl.Color; import gl.CustomGLSurfaceView; import gl.GL1Renderer; import gl.GLCamera; import gl.GLFactory; import gl.animations.AnimationColorBounce; import gl.animations.AnimationPulse; import gl.scenegraph.MeshComponent; import gui.GuiSetup; import gui.MetaInfos; import system.ErrorHandler; import system.EventManager; import system.Setup; import util.EfficientList; import util.EfficientListQualified; import util.Vec; import worldData.SystemUpdater; import worldData.World; import actions.Action; import actions.ActionBufferedCameraAR; import actions.ActionCalcRelativePos; import actions.ActionMoveCameraBuffered; import actions.ActionRotateCameraBuffered; import; import android.util.Log; import android.widget.EditText; import commands.Command; import commands.ui.CommandShowEditScreen; public class GraphCreationSetup extends Setup { private static final String LOG_TAG = "GraphCreationSetup"; private GeoGraph myGraph; private World world; private GLCamera camera; // private EditText editText; private GeoObj mySelectedWaypoint; private GeoGraph mySearchresultGraph; private MetaInfos i; @Override public void _a_initFieldsIfNecessary() { // allow the user to send error reports to the developer: ErrorHandler.enableEmailReports("", "Error in GraphCreationSetup"); myGraph = new GeoGraph(); camera = new GLCamera(new Vec(0, 0, 1f)); world = new World(camera); world.add(myGraph); i = new MetaInfos(); i.setShortDescr("test"); i.addTextToLongDescr("long"); i.setColor(Color.blueTransparent()); } @Override public void _b_addWorldsToRenderer(GL1Renderer renderer, GLFactory objectFactory, GeoObj currentPosition) { renderer.addRenderElement(world); } @Override public void _c_addActionsToEvents(EventManager eventManager, CustomGLSurfaceView arView, SystemUpdater updater) { arView.addOnTouchMoveAction(new ActionBufferedCameraAR(camera)); Action rot = new ActionRotateCameraBuffered(camera); updater.addObjectToUpdateCycle(rot); eventManager.addOnOrientationChangedAction(rot); eventManager.addOnTrackballAction(new ActionMoveCameraBuffered(camera, 5, 25)); eventManager.addOnLocationChangedAction(new ActionCalcRelativePos( world, camera)); } @Override public void _d_addElementsToUpdateThread(SystemUpdater worldUpdater) { worldUpdater.addObjectToUpdateCycle(world); } @Override public void _e2_addElementsToGuiSetup(GuiSetup guiSetup, Activity activity) { final EditText editText = guiSetup.addSearchbarToView( guiSetup.getTopView(), findWayToWaypoint(), "Waypoint name.."); guiSetup.addButtonToBottomView(new Command() { @Override public boolean execute() { GeoObj newWaypoint = newWaypoint(); String waypointName = editText.getText().toString(); if (waypointName != "") { newWaypoint.getInfoObject().setShortDescr(waypointName); editText.setText(""); } myGraph.add(newWaypoint); setSelected(newWaypoint); return true; } }, "New waypoint"); guiSetup.addButtonToBottomView(new Command() { @Override public boolean execute() { GeoObj newWaypoint = newWaypoint(); String waypointName = editText.getText().toString(); if (waypointName != "") { newWaypoint.getInfoObject().setShortDescr(waypointName); editText.setText(""); } myGraph.add(newWaypoint); if (mySelectedWaypoint != null) { Edge e = myGraph.addEdge(mySelectedWaypoint, newWaypoint, null); } setSelected(newWaypoint); return true; } }, "New connected waypoint"); } private GeoObj newWaypoint() { final GeoObj p = new GeoObj(); p.setMyPosition(camera.getGPSPositionVec()); Log.d(LOG_TAG, "new geoObj with virtual pos=" + p.getVirtualPosition()); MeshComponent myShape = GLFactory.getInstance().newDiamond(null); p.setComp(myShape); p.getGraphicsComponent().setColor(new Color(1, 0, 0, .6f)); myShape.setOnClickCommand(new Command() { @Override public boolean execute() { setSelected(p); return true; } }); myShape.setOnLongClickCommand(new CommandShowEditScreen( myTargetActivity, p)); return p; } private void setSelected(GeoObj newWaypoint) { if (mySelectedWaypoint != null && mySelectedWaypoint.getGraphicsComponent() != null) mySelectedWaypoint.getGraphicsComponent().removeAllAnimations(); mySelectedWaypoint = newWaypoint; mySelectedWaypoint.getGraphicsComponent() .addAnimation( new AnimationPulse(2, new Vec(1, 1, 1), new Vec(2, 2, 2), 0.2f)); } /** * When the user presses enter a way to the entered waypoint is searched * * @return */ private Command findWayToWaypoint() { Command c = new Command() { @Override public boolean execute(Object transfairObject) { if (transfairObject instanceof String) { String searchString = (String) transfairObject; GeoObj targetElement = myGraph .findBestPointFor(searchString); GeoObj currentClosestElement = myGraph .getClosesedObjTo(camera.getGPSPositionAsGeoObj()); GeoGraph searchresultGraph = myGraph.findPath( currentClosestElement, targetElement); if (searchresultGraph != null) { if (mySearchresultGraph != null) unmarkGeoGraphAsSearchPath(myGraph.getAllItems()); mySearchresultGraph = searchresultGraph; markGeoObjAsSearchPath(mySearchresultGraph .getAllItems()); } return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean execute() { // should never be called return false; } }; return c; } private void unmarkGeoGraphAsSearchPath( EfficientListQualified<GeoObj> objList) { if (objList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < objList.myLength; i++) { MeshComponent g = objList.get(i).getGraphicsComponent(); if (g != null) g.removeAllAnimations(); } } } private void markGeoObjAsSearchPath(EfficientList<GeoObj> objList) { // unselectCurrentSelectedWaypoint(); setAnimToGeoObjList(objList, new AnimationColorBounce(2,,, 0.2f)); } private void setAnimToGeoObjList(EfficientList<GeoObj> objList, AnimationColorBounce a) { for (int i = 0; i < objList.myLength; i++) { GeoObj g = objList.get(i); MeshComponent gf = g.getGraphicsComponent(); if (gf != null) { gf.addAnimation(a); } } } }