package gui.simpleUI; import gui.simpleUI.Theme.ThemeColors; import gui.simpleUI.modifiers.ButtonModifier; import java.util.HashMap; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams; import android.view.Window; import android.widget.LinearLayout; /** * * This is an old version of which will be removed from * this project soon!! <br> * <br> * <br> * <br> * * Don't forget to add<br> * * < activity android:name="SmartUI" android:theme= * "@android:style/Theme.Translucent"> < /activity> <br> * to your Manifest.xml file! * * @author Spobo * */ @Deprecated public class SimpleUIv1 extends Activity { public static final int DEFAULT_PADDING = 4; private static final String MESSAGE = "MESSAGE"; private static final String CONFIG = "CONFIG"; private static final int MOST_OUTER_PADDING = 10; private static HashMap<String, Object> transfairList; private static final int OUTER_BACKGROUND_DIMMING_COLOR = Theme.ThemeColors.blackT2; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); String key = getIntent().getExtras().getString("key"); if (transfairList != null) { EditItem o = (EditItem) transfairList.get(key); if (o != null) { Object message = transfairList.get(key + MESSAGE); UIConfig config = (UIConfig) transfairList.get(key + CONFIG); showInContext(this, o, message, config); } } else { // TODO finish(); } } private static void showInContext(Activity target, EditItem o, Object message, UIConfig config) { LinearLayout mostOuterBox = generateViewFor(target, o, message, config); /* * setting the theme here does not work, so it has to be set in the * manifest.. this.setTheme(; */ target.requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); target.setContentView(mostOuterBox); } private static LinearLayout generateViewFor(Activity target, EditItem o, Object optionalMessage, UIConfig config) { ModifierGroup group = new ModifierGroup(); Theme configTheme = config.loadTheme(); if (configTheme != null) { group.setTheme(configTheme); } o.customizeScreen(group, optionalMessage); group.addModifier(config.loadCloseButtonsFor(target, group)); LayoutParams layParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, 1); LinearLayout containerForAllItems = new LinearLayout(target); containerForAllItems.setLayoutParams(layParams); containerForAllItems.setPadding(MOST_OUTER_PADDING, MOST_OUTER_PADDING, MOST_OUTER_PADDING, MOST_OUTER_PADDING); containerForAllItems.setOrientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL); containerForAllItems.addView(group.getView(target)); if (group.getTheme() != null) { group.getTheme().applyOuter1(containerForAllItems); } LinearLayout mostOuterBox = new LinearLayout(target); mostOuterBox.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); mostOuterBox.setBackgroundColor(OUTER_BACKGROUND_DIMMING_COLOR); mostOuterBox.setPadding(MOST_OUTER_PADDING, MOST_OUTER_PADDING, MOST_OUTER_PADDING, MOST_OUTER_PADDING); mostOuterBox.addView(containerForAllItems); return mostOuterBox; } public static void showEditScreen(final Activity currentActivity, EditItem objectToEdit, Object optionalMessage) { UIConfig config = new UIConfig() { @Override public Theme loadTheme() { return getDefaultTheme(currentActivity); } @Override public ModifierInterface loadCloseButtonsFor( final Activity currentActivity, final ModifierGroup group) { ButtonModifier cancel = new ButtonModifier("Cancel") { @Override public void onClick() { currentActivity.finish(); } }; ButtonModifier ok = new ButtonModifier("Ok") { @Override public void onClick() {; currentActivity.finish(); } }; return new HalfHalfModifier(cancel, ok); } }; show(currentActivity, objectToEdit, optionalMessage, config); } public static void show(Context context, EditItem itemToDisplay, Object optionalMessage, UIConfig config) { Intent intent = new Intent(context, SimpleUIv1.class); if (itemToDisplay != null) { String key = addTransfairObject(context, itemToDisplay, optionalMessage, config); // The key to the object will be stored in the extras of the // activity: intent.putExtra("key", key); } context.startActivity(intent); } private static String addTransfairObject(Context context, EditItem itemToDisplay, Object message, UIConfig config) { if (transfairList == null) transfairList = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String newKey = context.toString(); transfairList.put(newKey, itemToDisplay); transfairList.put(newKey + MESSAGE, message); transfairList.put(newKey + CONFIG, config); return newKey; } public static void showInfoScreen(final Activity currentActivity, EditItem itemToDisplay, Object optionalMessage) { UIConfig config = new UIConfig() { @Override public Theme loadTheme() { return getDefaultTheme(currentActivity); } @Override public ModifierInterface loadCloseButtonsFor( final Activity currentActivity, final ModifierGroup group) { return new ButtonModifier("Close") { @Override public void onClick() {; currentActivity.finish(); } }; } }; show(currentActivity, itemToDisplay, optionalMessage, config); } public static Theme getDefaultTheme(Activity currentActivity) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return Theme.A(currentActivity, ThemeColors.initToBlack()); } }