package gui; import system.Setup; import system.TaskManager; import util.Log; import util.Wrapper; import; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.view.View.OnKeyListener; import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.CheckBox; import android.widget.CompoundButton; import android.widget.CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.ImageButton; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.RelativeLayout; import commands.Command; import commands.logic.CommandSetWrapperToValue; import commands.system.CommandDeviceVibrate; import de.rwth.R; public class GuiSetup { private static final String LOG_TAG = "GuiSetup"; private static final long VIBRATION_DURATION_IN_MS = 20; // private static final int BUTTON_BACKGROUND = // android.R.drawable.alert_light_frame; private LinearLayout topOuter; private LinearLayout bottomOuter; private LinearLayout leftOuter; private LinearLayout rightOuter; private LinearLayout bottomView; private LinearLayout topView; private LinearLayout leftView; private LinearLayout rightView; private LinearLayout bottomRightView; private RelativeLayout main; private Setup mySetup; /** * will be set to true in {@link GuiSetup} constructor on default */ private boolean vibrationEnabled; private CommandDeviceVibrate vibrateCommand; /** * @param setup * @param source * the xml layout converted into a view */ public GuiSetup(Setup setup, View source) { mySetup = setup; Log.d(LOG_TAG, "GuiSetup init"); setVibrationFeedbackEnabled(true); main = (RelativeLayout) source.findViewById(; bottomOuter = (LinearLayout) source.findViewById(; topOuter = (LinearLayout) source.findViewById(; leftOuter = (LinearLayout) source.findViewById(; rightOuter = (LinearLayout) source.findViewById(; bottomView = (LinearLayout) source.findViewById(; topView = (LinearLayout) source.findViewById(; leftView = (LinearLayout) source.findViewById(; rightView = (LinearLayout) source.findViewById(; bottomRightView = (LinearLayout) source .findViewById(; } public void addButtonToBottomView(Command a, String buttonText) { addButtonToView(bottomView, a, buttonText); } public void addButtonToLeftView(Command a, String buttonText) { addButtonToView(leftView, a, buttonText); } public void addButtonToRightView(Command a, String buttonText) { addButtonToView(rightView, a, buttonText); } public void addImangeButtonToRightView(int imageId, Command command) { addImageButtonToView(rightView, command, imageId); } public void addImangeButtonToTopView(int imageId, Command command) { addImageButtonToView(topView, command, imageId); } public void addButtonToTopView(Command a, String buttonText) { addButtonToView(topView, a, buttonText); } public void addImageButtonToView(LinearLayout target, final Command c, int imageId) { if (target != null) { ImageButton b = new ImageButton(target.getContext()); // b.setBackgroundResource(BUTTON_BACKGROUND); b.setImageResource(imageId); b.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (isVibrationFeedbackEnabled() && vibrateCommand != null) { vibrateCommand.execute(); } c.execute(); } }); target.addView(b); } else { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "No target specified (was null) " + "to add the image-button to."); } } /** * @param target * @param onClickCommand * @param buttonText */ public void addButtonToView(LinearLayout target, final Command onClickCommand, String buttonText) { if (target != null) { Button b = new Button(target.getContext()); // b.setBackgroundResource(BUTTON_BACKGROUND); // b.setTextColor(gl.Color.blackTransparent().toIntRGB()); b.setText(buttonText); b.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (isVibrationFeedbackEnabled() && vibrateCommand != null) { vibrateCommand.execute(); } onClickCommand.execute(); } }); target.addView(b); } else { // TODO then main.xml damaged or changed? } } private boolean isVibrationFeedbackEnabled() { return vibrationEnabled; } public void setVibrationFeedbackEnabled(boolean vibrate) { this.vibrationEnabled = vibrate; if (vibrate && vibrateCommand == null) { try { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Trying to enable vibration feedback for UI actions"); vibrateCommand = new CommandDeviceVibrate( mySetup.myTargetActivity, VIBRATION_DURATION_IN_MS); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public void addCheckBoxToView(LinearLayout v, String text, boolean initFlag, final Command isCheckedCommand, final Command isNotCheckedCommand) { CheckBox c = new CheckBox(v.getContext()); c.setText(text); c.setChecked(initFlag); c.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new OnCheckedChangeListener() { @Override public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked) { if (isChecked) { isCheckedCommand.execute(); } else { isNotCheckedCommand.execute(); } } }); v.addView(c); } public void addCheckBoxToView(LinearLayout v, String string, Wrapper wrapperWithTheBooleanToSwitchInside) { CommandSetWrapperToValue setTrue = new CommandSetWrapperToValue( wrapperWithTheBooleanToSwitchInside, true); CommandSetWrapperToValue setFalse = new CommandSetWrapperToValue( wrapperWithTheBooleanToSwitchInside, false); addCheckBoxToView(v, string, wrapperWithTheBooleanToSwitchInside.getBooleanValue(), setTrue, setFalse); } /** * @param v * @param weight * 2 or 3 is a good value * @param height * <150 * @return */ public void addViewToBottomRight(View v, float weight, int heightInPixels) { bottomRightView.addView(v); LinearLayout.LayoutParams p = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, heightInPixels); p.weight = weight; bottomRightView.setLayoutParams(p); } public EditText addSearchbarToView(LinearLayout v, final Command commandOnSearch, String clearText) { final EditText t = new EditText(v.getContext()); t.setHint(clearText); t.setHintTextColor(Color.GRAY); t.setMinimumWidth(200); t.setSingleLine(); t.setSelectAllOnFocus(true); t.setOnKeyListener(new OnKeyListener() { @Override public boolean onKey(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER) { String text = t.getText().toString(); if (text.length() > 0) { t.setText(""); Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Gui-searchbar fiering text: '" + text + "'(length=" + text.length() + ")!"); return commandOnSearch.execute(text); } } return false; } }); v.addView(t); return t; } public void addTaskmanagerToView(LinearLayout v) { addTaskmanagerToView(v, "", " <", "/", "> "); } /** * @param v * @param idleText * @param workingPrefix * the text in front of the current working progress. Example: * The < in <2/10> * @param workingMiddleText * the text in the middle of the current working progress. * Example: The / in <2/10> * @param workingSuffix * the text at the end of the current working progress. Example: * The > in <2/10> */ public void addTaskmanagerToView(LinearLayout v, String idleText, String workingPrefix, String workingMiddleText, String workingSuffix) { v.addView(TaskManager.getInstance().getProgressWheel(v.getContext())); v.addView(TaskManager.getInstance().getProgressTextView(v.getContext(), idleText, workingPrefix)); v.addView(TaskManager.getInstance().getProgressSizeText(v.getContext(), idleText, workingMiddleText, workingSuffix)); } public void addViewToBottom(View v) { bottomView.addView(v); } public void addViewToTop(View v) { topView.addView(v); } public void addViewToRight(View v) { rightView.addView(v); } public View getMainContainerView() { return main; } public LinearLayout getLeftView() { return leftView; } public LinearLayout getRightView() { return rightView; } public LinearLayout getBottomView() { return bottomView; } public LinearLayout getTopView() { return topView; } public void setBackroundColor(LinearLayout target, int color) { target.setBackgroundColor(color); } public void setBottomBackroundColor(int color) { setBackroundColor(bottomOuter, color); } public void setBottomMinimumHeight(int height) { setMinimumHeight(bottomOuter, height); } public void setBottomViewCentered() { /* * TODO doesnt work anymore because of the additional linlayout in the * right bottom corner! fix it */ bottomOuter.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); } public void setLeftBackroundColor(int color) { setBackroundColor(leftOuter, color); } public void setLeftViewCentered() { leftOuter.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); } public void setLeftWidth(int width) { setMinimumWidth(leftView, width); } public void setMinimumHeight(LinearLayout target, int height) { target.setMinimumHeight(height); } public void setMinimumWidth(LinearLayout target, int width) { target.setMinimumWidth(width); } public void setRightBackroundColor(int color) { setBackroundColor(rightOuter, color); } public void setRightViewCentered() { rightOuter.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); } public void setRightViewAllignBottom() { rightOuter.setGravity(Gravity.BOTTOM); } public void setRightWidth(int width) { setMinimumWidth(rightView, width); } public void setTopBackroundColor(int color) { setBackroundColor(topOuter, color); } public void setTopHeight(int height) { setMinimumHeight(topView, height); } public void setTopViewAllignRight() { topOuter.setGravity(Gravity.RIGHT); } public void setTopViewCentered() { topOuter.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); } /** * This method does the same thing as * {@link Setup#addItemToOptionsMenu(Command, String)}! * * @param commandToAdd * @param menuItemText */ public void addItemToOptionsMenu(Command commandToAdd, String menuItemText) { mySetup.addItemToOptionsMenu(commandToAdd, menuItemText); } }