package system; import gamelogic.FeedbackReports; import geo.GeoObj; import gl.CustomGLSurfaceView; import gl.GL1Renderer; import gl.GLCamera; import gl.GLFactory; import gl.GLRenderer; import gl.LightSource; import gl.ObjectPicker; import gl.textures.TextureManager; import gui.GuiSetup; import gui.InfoScreen; import gui.InfoScreenSettings; import gui.simpleUI.EditItem; import gui.simpleUI.ModifierGroup; import gui.simpleUI.SimpleUIv1; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.microedition.khronos.opengles.GL10; import listeners.SetupListener; import util.EfficientList; import util.Log; import util.Vec; import worldData.SystemUpdater; import worldData.World; import actions.Action; import actions.ActionCalcRelativePos; import actions.ActionRotateCameraBuffered; import; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.os.Build; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.view.Display; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.Surface; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams; import android.view.Window; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import commands.Command; import commands.CommandGroup; import commands.system.CommandDeviceVibrate; import commands.undoable.CommandProcessor; import de.rwth.R; /** * Extend this class and implement all abstract methods to initialize your AR * application. More information can be found in the JavaDoc of the specific * methods and for a simple default AR setup use the {@link DefaultARSetup} * * <br> * To launch another activity from a setup do something like this: <br> * <br> * getActivity().startActivity(new Intent(getActivity(), * MyOtherActivity.class)); * * @author Spobo * */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public abstract class Setup { public static int defaultArLayoutId = R.layout.defaultlayout; private static final String LOG_TAG = "Setup"; public static boolean isOldDeviceWhereNothingWorksAsExpected; public static boolean displaySetupStepLogging = true; private static final String STEP0 = "Resetting all static stuff, singletons, etc.."; private static final String STEP1 = "Registering exeption handler"; private static final String STEP2 = "Loading device dependent settings"; private static final String STEP3 = "Creating OpenGL overlay"; private static final String STEP4 = "Initializing EventManager"; private static final String STEP5 = "Initializing system values"; private static final String STEP6 = "Creating OpenGL content"; private static final String STEP7 = "Creating camera overlay"; private static final String STEP8 = "Enabling user input"; private static final String STEP9 = "Creating world updater"; private static final String STEP10 = "Creating gui overlay"; private static final String STEP11 = "Adding all overlays"; private static final String STEP12 = "Show info screen"; private static final String STEP13 = "Entering fullscreen mode"; private static final String STEP_DONE = "All Setup-steps done!"; /** * use {@link Setup#getActivity()} instead * * This is the activity which is created to display the AR content (camera * preview, opengl-layer and UI-layer) */ @Deprecated public Activity myTargetActivity; private CommandGroup myOptionsMenuCommands; public CustomGLSurfaceView myGLSurfaceView; public CameraView myCameraView; private FrameLayout myOverlayView; private SetupListener mySetupListener; private double lastTime; /** * TODO make this accessible */ private final boolean gotoFullScreenMode = true; private final boolean useAccelAndMagnetoSensors; private GuiSetup guiSetup; private GLRenderer glRenderer; private SystemUpdater worldUpdater; private static Integer screenOrientation = Surface.ROTATION_90; public Setup() { this(true); } public Setup(Activity target, SetupListener listener, boolean useAccelAndMagnetoSensors) { this(useAccelAndMagnetoSensors); mySetupListener = listener; } // TODO remove boolean here and add to EventManager.setListeners..! public Setup(boolean useAccelAndMagnetoSensors) { this.useAccelAndMagnetoSensors = useAccelAndMagnetoSensors; } /** * Default initialization is {@link Surface#ROTATION_90}, use landscape on * default mode if the initialization does not work * * @return {@link Surface#ROTATION_0} or {@link Surface#ROTATION_180} would * mean portrait mode and 90 and 270 would meen landscape mode * (should be the same on tablets and mobile devices */ public static int getScreenOrientation() { if (screenOrientation == null) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "screenOrientation was not set! Will asume" + " default 90 degree rotation for screen"); return Surface.ROTATION_90; } return screenOrientation; } /** * @return This will just return {@link Setup#myTargetActivity}. Direct * access to this field is also possible */ public Activity getActivity() { return myTargetActivity; } /** * This method has to be executed in the activity which want to display the * AR content. In your activity do something like this: * * <pre> * public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { * super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); * new MySetup(this).run(); * } * </pre> * * @param target * */ public void run(Activity target) { myTargetActivity = target; Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Setup process is executed now.."); debugLogDoSetupStep(STEP0); initAllSingletons(); initializeErrorHandler(); /* * TODO move this to the end of the initialization method and use * myTargetActivity.setProgress to display the progress of the loading * before. maybe also change the text in the activity title to the * current setup step in combination to the setProgress() */ // Fullscreen: if (getActivity().requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE)) { if (gotoFullScreenMode) { debugLogDoSetupStep(STEP13); getActivity().getWindow().setFlags( WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN); } } else { /* * The title bar is changed to a progress bar to visualize the setup * progress * * displaying the following stuff does not work until the UI-update * process is initialized by Activity.setContentView(..); so wrong * place here: */ getActivity().requestWindowFeature(Window.PROGRESS_VISIBILITY_ON); getActivity().getWindow().requestFeature(Window.FEATURE_PROGRESS); getActivity().setProgressBarVisibility(true); /* * TODO do not expect the opengl view to start at the top of the * screen! */ } getActivity().getWindow().setFlags( WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON); // load device dependent settings: debugLogDoSetupStep(STEP2); loadDeviceDependentSettings(getActivity()); /* * set the orientation to always stay in landscape mode. this is * necessary to use the camera correctly * * targetActivity * .setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE); * * no more needed, landscape mode is forced by the AndroidManifest */ debugLogDoSetupStep(STEP3); glRenderer = initOpenGLRenderer(); myGLSurfaceView = initOpenGLView(glRenderer); debugLogDoSetupStep(STEP4); // setting up the sensor Listeners: EventManager.getInstance().registerListeners(getActivity(), this.useAccelAndMagnetoSensors); debugLogDoSetupStep(STEP5); _a_initFieldsIfNecessary(); debugLogDoSetupStep(STEP6); if (glRenderer instanceof GL1Renderer) { _b_addWorldsToRenderer((GL1Renderer) glRenderer, GLFactory.getInstance(), EventManager.getInstance() .getCurrentLocationObject()); } initializeCamera(); debugLogDoSetupStep(STEP8); // set sensorinput actions: worldUpdater = new SystemUpdater(); _c_addActionsToEvents(EventManager.getInstance(), myGLSurfaceView, worldUpdater); debugLogDoSetupStep(STEP9); // and then init the worldupdater to be able to animate the world: _d_addElementsToUpdateThread(worldUpdater); // World Update Thread: Thread worldThread = new Thread(worldUpdater); worldThread.start(); debugLogDoSetupStep(STEP10); // create the thierd view on top of cameraPreview and OpenGL view and // init it: myOverlayView = new FrameLayout(getActivity()); /* * after everything is initialized add the guiElements to the screen. * this should be done last because the gui might need a initialized * renderer object or worldUpdater etc */ _e1_addElementsToOverlay(myOverlayView, getActivity()); // myTargetActivity.addContentView(myOverlayView, new LayoutParams( // LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); addOverlaysAndShowInfoScreen(); debugLogDoSetupStep(STEP_DONE); } public SystemUpdater getSystemUpdater() { return worldUpdater; } /** * By overriding this (and not calling the super metzhod) the * {@link ErrorHandler} system provided by DroidAR will be deactivated (e.g. * while debugging) */ public void initializeErrorHandler() { debugLogDoSetupStep(STEP1); ErrorHandler.registerNewErrorHandler(getActivity()); } /** * If you don't override this method it will create 2 default * {@link LightSource}s * * @param lights * add all the {@link LightSource}s you want to use to this list * @return true if lightning should be enabled */ public boolean _a2_initLightning(ArrayList<LightSource> lights) { lights.add(LightSource.newDefaultAmbientLight(GL10.GL_LIGHT0)); lights.add(LightSource.newDefaultSpotLight(GL10.GL_LIGHT1, new Vec(5, 5, 5), new Vec(0, 0, 0))); // TODO lights.add(LightSource.newDefaultDayLight(GL10.GL_LIGHT1, new // Date())); return true; } public void initializeCamera() { debugLogDoSetupStep(STEP7); myCameraView = initCameraView(myTargetActivity); } private void addOverlaysAndShowInfoScreen() { debugLogDoSetupStep(STEP11); InfoScreenSettings infoScreenData = new InfoScreenSettings( myTargetActivity); if (isOldDeviceWhereNothingWorksAsExpected) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "This is an old device (old Android version)"); addOverlaysInCrazyOrder(); debugLogDoSetupStep(STEP12); _f_addInfoScreen(infoScreenData); if (!infoScreenData.closeInstantly()) { /* * on old devices the info-dialog isn't necessary to fix the * wrong order of the overlays, so it only has to be displayed * if wanted by the developer */ showInfoDialog(infoScreenData); } } else { addOverlays(); debugLogDoSetupStep(STEP12); _f_addInfoScreen(infoScreenData); showInfoDialog(infoScreenData); } } private void initAllSingletons() { /* * a good examples why you should not use singletons if you can avoid * it.. TODO change all the singletons here to injection singletons. * more flexible then. this can be done here, so just insert instance * instead of resetInstance */ initEventManagerInstance(this.getActivity()); SimpleLocationManager.resetInstance(); TextureManager.resetInstance(); TaskManager.resetInstance(); GLFactory.resetInstance(); ObjectPicker.resetInstance(new CommandDeviceVibrate(myTargetActivity, 30)); CommandProcessor.resetInstance(); FeedbackReports.resetInstance(); // TODO really reset it? } /** * You can create and set a subclass of {@link EventManager} here. To set * the instance use * {@link EventManager#initInstance(android.content.Context, EventManager)} */ public void initEventManagerInstance(Activity a) { EventManager.initInstance(a, new EventManager()); } protected CameraView initCameraView(Activity a) { if (isOldDeviceWhereNothingWorksAsExpected) { return new CameraViewForOldDevices(a); } else { return new CameraView(a); } } /** * Don't call the super method if you want do display an info screen on * startup. Just use the {@link InfoScreenSettings} to add information and * the rest will be done automatically * * @param infoScreenData * See {@link InfoScreenSettings} */ public void _f_addInfoScreen(InfoScreenSettings infoScreenData) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Info screen will be closed instantly"); infoScreenData.setCloseInstantly(); } private void showInfoDialog(InfoScreenSettings infoScreenData) { ActivityConnector.getInstance().startActivity(myTargetActivity, InfoScreen.class, infoScreenData); } private void addOverlaysInCrazyOrder() { addGLSurfaceOverlay(); addCameraOverlay(); addGUIOverlay(); } private void addOverlays() { addCameraOverlay(); addGLSurfaceOverlay(); addGUIOverlay(); } private void addGUIOverlay() { // add overlay view as an content view to the activity: myTargetActivity.addContentView(myOverlayView, new LayoutParams( LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); } public void addGLSurfaceOverlay() { if (Integer.parseInt(android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK) >= Build.VERSION_CODES.ECLAIR) { myGLSurfaceView.setZOrderMediaOverlay(true); } myTargetActivity.addContentView(myGLSurfaceView, new LayoutParams( LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); } public void addCameraOverlay() { if (myCameraView != null) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Camera preview added as view"); myTargetActivity.addContentView(myCameraView, new LayoutParams( LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); } else { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Camera preview not added to view because it wasnt initialized !"); } } private static void loadDeviceDependentSettings(Activity activity) { if (Integer.parseInt(android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK) <= Build.VERSION_CODES.DONUT) { /* * Here is the problem: OpenGL seems to have rounding errors on * different gpus (see ObjectPicker.floatToByteColorValue) Thus the * G1 need a different value than a Nexus 1 eg.. TODO how to solve * this problem? */ isOldDeviceWhereNothingWorksAsExpected = true; if (activity.getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT) { screenOrientation = Surface.ROTATION_0; } else { screenOrientation = Surface.ROTATION_90; } } else { try { Display display = ((WindowManager) activity .getSystemService(Activity.WINDOW_SERVICE)) .getDefaultDisplay(); screenOrientation = (Integer) display.getClass() .getMethod("getRotation", null).invoke(display, null); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * This method can be called to visualize additional setup steps in the * initialize-procedure of custom Setup subclass. One example would be to * call this method every time a model is composed in the * initFieldsIfNecessary() or the addWOrldsToRenderer() method. This could * be useful to give feedback while creating complex models. * * Do not forget to set the {@link Setup}.addToStepsCount(int * additionalSteps) to the correct value, depending on how often call this * method here! * * @param statusText */ public void debugLogDoSetupStep(String statusText) { double msTheLastStepTook = 0; double currentTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); if (lastTime != 0) { msTheLastStepTook = currentTime - lastTime; } lastTime = currentTime; if (msTheLastStepTook != 0) { if (displaySetupStepLogging) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, " -> Done (It took " + msTheLastStepTook + "ms)"); } } if (displaySetupStepLogging) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Next step: " + statusText); } /* * displaying the following stuff does not work until the ui update * process is initialized by Activity.setContentView(..); so wrong place * here: */ // if (displaySetupStepInTitlebar) { // setupProgress += Window.PROGRESS_END / setupStepsCount; // myTargetActivity.setProgress(setupProgress); // myTargetActivity.setTitle(statusText); // } if (mySetupListener != null) { mySetupListener.onNextStep(msTheLastStepTook, statusText); } } /** * * * this is called after the initialization of the AR view started. Doing * field initialization here is a difference to doing it right in the * constructor, because normally a Setup object is created not directly * before it is used to start the AR view. So placing your field * initialization here normaly means to reduce the amount of created objects * if you are using more then one Setup. * */ public abstract void _a_initFieldsIfNecessary(); /** * first you should create a new {@link GLCamera} and a new {@link World} * and then you can use the {@link GLFactory} object to add objects to the * created world. When your world is build, add it to the * {@link GL1Renderer} object by calling * {@link GL1Renderer#addRenderElement(worldData.Renderable)} * * @param glRenderer * here you should add your world(s) * @param objectFactory * you could get this object your self wherever you want by * getting the singleton-instance of {@link GLFactory} * @param currentPosition * might be null if no position information is available! */ public abstract void _b_addWorldsToRenderer(GL1Renderer glRenderer, GLFactory objectFactory, GeoObj currentPosition); /** * This method should be used to add {@link Action}s to the * {@link EventManager} and the {@link CustomGLSurfaceView} to specify the * input-mechanisms. <br> * <br> * * Here is the typical AR example: The virtual camera should rotate when the * device is rotated and it should move when the device moves to simulate * the AR rotation and translation in a correct way. Therefore two actions * have to be defined like this:<br> * <br> * <b> eventManager.addOnOrientationChangedAction(new * ActionRotateCameraBuffered(camera)); <br> * eventManager.addOnLocationChangedAction(new ActionCalcRelativePos(world, * camera)); </b> <br> * <br> * * The {@link ActionRotateCameraBuffered} rotates the virtualCamera and the * {@link ActionCalcRelativePos} calculates the virtual position of the * camera and all the items in the virtual world. There are more * {@link Action}s which can be defined in the {@link EventManager}, for * example for keystrokes or other input types.<br> * <br> * * For more examples take a look at the different Setup examples. * * @param eventManager * * @param arView * The {@link CustomGLSurfaceView#addOnTouchMoveAction(Action)} * -method can be used to react on touch-screen input * @param worldUpdater */ public abstract void _c_addActionsToEvents(EventManager eventManager, CustomGLSurfaceView arView, SystemUpdater updater); /** * All elements (normally that should only be {@link World}s) which should * be updated have to be added to the {@link SystemUpdater}. This update * process is independent to the rendering process and can be used for all * system-logic which has to be done periodically * * @param updater * add anything you want to update to this updater via * {@link SystemUpdater#addObjectToUpdateCycle(worldData.Updateable)} */ public abstract void _d_addElementsToUpdateThread(SystemUpdater updater); /** * here you can define or load any view you want and add it to the overlay * View. If this method is implemented, the * _e2_addElementsToGuiSetup()-method wont be called automatically * * @param overlayView * here you have to add your created view * @param activity * use this as the context for new views */ public void _e1_addElementsToOverlay(FrameLayout overlayView, Activity activity) { // the main.xml layout is loaded and the guiSetup is created for // customization. then the customized view is added to overlayView View sourceView = View.inflate(activity, defaultArLayoutId, null); guiSetup = new GuiSetup(this, sourceView); _e2_addElementsToGuiSetup(getGuiSetup(), activity); addDroidARInfoBox(activity); overlayView.addView(sourceView); } private void addDroidARInfoBox(final Activity currentActivity) { addItemToOptionsMenu(new Command() { @Override public boolean execute() { SimpleUIv1.showInfoScreen(currentActivity, new EditItem() { @Override public void customizeScreen(ModifierGroup group, Object message) { group.addModifier(new gui.simpleUI.modifiers.Headline( R.drawable.logo, "DroidAR")); group.addModifier(new gui.simpleUI.modifiers.InfoText( "This was creat" + "ed with the Droid" + "AR fram" + "ework", Gravity.CENTER)); group.addModifier(new gui.simpleUI.modifiers.InfoText( "" + "", Gravity.CENTER)); } }, null); return true; } }, "About"); } public GuiSetup getGuiSetup() { return guiSetup; } /** * Here you can add UI-elements like buttons to the predefined design * (main.xml). If you want to overlay your own design, just override the * {@link Setup}._e1_addElementsToOverlay() method and leave this one here * empty. * * @param guiSetup * @param activity * this is the same activity you can get with * {@link Setup#myTargetActivity} but its easier to access this * way */ public abstract void _e2_addElementsToGuiSetup(GuiSetup guiSetup, Activity activity); public GLRenderer initOpenGLRenderer() { GL1Renderer r = new GL1Renderer(); r.setUseLightning(_a2_initLightning(r.getMyLights())); return r; } public CustomGLSurfaceView initOpenGLView(GLRenderer glRenderer2) { CustomGLSurfaceView arView = new CustomGLSurfaceView(myTargetActivity); arView.setRenderer(glRenderer2); return arView; } /** * This will kill the camera */ public void releaseCamera() { if (myCameraView != null) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Releasing camera preview " + myCameraView); myCameraView.releaseCamera(); } } private boolean fillMenuWithCommandsFromCommandgroup(Menu menu, CommandGroup g) { EfficientList<Command> cList = g.myList; final int l = g.myList.myLength; for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { menu.add(Menu.NONE, i, Menu.NONE, cList.get(i).getInfoObject() .getShortDescr()); } return true; } public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { if (myOptionsMenuCommands != null) { return fillMenuWithCommandsFromCommandgroup(menu, myOptionsMenuCommands); } return false; } /* * is used by the GuiSetup class to add elements to the options menu */ public void addItemToOptionsMenu(Command menuItem, String menuItemText) { if (myOptionsMenuCommands == null) { myOptionsMenuCommands = new CommandGroup(); } menuItem.getInfoObject().setShortDescr(menuItemText); myOptionsMenuCommands.add(menuItem); } public boolean onMenuItemSelected(int featureId, MenuItem item) { if (featureId == Window.FEATURE_OPTIONS_PANEL) { if (myOptionsMenuCommands != null) { return myOptionsMenuCommands.myList.get(item.getItemId()) .execute(); } } return false; } /** * see {@link Activity#onDestroy} * * @param a */ public void onDestroy(Activity a) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Default onDestroy behavior"); pauseRenderer(); pauseUpdater(); worldUpdater.killUpdaterThread(); releaseCamera(); // killCompleteApplicationProcess(); } /** * This will kill the complete process and thereby also any other activity * which uses this process. Only use this method if you want to implement a * final "Exit application" button. */ public static void killCompleteApplicationProcess() { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Killing complete process"); System.gc(); android.os.Process.killProcess(android.os.Process.myPid()); System.exit(1); } /** * see {@link Activity#onStart} * * @param a */ public void onStart(Activity a) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "main onStart (setup=" + this + ")"); } /** * When this is called the activity is still visible! * * see {@link Activity#onPause} * * @param a */ public void onPause(Activity a) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "main onPause (setup=" + this + ")"); } /** * see {@link Activity#onResume} * * @param a */ public void onResume(Activity a) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "main onResume (setup=" + this + ")"); } /** * When this is called the activity is no longer visible. Camera see * {@link Activity#onStop} * * @param a */ public void onStop(Activity a) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "main onStop (setup=" + this + ")"); pauseRenderer(); pauseUpdater(); pauseCameraPreview(); pauseEventManager(); } /** * see {@link Activity#onRestart} * * @param a */ public void onRestart(Activity a) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "main onRestart (setup=" + this + ")"); resumeRenderer(); resumeUpdater(); resumeCameraPreview(); resumeEventManager(); reloadTextures(); } private void reloadTextures() { TextureManager.reloadTexturesIfNeeded(); } public void pauseEventManager() { EventManager.getInstance().pauseEventListeners(); } public void resumeEventManager() { EventManager.getInstance().resumeEventListeners(myTargetActivity, useAccelAndMagnetoSensors); } public void pauseUpdater() { if (worldUpdater != null) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Pausing world updater now"); worldUpdater.pauseUpdater(); } } public void resumeUpdater() { if (worldUpdater != null) { worldUpdater.resumeUpdater(); } } public final void pauseCameraPreview() { if (myCameraView != null) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Pausing camera preview " + myCameraView); myCameraView.pause(); } } public final void resumeCameraPreview() { if (myCameraView != null) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Resuming camera preview " + myCameraView); myCameraView.resumeCamera(); } } public void pauseRenderer() { if (glRenderer != null) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Pausing renderer and GLSurfaceView now"); glRenderer.pause(); if (myGLSurfaceView != null) { myGLSurfaceView.onPause(); } } } public void resumeRenderer() { if (glRenderer != null) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Resuming renderer and GLSurfaceView now"); } glRenderer.resume(); if (myGLSurfaceView != null) { myGLSurfaceView.onResume(); } } public boolean onKeyDown(Activity a, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { // if the keyAction isnt defined return false: return EventManager.getInstance().onKeyDown(keyCode, event); } public float getScreenWidth() { if (getScreenOrientation() == Surface.ROTATION_90 || getScreenOrientation() == Surface.ROTATION_270) { return getActivity().getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay() .getHeight(); } else { return getActivity().getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay() .getWidth(); } } public float getScreenHeigth() { if (getScreenOrientation() == Surface.ROTATION_90 || getScreenOrientation() == Surface.ROTATION_270) { return getActivity().getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay() .getWidth(); } else { return getActivity().getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay() .getHeight(); } } }