package edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.server; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Base64; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager; import; import; import; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrentException; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrentFile; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.ByteFormatter; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.HashWrapper; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.impl.AzureusCoreImpl; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.MetaInfoPruner; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.FileCollection; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.FileList; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.Friend; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.FriendConnectListener; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.multisource.Sha1DownloadManager; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.CoreInterface; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.CoreTools; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.client.newui.FileTypeFilter; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.rpc.FileTree; /** * Returning a FileTree is a bit of a hack, but since we already have a * serialized type that encapsulates tree, just reuse it here instead of cooking * up a new one. */ class TreeScratch { public TreeScratch(String k) { tagName = k; } public List<TreeScratch> kids = new LinkedList<TreeScratch>(); public String tagName; }; public class StatelessSwarmFilter { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(StatelessSwarmFilter.class.getName()); boolean shouldUpdateClient = false; CoreInterface mCore = null; enum SortMetric { Name(new Comparator<DownloadManager>() { public int compare(DownloadManager lhs, DownloadManager rhs) { return (new String(lhs.getTorrent().getName()).toLowerCase().compareTo((new String( rhs.getTorrent().getName())).toLowerCase())); } }), Date(new Comparator<DownloadManager>() { public int compare(DownloadManager lhs, DownloadManager rhs) { /** * Special case sorting one of our download managers when * viewing a friend's files only */ long lhs_time = lhs.getData("friend-added-time") != null ? (Long) lhs .getData("friend-added-time") : lhs.getDownloadState().getLongParameter( DownloadManagerState.PARAM_DOWNLOAD_ADDED_TIME); long rhs_time = rhs.getData("friend-added-time") != null ? (Long) rhs .getData("friend-added-time") : rhs.getDownloadState().getLongParameter( DownloadManagerState.PARAM_DOWNLOAD_ADDED_TIME); long foo = -(lhs_time - rhs_time); if (foo < 0) return -1; else if (foo > 0) return 1; else return 0; } }), Size(new Comparator<DownloadManager>() { public int compare(DownloadManager lhs, DownloadManager rhs) { long foo = (lhs.getTorrent().getSize() - rhs.getTorrent().getSize()); // we flip the order here to have largest first if (foo < 0) return 1; else if (foo > 0) return -1; else return 0; } }); Comparator<DownloadManager> mComp; SortMetric(Comparator<DownloadManager> comp) { mComp = comp; } }; public StatelessSwarmFilter(CoreInterface inCore) { mCore = inCore; AzureusCoreImpl.getSingleton().getGlobalManager().addListener(new GlobalManagerListener() { public void destroyInitiated() { } public void destroyed() { } public void downloadManagerAdded(DownloadManager dm) { logger.finer("dl manager added forces client refresh: " + dm.getDisplayName()); shouldUpdateClient = true; } public void downloadManagerRemoved(DownloadManager dm) { logger.finer("dl manager removed forces client refresh: " + dm.getDisplayName()); shouldUpdateClient = true; String base64Hash = null; try { base64Hash = new String(Base64.encode(dm.getTorrent().getHash())); filteredUntilDeleteBase64.remove(base64Hash); } catch (TOTorrentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void seedingStatusChanged(boolean seeding_only_mode) { } }); mCore.getF2FInterface().registerForFriendConnectNotifications(new FriendConnectListener() { public void friendConnected(Friend f) { logger.finer("friend connected forces client refresh: " + f.getNick()); shouldUpdateClient = true; /** * Record our observing these so we don't prune them */ FileList flist = mCore.getF2FInterface().getOnlineFileLists().get(f); for (FileCollection coll : flist.getElements()) { String hexHash = ByteFormatter.encodeString(Base64.decode(coll.getUniqueID())); MetaInfoPruner.get().recordActiveHash(hexHash); } } public void friendDisconnected(Friend f) { logger.finer("friend disconnected forces client refresh: " + f.getNick()); shouldUpdateClient = true; } }); } public boolean shouldClientSideUIRefresh() { return shouldUpdateClient; } public void willUpdate() { shouldUpdateClient = false; } private List<DownloadManager> getSingleFriendsFiles(int selectedFriendID) { List<DownloadManager> out = new ArrayList<DownloadManager>(); Friend friend = null; for (Friend candidate : mCore.getF2FInterface().getOnlineFileLists().keySet()) { if (candidate.getConnectionId() == selectedFriendID) { friend = candidate; break; } } if (friend == null) { logger.warning("couldn't find supposedly online friend! id: " + selectedFriendID); return out; } FileList fileList = mCore.getF2FInterface().getOnlineFileLists().get(friend); System.out.println("single friend's flist: " + friend.getNick() + " / " + fileList); if (fileList == null) { logger.warning("null file list for friend: " + friend.getNick()); return out; } for (FileCollection collection : fileList.getElements()) { /** * If we have this file ourselves, no need to show a 'download' * option, we'll just include the local copy */ DownloadManager ours = AzureusCoreImpl.getSingleton().getGlobalManager() .getDownloadManager(new HashWrapper(Base64.decode(collection.getUniqueID()))); if (ours != null) { /** * This allows fast deletes (regardless of how long Azureus * takes to remove things on the back end) */ String base64Hash = null; try { base64Hash = new String(Base64.encode(ours.getTorrent().getHash())); } catch (TOTorrentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); continue; } if (filteredUntilDeleteBase64.contains(base64Hash)) { DownloadManagerAdapter adapter = new DownloadManagerAdapter(collection, friend.getConnectionId(), friend.getNick()); out.add(adapter); } else { out.add(ours); ours.setData("friend-added-time", new Long(collection.getAddedTimeUTC())); } } else { DownloadManagerAdapter adapter = new DownloadManagerAdapter(collection, friend.getConnectionId(), friend.getNick()); out.add(adapter); } } return out; } enum SpecialMatcher { NOT1("not:") { boolean match(DownloadManager dm, String text) { return !deepKeywordMatch(dm, text); } }, NOT2("-") { boolean match(DownloadManager dm, String text) { return NOT1.match(dm, text); } }; String mLabel; SpecialMatcher(String inLabel) { mLabel = inLabel; } abstract boolean match(DownloadManager candidate, String text); }; private static boolean deepKeywordMatch(DownloadManager d, String keyword) { /** * If the display name or any interior file... */ if (d.getDisplayName().toLowerCase().contains(keyword) == false) { /** * Metainfo -- artist/album attributes if they exist */ String album = d.getDownloadState().getAttribute( FileCollection.ONESWARM_ALBUM_ATTRIBUTE); if (album != null) { if (album.toLowerCase().contains(keyword)) { return true; } } String artist = d.getDownloadState().getAttribute( FileCollection.ONESWARM_ARTIST_ATTRIBUTE); if (artist != null) { if (artist.toLowerCase().contains(keyword)) { return true; } } /** * 2) filenames */ for (TOTorrentFile f : d.getTorrent().getFiles()) { if (f.getRelativePath().toLowerCase().contains(keyword)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * When here, display name matches. */ return true; } long keyword_time = 0; private boolean matchKeywords(DownloadManager d, String[] inKeywords) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (inKeywords == null) return true; if (inKeywords.length == 0) return true; boolean matchedSpecial; for (String keyword : inKeywords) { matchedSpecial = false; for (SpecialMatcher sm : SpecialMatcher.values()) { if (keyword.toLowerCase().startsWith(sm.mLabel)) { if (sm.match(d, keyword.toLowerCase().substring(sm.mLabel.length()))) { matchedSpecial = true; break; } } } if (matchedSpecial == false) { if (deepKeywordMatch(d, keyword.toLowerCase()) == false) { keyword_time += System.currentTimeMillis() - start; return false; } } } keyword_time += System.currentTimeMillis() - start; return true; } // public static String getLargestFileName(DownloadManager dm) { // if (dm.getTorrent() != null) { // TOTorrentFile[] files_orig = dm.getTorrent().getFiles(); // // TOTorrentFile largest = files_orig[0]; // for (TOTorrentFile f : files_orig) { // if (f.getLength() > largest.getLength()) { // largest = f; // } // } // // return largest.getRelativePath(); // } else { // System.err.println("null torrent!: " + dm.getDisplayName()); // return ""; // } // } private boolean matchType(DownloadManager d, FileTypeFilter inFileType) { final TOTorrentFile biggestFile = CoreTools.getBiggestFile(d, false); String largestFileName = ""; if (biggestFile != null) { largestFileName = biggestFile.getRelativePath(); } if (inFileType.equals(FileTypeFilter.All)) { return true; } else if (FileTypeFilter.match(largestFileName).equals(inFileType)) { return true; } return false; } /** * This allows fast deletes (regardless of how long Azureus takes to remove * things on the back end) */ Set<String> filteredUntilDeleteBase64 = new HashSet<String>(); public void filterUntilDelete(byte[] inHash) { String toAdd = new String(Base64.encode(inHash)); filteredUntilDeleteBase64.add(toAdd); shouldUpdateClient = true; System.out.println("filterUntilDelete, trying force update " + toAdd); } public class FilteredSwarmInfo { public List<DownloadManager> outSwarms = null; public int total_swarms_in_type = 0; public FileTree tags = null; public boolean truncated_tags = false; }; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public FilteredSwarmInfo filterSwarms(String[] inKeywords, SortMetric inSortingMetric, FileTypeFilter inFileType, boolean includeF2F, int selectedFriendID, String inTagPath) { keyword_time = 0; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); Set<String> stillFilteredUntilDelete = new HashSet<String>(); FilteredSwarmInfo outInfo = new FilteredSwarmInfo(); outInfo.outSwarms = new ArrayList<DownloadManager>(); /** * We start by generating the list of all swarm and then sorting * according to the metric */ logger.finer("filtered contains: " + filteredUntilDeleteBase64.size()); List<DownloadManager> filteredExceptByTag = new LinkedList<DownloadManager>(); if (selectedFriendID != Integer.MIN_VALUE) { /** * If this isn't MIN_VALUE, we're looking at a single friend's files * only. */ List<DownloadManager> singleFriendsFiles = getSingleFriendsFiles(selectedFriendID); for (DownloadManager d : singleFriendsFiles) { if (matchKeywords(d, inKeywords) == false) { continue; } filteredExceptByTag.add(d); if (matchTags(d, inTagPath) == false) { continue; } outInfo.outSwarms.add(d); } outInfo.tags = getTagsFromSwarms(filteredExceptByTag); outInfo.total_swarms_in_type = outInfo.outSwarms.size(); } else { Set<String> ourHashes = new HashSet<String>(); /** * First, add all our files */ for (DownloadManager d : (List<DownloadManager>) AzureusCoreImpl.getSingleton() .getGlobalManager().getDownloadManagers()) { if (d.getTorrent() == null) { logger.warning("null torrent!: " + d.getDisplayName()); continue; } if (d.getDownloadState().getBooleanAttribute( Sha1DownloadManager.ONESWARM_AUTO_ADDED)) { continue; } // clear this if it exists to avoid sorting problems in the main // view. d.setData("friend-added-time", null); if (matchType(d, inFileType) == false) { continue; } String base64Hash = null; try { base64Hash = new String(Base64.encode(d.getTorrent().getHash())); } catch (TOTorrentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); continue; } /** * This allows fast deletes (regardless of how long Azureus * takes to remove things on the back end) */ if (filteredUntilDeleteBase64.contains(base64Hash)) { stillFilteredUntilDelete.add(base64Hash); continue; } outInfo.total_swarms_in_type++; if (matchKeywords(d, inKeywords) == false) { continue; } /** * We need to maintain this list to preserve the list of tags * (which we also generate here) even if a tag filter has been * set. */ filteredExceptByTag.add(d); if (matchTags(d, inTagPath) == false) { continue; } outInfo.outSwarms.add(d); ourHashes.add(base64Hash); } filteredUntilDeleteBase64 = stillFilteredUntilDelete; /** * Next, if selected, friend's files */ if (includeF2F) { Set<String> friendHashes = new HashSet<String>(); for (Friend friend : mCore.getF2FInterface().getOnlineFileLists().keySet()) { FileList fileList = mCore.getF2FInterface().getOnlineFileLists().get(friend); if (fileList == null) { logger.warning("null filelist for friend!!: " + friend.getNick()); continue; } for (FileCollection collection : fileList.getElements()) { /** * Skip files that multiple friends have. We'll discover * these if needed during download. Also skip files that * we have locally */ if (friendHashes.contains(collection.getUniqueID()) || ourHashes.contains(collection.getUniqueID())) { continue; } DownloadManagerAdapter adapter = new DownloadManagerAdapter(collection, friend.getConnectionId(), friend.getNick()); if (matchType(adapter, inFileType) == false) continue; outInfo.total_swarms_in_type++; if (matchKeywords(adapter, inKeywords) == false) continue; filteredExceptByTag.add(adapter); if (matchTags(adapter, inTagPath) == false) { continue; } outInfo.outSwarms.add(adapter); friendHashes.add(collection.getUniqueID()); } } } } outInfo.tags = getTagsFromSwarms(filteredExceptByTag); int maxTags = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter("oneswarm.max.ui.tags"); if (maxTags != 0) { MutableInt count = new MutableInt(); count.v = 0; outInfo.truncated_tags = pruneTagsBasedOnLimit(outInfo.tags, count, maxTags); } /** * Finally, sort */ Collections.sort(outInfo.outSwarms, inSortingMetric.mComp); logger.fine("keyword time: " + keyword_time + " total: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); return outInfo; } static class MutableInt { public int v; } private boolean pruneTagsBasedOnLimit(FileTree tags, MutableInt count, int max) { /** * Visit this node. */ count.v++; /** * Visit children in order */ int removed = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tags.getChildren().length; i++) { if (count.v > max) { tags.getChildren()[i] = null; removed++; } else { count.v++; } } /** * Compact if we removed anything */ if (removed > 0) { FileTree[] neu = new FileTree[tags.getChildren().length - removed]; int where = 0; for (FileTree old : tags.getChildren()) { if (old != null) { neu[where++] = old; } } tags.setChildren(neu); } boolean truncatedKid = false; for (int i = 0; i < tags.getChildren().length; i++) { truncatedKid = truncatedKid || pruneTagsBasedOnLimit(tags.getChildren()[i], count, max); } return removed > 0 || truncatedKid; } private boolean matchTags(DownloadManager d, String inTagPath) { if (inTagPath == null) { return true; } if (inTagPath.length() == 0) { return true; } String[] tags = d.getDownloadState().getListAttribute( FileCollection.ONESWARM_TAGS_ATTRIBUTE); if (tags == null) { return false; } for (String tag : tags) { if (tag.startsWith(inTagPath)) { return true; } } return false; } public static FileTree getTagsFromSwarms(List<DownloadManager> outSwarms) { try { TreeScratch root = new TreeScratch(""); if (COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("") == false) { return convertScratchToFileTree(root); // no tags } for ( dm : outSwarms) { String[] tags_raw = dm.getDownloadState().getListAttribute( FileCollection.ONESWARM_TAGS_ATTRIBUTE); if (tags_raw == null) { continue; } // convert this into a set of paths List<List<String>> tags = new LinkedList<List<String>>(); for (String tag : tags_raw) { LinkedList<String> ll = new LinkedList<String>(); for (String s : tag.split("/")) { ll.add(s); } tags.add(ll); } for (List<String> path : tags) { findTreeMatch(root, path); } } // now convert the TreeScratch into a FileTree to deliver to client return convertScratchToFileTree(root); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.toString()); } return null; } private static FileTree convertScratchToFileTree(TreeScratch node) { FileTree ftree = new FileTree(); ftree.setName(node.tagName); if ( == 0) { return ftree; } else { FileTree[] convertedKids = new FileTree[]; int i = 0; for (TreeScratch k : { convertedKids[i++] = convertScratchToFileTree(k); } Arrays.sort(convertedKids, new Comparator<FileTree>() { public int compare(FileTree o1, FileTree o2) { return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName()); } }); ftree.setChildren(convertedKids); return ftree; } } private static void findTreeMatch(TreeScratch node, List<String> remainingMatch) { if (remainingMatch.size() == 0) { // duplicate return; } for (TreeScratch kid : { if (remainingMatch.get(0).equals(kid.tagName)) { remainingMatch.remove(0); findTreeMatch(kid, remainingMatch); return; } } // need to add the rest of these as kids in the unified tree TreeScratch curr = node; for (String tag : remainingMatch) { TreeScratch neu = new TreeScratch(tag);; curr = neu; } } }