package edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.rpc; import java.util.List; import; import; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.client.OneSwarmGWT; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.client.newui.friends.wizard.CommunityServerAddPanel; public class CommunityRecord implements IsSerializable { private String group; private String pw; private String username; private String url; private boolean auth_required; private boolean savePW; private boolean confirm_updates; private boolean sync_deletes; private boolean accept_filter_list; private boolean allow_address_resolution; private int pruning_threshold; private String supports_publish; private String server_name; private String community_path; private String splash_path; private String cht_path; /** * the semantics of nonssl_port are clunky. -1 -> don't use nonSSL, ever. 0 * -> use it, but we don't know it yet. >0 -> the value is the actual port */ private int nonssl_port = 0; private int minimum_refresh_interval; private boolean chat_default; public CommunityRecord() { } public int getNonssl_port() { return nonssl_port; } public void setNonssl_port(int nonsslPort) { nonssl_port = nonsslPort; } public int getMinimum_refresh_interval() { return minimum_refresh_interval; } public void setMinimum_refresh_interval(int minimumRefreshInterval) { minimum_refresh_interval = minimumRefreshInterval; } public boolean isChat_default() { return chat_default; } public void setChat_default(boolean chatDefault) { chat_default = chatDefault; } public boolean isLimited_default() { return true; } // public void setLimited_default(boolean limitedDefault) { // //limited_default = limitedDefault; // } public String getCommunity_path() { return community_path; } public String getSplash_path() { return splash_path; } public void setCommunity_path(String communityPath) { community_path = communityPath; } public String getGroup() { return group; } public void setGroup(String group) { = group; } public String getPw() { return pw; } public void setPw(String pw) { = pw; } public String getUsername() { return username; } public void setUsername(String username) { this.username = username; } public String getRealUrl() { return url; } public String getUrl() { if (this.getCommunity_path() != null) { if (url.contains("/" + getCommunity_path())) { return url; } else { return url + (url.endsWith("/") == false ? "/" + getCommunity_path() : getCommunity_path()); } } return url; } public void setUrl(String url) { this.url = url; } public boolean isAuth_required() { return auth_required; } public void setAuth_required(boolean authRequired) { auth_required = authRequired; } public boolean isSavePW() { return savePW; } public void setSavePW(boolean savePW) { this.savePW = savePW; } public boolean isConfirm_updates() { return confirm_updates; } public void setConfirm_updates(boolean confirmUpdates) { confirm_updates = confirmUpdates; } public boolean isSync_deletes() { return sync_deletes; } public void setSync_deletes(boolean syncDeletes) { sync_deletes = syncDeletes; } public int getPruning_threshold() { return pruning_threshold; } public void setPruning_threshold(int pruningThreshold) { pruning_threshold = pruningThreshold; } public String getSupports_publish() { return supports_publish; } public void setSupports_publish(String supportsPublish) { supports_publish = supportsPublish; } public String getServer_name() { return server_name; } public void setServer_name(String serverName) { server_name = serverName; } public CommunityRecord(String historyString) { OneSwarmGWT.log("historyString: " + historyString); String[] toks = historyString.split(":"); OneSwarmGWT.log("got " + toks.length); for (String s : toks) { OneSwarmGWT.log("tok: " + s); } try { this.url = URL.decodeComponent(toks[0]); if (url.endsWith("/")) { url = url.substring(0, url.length() - 1); } = URL.decodeComponent(toks[1]); this.auth_required = Boolean.parseBoolean(toks[2]); this.confirm_updates = Boolean.parseBoolean(toks[3]); this.sync_deletes = Boolean.parseBoolean(toks[4]); this.pruning_threshold = Integer.parseInt(toks[5]); this.supports_publish = URL.decodeComponent(toks[6]); this.server_name = URL.decodeComponent(toks[7]); this.community_path = URL.decodeComponent(toks[8]); this.chat_default = Boolean.parseBoolean(toks[9]); this.allow_address_resolution = Boolean.parseBoolean(toks[10]); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.toString()); } } public CommunityRecord(String group, String pw, String username, String url, boolean auth_required, boolean savePW, boolean confirm_updates, boolean sync_deletes, int pruning_threshold, String supports_publish, String server_name, String community_path, String splash_path, boolean defaultChat, int minRefreshInterval, boolean acceptFilterList) { = group; = pw; this.username = username; this.url = url; this.auth_required = auth_required; this.savePW = savePW; this.confirm_updates = confirm_updates; this.sync_deletes = sync_deletes; this.pruning_threshold = pruning_threshold; this.supports_publish = supports_publish; this.server_name = server_name; this.community_path = community_path; this.splash_path = splash_path; this.chat_default = defaultChat; this.minimum_refresh_interval = minRefreshInterval; this.accept_filter_list = acceptFilterList; } public CommunityRecord(List<String> toks, int offset) { url = toks.get(offset + 0); username = toks.get(offset + 1); pw = toks.get(offset + 2); group = toks.get(offset + 3); String[] extras = toks.get(offset + 4).split(";"); savePW = Boolean.parseBoolean(extras[0]); auth_required = Boolean.parseBoolean(extras[1]); confirm_updates = Boolean.parseBoolean(extras[2]); if (extras.length > 3) { sync_deletes = Boolean.parseBoolean(extras[3]); } else { sync_deletes = false; } if (extras.length > 4) { pruning_threshold = Integer.parseInt(extras[4]); } else { pruning_threshold = CommunityServerAddPanel.DEFAULT_PRUNING_THRESHOLD; } if (extras.length > 5 && extras[5].equals("null") == false) { supports_publish = extras[5]; } else { supports_publish = null; } if (extras.length > 6 && extras[6].equals("null") == false) { server_name = extras[6]; } else { server_name = null; } if (extras.length > 7 && extras[7].equals("null") == false) { community_path = extras[7]; } else { community_path = null; } if (extras.length > 8 && extras[8].equals("null") == false) { splash_path = extras[8]; } else { splash_path = null; } if (extras.length > 9) { chat_default = Boolean.parseBoolean(extras[9]); } else { chat_default = false; } if (extras.length > 10) { try { nonssl_port = Integer.parseInt(extras[10]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { nonssl_port = 0; } } else { nonssl_port = 0; } if (extras.length > 11) { minimum_refresh_interval = Integer.parseInt(extras[11]); } else { minimum_refresh_interval = 0; } if (extras.length > 12) { accept_filter_list = Boolean.parseBoolean(extras[12]); } else { accept_filter_list = false; } if (extras.length > 13 && extras[13].equals("null") == false) { cht_path = extras[13]; } else { cht_path = null; } if (extras.length > 14) { allow_address_resolution = Boolean.parseBoolean(extras[14]); } else { allow_address_resolution = true; } } public CommunityRecord(CommunityServerAddPanel p) { url = p.getURL(); username = p.getUsername(); pw = p.getPW(); group = p.getGroup(); auth_required = p.getAuthRequired(); savePW = p.getSavePW(); confirm_updates = p.getConfirmUpdates(); sync_deletes = p.getSyncDeletes(); pruning_threshold = p.getPruningThreshold(); supports_publish = p.getSupportsPublish(); server_name = p.getServerName(); chat_default = p.isChatDefault(); if (nonssl_port < 0 && p.getUseNonSSL()) { nonssl_port = 0; } else if (p.getUseNonSSL() == false) { nonssl_port = -1; } minimum_refresh_interval = p.getMinimumRefreshInterval(); accept_filter_list = p.getAcceptFilterList(); allow_address_resolution = p.isAllowAddressResolution(); } public String[] toTokens() { return new String[] { url, username, pw, group, savePW + ";" + auth_required + ";" + confirm_updates + ";" + sync_deletes + ";" + pruning_threshold + ";" + supports_publish + ";" + server_name + ";" + community_path + ";" + splash_path + ";" + chat_default + ";" + nonssl_port + ";" + minimum_refresh_interval + ";" + accept_filter_list + ";" + cht_path + ";" + allow_address_resolution }; } @Override public int hashCode() { return getRealUrl().hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object rhs) { if (rhs instanceof CommunityRecord) { // This shouldn't happen, but may if a CommunityRecord becomes // corrupt. if (getRealUrl() == null || ((CommunityRecord) rhs).getRealUrl() == null) { return false; } return ((CommunityRecord) rhs).getRealUrl().equals(getRealUrl()); } return false; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for (String s : toTokens()) { b.append(s + " :: "); } return b.toString(); } public void setSplash_path(String splash_path) { this.splash_path = splash_path; } public String getBaseURL() { return getBaseURL(getUrl()); } public static String getBaseURL(String url) { String nossl = "http://", ssl = "https://"; String proto = ""; if (url.startsWith(nossl)) { url = url.substring(nossl.length()); proto = nossl; } else if (url.startsWith(ssl)) { url = url.substring(ssl.length()); proto = ssl; } if (url.indexOf('/') != -1) { return proto + url.substring(0, url.indexOf('/')); } else { return proto + url; } } public String getBaseURLSkipSSL() { String base = getBaseURL(); if (base.startsWith("http:")) { return base; } if (!base.startsWith("https:")) { System.err.println("Strange URL: " + base); return base; } // if == 0 we don't know it yet, so might as well stick to base. if (getNonssl_port() <= 0) { return base; } base = base.substring("https://".length()); /** * Now just need to fix up the port. Two cases: the SSL was on the * default port or not */ if (base.indexOf(":") == -1) { return "http://" + base + ":" + getNonssl_port(); } else { return "http://" + base.substring(0, base.indexOf(":")) + ":" + getNonssl_port(); } } public boolean isAcceptFilterList() { return accept_filter_list; } public void setAcceptFilterList(boolean acceptFilterList) { accept_filter_list = acceptFilterList; } public void setAllowAddressResolution(boolean allow_address_resolution) { this.allow_address_resolution = allow_address_resolution; } public boolean isAllowAddressResolution() { return allow_address_resolution; } public void setCht_path(String cht_path) { this.cht_path = cht_path; } public String getCht_path() { return cht_path; } }