/* * Created on 16-Dec-2005 * Created by Paul Gardner * Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Aelitis, All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * AELITIS, SAS au capital de 46,603.30 euros * 8 Allee Lenotre, La Grille Royale, 78600 Le Mesnil le Roi, France. * */ package com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.extseed.impl.getright; import java.util.*; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLEncoder; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrent; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrentFile; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.torrent.Torrent; import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.torrent.TorrentImpl; import com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.extseed.ExternalSeedException; import com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.extseed.ExternalSeedPlugin; import com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.extseed.ExternalSeedReader; import com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.extseed.impl.ExternalSeedReaderImpl; import com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.extseed.impl.ExternalSeedReaderRequest; import com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.extseed.util.ExternalSeedHTTPDownloader; import com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.extseed.util.ExternalSeedHTTPDownloaderListener; public class ExternalSeedReaderGetRight extends ExternalSeedReaderImpl { private static final int TARGET_REQUEST_SIZE_DEFAULT = 256*1024; private URL url; private String ip; private int port; private ExternalSeedHTTPDownloader[] http_downloaders; private long[] downloader_offsets; private long[] downloader_lengths; private int piece_size; private int piece_group_size; protected ExternalSeedReaderGetRight( ExternalSeedPlugin _plugin, Torrent _torrent, URL _url, Map _params ) throws Exception { super( _plugin, _torrent, _params ); int target_request_size = getIntParam( _params, "req_size", TARGET_REQUEST_SIZE_DEFAULT ); url = _url; ip = url.getHost(); port = url.getPort(); if ( port == -1 ){ port = url.getDefaultPort(); } piece_size = (int)getTorrent().getPieceSize(); piece_group_size = target_request_size / piece_size; if ( piece_group_size == 0 ){ piece_group_size = 1; } TOTorrent to_torrent = ((TorrentImpl)_torrent).getTorrent(); String ua = getUserAgent(); if ( to_torrent.isSimpleTorrent()){ http_downloaders = new ExternalSeedHTTPDownloader[]{ new ExternalSeedHTTPDownloader( url, ua )}; downloader_offsets = new long[]{ 0 }; downloader_lengths = new long[]{ to_torrent.getSize() }; }else{ TOTorrentFile[] files = to_torrent.getFiles(); http_downloaders = new ExternalSeedHTTPDownloader[ files.length ]; downloader_offsets = new long[ files.length ]; downloader_lengths = new long[ files.length ]; long offset = 0; // encoding is a problem, assume ISO-8859-1 String base_url = url.toString(); if ( base_url.endsWith( "/" )){ base_url = base_url.substring( 0, base_url.length()-1 ); } base_url += "/" + URLEncoder.encode( new String( to_torrent.getName(), "ISO-8859-1" ), "ISO-8859-1" ).replaceAll("\\+", "%20"); for (int i=0;i<files.length;i++ ){ TOTorrentFile file = files[i]; long length = file.getLength(); String file_url_str = base_url; byte[][] bits = file.getPathComponents(); for (int j=0;j<bits.length;j++){ file_url_str += "/" + URLEncoder.encode( new String( bits[j], "ISO-8859-1" ), "ISO-8859-1" ).replaceAll("\\+", "%20"); } http_downloaders[i] = new ExternalSeedHTTPDownloader( new URL( file_url_str), ua ); downloader_offsets[i] = offset; downloader_lengths[i] = length; offset += length; } } } public boolean sameAs( ExternalSeedReader other ) { if ( other instanceof ExternalSeedReaderGetRight ){ return( url.toString().equals(((ExternalSeedReaderGetRight)other).url.toString())); } return( false ); } public String getName() { return( "GR: " + url ); } public String getIP() { return( ip ); } public int getPort() { return( port ); } protected int getPieceGroupSize() { return( piece_group_size ); } protected boolean getRequestCanSpanPieces() { return( true ); } protected void readData( ExternalSeedReaderRequest request ) throws ExternalSeedException { readData( request.getStartPieceNumber(), request.getStartPieceOffset(), request.getLength(), request ); } protected void readData( int start_piece_number, int start_piece_offset, int length, final ExternalSeedHTTPDownloaderListener listener ) throws ExternalSeedException { setReconnectDelay( RECONNECT_DEFAULT, false ); long request_start = start_piece_number * piece_size + start_piece_offset; int request_length = length; if ( http_downloaders.length == 1 ){ ExternalSeedHTTPDownloader http_downloader = http_downloaders[0]; try{ http_downloader.downloadRange( request_start, request_length, listener, isTransient()); }catch( ExternalSeedException ese ){ if ( http_downloader.getLastResponse() == 503 && http_downloader.getLast503RetrySecs() >= 0 ){ int retry_secs = http_downloader.getLast503RetrySecs(); setReconnectDelay( retry_secs * 1000, true ); throw( new ExternalSeedException( "Server temporarily unavailable, retrying in " + retry_secs + " seconds" )); }else{ throw(ese); } } }else{ long request_end = request_start + request_length; // System.out.println( "Req: start=" + request_start + ", len=" + request_length ); final byte[][] overlap_buffer = { null }; final int[] overlap_buffer_position = { 0 }; // we've got to multiplex the (possible) multiple request buffers onto (possible) multi files for (int i=0;i<http_downloaders.length;i++){ long this_start = downloader_offsets[i]; long this_end = this_start + downloader_lengths[i]; if ( this_end <= request_start ){ continue; } if ( this_start >= request_end ){ break; } long sub_request_start = Math.max( request_start, this_start ); long sub_request_end = Math.min( request_end, this_end ); final int sub_len = (int)( sub_request_end - sub_request_start ); if ( sub_len == 0 ){ continue; } ExternalSeedHTTPDownloader http_downloader = http_downloaders[i]; // System.out.println( " sub_req: start=" + sub_request_start + ", len=" + sub_len + ",url=" + http_downloader.getURL()); ExternalSeedHTTPDownloaderListener sub_request = new ExternalSeedHTTPDownloaderListener() { private int bytes_read; private byte[] current_buffer = overlap_buffer[0]; private int current_buffer_position = overlap_buffer_position[0]; private int current_buffer_length = current_buffer==null?-1:Math.min( current_buffer.length, current_buffer_position + sub_len ); public byte[] getBuffer() throws ExternalSeedException { if ( current_buffer == null ){ current_buffer = listener.getBuffer(); current_buffer_position = 0; current_buffer_length = Math.min( current_buffer.length, sub_len - bytes_read ); } return( current_buffer ); } public void setBufferPosition( int position ) { current_buffer_position = position; listener.setBufferPosition( position ); } public int getBufferPosition() { return( current_buffer_position ); } public int getBufferLength() { return( current_buffer_length ); } public int getPermittedBytes() throws ExternalSeedException { return( listener.getPermittedBytes()); } public int getPermittedTime() { return( listener.getPermittedTime()); } public void reportBytesRead( int num ) { bytes_read += num; listener.reportBytesRead( num ); } public void done() { // the current buffer is full up to the declared length int rem = current_buffer.length - current_buffer_length; if ( bytes_read == sub_len ){ // this request is complete. save any partial buffer for // next request if ( rem == 0 ){ overlap_buffer[0] = null; overlap_buffer_position[0] = 0; }else{ overlap_buffer[0] = current_buffer; overlap_buffer_position[0] = current_buffer_length; } } // prepare for next buffer if needed current_buffer = null; if ( rem == 0 ){ listener.done(); } } }; try{ http_downloader.downloadRange( sub_request_start - this_start, sub_len, sub_request, isTransient()); }catch( ExternalSeedException ese ){ if ( http_downloader.getLastResponse() == 503 && http_downloader.getLast503RetrySecs() >= 0 ){ int retry_secs = http_downloader.getLast503RetrySecs(); setReconnectDelay( retry_secs * 1000, true ); throw( new ExternalSeedException( "Server temporarily unavailable, retrying in " + retry_secs + " seconds" )); }else{ throw(ese); } } } } } }