package edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.servicesharing; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.DirectByteBuffer; /** * Multiplexes a stream of data, and tracks what is in * transit across channels. * * @author willscott * */ public class MessageStreamMultiplexer { public final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MessageStreamMultiplexer.class.getName()); private Integer next; private final short flow; private final HashMap<Integer, ServiceChannelEndpoint> channels; private final HashMap<Integer, SequenceNumber> outstandingMessages; private final HashMap<Integer, Set<SequenceNumber>> channelOutstanding; private final static byte ss = 44; public MessageStreamMultiplexer(short flow) { this.channels = new HashMap<Integer, ServiceChannelEndpoint>(); this.outstandingMessages = new HashMap<Integer, SequenceNumber>(); this.channelOutstanding = new HashMap<Integer, Set<SequenceNumber>>(); this.flow = flow; next = 0; } public void addChannel(ServiceChannelEndpoint s) { this.channels.put(s.getChannelId(), s); this.channelOutstanding.put(s.getChannelId(), new HashSet<SequenceNumber>()); } public int onAck(OSF2FServiceDataMsg message) { // Parse acknowledged messages DirectByteBuffer payload = message.getPayload(); HashSet<SequenceNumber> numbers = new HashSet<SequenceNumber>(); ArrayList<Integer> retransmissions = new ArrayList<Integer>(); SequenceNumber s = outstandingMessages.get(message.getSequenceNumber()); if (s != null) { numbers.add(s); } else { retransmissions.add(message.getSequenceNumber()); } while (payload.remaining(ss) > 0) { int num = payload.getInt(ss); s = outstandingMessages.get(num); if (s != null) { numbers.add(s); } else { retransmissions.add(num); } } for (SequenceNumber seq : numbers) { seq.ack(); for (Integer channelId : seq.getChannels()) { if (this.channels.get(channelId).forgetMessage(seq)) { channelOutstanding.get(channelId).remove(seq); seq.removeChannel(channelId); } } if (seq.getChannels().size() == 0) { outstandingMessages.remove(seq); } } for (Integer num : retransmissions) {"Non outstanding packet acked: " + num); } return numbers.size(); } public SequenceNumber nextMsg() { int num = next++; SequenceNumber n = new SequenceNumber(num, flow); outstandingMessages.put(num, n); return n; } public void sendMsg(SequenceNumber msg, ServiceChannelEndpoint channel) { int channelId = channel.getChannelId(); msg.addChannel(channelId); channelOutstanding.get(channelId).add(msg); } public boolean hasOutstanding(ServiceChannelEndpoint channel) { return channelOutstanding.containsKey(channel.getChannelId()); } public Map<SequenceNumber, DirectByteBuffer> getOutstanding(final ServiceChannelEndpoint channel) { Set<SequenceNumber> outstanding = channelOutstanding.get(channel.getChannelId()); HashMap<SequenceNumber, DirectByteBuffer> mapping = new HashMap<SequenceNumber, DirectByteBuffer>(); for (SequenceNumber s : outstanding) { DirectByteBuffer msg = channel.getMessage(s); if (msg != null && !s.isAcked()) { mapping.put(s, msg); } } return mapping; } public void removeChannel(ServiceChannelEndpoint channel) { int channelId = channel.getChannelId(); channels.remove(channelId); Set<SequenceNumber> inFlight = channelOutstanding.get(channelId); if (inFlight != null) { for (SequenceNumber s : inFlight) { s.removeChannel(channelId); } channelOutstanding.remove(channelId); } } }