/* * Created on Apr 16, 2004 * Created by Paul Gardner * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Aelitis, All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * AELITIS, SAS au capital de 46,603.30 euros * 8 Allee Lenotre, La Grille Royale, 78600 Le Mesnil le Roi, France. * */ package org.gudy.azureus2.platform.win32.access.impl; /** * @author parg * */ import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.util.*; // don't use any core stuff in here as we need this access stub to be able to run in isolation import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Constants; import org.gudy.azureus2.platform.PlatformManagerPingCallback; import org.gudy.azureus2.platform.win32.access.*; public class AEWin32AccessImpl implements AEWin32Access, AEWin32AccessCallback { protected static AEWin32AccessImpl singleton; public static synchronized AEWin32Access getSingleton( boolean fully_initialise ) { if ( singleton == null ){ singleton = new AEWin32AccessImpl(fully_initialise); } return( singleton ); } private boolean fully_initialise; private int trace_id_next = new Random().nextInt(); private List listeners = new ArrayList(); protected AEWin32AccessImpl( boolean _fully_initialise ) { fully_initialise = _fully_initialise; if ( isEnabled()){ AEWin32AccessInterface.load( this, fully_initialise ); } } public boolean isEnabled() { return( AEWin32AccessInterface.isEnabled( fully_initialise )); } public long windowsMessage( int msg, int param1, long param2 ) { int type = -1; if ( msg == AEWin32AccessInterface.WM_ENDSESSION ){ type = AEWin32AccessListener.ET_SHUTDOWN; }else if ( msg == AEWin32AccessInterface.WM_POWERBROADCAST ){ if ( param1 == AEWin32AccessInterface.PBT_APMQUERYSUSPEND ){ type = AEWin32AccessListener.ET_SUSPEND; }else if ( param1 == AEWin32AccessInterface.PBT_APMRESUMESUSPEND ){ type = AEWin32AccessListener.ET_RESUME; } } if ( type != -1 ){ for (int i=0;i<listeners.size();i++){ try{ ((AEWin32AccessListener)listeners.get(i)).eventOccurred( type ); }catch( Throwable e ){ e.printStackTrace(); } } } return( -1 ); } public long generalMessage( String str ) { return( 0 ); } public String getVersion() { return( AEWin32AccessInterface.getVersion()); } public String readStringValue( int type, String subkey, String value_name ) throws AEWin32AccessException { return( AEWin32AccessInterface.readStringValue( type, subkey, value_name )); } public void writeStringValue( int type, String subkey, String value_name, String value_value ) throws AEWin32AccessException { AEWin32AccessInterface.writeStringValue( type, subkey, value_name, value_value ); } public int readWordValue( int type, String subkey, String value_name ) throws AEWin32AccessException { return( AEWin32AccessInterface.readWordValue( type, subkey, value_name )); } public void writeWordValue( int type, String subkey, String value_name, int value_value ) throws AEWin32AccessException { AEWin32AccessInterface.writeWordValue( type, subkey, value_name, value_value ); } public void deleteKey( int type, String subkey ) throws AEWin32AccessException { deleteKey( type, subkey, false ); } public void deleteKey( int type, String subkey, boolean recursive ) throws AEWin32AccessException { AEWin32AccessInterface.deleteKey( type, subkey, recursive ); } public void deleteValue( int type, String subkey, String value_name ) throws AEWin32AccessException { AEWin32AccessInterface.deleteValue( type, subkey, value_name ); } public String getUserAppData() throws AEWin32AccessException { String app_data_key = "software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion\\explorer\\shell folders"; String app_data_name = "appdata"; return( readStringValue( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, app_data_key, app_data_name )); } public String getCommonAppData() throws AEWin32AccessException { String app_data_key = "software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion\\explorer\\shell folders"; String app_data_name = "Common AppData"; return( readStringValue( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, app_data_key, app_data_name )); } public String getUserDocumentsDir() throws AEWin32AccessException { String app_data_key = "software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion\\explorer\\shell folders"; String app_data_name = "personal"; return( readStringValue( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, app_data_key, app_data_name )); } public String getUserMusicDir() throws AEWin32AccessException { String app_data_key = "software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion\\explorer\\shell folders"; String app_data_name = "my music"; try { return( readStringValue( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, app_data_key, app_data_name )); } catch (AEWin32AccessException e) { // Win98 doesn't have it String s = getUserDocumentsDir(); if (s != null) { s += "\\My Music"; } return s; } } public String getUserVideoDir() throws AEWin32AccessException { String app_data_key = "software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion\\explorer\\shell folders"; String app_data_name = "my video"; try { return( readStringValue( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, app_data_key, app_data_name )); } catch (AEWin32AccessException e) { // Win98 doesn't have it String s = getUserDocumentsDir(); if (s != null) { s += "\\My Video"; } return s; } } public String getProgramFilesDir() throws AEWin32AccessException { String app_data_key = "software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion"; String app_data_name = "ProgramFilesDir"; return( readStringValue( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, app_data_key, app_data_name )); } public String getApplicationInstallDir( String app_name ) throws AEWin32AccessException { String res = ""; try{ res = readStringValue( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "software\\" + app_name, null ); }catch( AEWin32AccessException e ){ res = readStringValue( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "software\\" + app_name, null ); } return( res ); } public void createProcess( String command_line, boolean inherit_handles ) throws AEWin32AccessException { AEWin32AccessInterface.createProcess( command_line, inherit_handles ); } public void moveToRecycleBin( String file_name ) throws AEWin32AccessException { AEWin32AccessInterface.moveToRecycleBin( file_name ); } public void copyFilePermissions( String from_file_name, String to_file_name ) throws AEWin32AccessException { AEWin32AccessInterface.copyPermission( from_file_name, to_file_name ); } public boolean testNativeAvailability( String name ) throws AEWin32AccessException { return( AEWin32AccessInterface.testNativeAvailability( name )); } public int shellExecute(String operation, String file, String parameters, String directory, int SW_const) throws AEWin32AccessException { return AEWin32AccessInterface.shellExecute(operation, file, parameters, directory, SW_const); } public void traceRoute( InetAddress source_address, InetAddress target_address, final PlatformManagerPingCallback callback ) throws AEWin32AccessException { traceRoute( source_address, target_address, false, callback ); } public void ping( InetAddress source_address, InetAddress target_address, final PlatformManagerPingCallback callback ) throws AEWin32AccessException { if ( Constants.compareVersions( getVersion(), "1.15" ) < 0 ){ throw( new AEWin32AccessException( "Sorry, ping is broken in versions < 1.15" )); } traceRoute( source_address, target_address, true, callback ); } protected void traceRoute( InetAddress source_address, InetAddress target_address, boolean ping_mode, PlatformManagerPingCallback callback ) throws AEWin32AccessException { int trace_id; synchronized( this ){ trace_id = trace_id_next++; } AEWin32AccessCallback cb = new traceRouteCallback( ping_mode, callback ); AEWin32AccessInterface.traceRoute( trace_id, addressToInt( source_address ), addressToInt( target_address ), ping_mode?1:0, cb ); } private int addressToInt( InetAddress address ) { byte[] bytes = address.getAddress(); int resp = (bytes[0]<<24)&0xff000000 | (bytes[1] << 16)&0x00ff0000 | (bytes[2] << 8)&0x0000ff00 | bytes[3]&0x000000ff; return( resp ); } private InetAddress intToAddress( int address ) { byte[] bytes = { (byte)(address>>24), (byte)(address>>16),(byte)(address>>8),(byte)address }; try{ InetAddress res = InetAddress.getByAddress(bytes); return( res ); }catch( UnknownHostException e ){ return( null ); } } public void addListener( AEWin32AccessListener listener ) { listeners.add( listener ); } public void removeListener( AEWin32AccessListener listener ) { listeners.remove( listener ); } protected class traceRouteCallback implements AEWin32AccessCallback { private boolean ping_mode; private PlatformManagerPingCallback cb; protected traceRouteCallback( boolean _ping_mode, PlatformManagerPingCallback _cb ) { ping_mode = _ping_mode; cb = _cb; } public long windowsMessage( int msg, int param1, long param2 ) { return(0); } public long generalMessage( String msg ) { StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer( msg, "," ); int ttl = Integer.parseInt( tok.nextToken().trim()); int time = -1; InetAddress address; if ( tok.hasMoreTokens()){ int i_addr = Integer.parseInt( tok.nextToken().trim()); address = intToAddress( i_addr ); time = Integer.parseInt( tok.nextToken().trim()); //boolean is_udp = Integer.parseInt( tok.nextToken().trim()) == 1; // System.out.println( "udp = " + is_udp ); }else{ address = null; } return( cb.reportNode( ping_mode?-1:ttl, address, time )?1:0 ); } } }