package edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.test.integration.oop; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Constants; import org.junit.Assert; import; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.test.util.ConditionWaiter; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.test.util.ProcessLogConsumer; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.test.util.TestUtils; /** * Encapsulates a locally running testing instance of OneSwarm. Each instance of * this class corresponds to a separate process running on the local machine. * * This class should only be used by integration tests. */ public class LocalOneSwarm { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LocalOneSwarm.class.getName()); // Used to automatically choose instance labels. private static int instanceCount = 0; /** The set of listeners. */ List<LocalOneSwarmListener> listeners = Collections .synchronizedList(new ArrayList<LocalOneSwarmListener>()); /** The configuration of this instance. */ LocalOneSwarm.Config config = new LocalOneSwarm.Config(); /** The running OneSwarm process. */ Process process = null; /** The root path to the OneSwarm. Paths are constructed relative to this. */ String rootPath = null; /** The experimental coordinator for this instance. */ LocalOneSwarmCoordinator coordinator = null; /** The current state of this instance. */ State state = State.CONFIGURING; /** Possible states of a LocalOneSwarm instance. */ public enum State { CONFIGURING, STARTING, RUNNING, }; /** Configuration parameters for the local instance. */ public class Config { /** The label for this instance. */ String label = "LocalOneSwarm"; /** The path to system java. */ String javaPath = "java"; /** The path to the GWT war output directory. */ String warRootPath; /** The port on which the local webserver listens for GUI connections. */ int webUiPort = 29615; /** * The port to use for the StartServer (used to pass params on Windows * and detect multiple concurrent invocations on other platforms. */ int startServerPort = 6885; /** Classpath elements for the invocation. */ List<String> classPathElements = new ArrayList<String>(); /** System properties for the instance. */ Map<String, String> systemProperties = new HashMap<String, String>(); public String getLabel() { return label; } public void setLabel(String label) { this.label = label; } public String getWarRootPath() { return warRootPath; } public void setWarRootPath(String path) { warRootPath = path; } public List<String> getClassPathElements() { return classPathElements; } public void addClassPathElement(String path) { classPathElements.add(path); } public int getWebUiPort() { return webUiPort; } public void setWebUiPort(int port) { webUiPort = port; } public int getStartServerPort() { return startServerPort; } public void setStartServerPort(int port) { startServerPort = port; } public void addSystemProperty(String key, String value) { systemProperties.put(key, value); } } /** Forcibly shuts down the OneSwarm instance associated with this object. */ Thread cancelThread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { if (process == null) { return; }"Attemting to kill: " + process); process.destroy(); } }; public LocalOneSwarm(boolean experimentalSupport) throws IOException { rootPath = new File(".").getAbsolutePath(); config.setLabel("LocalOneSwarm-" + instanceCount); /* * 2 * instanceCount since the client uses the local port + 1 for * SSL/remote access, and we specify 3*instanceCount+2 as the start * server port for the instance. */ config.setWebUiPort(3000 + (3 * instanceCount)); config.setStartServerPort(3000 + (3 * instanceCount + 2)); if (experimentalSupport) { config.addSystemProperty("oneswarm.experimental.config.file", "dummy"); } // The coordinator listens for connections from running clients and // sends commands coordinator = new LocalOneSwarmCoordinator(this); coordinator.start(); instanceCount++; config.setWarRootPath("gwt-bin/war"); if (System.getProperty("oneswarm.test.local.classpath") == null) { System.err.println("********************************************************\n" + "* Need to specify oneswarm.test.local.classpath *\n" + "* *\n" + "* To support both IDE auto builds and ant builds, *\n" + "* LocalOneSwarm requires you to manually set the *\n" + "* OneSwarm-specific classpath entries. See the ant *\n" + "* build.xml run-tests target for an example of this *\n" + "* value. *\n" + "* (If you're building in eclipse, perhaps add: *\n" + "* -Doneswarm.test.local.classpath= *\n" + "* oneswarm_gwt_ui/war/WEB-INF/classes *\n" + "* to your run configuration JVM parameters. *\n" + "********************************************************");; } String[] entries = System.getProperty("oneswarm.test.local.classpath").split(":"); for (String entry : entries) { config.addClassPathElement(entry); System.out.println("Added " + entry + " to cp"); } /* SWT */ String swt = "build/swt/"; if (Constants.isOSX) { swt += "swt-osx-cocoa-x86_64.jar"; } else if (Constants.isLinux) { if (System.getProperty("").equals("32")) { swt += "swt-gtk-linux-x86.jar"; } else { swt += "swt-gtk-linux-x86_64.jar"; } } else if (Constants.isWindows) { swt += "swt-win32-x86.jar"; } config.addClassPathElement(swt); /* Other dependencies */ final String COMMONS = "build/gwt-libs/commons-http/"; final String GWT = "build/gwt-libs/"; final String F2F = "build/f2f-libs/"; final String CORE = "build/core-libs/"; String[] deps = { // Apache commons COMMONS + "jcip-annotations.jar", COMMONS + "httpmime-4.0.jar", COMMONS + "httpcore-4.0.1.jar", COMMONS + "httpclient-4.0.jar", COMMONS + "commons-logging-1.1.1.jar", COMMONS + "commons-io-1.3.2.jar", COMMONS + "commons-fileupload-1.2.1.jar", COMMONS + "commons-codec-1.4.jar", COMMONS + "apache-mime4j-0.6.jar", // GWT Core GWT + "gwt/gwt-user.jar", GWT + "gwt/gwt-servlet.jar", GWT + "gwt/gwt-dev.jar", // GWT Libs GWT + "gwt-dnd/gwt-dnd-2.6.5.jar", // TODO(piatek): Move this? GWT + "jaudiotagger.jar", // Jetty GWT + "jetty/jetty.jar", GWT + "jetty/jetty-util.jar", GWT + "jetty/jetty-servlet-api.jar", GWT + "jetty/jetty-management.jar", // F2F Libs F2F + "smack.jar", F2F + "publickey-client.jar", F2F + "ecs-1.4.2.jar", // Core libs CORE + "derby.jar", CORE + "log4j.jar", CORE + "junit.jar", CORE + "commons-cli.jar", CORE + "guava.jar", }; for (String dep : deps) { config.addClassPathElement(dep); } } /** Adds {@code listener} to the set of listeners. */ public void addListener(LocalOneSwarmListener listener) { listeners.add(listener); } /** Removes {@code listener} from the set of listeners. */ public void removeListener(LocalOneSwarmListener listener) { listeners.remove(listener); } /** Returns the current state of the instance. */ public State getState() { return state; } /** * Called by our OneSwarmCoordinator when receiving heartbeats from clients. */ void coordinatorReceivedHeartbeat() { if (state == State.STARTING) { state = State.RUNNING; // Broadcast the start event to listeners for (LocalOneSwarmListener l : listeners.toArray(new LocalOneSwarmListener[0])) { l.instanceStarted(this); } } } /** Asynchronously starts the process associated with this instance. */ public void start() throws IOException { state = State.STARTING; StringBuilder propertiesString = new StringBuilder(); for (String property : config.systemProperties.keySet()) { propertiesString.append(" -D" + property + "=" + config.systemProperties.get(property)); } // Construct a ProcessBuilder with common options ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(config.javaPath, "-Xmx256m", "-Ddebug.war=" + new File(rootPath, config.warRootPath), "", "-DMULTI_INSTANCE=true" + propertiesString); List<String> command = pb.command(); // Add platform-specific options if (Constants.isOSX) { command.add("-XstartOnFirstThread"); } // Add classpath StringBuilder cpString = new StringBuilder(); for (String path : config.classPathElements) { File entry = new File(rootPath, path); if (entry.exists() == false) { logger.warning("Classpath entry not found: " + entry.getAbsolutePath()); } cpString.append(entry.getAbsolutePath()); cpString.append(File.pathSeparator); } command.add("-cp"); // -1 because of the spurious ':' at the end command.add(cpString.substring(0, cpString.length() - 1)); // Configure system properties for test instances Map<String, String> scratchPaths = TestUtils.createScratchLocationsForTest(config.label); + " paths: " + scratchPaths); /* * Create the experimental config file that will register this client * with our locally running coordination server. */ PrintStream experimentalConfig = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream( scratchPaths.get("experimentalConfig"))); experimentalConfig .println("inject edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.test.integration.oop.LocalOneSwarmExperiment"); experimentalConfig.println("name " + config.getLabel()); experimentalConfig.println("register" + coordinator.getServerPort() + "/s"); // Disable lan-, cht-, dht-friend connect // experimentalConfig.println("booleanSetting OSF2F.Use@DHT@Proxy false"); // experimentalConfig.println("booleanSetting OSF2F.LanFriendFinder false"); // experimentalConfig.println("booleanSetting dht.enabled false"); // Make it communicate regularly for shorter test timeouts. experimentalConfig.println("setprop oneswarm.test.coordinator.poll 1"); experimentalConfig.close(); // Add the appropriate config properties command.add("-Doneswarm.integration.test=1"); command.add("" + scratchPaths.get("userData")); command.add("-Dazureus.config.path=" + scratchPaths.get("userData")); command.add("-Doneswarm.integration.web.ui.port=" + config.getWebUiPort()); command.add("-Doneswarm.integration.start.server.port=" + config.getStartServerPort()); command.add("-Doneswarm.experimental.config.file=" + scratchPaths.get("experimentalConfig")); command.add("-Dnolaunch_startup=1"); command.add("-Doneswarm.test.coordinator.poll=2"); if (Constants.isWindows) { command.add("-Djava.library.path=" + (new File(rootPath, "build/core-libs/dll").getAbsolutePath())); } // Main class command.add("com.aelitis.azureus.ui.Main"); // Kick-off: merge stderr and stdout, set the working directory, and // start. pb.redirectErrorStream(true); File workingDirFile = new File(scratchPaths.get("workingDir"));; // If there's a local here, copy it to the // workingDir. File localLoggingProperties = new File(""); if (localLoggingProperties.exists()) { Files.copy(localLoggingProperties, new File(workingDirFile, ""));"Copied local to OOP instace."); } process = pb.start();"Forked OneSwarm instance: " + config.label); // Consume the unified log. new ProcessLogConsumer(config.label, process).start(); // Make sure this process gets torn down when if the test is killed Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(cancelThread); } /** Asynchronously stops the process associated with this instance. */ public void stop() { cancelThread.start(); coordinator.setDone(); Runtime.getRuntime().removeShutdownHook(cancelThread); } /** Blocks until {@count} friends are online. */ public void waitForOnlineFriends(final int count) { new ConditionWaiter(new ConditionWaiter.Predicate() { @Override public boolean satisfied() { return getCoordinator().onlineFriendCount >= count; } }, 40 * 1000).awaitFail(); } public void waitForClean() { new ConditionWaiter(new ConditionWaiter.Predicate() { @Override public boolean satisfied() { return getCoordinator().getPendingCommands().size() == 0; } }, 40 * 1000).awaitFail(); } /** Blocks until the instance's public key is available and returns it. */ public String getPublicKey() { new ConditionWaiter(new ConditionWaiter.Predicate() { @Override public boolean satisfied() { return getCoordinator().encodedPublicKey != null; } }, 20 * 1000).awaitFail(); return getCoordinator().encodedPublicKey; } /** Returns the root path of the OneSwarm build folder. */ public String getRootPath() { return rootPath; } public LocalOneSwarmCoordinator getCoordinator() { return coordinator; } @Override public String toString() { return config.label; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { new LocalOneSwarm(false).start(); while (true) { Thread.sleep(100); } } /** Returns the label of this instance. */ public String getLabel() { return config.label; } }