/* * File : FMFileImpl.java * Created : 12-Feb-2004 * By : parg * * Azureus - a Java Bittorrent client * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details ( see the LICENSE file ). * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package com.aelitis.azureus.core.diskmanager.file.impl; /** * @author parg * */ import java.util.*; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.RandomAccessFile; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrentFile; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.*; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.diskmanager.file.*; public abstract class FMFileImpl implements FMFile { protected static final String READ_ACCESS_MODE = "r"; protected static final String WRITE_ACCESS_MODE = "rwd"; private static Map file_map = new HashMap(); private static AEMonitor file_map_mon = new AEMonitor( "FMFile:map"); static{ AEDiagnostics.addEvidenceGenerator( new AEDiagnosticsEvidenceGenerator() { public void generate( IndentWriter writer ) { generateEvidence( writer ); } }); } private FMFileManagerImpl manager; private FMFileOwner owner; private int access_mode = FM_READ; private File linked_file; private String canonical_path; private RandomAccessFile raf; private FMFileAccessController file_access; private File created_dirs_leaf; private List created_dirs; protected AEMonitor this_mon = new AEMonitor( "FMFile" ); private boolean clone; protected FMFileImpl( FMFileOwner _owner, FMFileManagerImpl _manager, File _file, int _type ) throws FMFileManagerException { owner = _owner; manager = _manager; linked_file = manager.getFileLink( owner.getTorrentFile().getTorrent(), _file ); boolean file_was_created = false; boolean file_reserved = false; boolean ok = false; try{ try { canonical_path = linked_file.getCanonicalPath(); }catch( IOException ioe ) { String msg = ioe.getMessage(); if( msg != null && msg.indexOf( "There are no more files" ) != -1 ) { String abs_path = linked_file.getAbsolutePath(); String error = "Caught 'There are no more files' exception during file.getCanonicalPath(). " + "os=[" +Constants.OSName+ "], file.getPath()=[" +linked_file.getPath()+ "], file.getAbsolutePath()=[" +abs_path+ "]. "; Debug.out( error, ioe ); } throw ioe; } createDirs( linked_file ); reserveFile(); file_reserved = true; file_access = new FMFileAccessController( this, _type ); ok = true; }catch( Throwable e ){ if ( file_was_created ){ linked_file.delete(); } deleteDirs(); if ( e instanceof FMFileManagerException ){ throw((FMFileManagerException)e); } throw( new FMFileManagerException( "initialisation failed", e )); }finally{ if ( file_reserved && !ok ){ releaseFile(); } } } protected FMFileImpl( FMFileImpl basis ) throws FMFileManagerException { owner = basis.owner; manager = basis.manager; linked_file = basis.linked_file; canonical_path = basis.canonical_path; clone = true; try{ file_access = new FMFileAccessController( this, basis.file_access.getStorageType()); }catch( Throwable e ){ if ( e instanceof FMFileManagerException ){ throw((FMFileManagerException)e); } throw( new FMFileManagerException( "initialisation failed", e )); } } protected FMFileManagerImpl getManager() { return( manager ); } public String getName() { return( linked_file.toString()); } public boolean exists() { return( linked_file.exists()); } public FMFileOwner getOwner() { return( owner ); } public boolean isClone() { return( clone ); } public void setStorageType( int new_type ) throws FMFileManagerException { try{ this_mon.enter(); boolean was_open = isOpen(); if ( was_open ){ closeSupport( false ); } try{ file_access.setStorageType( new_type ); }finally{ if ( was_open ){ openSupport( "Re-open after storage type change" ); } } }finally{ this_mon.exit(); } } public int getStorageType() { return( file_access.getStorageType()); } public int getAccessMode() { return( access_mode ); } protected void setAccessModeSupport( int mode ) { access_mode = mode; } protected File getLinkedFile() { return( linked_file ); } public void moveFile( File new_unlinked_file ) throws FMFileManagerException { try{ this_mon.enter(); String new_canonical_path; File new_linked_file = manager.getFileLink( owner.getTorrentFile().getTorrent(), new_unlinked_file ); try{ try { new_canonical_path = new_linked_file.getCanonicalPath(); }catch( IOException ioe ) { String msg = ioe.getMessage(); if( msg != null && msg.indexOf( "There are no more files" ) != -1 ) { String abs_path = new_linked_file.getAbsolutePath(); String error = "Caught 'There are no more files' exception during new_file.getCanonicalPath(). " + "os=[" +Constants.OSName+ "], new_file.getPath()=[" +new_linked_file.getPath()+ "], new_file.getAbsolutePath()=[" +abs_path+ "]. "; //"new_canonical_path temporarily set to [" +abs_path+ "]"; Debug.out( error, ioe ); } throw ioe; } }catch( Throwable e ){ throw( new FMFileManagerException( "getCanonicalPath fails", e )); } if ( new_linked_file.exists()){ throw( new FMFileManagerException( "moveFile fails - file '" + new_canonical_path + "' already exists")); } boolean was_open = isOpen(); close(); // full close, this will release any slots in the limited file case createDirs( new_linked_file ); if ( !linked_file.exists() || FileUtil.renameFile( linked_file, new_linked_file )) { linked_file = new_linked_file; canonical_path = new_canonical_path; reserveFile(); if ( was_open ){ ensureOpen( "moveFile target" ); // ensure open will regain slots in limited file case } }else{ try{ reserveFile(); }catch( FMFileManagerException e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); } if ( was_open ){ try{ ensureOpen( "moveFile recovery" ); }catch( FMFileManagerException e){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); } } throw( new FMFileManagerException( "moveFile fails")); } }finally{ this_mon.exit(); } } public void ensureOpen( String reason ) throws FMFileManagerException { try{ this_mon.enter(); if ( isOpen()){ return; } openSupport( reason ); }finally{ this_mon.exit(); } } protected long getLengthSupport() throws FMFileManagerException { try{ return( file_access.getLength( raf )); }catch( FMFileManagerException e ){ try{ reopen(); return( file_access.getLength( raf )); }catch( Throwable e2 ){ throw( e ); } } } protected void setLengthSupport( long length ) throws FMFileManagerException { try{ file_access.setLength( raf, length ); }catch( FMFileManagerException e ){ try{ reopen(); file_access.setLength( raf, length ); }catch( Throwable e2 ){ throw( e ); } } } protected void reopen() throws Throwable { if ( raf != null ){ try{ raf.close(); }catch( Throwable e ){ // ignore any close failure as can't do much } // don't clear down raf here as we want to leave things looking as they were // if the subsequent open fails } raf = new RandomAccessFile( linked_file, access_mode==FM_READ?READ_ACCESS_MODE:WRITE_ACCESS_MODE); Debug.outNoStack( "Recovered connection to " + getName() + " after access failure" ); } protected void openSupport( String reason ) throws FMFileManagerException { if ( raf != null ){ throw( new FMFileManagerException( "file already open" )); } reserveAccess( reason ); try{ raf = new RandomAccessFile( linked_file, access_mode==FM_READ?READ_ACCESS_MODE:WRITE_ACCESS_MODE); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); throw( new FMFileManagerException( "open fails", e )); } } protected void closeSupport( boolean explicit ) throws FMFileManagerException { FMFileManagerException flush_exception = null; try{ flush(); }catch( FMFileManagerException e ){ flush_exception = e; } if ( raf == null ){ // may have previously been implicitly closed, tidy up if required if ( explicit ){ releaseFile(); deleteDirs(); } }else{ try{ raf.close(); }catch( Throwable e ){ throw( new FMFileManagerException("close fails", e )); }finally{ raf = null; if ( explicit ){ releaseFile(); } } } if ( flush_exception != null ){ throw( flush_exception ); } } public void flush() throws FMFileManagerException { file_access.flush(); } public void delete() throws FMFileManagerException { close(); if ( linked_file.exists()){ if ( !linked_file.delete()){ throw( new FMFileManagerException( "Failed to delete '" + linked_file + "'" )); } } } protected void readSupport( DirectByteBuffer buffer, long position ) throws FMFileManagerException { readSupport(new DirectByteBuffer[]{buffer}, position ); } protected void readSupport( DirectByteBuffer[] buffers, long position ) throws FMFileManagerException { try{ file_access.read( raf, buffers, position ); }catch( FMFileManagerException e ){ try{ reopen(); file_access.read( raf, buffers, position ); }catch( Throwable e2 ){ throw( e ); } } } protected void writeSupport( DirectByteBuffer buffer, long position ) throws FMFileManagerException { writeSupport(new DirectByteBuffer[]{buffer}, position ); } protected void writeSupport( DirectByteBuffer[] buffers, long position ) throws FMFileManagerException { try{ file_access.write( raf, buffers, position ); }catch( FMFileManagerException e ){ try{ reopen(); file_access.write( raf, buffers, position ); }catch( Throwable e2 ){ throw( e ); } } } public boolean isOpen() { return( raf != null ); } // file reservation is used to manage the possibility of multiple torrents // refering to the same file. Initially introduced to stop a common problem // whereby different torrents contain the same files - without // this code the torrents could interfere resulting in all sorts of problems // The original behavior was to completely prevent the sharing of files. // However, better behaviour is to allow sharing of a file as long as only // read access is required. // we store a list of owners against each canonical file with a boolean "write" marker private void reserveFile() throws FMFileManagerException { if ( clone ){ return; } try{ file_map_mon.enter(); // System.out.println( "FMFile::reserveFile:" + canonical_path + "("+ owner.getName() + ")" ); List owners = (List)file_map.get(canonical_path); if ( owners == null ){ owners = new ArrayList(); file_map.put( canonical_path, owners ); } for (Iterator it=owners.iterator();it.hasNext();){ Object[] entry = (Object[])it.next(); if ( owner.getName().equals(((FMFileOwner)entry[0]).getName())){ // already present, start off read-access Debug.out( "reserve file - entry already present" ); entry[1] = new Boolean( false ); return; } } owners.add( new Object[]{ owner, new Boolean( false ), "<reservation>" }); }finally{ file_map_mon.exit(); } } private void reserveAccess( String reason ) throws FMFileManagerException { if ( clone ){ return; } try{ file_map_mon.enter(); // System.out.println( "FMFile::reserveAccess:" + canonical_path + "("+ owner.getName() + ")" + " [" + (access_mode==FM_WRITE?"write":"read") + "]" ); List owners = (List)file_map.get( canonical_path ); Object[] my_entry = null; if ( owners == null ){ Debug.out( "reserveAccess fail" ); throw( new FMFileManagerException( "File '"+canonical_path+"' has not been reserved (no entries), '" + owner.getName()+"'")); } for (Iterator it=owners.iterator();it.hasNext();){ Object[] entry = (Object[])it.next(); if ( owner.getName().equals(((FMFileOwner)entry[0]).getName())){ my_entry = entry; } } if ( my_entry == null ){ Debug.out( "reserveAccess fail" ); throw( new FMFileManagerException( "File '"+canonical_path+"' has not been reserved (not found), '" + owner.getName()+"'")); } my_entry[1] = new Boolean( access_mode==FM_WRITE ); my_entry[2] = reason; int read_access = 0; int write_access = 0; int write_access_lax = 0; TOTorrentFile my_torrent_file = owner.getTorrentFile(); String users = ""; for (Iterator it=owners.iterator();it.hasNext();){ Object[] entry = (Object[])it.next(); FMFileOwner this_owner = (FMFileOwner)entry[0]; if (((Boolean)entry[1]).booleanValue()){ write_access++; TOTorrentFile this_tf = this_owner.getTorrentFile(); if ( my_torrent_file != null && this_tf != null && my_torrent_file.getLength() == this_tf.getLength()){ write_access_lax++; } users += (users.length()==0?"":",") + this_owner.getName() + " [write]"; }else{ read_access++; users += (users.length()==0?"":",") + this_owner.getName() + " [read]"; } } if ( write_access > 1 || ( write_access == 1 && read_access > 0 )){ // relax locking if strict is disabled and torrent file is same size if ( !COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( "File.strict.locking" )){ if ( write_access_lax == write_access ){ return; } } Debug.out( "reserveAccess fail" ); throw( new FMFileManagerException( "File '"+canonical_path+"' is in use by '" + users +"'")); } }finally{ file_map_mon.exit(); } } private void releaseFile() { if ( clone ){ return; } try{ file_map_mon.enter(); // System.out.println( "FMFile::releaseFile:" + canonical_path + "("+ owner.getName() + ")" ); List owners = (List)file_map.get( canonical_path ); if ( owners != null ){ for (Iterator it=owners.iterator();it.hasNext();){ Object[] entry = (Object[])it.next(); if ( owner.getName().equals(((FMFileOwner)entry[0]).getName())){ it.remove(); break; } } if ( owners.size() == 0 ){ file_map.remove( canonical_path ); } } }finally{ file_map_mon.exit(); } } protected void createDirs( File target ) throws FMFileManagerException { if ( clone ){ return; } deleteDirs(); File parent = target.getParentFile(); if ( !parent.exists()){ List new_dirs = new ArrayList(); File current = parent; while( current != null && !current.exists()){ new_dirs.add( current ); current = current.getParentFile(); } created_dirs_leaf = target; created_dirs = new ArrayList(); if (FileUtil.mkdirs(parent)){ created_dirs_leaf = target; created_dirs = new_dirs; /* for (int i=created_dirs.size()-1;i>=0;i--){ System.out.println( "created " + created_dirs.get(i)); } */ }else{ throw( new FMFileManagerException( "Failed to create parent directory '" + parent + "'")); } } } protected void deleteDirs() { if ( clone ){ return; } if ( created_dirs_leaf != null ){ // delete any dirs we created if the target file doesn't exist if ( !created_dirs_leaf.exists()){ Iterator it = created_dirs.iterator(); while( it.hasNext()){ File dir = (File)it.next(); if ( dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory()){ File[] entries = dir.listFiles(); if ( entries == null || entries.length == 0 ){ // System.out.println( "deleted " + dir ); dir.delete(); }else{ break; } }else{ break; } } } created_dirs_leaf = null; created_dirs = null; } } protected String getString() { File cPath = new File(canonical_path); String sPaths; if (cPath.equals(linked_file)) sPaths = "can/link=" + Debug.secretFileName(canonical_path); else sPaths = "can=" + Debug.secretFileName(canonical_path) + ",link=" + Debug.secretFileName(linked_file.toString()); return sPaths + ",raf=" + raf + ",acc=" + access_mode + ",ctrl = " + file_access.getString(); } protected static void generateEvidence( IndentWriter writer ) { writer.println( file_map.size() + " FMFile Reservations" ); try{ writer.indent(); try{ file_map_mon.enter(); Iterator it = file_map.keySet().iterator(); while( it.hasNext()){ String key = (String)it.next(); List owners = (List)file_map.get(key); Iterator it2 = owners.iterator(); String str = ""; while( it2.hasNext()){ Object[] entry = (Object[])it2.next(); FMFileOwner owner = (FMFileOwner)entry[0]; Boolean write = (Boolean)entry[1]; String reason = (String)entry[2]; str += (str.length()==0?"":", ") + owner.getName() + "[" + (write.booleanValue()?"write":"read")+ "/" + reason + "]"; } writer.println( Debug.secretFileName(key) + " -> " + str ); } }finally{ file_map_mon.exit(); } FMFileManagerImpl.generateEvidence( writer ); }finally{ writer.exdent(); } } }