package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Base64; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.ParameterListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.StringList; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.disk.DiskManagerFileInfo; import; import; import; import; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.peer.PEPeerManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Debug; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.HashWrapper; import org.oneswarm.util.ReflectionUtils; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.impl.AzureusCoreImpl; import edu.uw.cse.netlab.utils.BloomFilter; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.BigFatLock; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.FileCollection; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.FileList; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.FileListManager; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.Friend; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.OSF2FMain; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.TextSearchResult; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.TextSearchResult.TextSearchResponse; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.TextSearchResult.TextSearchResponseItem; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.messaging.OSF2FChannelReset; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.messaging.OSF2FHashSearch; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.messaging.OSF2FHashSearchResp; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.messaging.OSF2FMessage; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.messaging.OSF2FSearch; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.messaging.OSF2FSearchCancel; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.messaging.OSF2FSearchResp; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.messaging.OSF2FTextSearch; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.messaging.OSF2FTextSearchResp; import; import; import; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.servicesharing.ServiceConnectionManager; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.servicesharing.ServiceSharingManager; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.servicesharing.SharedService; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.share.ShareManagerTools; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.BackendErrorLog; public class SearchManager { public static final String SEARCH_QUEUE_THREAD_NAME = "DelayedSearchQueue"; private final static BigFatLock lock = OverlayManager.lock; public static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SearchManager.class.getName()); // search sources are remembered for 1 minute, any replies after this will // be dropped public static final long MAX_SEARCH_AGE = 60 * 1000; public static final int MAX_SEARCH_QUEUE_LENGTH = 100; // private static final int MAX_SEARCH_RESP_BEFORE_CANCEL = // COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter("f2f_search_max_paths"); protected int mMaxSearchResponsesBeforeCancel = COConfigurationManager .getIntParameter("f2f_search_max_paths"); // don't respond if average torrent upload rate is less than 10K/s private static final double NO_RESPONSE_TORRENT_AVERAGE_RATE = 10000; private static final double NO_RESPONSE_TOTAL_FRAC_OF_MAX_UPLOAD = 0.9; private static final double NO_RESPONSE_TRANSPORT_FRAC_OF_MAX_UPLOAD = 0.75; /* * this is to avoid searches living forever, search uid are remembered for * 45min-1h, there are 4 bloom filter buckets that are rotating, each one * containing 15minutes worth of searches */ private static final int RECENT_SEARCH_BUCKETS = 4; private static final long RECENT_SEARCH_MEMORY = 20 * 60 * 1000; // static final int SEARCH_DELAY = // COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter("f2f_search_forward_delay"); protected int mSearchDelay = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter("f2f_search_forward_delay"); /** * This Map is protected by the BigFatLock: lock. We use this to drop * searches from friends that are crowding the outgoing search queue early, * thus allowing friends that send searches more rarely to get through. * * This map is emptied once every 60 seconds to deal with accounting errors * that may accumulate. */ class MutableInteger { public int v = 0; } long lastSearchAccountingFlush = System.currentTimeMillis(); private final Map<Friend, MutableInteger> searchesPerFriend = new HashMap<Friend, MutableInteger>(); private int bloomSearchesBlockedCurr = 0; private int bloomSearchesBlockedPrev = 0; private int bloomSearchesSentCurr = 0; private int bloomSearchesSentPrev = 0; private final HashMap<Integer, Long> canceledSearches; private final DebugChannelSetupErrorStats debugChannelIdErrorSetupErrorStats = new DebugChannelSetupErrorStats(); private final DelayedSearchQueue delayedSearchQueue; // private final DeterministicDelayResponseQueue delayedResponseQueue; private final FileListManager filelistManager; private final HashMap<Integer, ForwardedSearch> forwardedSearches; private int forwardedSearchNum = 0; private List<Integer> hashSearchStats = new LinkedList<Integer>(); private boolean includeLanUploads; private final double NO_FORWARD_FRAC_OF_MAX_UPLOAD = 0.9; private final OverlayManager overlayManager; private final Random random = new Random(); private final RandomnessManager randomnessManager; private int rateLimitInKBps; private final RotatingBloomFilter recentSearches; private final HashMap<Integer, SentSearch> sentSearches; private final HashMap<Integer, ServiceSearch> serviceSearches; private final GlobalManagerStats stats; private final TextSearchManager textSearchManager; private List<Integer> textSearchStats = new LinkedList<Integer>(); private final DelayedExecutor delayedExecutor; private String[] filteredKeywords = new String[0]; public SearchManager(OverlayManager overlayManager, FileListManager filelistManager, RandomnessManager randomnessManager, GlobalManagerStats stats) { this.stats = stats; this.delayedExecutor = DelayedExecutorService.getInstance().getVariableDelayExecutor(); // this.delayedResponseQueue = new DeterministicDelayResponseQueue(); this.overlayManager = overlayManager; this.sentSearches = new HashMap<Integer, SentSearch>(); this.forwardedSearches = new HashMap<Integer, ForwardedSearch>(); this.canceledSearches = new HashMap<Integer, Long>(); this.serviceSearches = new HashMap<Integer, ServiceSearch>(); this.filelistManager = filelistManager; this.randomnessManager = randomnessManager; this.textSearchManager = new TextSearchManager(); this.recentSearches = new RotatingBloomFilter(RECENT_SEARCH_MEMORY, RECENT_SEARCH_BUCKETS); this.delayedSearchQueue = new DelayedSearchQueue(mSearchDelay); COConfigurationManager.addAndFireParameterListeners(new String[] { "LAN Speed Enabled", "Max Upload Speed KBs", "", "f2f_search_max_paths", "f2f_search_forward_delay" }, new ParameterListener() { @Override public void parameterChanged(String parameterName) { includeLanUploads = !COConfigurationManager .getBooleanParameter("LAN Speed Enabled"); rateLimitInKBps = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter("Max Upload Speed KBs"); StringList keywords = COConfigurationManager .getStringListParameter(""); if (keywords != null) { String[] neu = new String[keywords.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < keywords.size(); i++) { String firstTok = (new StringTokenizer(keywords.get(i))).nextToken(); neu[i] = firstTok; } filteredKeywords = neu; logger.fine("Updated filtered keywords " + keywords.size()); } mMaxSearchResponsesBeforeCancel = COConfigurationManager .getIntParameter("f2f_search_max_paths"); mSearchDelay = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter("f2f_search_forward_delay"); delayedSearchQueue.setDelay(mSearchDelay); } }); } private boolean canForwardSearch() { double util = fracUpload(); if (util == -1 || util < NO_FORWARD_FRAC_OF_MAX_UPLOAD) { return true; } else { logger.finest("not forwarding search (overloaded, util=" + util + ")"); return false; } } private boolean canRespondToSearch() { double totalUtil = fracUpload(); if (totalUtil == -1) { return true; } // ok, check if we are using more than 90% of total if (totalUtil < NO_RESPONSE_TOTAL_FRAC_OF_MAX_UPLOAD) { return true; } double transUtil = fracTransportUpload(); // check if we are using more than 75% for transports if (transUtil < NO_RESPONSE_TRANSPORT_FRAC_OF_MAX_UPLOAD) { return true; } double torrentAvgSpeed = getAverageUploadPerRunningTorrent(); if (torrentAvgSpeed == -1) { return true; } if (torrentAvgSpeed > NO_RESPONSE_TORRENT_AVERAGE_RATE) { return true; } if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { logger.finer("not responding to search (overloaded, util=" + transUtil + ")"); } return false; } public void clearTimedOutSearches() { lock.lock(); try { /* * check if we need to rotate the bloom filter of recent searches */ boolean rotated = recentSearches.rotateIfNeeded(); if (rotated) { bloomSearchesBlockedPrev = bloomSearchesBlockedCurr; bloomSearchesBlockedCurr = 0; bloomSearchesSentPrev = bloomSearchesSentCurr; bloomSearchesSentCurr = 0; } for (Iterator<ForwardedSearch> iterator = forwardedSearches.values().iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { ForwardedSearch fs =; if (fs.isTimedOut()) { iterator.remove(); } } for (Iterator<SentSearch> iterator = sentSearches.values().iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { SentSearch sentSearch =; if (sentSearch.isTimedOut()) { iterator.remove(); if (sentSearch.getSearch() instanceof OSF2FHashSearch) { hashSearchStats.add(sentSearch.getResponseNum()); } else if (sentSearch.getSearch() instanceof OSF2FTextSearch) { textSearchStats.add(sentSearch.getResponseNum()); } } } for (Iterator<ServiceSearch> iterator = serviceSearches.values().iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { ServiceSearch serviceSearch =; if (serviceSearch.isTimedOut()) { iterator.remove(); } } /* * Delete any expired canceled searches */ LinkedList<Integer> toDelete = new LinkedList<Integer>(); for (Integer key : canceledSearches.keySet()) { long age = System.currentTimeMillis() - canceledSearches.get(key); if (age > MAX_SEARCH_AGE) { toDelete.add(key); } } for (Integer key : toDelete) { canceledSearches.remove(key); } textSearchManager.clearOldResponses(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public List<String> debugCanceledSearches() { List<String> l = new LinkedList<String>(); lock.lock(); try { for (Integer s : canceledSearches.keySet()) { l.add("search=" + Integer.toHexString(s) + " age=" + ((System.currentTimeMillis() - canceledSearches.get(s)) / 1000) + "s"); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } return l; } public List<String> debugForwardedSearches() { List<String> l = new LinkedList<String>(); lock.lock(); try { for (ForwardedSearch f : forwardedSearches.values()) { l.add("search=" + Integer.toHexString(f.getSearchId()) + " responses=" + f.getResponseNum() + " age=" + (f.getAge() / 1000) + "s"); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } return l; } public List<String> debugSentSearches() { List<String> l = new LinkedList<String>(); lock.lock(); try { for (SentSearch s : sentSearches.values()) { l.add("search=" + Integer.toHexString(s.getSearch().getSearchID()) + " responses=" + s.getResponseNum() + " age=" + (s.getAge() / 1000) + "s"); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } return l; } private void forwardSearch(FriendConnection source, OSF2FSearch search) { lock.lock(); try { // check if search is canceled or forwarded first int searchID = search.getSearchID(); if (forwardedSearches.containsKey(searchID)) { logger.finest("not forwarding search, already forwarded. id: " + searchID); return; } if (canceledSearches.containsKey(searchID)) { logger.finest("not forwarding search, cancel received. id: " + searchID); return; } int valueID = search.getValueID(); if (recentSearches.contains(searchID, valueID)) { bloomSearchesBlockedCurr++; logger.finest("not forwarding search, in recent filter. id: " + searchID); return; } bloomSearchesSentCurr++; forwardedSearchNum++; if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { logger.finest("forwarding search " + search.getDescription() + " id: " + searchID); } forwardedSearches.put(searchID, new ForwardedSearch(source, search)); recentSearches.insert(searchID, valueID); } finally { lock.unlock(); } overlayManager.forwardSearchOrCancel(source, search.clone()); } private double fracTransportUpload() { if (rateLimitInKBps < 1) { return -1; } long uploadRate = overlayManager.getTransportSendRate(includeLanUploads); double util = uploadRate / (rateLimitInKBps * 1024.0); return util; } private double fracUpload() { if (rateLimitInKBps < 1) { return -1; } long uploadRate; if (!includeLanUploads) { uploadRate = stats.getProtocolSendRateNoLAN() + stats.getDataSendRateNoLAN(); } else { uploadRate = stats.getProtocolSendRate() + stats.getDataSendRate(); } double util = uploadRate / (rateLimitInKBps * 1024.0); return util; } public int getAndClearForwardedSearchNum() { lock.lock(); try { int ret = forwardedSearchNum; forwardedSearchNum = 0; return ret; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public List<Integer> getAndClearHashSearchStats() { lock.lock(); try { List<Integer> ret = hashSearchStats; hashSearchStats = new LinkedList<Integer>(); return ret; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public List<Integer> getAndClearTextSearchStats() { lock.lock(); try { List<Integer> ret = textSearchStats; textSearchStats = new LinkedList<Integer>(); return ret; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private double getAverageUploadPerRunningTorrent() { LinkedList<DownloadManager> dms = new LinkedList<DownloadManager>(); final List<DownloadManager> downloadManagers = AzureusCoreImpl.getSingleton() .getGlobalManager().getDownloadManagers(); dms.addAll(downloadManagers); long total = 0; int num = 0; for (DownloadManager dm : dms) { final DownloadManagerStats s = dm.getStats(); if (s == null) { continue; } final PEPeerManager p = dm.getPeerManager(); if (p == null) { continue; } if (p.getNbPeers() == 0 && p.getNbSeeds() == 0) { continue; } long uploadRate = s.getDataSendRate() + s.getProtocolSendRate(); total += uploadRate; num++; } if (num == 0) { return -1; } return ((double) total) / num; } public String getSearchDebug() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append("total_frac=" + fracUpload() + "\ntransport_frac=" + fracTransportUpload() + "\ntorrent_avg=" + getAverageUploadPerRunningTorrent()); b.append("\ncan forward=" + canForwardSearch()); b.append("\ncan respond=" + canRespondToSearch()); b.append("\n\nforwarded searches size=" + forwardedSearches.size() + " canceled size=" + canceledSearches.size() + " sent size=" + sentSearches.size()); b.append("\nbloom: stored=" + recentSearches.getPrevFilterNumElements() + " est false positives=" + (100 * recentSearches.getPrevFilterFalsePositiveEst() + "%")); b.append("\nbloom blocked|sent curr=" + bloomSearchesBlockedCurr + "|" + bloomSearchesSentCurr + " prev=" + bloomSearchesBlockedPrev + "|" + bloomSearchesSentPrev); b.append("\n\n" + debugChannelIdErrorSetupErrorStats.getDebugStats()); long sum = 0, now = System.currentTimeMillis(), count = 0; // Include per-friend queue stats lock.lock(); try { Map<String, MutableInteger> counts = new HashMap<String, MutableInteger>(); for (DelayedSearchQueueEntry e : delayedSearchQueue.queuedSearches.values()) { count++; sum += (now - e.insertionTime); String nick = e.source.getRemoteFriend().getNick(); if (counts.containsKey(nick) == false) { counts.put(nick, new MutableInteger()); } counts.get(nick).v++; } for (String nick : counts.keySet()) { b.append("\n\t" + nick + " -> " + counts.get(nick).v); } b.append("\n\nQueue size: " + delayedSearchQueue.queuedSearches.size()); } finally { lock.unlock(); } b.append("\nAverage queued search delay: " + (double) sum / (double) count); return b.toString(); } public List<TextSearchResult> getSearchResult(int searchId) { return textSearchManager.getResults(searchId); } /** * Process a given hash search message from a given friend. Returns true iff * the message should be forwarded (i.e., it wasn't handled by us locally). */ private boolean handleHashSearch(final FriendConnection source, final OSF2FHashSearch msg) { // Check if this is a service SharedService service = ServiceSharingManager.getInstance().handleSearch(msg); if (service != null) {"found matching service: " + service); try { // TODO: support artificial delays and merge with normal search // handling code final int newChannelId = random.nextInt(); final int pathID = randomnessManager.getDeterministicRandomInt((int) msg .getInfohashhash()); final OSF2FHashSearchResp response = new OSF2FHashSearchResp( OSF2FMessage.CURRENT_VERSION, msg.getSearchID(), newChannelId, pathID); response.updatePathID(random.nextInt()); if (serviceSearches.containsKey(msg.getSearchID())) { ServiceSearch search = serviceSearches.get(msg.getSearchID()); search.addSource(source, response); } else { ServiceSearch search = new ServiceSearch(service, msg); search.addSource(source, response); serviceSearches.put(msg.getSearchID(), search); } // send the channel setup message source.sendChannelSetup(response, false); } catch (OverlayRegistrationError e) { Debug.out("got an error when registering incoming transport to '" + source.getRemoteFriend().getNick() + "': " + e.getMessage()); } return false; } // second, we might actually have this data byte[] infohash = filelistManager.getMetainfoHash(msg.getInfohashhash()); // If this is an experiment search, we might not have a download // manager. If so, don't // consider the download manager when responding to the search. boolean considerDownloadManager = true; boolean foundExperimentalMatch = false; if (infohash == null && ReflectionUtils.isExperimental()) { infohash = (byte[]) ReflectionUtils.invokeExperimentalMethod( "getInfohashForHashSearch", new Object[] { source, msg }, new Class<?>[] { FriendConnection.class, OSF2FHashSearch.class }); // If we got a special infohash, don't consider the download // manager, and set the // response bytes if (infohash != null) { considerDownloadManager = false; foundExperimentalMatch = true; } } // If we didn't find any infohash, we should forward the search. if (infohash == null) { return true; } DownloadManager dm = null; if (considerDownloadManager) { dm = AzureusCoreImpl.getSingleton().getGlobalManager() .getDownloadManager(new HashWrapper(infohash)); } if (dm != null) { logger.fine("found dm match: " + new String(Base64.encode(infohash))); } // check if the torrent allow osf2f search peers boolean allowed = false; if (dm != null) { allowed = OverlayTransport.checkOSF2FAllowed(dm.getDownloadState().getPeerSources(), dm .getDownloadState().getNetworks()); } else { allowed = foundExperimentalMatch; } if (!allowed) { logger.finer("got search match for torrent " + "that does not allow osf2f peers"); return true; } if (foundExperimentalMatch == false) { boolean completedOrDownloading = FileListManager.completedOrDownloading(dm); if (!completedOrDownloading) { return true; } } // check if we have the capacity to respond if (canRespondToSearch() == false) { return false; } // yeah, we actually have this stuff and we have spare capacity // create an overlay transport final int newChannelId = random.nextInt(); final int transportFakePathId = random.nextInt(); // set the path id for the overlay transport for something // random (since otherwise all transports for this infohash will // get the same pathid, which will limit it to be only one. The // path id set in the channel setup message will be // deterministic. It is the responsibility of the source to // monitor for duplicate paths // set the path id to something that will persist between // searches, for example a deterministic random seeded with // the infohashhash final int pathID = randomnessManager.getDeterministicRandomInt((int) msg.getInfohashhash()); // get the delay for this overlaytranport, that is the latency // component of the delay final int overlayDelay = overlayManager.getLatencyDelayForInfohash( source.getRemoteFriend(), infohash); final byte[] infohashShadow = infohash; TimerTask task = new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { try { /* * check if the search got canceled while we were * sleeping */ if (!isSearchCanceled(msg.getSearchID())) { final OSF2FHashSearchResp response = new OSF2FHashSearchResp( OSF2FMessage.CURRENT_VERSION, msg.getSearchID(), newChannelId, pathID); final OverlayTransport transp = new OverlayTransport(source, infohashShadow, transportFakePathId, false, overlayDelay, msg, response); // register it with the friendConnection source.registerOverlayTransport(transp); // send the channel setup message source.sendChannelSetup(response, false); } } catch (OverlayRegistrationError e) { Debug.out("got an error when registering incoming transport to '" + source.getRemoteFriend().getNick() + "': " + e.getMessage()); } } }; // get the search delay. int searchDelay = overlayManager.getSearchDelayForInfohash(source.getRemoteFriend(), infohash); delayedExecutor.queue(searchDelay + overlayDelay, task); // we are still forwarding if there are files in the torrent // that we chose not to download if (considerDownloadManager) { DiskManagerFileInfo[] diskManagerFileInfo = dm.getDiskManagerFileInfo(); for (DiskManagerFileInfo d : diskManagerFileInfo) { if (d.isSkipped()) { return true; } } } /* * ok, we shouldn't forward this, already sent a hash response * and we have/are downloading all the files */ return false; } private boolean isSearchCanceled(int searchId) { boolean canceled = false; lock.lock(); try { if (canceledSearches.containsKey(searchId)) { canceled = true; } } finally { lock.unlock(); } return canceled; } /** * Returns the probability of rejecting a search from this friend given the * share of the overall queue */ public double getFriendSearchDropProbability(Friend inFriend) { lock.lock(); try { // Always accept if we don't have any searches from friend. if (searchesPerFriend.get(inFriend) == null) { return 0; } // Reject proportionally to recent rate. Do not admit more than // X/sec. // Also, proportional to processing queue size. double rateBound = delayedSearchQueue.searchCount / 80.0; double queueBound = (double) delayedSearchQueue.queuedSearches.size() / (double) MAX_SEARCH_QUEUE_LENGTH; return Math.max(rateBound, queueBound); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } private void handleIncomingHashSearchResponse(OSF2FHashSearch hashSearch, FriendConnection source, OSF2FHashSearchResp searchResponse) { // Check that it is a fresh path if (source.hasRegisteredPath(searchResponse.getPathID())) { logger.finer("got channel setup response, " + "but path is already used: sending back a reset"); source.sendChannelRst(new OSF2FChannelReset(OSF2FMessage.CURRENT_VERSION, searchResponse.getChannelID())); return; } // Check if this should be handled by a listener List<HashSearchListener> listeners = hashSearch.getListeners(); if (listeners.size() > 0) { for (HashSearchListener listener : listeners) { listener.searchResponseReceived(hashSearch, source, searchResponse); } return; } // Verify that we searched for this. byte[] infoHash = filelistManager.getMetainfoHash(hashSearch.getInfohashhash()); if (infoHash == null) { logger.warning("got channel setup request, " + "but the infohash we searched for " + "is not in filelistmananger"); return; } DownloadManager dm = AzureusCoreImpl.getSingleton().getGlobalManager() .getDownloadManager(new HashWrapper(infoHash)); if (dm == null) { logger.warning("got channel setup request, " + "but the downloadmanager is null"); return; } OverlayTransport overlayTransport = new OverlayTransport(source, infoHash, searchResponse.getPathID(), true, overlayManager.getLatencyDelayForInfohash( source.getRemoteFriend(), infoHash), hashSearch, searchResponse); // register it with the friendConnection try { source.registerOverlayTransport(overlayTransport); // safe to start it since we know that the other party is interested overlayTransport.start(); } catch (OverlayRegistrationError e) { Debug.out("got an error when registering outgoing transport: " + e.getMessage()); return; } } public void handleIncomingSearch(FriendConnection source, OSF2FSearch msg) { lock.lock(); try { logger.finest("got search: " + msg.getDescription()); // first, check if we either sent or forwarded this search before if (forwardedSearches.containsKey(msg.getSearchID()) || sentSearches.containsKey(msg.getSearchID()) || delayedSearchQueue.isQueued(msg)) { return; } } finally { lock.unlock(); } boolean shouldForward = true; // second, check if we actually can do something about this if (msg instanceof OSF2FHashSearch) { shouldForward = handleHashSearch(source, (OSF2FHashSearch) msg); } else if (msg instanceof OSF2FTextSearch) { shouldForward = handleTextSearch(source, (OSF2FTextSearch) msg); } else { logger.warning("received unrecgonized search type: " + msg.getID() + " / " + msg.getClass().getCanonicalName()); } /* * check if we are at full capacity */ if (canForwardSearch() == false) { shouldForward = false; } if (shouldForward) { // ok, seems like we should attempt to forward this, put it in // the queue delayedSearchQueue.add(source, msg); } } public void handleIncomingSearchCancel(FriendConnection source, OSF2FSearchCancel msg) { boolean forward = false; lock.lock(); try { /* * if this is the first time we see the cancel, check if we * forwarded this search, if we did, send a cancel */ if (!canceledSearches.containsKey(msg.getSearchID())) { canceledSearches.put(msg.getSearchID(), System.currentTimeMillis()); /* * we only forward the cancel if we already sent the search */ if (forwardedSearches.containsKey(msg.getSearchID())) { forward = true; } else { logger.fine("got search cancel for unknown search id"); } } } finally { lock.unlock(); } if (forward) { overlayManager.forwardSearchOrCancel(source, msg); } } /** * There are 2 possible explanations for getting a search response, either * we got a response for a search we sent ourselves, or we got a response * for a search we forwarded * * @param source * connection from where we got the setup * @param msg * the channel setup message */ public void handleIncomingSearchResponse(FriendConnection source, OSF2FSearchResp msg) { SentSearch sentSearch; lock.lock(); try { sentSearch = sentSearches.get(msg.getSearchID()); } finally { lock.unlock(); } // first, if might be a search we sent if (sentSearch != null) { logger.finest("got response to search: " + sentSearch.getSearch().getDescription()); OSF2FSearch search = sentSearch.getSearch(); // update response stats sentSearch.gotResponse(); /* * check if we got enough search responses to cancel this search * * we will still use the data, even if the search is canceled. I * mean, since it already made it here why not use it... */ if (sentSearch.getResponseNum() > mMaxSearchResponsesBeforeCancel) { /* * only send a cancel message once */ boolean sendCancel = false; lock.lock(); try { if (!canceledSearches.containsKey(msg.getSearchID())) { canceledSearches.put(msg.getSearchID(), System.currentTimeMillis()); logger.finer("canceling search " + msg); sendCancel = true; } } finally { lock.unlock(); } if (sendCancel) { overlayManager.sendSearchOrCancel(new OSF2FSearchCancel( OSF2FMessage.CURRENT_VERSION, msg.getSearchID()), true, false); } } if (search instanceof OSF2FHashSearch) { // ok, it was a hash search that we sent handleIncomingHashSearchResponse((OSF2FHashSearch) search, source, (OSF2FHashSearchResp) msg); } else if (search instanceof OSF2FTextSearch) { // this was from a text search we sent FileList fileList; try { OSF2FTextSearchResp textSearchResp = (OSF2FTextSearchResp) msg; fileList = FileListManager.decode_basic(textSearchResp.getFileList()); textSearchManager.gotSearchResponse(search.getSearchID(), source.getRemoteFriend(), fileList, textSearchResp.getChannelID(), source.hashCode()); logger.fine("results so far:"); List<TextSearchResult> res = getSearchResult(search.getSearchID()); for (TextSearchResult textSearchResult : res) { logger.fine(textSearchResult.toString()); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.warning("got malformed search response"); } } else { logger.warning("unknown search response type"); } } // sentsearch == null else { // ok, this is for a search we forwarded ForwardedSearch search; lock.lock(); try { search = forwardedSearches.get(msg.getSearchID()); if (search == null) { // Search responses after 60 seconds are dropped (not that // unusual) logger.fine("got response for slow/unknown search:" + source + ":" + msg.getDescription()); return; } logger.finest("got response to forwarded search: " + search.getSearch().getDescription()); if (canceledSearches.containsKey(msg.getSearchID())) { logger.finer("not forwarding search, it is already canceled, " + msg.getSearchID()); return; } } finally { lock.unlock(); } FriendConnection searcher = search.getSource(); FriendConnection responder = source; if (search.getResponseNum() > mMaxSearchResponsesBeforeCancel) { /* * we really shouldn't cancel other peoples searches, but if * they don't do it we have to */ lock.lock(); try { canceledSearches.put(msg.getSearchID(), System.currentTimeMillis()); } finally { lock.unlock(); } logger.finest("Sending cancel for someone elses search!, searcher=" + searcher.getRemoteFriend() + " responder=" + responder.getRemoteFriend() + ":\t" + search); overlayManager.forwardSearchOrCancel(source, new OSF2FSearchCancel( OSF2FMessage.CURRENT_VERSION, msg.getSearchID())); } else { search.gotResponse(); // register the forwarding logger.finest("registering overlay forward: " + searcher.getRemoteFriend().getNick() + "<->" + responder.getRemoteFriend().getNick()); try { responder.registerOverlayForward(msg, searcher, search.getSearch(), false); searcher.registerOverlayForward(msg, responder, search.getSearch(), true); } catch (FriendConnection.OverlayRegistrationError e) { String direction = "'" + responder.getRemoteFriend().getNick() + "'->'" + searcher.getRemoteFriend().getNick() + "'"; e.direction = direction; e.setupMessageSource = responder.getRemoteFriend().getNick(); logger.warning("not forwarding overlay setup request " + direction + e.getMessage()); debugChannelIdErrorSetupErrorStats.add(e); return; } // and send out the search if (msg instanceof OSF2FHashSearchResp) { searcher.sendChannelSetup((OSF2FHashSearchResp) msg.clone(), true); } else if (msg instanceof OSF2FTextSearchResp) { searcher.sendTextSearchResp((OSF2FTextSearchResp) msg.clone(), true); } else { Debug.out("got unknown message: " + msg.getDescription()); } } } } /** * * @param source * @param msg * @return */ private boolean handleTextSearch(final FriendConnection source, final OSF2FTextSearch msg) { boolean shouldForward = true; if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { logger.finer("handleTextSearch: " + msg.getSearchString() + " from " + source.getRemoteFriend().getNick()); } String searchString = msg.getSearchString(); // common case is no filtering. if (filteredKeywords.length > 0) { StringTokenizer toks = new StringTokenizer(searchString); for (String filter : filteredKeywords) { if (searchString.contains(filter)) { logger.fine("Blocking search due to filter: " + searchString + " matched by: " + filter); return false; } } } List<FileCollection> results = filelistManager.handleSearch(source.getRemoteFriend(), searchString); if (results.size() > 0) { if (canRespondToSearch()) { logger.finer("found matches: " + results.size()); // long fileListSize = results.getFileNum(); List<DelayedExecutionEntry> delayedExecutionTasks = new LinkedList<DelayedExecutionEntry>(); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (FileCollection c : results) { // send back a response int channelId = random.nextInt(); LinkedList<FileCollection> list = new LinkedList<FileCollection>(); list.add(c); byte[] encoded = FileListManager.encode_basic(new FileList(list), false); final OSF2FTextSearchResp resp = new OSF2FTextSearchResp( OSF2FMessage.CURRENT_VERSION, OSF2FMessage.FILE_LIST_TYPE_PARTIAL, msg.getSearchID(), channelId, encoded); int delay = overlayManager.getSearchDelayForInfohash(source.getRemoteFriend(), c.getUniqueIdBytes()); delayedExecutionTasks.add(new DelayedExecutionEntry(time + delay, 0, new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { /* * check if the search got canceled while we * were sleeping */ if (!isSearchCanceled(msg.getSearchID())) { source.sendTextSearchResp(resp, false); } } })); } delayedExecutor.queue(delayedExecutionTasks); } else { // not enough capacity :-( shouldForward = false; } } return shouldForward; } public void sendDirectedHashSearch(FriendConnection target, byte[] infoHash) { long metainfohashhash = filelistManager.getInfoHashhash(infoHash); int newSearchId = 0; while (newSearchId == 0) { newSearchId = random.nextInt(); } OSF2FHashSearch search = new OSF2FHashSearch(OSF2FMessage.CURRENT_VERSION, newSearchId, metainfohashhash); lock.lock(); try { sentSearches.put(newSearchId, new SentSearch(search)); } finally { lock.unlock(); } overlayManager.sendDirectedSearch(target, search); } public long getInfoHashHashFromSearchId(int searchId) { lock.lock(); try { SentSearch sentSearch = sentSearches.get(searchId); if (sentSearch != null && instanceof OSF2FHashSearch) { return ((OSF2FHashSearch); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } return -1; } public void sendHashSearch(byte[] infoHash) { long metainfohashhash = filelistManager.getInfoHashhash(infoHash); int newSearchId = 0; while (newSearchId == 0) { newSearchId = random.nextInt(); } OSF2FSearch search = new OSF2FHashSearch(OSF2FMessage.CURRENT_VERSION, newSearchId, metainfohashhash); sendSearch(newSearchId, search, true, false); } public void sendServiceSearch(long searchKey, HashSearchListener listener) { int newSearchId = 0; while (newSearchId == 0) { newSearchId = random.nextInt(); } OSF2FHashSearch search = new OSF2FHashSearch(OSF2FMessage.CURRENT_VERSION, newSearchId, searchKey); search.addListener(listener); // For service sharing, send to all friends and skip queue. sendSearch(newSearchId, search, true, true); } public void sendSearch(int newSearchId, OSF2FSearch search, boolean skipQueue, boolean forceSend) { lock.lock(); try { sentSearches.put(newSearchId, new SentSearch(search)); } finally { lock.unlock(); } overlayManager.sendSearchOrCancel(search, skipQueue, forceSend); } public int sendTextSearch(String searchString, TextSearchListener listener) { int newSearchId = 0; while (newSearchId == 0) { newSearchId = random.nextInt(); } if (FileCollection.containsKeyword(searchString)) { searchString = searchString.replaceAll(":", ";"); searchString = handleKeyWords(searchString); } OSF2FSearch search = new OSF2FTextSearch(OSF2FMessage.CURRENT_VERSION, OSF2FMessage.FILE_LIST_TYPE_PARTIAL, newSearchId, searchString); textSearchManager.sentSearch(newSearchId, searchString, listener); sendSearch(newSearchId, search, true, false); return newSearchId; } private static String handleKeyWords(String searchString) { searchString = FileCollection.removeWhiteSpaceAfteKeyChars(searchString); String[] interestingKeyWords = new String[] { "id", "sha1", "ed2k" }; int[] interestingKeyWordExectedKeyLen = { 20, 20, 16 }; StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); String[] split = searchString.split(" "); for (String s : split) { // check for id String toAdd = s; for (int i = 0; i < interestingKeyWords.length; i++) { String fromId = convertToBase64(s, interestingKeyWords[i], interestingKeyWordExectedKeyLen[i]); if (fromId != null) { toAdd = fromId; } } b.append(toAdd + " "); if (!toAdd.equals(s)) { logger.fine("converted search: " + s + "->" + toAdd); } } return b.toString().trim(); } private static String convertToBase64(String searchTerm, String _keyword, int expectedBytes) { for (String sep : FileCollection.KEYWORDENDINGS) { String keyword = _keyword + sep; if (searchTerm.contains(keyword)) { logger.finer("converting base: " + searchTerm); try { String baseXHash = searchTerm.substring(keyword.length()); logger.finer("basex hash: " + baseXHash); String hash = ShareManagerTools.baseXtoBase64(baseXHash, expectedBytes); String toAdd = keyword + hash; logger.finer("new string: " + toAdd); return toAdd; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } return null; } static class DebugChannelIdEntry implements Comparable<DebugChannelIdEntry> { final int count; final String name; public DebugChannelIdEntry(String name, int count) { super(); = name; this.count = count; } @Override public int compareTo(DebugChannelIdEntry o) { if (o.count > count) { return 1; } else if (o.count == count) { return 0; } else { return -1; } } } private static class DebugChannelSetupErrorStats { private final LinkedList<FriendConnection.OverlayRegistrationError> errorList = new LinkedList<FriendConnection.OverlayRegistrationError>(); int MAX_SIZE = 10000; public void add(FriendConnection.OverlayRegistrationError error) { lock.lock(); try { if (errorList.size() > MAX_SIZE) { errorList.removeLast(); } errorList.addFirst(error); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public String getDebugStats() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); HashMap<String, Integer> errorsPerFriend = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); HashMap<String, Integer> errorsPerPair = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); lock.lock(); try { for (FriendConnection.OverlayRegistrationError error : errorList) { final String s = error.setupMessageSource; if (!errorsPerFriend.containsKey(s)) { errorsPerFriend.put(s, 0); } errorsPerFriend.put(s, errorsPerFriend.get(s) + 1); String d = error.direction; if (!errorsPerPair.containsKey(d)) { errorsPerPair.put(d, 0); } errorsPerPair.put(d, errorsPerPair.get(d) + 1); } ArrayList<DebugChannelIdEntry> friendTotalOrder = new ArrayList<DebugChannelIdEntry>(); for (String f : errorsPerFriend.keySet()) { friendTotalOrder.add(new DebugChannelIdEntry(f, errorsPerFriend.get(f))); } Collections.sort(friendTotalOrder); b.append("by source:\n"); for (DebugChannelIdEntry e : friendTotalOrder) { b.append(" " + + " " + e.count + "\n"); } ArrayList<DebugChannelIdEntry> byPairOrder = new ArrayList<DebugChannelIdEntry>(); for (String f : errorsPerPair.keySet()) { byPairOrder.add(new DebugChannelIdEntry(f, errorsPerPair.get(f))); } Collections.sort(byPairOrder); b.append("by pair:\n"); for (DebugChannelIdEntry e : byPairOrder) { b.append(" " + + " " + e.count + "\n"); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } return b.toString(); } } class DelayedSearchQueue { long lastSearchesPerSecondLogTime = 0; long lastBytesPerSecondCount = 0; int searchCount = 0; private long mDelay; private final LinkedBlockingQueue<DelayedSearchQueueEntry> queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<DelayedSearchQueueEntry>(); private final HashMap<Integer, DelayedSearchQueueEntry> queuedSearches = new HashMap<Integer, DelayedSearchQueueEntry>(); public DelayedSearchQueue(long delay) { this.mDelay = delay; Thread t = new Thread(new DelayedSearchQueueThread()); t.setDaemon(true); t.setName(SEARCH_QUEUE_THREAD_NAME); t.start(); } /** * Warning -- changing this won't re-order things already in the queue, * so if you add something with a much smaller delay than the current * head of the queue, it will wait until that's removed before sending * the new message. */ public void setDelay(long inDelay) { this.mDelay = inDelay; } public void add(FriendConnection source, OSF2FSearch search) { if (lastSearchesPerSecondLogTime + 1000 < System.currentTimeMillis()) { lock.lock(); try { logger.fine("Searches/sec: " + searchCount + " bytes: " + lastBytesPerSecondCount + " searchQueueSize: " + queuedSearches.size()); } finally { lock.unlock(); } lastSearchesPerSecondLogTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); searchCount = 0; lastBytesPerSecondCount = 0; } searchCount++; lastBytesPerSecondCount += FriendConnectionQueue.getMessageLen(search); lock.lock(); try { // Flush the accounting info every 60 seconds if (SearchManager.this.lastSearchAccountingFlush + 60 * 1000 < System .currentTimeMillis()) { lastSearchAccountingFlush = System.currentTimeMillis(); searchesPerFriend.clear(); } // If the search queue is more than half full, start dropping // searches // proportional to how much of the total queue each person is // consuming if (queuedSearches.size() > 0.25 * MAX_SEARCH_QUEUE_LENGTH) { if (searchesPerFriend.containsKey(source.getRemoteFriend())) { int outstanding = searchesPerFriend.get(source.getRemoteFriend()).v; // We add a hard limit on the number of searches from // any one person. if (outstanding > 0.15 * MAX_SEARCH_QUEUE_LENGTH) { logger.fine("Dropping due to 25% of total queue consumption " + source.getRemoteFriend().getNick() + " " + outstanding + " / " + MAX_SEARCH_QUEUE_LENGTH); return; } // In other cases, we drop proportional to the // consumption of the overall queue. double acceptProb = (double) outstanding / (double) queuedSearches.size(); if (random.nextDouble() < acceptProb) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { logger.fine("*** RED for search from " + source + " outstanding: " + outstanding + " total: " + queuedSearches.size()); } return; } } } if (queuedSearches.size() > MAX_SEARCH_QUEUE_LENGTH) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { logger.finer("not forwarding search, queue length too large. id: " + search.getSearchID()); } return; } if (!queuedSearches.containsKey(search.getSearchID())) { logger.finest("adding search to forward queue, will forward in " + mDelay + " ms"); DelayedSearchQueueEntry entry = new DelayedSearchQueueEntry(search, source, System.currentTimeMillis() + mDelay); if (searchesPerFriend.containsKey(source.getRemoteFriend()) == false) { searchesPerFriend.put(source.getRemoteFriend(), new SearchManager.MutableInteger()); } searchesPerFriend.get(source.getRemoteFriend()).v++; logger.finest("Search for friend: " + source.getRemoteFriend().getNick() + " " + searchesPerFriend.get(source.getRemoteFriend()).v); queuedSearches.put(search.getSearchID(), entry); queue.add(entry); } else { logger.finer("search already in queue, not adding"); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /* * make sure to already have the lock when calling this */ public boolean isQueued(OSF2FSearch search) { return queuedSearches.containsKey(search.getSearchID()); } class DelayedSearchQueueThread implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { while (true) { try { DelayedSearchQueueEntry e = queue.take(); long timeUntilSend = e.dontSendBefore - System.currentTimeMillis(); if (timeUntilSend > 0) { logger.finer("got search (" + + ") to forward, waiting " + timeUntilSend + " ms until sending"); Thread.sleep(timeUntilSend); } forwardSearch(e.source,; /* * remove the search from the queuedSearchesMap */ lock.lock(); try { queuedSearches.remove(; // If searchesPerFriend was flushed while this // search was in the // queue, the get() call will return null. if (searchesPerFriend.containsKey(e.source.getRemoteFriend())) { searchesPerFriend.get(e.source.getRemoteFriend()).v--; } } finally { lock.unlock(); } /* * if we didn't sleep at all, sleep the min time between * searches */ if (timeUntilSend < 1) { double ms = 1000.0 / FriendConnection.MAX_OUTGOING_SEARCH_RATE; int msFloor = (int) Math.floor(ms); int nanosLeft = (int) Math.round((ms - msFloor) * 1000000.0); logger.finest("sleeping " + msFloor + "ms + " + nanosLeft + " ns"); Thread.sleep(msFloor, Math.min(999999, nanosLeft)); } } catch (Exception e1) { logger.warning("*** Delayed search queue thread error: " + e1.toString()); e1.printStackTrace(); BackendErrorLog.get().logException(e1); } } } } } static class DelayedSearchQueueEntry { final long dontSendBefore; final OSF2FSearch search; final FriendConnection source; final long insertionTime; public DelayedSearchQueueEntry(OSF2FSearch search, FriendConnection source, long dontSendBefore) { this.insertionTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); = search; this.source = source; this.dontSendBefore = dontSendBefore; } } class ForwardedSearch { private int responsesForwarded = 0; private final OSF2FSearch search; private final FriendConnection source; private final long time; public ForwardedSearch(FriendConnection source, OSF2FSearch search) { this.time = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.source = source; = search; } public long getAge() { return System.currentTimeMillis() - this.time; } public int getResponseNum() { return responsesForwarded; } public OSF2FSearch getSearch() { return search; } public int getSearchId() { return search.getSearchID(); } public FriendConnection getSource() { return source; } public void gotResponse() { responsesForwarded++; } public boolean isTimedOut() { return getAge() > MAX_SEARCH_AGE; } } class ServiceSearch { private final OSF2FHashSearch search; private final List<FriendConnection> sources; private final long time; public ServiceSearch(SharedService service, OSF2FHashSearch search) { this.time = System.currentTimeMillis(); = search; this.sources = new LinkedList<FriendConnection>(); } public OSF2FSearch getSearch() { return search; } public int getSearchId() { return search.getSearchID(); } public void addSource(FriendConnection source, OSF2FHashSearchResp response) throws OverlayRegistrationError { ServiceConnectionManager.getInstance().createChannel( source, search, response, false); sources.add(source); Debug.out("Created a channel for a service search. (now " + sources.size() + ")."); } public List<FriendConnection> getSources() { return sources; } public boolean isTimedOut() { return (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) > MAX_SEARCH_AGE; } } public static class RotatingBloomFilter { private static final int OBJECTS_TO_STORE = 1000000; private static final int SIZE_IN_BITS = 10240 * 1024; private long currentFilterCreated; private final LinkedList<BloomFilter> filters = new LinkedList<BloomFilter>(); private final int maxBuckets; private final long maxFilterAge; public RotatingBloomFilter(long totalAge, int buckets) { this.maxBuckets = buckets; this.maxFilterAge = (totalAge / buckets) + 1; rotate(); } public boolean contains(int searchId, int searchValue) { try { byte[] bytes = bytesFromInts(searchId, searchValue); for (BloomFilter f : filters) { if (f.test(bytes)) { return true; } } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.out("Error when checking bloom filter, searchId=" + searchId + " value=" + searchValue, e); } return false; } public double getPrevFilterFalsePositiveEst() { if (filters.size() > 1) { return filters.get(1).getPredictedFalsePositiveRate(); } else { return filters.getFirst().getPredictedFalsePositiveRate(); } } public int getPrevFilterNumElements() { if (filters.size() > 1) { return filters.get(1).getUniqueObjectsStored(); } else { return filters.getFirst().getUniqueObjectsStored(); } } public void insert(int searchId, int searchValue) { try { byte[] bytes = bytesFromInts(searchId, searchValue); filters.getFirst().insert(bytes); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.out("Error when inserting into bloom filter, searchId=" + searchId + " value=" + searchValue, e); } } private void rotate() { if (filters.size() > 0) { BloomFilter prevFilter = filters.getFirst(); String str = "Rotating bloom filter: objects=" + prevFilter.getUniqueObjectsStored() + " predicted false positive rate=" + (100 * prevFilter.getPredictedFalsePositiveRate() + "%");; } currentFilterCreated = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { filters.addFirst(new BloomFilter(SIZE_IN_BITS, OBJECTS_TO_STORE)); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } if (filters.size() > maxBuckets) { filters.removeLast(); } } public boolean rotateIfNeeded() { long currentFilterAge = System.currentTimeMillis() - currentFilterCreated; if (currentFilterAge > maxFilterAge) { rotate(); return true; } return false; } private static byte[] bytesFromInts(int int1, int int2) { byte[] bytes = new byte[8]; bytes[0] = (byte) (int1 >>> 24); bytes[1] = (byte) (int1 >>> 16); bytes[2] = (byte) (int1 >>> 8); bytes[3] = (byte) int1; bytes[4] = (byte) (int2 >>> 24); bytes[5] = (byte) (int2 >>> 16); bytes[6] = (byte) (int2 >>> 8); bytes[7] = (byte) int2; return bytes; } public static void main(String[] args) { OSF2FMain.getSingelton(); logger.setLevel(Level.FINE); Random rand = new Random(); RotatingBloomFilter bf = new RotatingBloomFilter(60 * 1000, 4); Set<String> inserts = new HashSet<String>(); for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 20000; i++) { int r1 = rand.nextInt(); int r2 = rand.nextInt(); byte[] bytes = bytesFromInts(r1, r2); inserts.add(new String(Base64.encode(bytes))); bf.insert(r1, r2); if (!bf.contains(r1, r2)) { System.err.println("insert failes (does not contain it anymore)"); } } bf.rotate(); } int fps = 0, to_check = 200000; for (int i = 0; i < to_check; i++) { int int1; int int2; byte[] bytes; do { int1 = rand.nextInt(); int2 = rand.nextInt(); bytes = bytesFromInts(int1, int2); } while (inserts.contains(new String(Base64.encode(bytes))) == true); if (bf.contains(int1, int2) == true) { fps++; } } System.out.println("false positive check, " + fps + "/" + to_check); System.out.println("mem: " + (Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory())); } } class SentSearch { private int responses = 0; private final OSF2FSearch search; private final long time; public SentSearch(OSF2FSearch search) { = search; this.time = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public long getAge() { return System.currentTimeMillis() - this.time; } public int getResponseNum() { return responses; } public OSF2FSearch getSearch() { return search; } public void gotResponse() { responses++; } public boolean isTimedOut() { return getAge() > MAX_SEARCH_AGE; } } public interface HashSearchListener { public void searchResponseReceived(OSF2FHashSearch search, FriendConnection source, OSF2FHashSearchResp msg); } public interface TextSearchListener { public void searchResponseReceived(TextSearchResponseItem r); } class TextSearchManager { private final ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, TextSearchResponse> responses; private final ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, TextSearchListener> listeners; public TextSearchManager() { responses = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, TextSearchResponse>(); listeners = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, TextSearchListener>(); } public List<TextSearchResult> getResults(int searchId) { TextSearchResponse resps = responses.get(searchId); HashMap<String, TextSearchResult> result = new HashMap<String, TextSearchResult>(); if (resps != null) { /* * group into file collections */ for (TextSearchResponseItem item : resps.getItems()) { for (FileCollection collection : item.getFileList().getElements()) { if (result.containsKey(collection.getUniqueID())) { TextSearchResult existing = result.get(collection.getUniqueID()); existing.merge(item, collection); } else { // mark stuff that we already have boolean alreadyInLibrary = true; GlobalManager globalManager = AzureusCoreImpl.getSingleton() .getGlobalManager(); DownloadManager dm = globalManager.getDownloadManager(new HashWrapper( collection.getUniqueIdBytes())); if (dm == null) { alreadyInLibrary = false; } result.put(collection.getUniqueID(), new TextSearchResult(item, collection, alreadyInLibrary)); } } } // /* // * verify that we didn't get any bad data // */ // for (TextSearchResult item : result.values()) { // FileCollection collection = item.getCollection(); // String searchString = resps.getSearchString(); // boolean collectionMatch = collection.nameMatch(searchString); // // Set<FileListFile> filteredFiles = new // HashSet<FileListFile>(); // List<FileListFile> allChildren = collection.getChildren(); // for (int i = 0; i < allChildren.size(); i++) { // FileListFile f = allChildren.get(i); // if (filteredFiles.contains(f)) { // continue; // } // if (collectionMatch) { // filteredFiles.add(f); // } else if (f.searchMatch(searchString)) { // filteredFiles.add(f); // } else { // logger.fine("got search result that doesn't match search: " + // f.getFileName() + " ! " + searchString); // } // } // logger.fine(collection.getName() + " totalResp: " + // allChildren.size() + " afterFiler=" + filteredFiles.size()); // collection.setChildren(new // ArrayList<FileListFile>(filteredFiles)); // } return new ArrayList<TextSearchResult>(result.values()); } logger.fine("no responses for searchId=" + searchId); return new ArrayList<TextSearchResult>(); } public void gotSearchResponse(int searchId, Friend throughFriend, FileList fileList, int channelId, int connectionId) { TextSearchResponse r = responses.get(searchId); if (r != null) { long age = System.currentTimeMillis() - r.getTime(); TextSearchResponseItem item = new TextSearchResponseItem(throughFriend, fileList, age, channelId, connectionId); r.add(item); TextSearchListener listener = listeners.get(searchId); if (listener != null) { listener.searchResponseReceived(item); } } else { logger.warning("got response for unknown search"); } } public void sentSearch(int searchId, String searchString, TextSearchListener listener) { responses.put(searchId, new TextSearchResponse(searchString)); if (listener != null) { listeners.put(searchId, listener); } } public void clearOldResponses() { for (Iterator<Integer> iterator = responses.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Integer key =; TextSearchResponse response = responses.get(key); if (System.currentTimeMillis() - response.getTime() > 10 * 60 * 1000) { iterator.remove(); listeners.remove(key); } } } } public boolean isSearchInBloomFilter(OSF2FSearch search) { lock.lock(); try { int searchID = search.getSearchID(); int valueID = search.getValueID(); if (recentSearches.contains(searchID, valueID)) { bloomSearchesBlockedCurr++; } } finally { lock.unlock(); } return false; } // Only visible for the analytics code public RotatingBloomFilter getRecentSearchesBloomFilter() { return recentSearches; } }