package edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.multisource; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Base64; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.disk.DiskManagerFileInfo; import; import; import; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrent; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrentException; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Debug; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.HashWrapper; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.FileListFile; public class Sha1HashManager { private static Sha1HashManager instance = new Sha1HashManager(); private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Sha1HashManager.class.getName()); public static final String OS_HASHES_ADDED = "os_hashes"; public static final String OS_HASHES_TYPE_LOCAL = "local"; public static final String OS_HASHES_TYPE_REMOTE = "remote"; public static final String OS_HASHES_TYPE_TORRENT = "torrent"; private Sha1Calculator calc = new Sha1Calculator(); private DownloadManagerListener downloadManagerListener = new CompletionListener(); private Set<Sha1HashJobListener> jobListeners = new HashSet<Sha1HashJobListener>(); private Set<HashWrapper> submittedJobs = new HashSet<HashWrapper>(); private Timer initialDelayTimer = new Timer( "sha1 calc delay", true); private Sha1HashManager() { } public void addJobListener(Sha1HashJobListener listener) { synchronized (this) { jobListeners.add(listener); } } void downloadManagerAdded(final DownloadManager dm, boolean addListener) { /* * check if the download state has the sha1 hashes */ DownloadManagerState ds = dm.getDownloadState(); String hashedAdded = ds.getAttribute(OS_HASHES_ADDED); if (hashedAdded == null) { logger.finer("no hashes in dm: " + dm.getDisplayName()); /* * no hashes added, add them from the .torrent file */ try { List<String> sha1s = getHashesFromTorrent(dm.getTorrent(), FileListFile.KEY_SHA1_HASH); if (sha1s.size() > 0) { logger.finest("adding hashes from torrent"); List<String> ed2ks = getHashesFromTorrent(dm.getTorrent(), FileListFile.KEY_ED2K_HASH); ds.setListAttribute(FileListFile.KEY_SHA1_HASH, sha1s.toArray(new String[sha1s.size()])); ds.setListAttribute(FileListFile.KEY_ED2K_HASH, ed2ks.toArray(new String[ed2ks.size()])); ds.setAttribute(OS_HASHES_ADDED, OS_HASHES_TYPE_TORRENT); } else { // the user might have added them after String[] remoteSha1s = ds.getListAttribute(FileListFile.KEY_SHA1_HASH); String[] remoteED2Ks = ds.getListAttribute(FileListFile.KEY_ED2K_HASH); if (remoteSha1s != null && remoteSha1s.length > 0 && remoteED2Ks != null && remoteED2Ks.length > 0) { ds.setAttribute(OS_HASHES_ADDED, OS_HASHES_TYPE_REMOTE); logger.finer("got remote hashes"); } else { logger.finest("no remote hashes"); } if (dm.isDownloadComplete(true)) { if (hashedAdded == null || hashedAdded.equals(OS_HASHES_TYPE_REMOTE)) { // need to calc hashes but wait until after 2 minutes to not slow down initial startup logger.finest("need to calcluate hashes, hash job queued"); initialDelayTimer.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { try { queueHashCalc(dm); } catch (TOTorrentException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } }, 2 * 60 * 1000); } } else { // if the download is running, add a listener if (addListener) { dm.addListener(downloadManagerListener); } } } } catch (TOTorrentException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (hashedAdded.equals(OS_HASHES_TYPE_REMOTE)) { String[] remoteSha1s = ds.getListAttribute(FileListFile.KEY_SHA1_HASH); if (remoteSha1s.length == 0) { ds.setAttribute(OS_HASHES_ADDED, null); } } } private void queueHashCalc(final DownloadManager dm) throws TOTorrentException { HashWrapper torrentHash = new HashWrapper(dm.getTorrent().getHash()); synchronized (this) { if (!submittedJobs.contains(torrentHash)) { submittedJobs.add(torrentHash); List<Sha1CalcListener> listeners = new LinkedList<Sha1CalcListener>(); listeners.add(new Sha1CalcListener() { public void completed(Sha1Result result) { logger.finer("hashing completed for: " + dm.getDisplayName()); final DownloadManagerState ds = dm.getDownloadState(); String[] sha1s = new String[result.sha1Values.size()]; String[] ed2ks = new String[result.ed2kValues.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < sha1s.length; i++) { sha1s[i] = new String(Base64.encode(result.sha1Values.get(i))); ed2ks[i] = new String(Base64.encode(result.ed2kValues.get(i))); logger.finest("hash for file " + i + ": sha1=" + sha1s[i] + " ed2k=" + ed2ks[i]); } ds.setListAttribute(FileListFile.KEY_SHA1_HASH, sha1s); ds.setListAttribute(FileListFile.KEY_ED2K_HASH, ed2ks); ds.setAttribute(OS_HASHES_ADDED, OS_HASHES_TYPE_LOCAL); logger.fine("added hashes for: " + dm.getDisplayName()); } public void errorOccured(Throwable cause) { cause.printStackTrace(); } public void progress(double fraction) { } }); for (Sha1HashJobListener l : jobListeners) { Sha1CalcListener cl = l.jobAdded(dm.getDisplayName()); if (cl != null) { listeners.add(cl); } } logger.fine("submitting hash job: " + dm.getDisplayName()); calc.getHashesFromDownload(dm, listeners); } } } public void stop() { calc.stop(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static List<String> getHashesFromTorrent(TOTorrent torrent, String type) throws TOTorrentException { List<String> sha1Found = new LinkedList<String>(); if(torrent == null){ Debug.out("torrent is null!"); return sha1Found; } Map torrentMap = (Map) torrent.serialiseToMap().get("info"); if (torrent.isSimpleTorrent()) { String torrentSha1 = getHashFromTorrentMap(torrentMap, type); if (torrentSha1 != null) { sha1Found.add(torrentSha1); } } else { Object filePropertiesObj = torrentMap.get("files"); if (filePropertiesObj == null || !(filePropertiesObj instanceof List)) { return sha1Found; } List fileProperties = (List) filePropertiesObj; if (fileProperties != null) { for (Object pObj : fileProperties) { if (pObj != null && pObj instanceof Map) { Map pMap = (Map) pObj; String torrentSha1 = getHashFromTorrentMap(pMap, type); if (torrentSha1 != null) { sha1Found.add(torrentSha1); } } } } } return sha1Found; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static String getHashFromTorrentMap(Map torrentMap, String type) { if (torrentMap.containsKey(type)) { return new String(Base64.encode((byte[]) torrentMap.get(type))); } else { return null; } } public static Sha1HashManager getInstance() { return instance; } private class CompletionListener implements DownloadManagerListener { public void completionChanged(DownloadManager manager, boolean bCompleted) { } public void downloadComplete(DownloadManager dm) { // each time a download completes, check if we need to add the sha1 hashes (but only when all files are available) logger.fine("download completed: " + dm.getDisplayName()); try { synchronized (Sha1HashManager.this) { if (dm.isDownloadComplete(true)) { DownloadManagerState ds = dm.getDownloadState(); String hashedAdded = ds.getAttribute(OS_HASHES_ADDED); if (hashedAdded == null || hashedAdded.equals(OS_HASHES_TYPE_REMOTE)) { // need to calc hashes queueHashCalc(dm); } else { logger.fine("hashes already calculated: " + dm.getDisplayName()); } } else { logger.fine("skipping hash calc: " + dm.getDisplayName()); } } } catch (TOTorrentException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } public void filePriorityChanged(DownloadManager download, DiskManagerFileInfo file) { } public void positionChanged(DownloadManager download, int oldPosition, int newPosition) { } public void stateChanged(DownloadManager manager, int state) { } } public interface Sha1CalcListener { public void completed(Sha1Result result); public void errorOccured(Throwable cause); public void progress(double fraction); } public interface Sha1HashJobListener { public Sha1CalcListener jobAdded(String name); } public static class Sha1Result { private final List<byte[]> ed2kValues; private final List<byte[]> sha1Values; Sha1Result(List<byte[]> sha1Values, List<byte[]> ed2kValues) { this.sha1Values = sha1Values; this.ed2kValues = ed2kValues; } public List<byte[]> getEd2kValues() { return ed2kValues; } public List<byte[]> getSha1Values() { return sha1Values; } } }