/* * Created on 4 mai 2004 * Created by Olivier Chalouhi * * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Aelitis SAS, All rights Reserved * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details ( see the LICENSE file ). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * AELITIS, SAS au capital de 46,603.30 euros, * 8 Alle Lenotre, La Grille Royale, 78600 Le Mesnil le Roi, France. */ package org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.mainwindow; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Constants; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Debug; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.SystemProperties; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.AzureusCore; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.AzureusCoreFactory; /** * @author Olivier Chalouhi */ public class MainMenu implements IMainMenu { /** * @deprecated */ public static int MENU_BAR = 0; /** * @deprecated */ public static int MENU_TRANSFER = 1; /** * @deprecated */ public static int MENU_VIEW = 2; private MainWindow mainWindow; private Menu menuBar; private AzureusCore core; /** * <p>Creates the main menu bar and attaches it to the given shell</p> * @param shell A shell */ public MainMenu(Shell shell) { mainWindow = MainWindow.getWindow(); createMenus(shell); } public void setMainWindow(MainWindow mainWindow) { this.mainWindow = mainWindow; } public void linkMenuBar(Shell parent) { parent.setMenuBar(menuBar); } private void createMenus(final Shell parent) { if (core == null) { core = AzureusCoreFactory.getSingleton(); } //The Main Menu menuBar = new Menu(parent, SWT.BAR); parent.setMenuBar(menuBar); addFileMenu(parent); /* ======= View, Transfers, Torrent, Tools menus ===== * hig compliance for OSX dictates that more granular actions are positioned farther * on the right of the menu and more general actions are closer to the left * NOTE: we keep the original menu order (for non-OSX) in-tact so as to not disturb existing non-OSX users */ if (Constants.isOSX) { addViewMenu(parent); addTransferMenu(parent); addTorrentMenu(parent); } else { addTransferMenu(parent); addTorrentMenu(parent); addViewMenu(parent); /* * The Tools menu is only present on non-OSX systems */ addToolsMenu(parent); } addPluginsMenu(parent); // ========== Windows menu (OSX only)================ if (true == Constants.isOSX) { addWindowMenu(parent); } // =========== Debug menu (development only)========= if (Constants.isCVSVersion()) { DebugMenuHelper.createDebugMenuItem(menuBar); } addHelpMenu(parent); /* * Enabled/disable menus based on what ui mode we're in * NOTE: This is largely superfluous here since all menu items in the classic UI * are available at all time; this method is left here for completeness should we * add dynamic behavior to the menu in the future. */ MenuFactory.updateEnabledStates(menuBar); } /** * Creates the Window menu and all its children * @param parent */ private void addWindowMenu(final Shell parent) { MenuItem menu_window = MenuFactory.createWindowMenuItem(menuBar); Menu windowMenu = menu_window.getMenu(); MenuFactory.addMinimizeWindowMenuItem(windowMenu); MenuFactory.addZoomWindowMenuItem(windowMenu); MenuFactory.addSeparatorMenuItem(windowMenu); MenuFactory.addBlockedIPsMenuItem(windowMenu); MenuFactory.addSeparatorMenuItem(windowMenu); MenuFactory.addBringAllToFrontMenuItem(windowMenu); MenuFactory.addSeparatorMenuItem(windowMenu); MenuFactory.appendWindowMenuItems(windowMenu); } /** * Creates the File menu and all its children * @param parent */ private void addFileMenu(final Shell parent) { MenuItem fileItem = MenuFactory.createFileMenuItem(menuBar); Menu fileMenu = fileItem.getMenu(); MenuFactory.addCreateMenuItem(fileMenu); MenuItem openMenuItem = MenuFactory.createOpenMenuItem(fileMenu); Menu openSubMenu = openMenuItem.getMenu(); MenuFactory.addOpenTorrentMenuItem(openSubMenu); MenuFactory.addOpenTorrentForTrackingMenuItem(openSubMenu); MenuItem shareMenuItem = MenuFactory.createShareMenuItem(fileMenu); Menu shareSubMenu = shareMenuItem.getMenu(); MenuFactory.addShareFileMenuItem(shareSubMenu); MenuFactory.addShareFolderMenuItem(shareSubMenu); MenuFactory.addShareFolderContentMenuItem(shareSubMenu); MenuFactory.addShareFolderContentRecursiveMenuItem(shareSubMenu); MenuFactory.addSeparatorMenuItem(fileMenu); MenuFactory.addImportMenuItem(fileMenu); MenuFactory.addExportMenuItem(fileMenu); MenuFactory.addSeparatorMenuItem(fileMenu); MenuFactory.addCloseWindowMenuItem(fileMenu); MenuFactory.addCloseTabMenuItem(fileMenu, mainWindow); MenuFactory.addCloseDetailsMenuItem(fileMenu); MenuFactory.addCloseDownloadBarsToMenu(fileMenu); /* * No need for restart and exit on OSX in the File menu since it is moved to the gobla application * menu instead see org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.osx.CarbonUIEnhancer for detail about that menu */ if (false == Constants.isOSX) { MenuFactory.addSeparatorMenuItem(fileMenu); MenuFactory.addRestartMenuItem(fileMenu); MenuFactory.addExitMenuItem(fileMenu); } } /** * Creates the Transfer menu and all its children * @param parent */ private void addTransferMenu(final Shell parent) { MenuFactory.createTransfersMenuItem(menuBar); } /** * Creates the View menu and all its children * @param parent */ private void addViewMenu(final Shell parent) { try { MenuItem viewItem = MenuFactory.createViewMenuItem(menuBar); Menu viewMenu = viewItem.getMenu(); MenuFactory.addLabelMenuItem(viewMenu, "MainWindow.menu.view.show"); indent(MenuFactory.addMyTorrentsMenuItem(viewMenu)); indent(MenuFactory.addMyTrackerMenuItem(viewMenu)); indent(MenuFactory.addMySharesMenuItem(viewMenu)); indent(MenuFactory.addViewToolbarMenuItem(viewMenu)); indent(MenuFactory.addTransferBarToMenu(viewMenu)); indent(MenuFactory.addAllPeersMenuItem(viewMenu)); /* * These 2 menus resides on the Tools menu on non-OSX platforms; * since the Tools menu is not present in the OSX version these menus are added here to the View menu */ if (Constants.isOSX) { indent(MenuFactory.addConsoleMenuItem(viewMenu)); indent(MenuFactory.addStatisticsMenuItem(viewMenu)); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.out("Error creating View Menu", e); } } /** * Creates the Torrent menu and all its children * @param parent */ private void addTorrentMenu(final Shell parent) { /* * The Torrents menu is now a user-configured option */ if (true == COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("show_torrents_menu")) { MenuFactory.createTorrentMenuItem(menuBar); } } /** * Creates the Tools menu and all its children * @param parent */ private void addToolsMenu(final Shell parent) { MenuItem item = MenuFactory.createToolsMenuItem(menuBar); Menu toolsMenu = item.getMenu(); MenuFactory.addBlockedIPsMenuItem(toolsMenu); MenuFactory.addConsoleMenuItem(toolsMenu); MenuFactory.addStatisticsMenuItem(toolsMenu); MenuFactory.addNatTestMenuItem(toolsMenu); MenuFactory.addSpeedTestMenuItem(toolsMenu); MenuFactory.addSeparatorMenuItem(toolsMenu); MenuFactory.addConfigWizardMenuItem(toolsMenu); MenuFactory.addOptionsMenuItem(toolsMenu); } /** * Creates the Plugins menu and all its children * @param parent */ private void addPluginsMenu(final Shell parent) { /* * NOTE: We are specifying that the Plugins menu be created WITHOUT the 'get plugins' menu item * since that item is an addition only for the new Vuze menu */ MenuFactory.createPluginsMenuItem(menuBar, false); } /** * Creates the Help menu and all its children * @param parent */ private void addHelpMenu(final Shell parent) { MenuItem helpItem = MenuFactory.createHelpMenuItem(menuBar); Menu helpMenu = helpItem.getMenu(); if (false == Constants.isOSX) { MenuFactory.addAboutMenuItem(helpMenu); MenuFactory.addSeparatorMenuItem(helpMenu); } MenuFactory.addHealthMenuItem(helpMenu); MenuFactory.addReleaseNotesMenuItem(helpMenu); MenuFactory.addWhatsNewMenuItem(helpMenu); MenuFactory.addFAQMenuItem(helpMenu, Constants.AZUREUS_WIKI); MenuFactory.addGetPluginsMenuItem(helpMenu); MenuFactory.addSeparatorMenuItem(helpMenu); if (false == SystemProperties.isJavaWebStartInstance()) { MenuFactory.addCheckUpdateMenuItem(helpMenu); } MenuFactory.addSeparatorMenuItem(helpMenu); MenuFactory.addDebugHelpMenuItem(helpMenu); } private static final void indent(MenuItem item) { item.setData("IndentItem", "YES"); item.setText(" " + item.getText()); } /** * @deprecated This method has been replaced with {@link #getMenu(String)}; * use {@link #getMenu(IMenuConstants.MENU_ID_MENU_BAR)} , * {@link #getMenu(IMenuConstants.MENU_ID_TRANSFERS)}, or * {@link #getMenu(IMenuConstants.MENU_ID_VIEW)} instead * @param id * @return */ public Menu getMenu(int id) { /* * KN: Retrofitted to use the new getMenu(String) method */ if (id == MENU_BAR) { return getMenu(IMenuConstants.MENU_ID_MENU_BAR); } if (id == MENU_TRANSFER) { return getMenu(IMenuConstants.MENU_ID_TRANSFERS); } if (id == MENU_VIEW) { return getMenu(IMenuConstants.MENU_ID_VIEW); } return null; } public Menu getMenu(String id) { if (true == IMenuConstants.MENU_ID_MENU_BAR.equals(id)) { return menuBar; } return MenuFactory.findMenu(menuBar, id); } }