package org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.progress;
* These are all the constants used by the ProgressReporter and related classes
* <p>
* These constants are in this separate interface so that classes that need to reference these
* constants can simply implement this interface and reference them directly like REPORT_TYPE_CANCEL == [some test]
* instead of having to fully reference them like IProgressReportConstants.REPORT_TYPE_CANCEL == [some test]</p>
* @author knguyen
public interface IProgressReportConstants
* Unless specified by the user for a particular reporter all reporters have this default type
public static final String REPORTER_TYPE_DEFAULT = "default.reporter.type";
* The default visibility for a <code>ProgressReporter</code>; this is the most generous
* visibility level in that any interested processes can see this reporter and receive it's <code>ProgressReporter.ProgressReport</code>
* This is used for when it makes sense to show the full information about a reporter to the user; this reporter will
* be seen in the progress history
public static final int REPORTER_VISIBILITY_USER = 1;
* A hint to the <code>ProgressReportingManager</code> and any interested parties that the
* reporter and its reports are not intended to be shown (in full) to the user. UI components
* displaying progress reporters and reports can use this hint to show a minimum set of values and additionally
* skip soliciting the user for any loopback events.
public static final int REPORTER_VISIBILITY_SYSTEM = 2;
//======= report types =============
* Default event type indicating no event
public static final int REPORT_TYPE_INIT = 0;
* When {@link ProgressReporter#cancel()} is detected
public static final int REPORT_TYPE_CANCEL = 1;
* When {@link ProgressReporter#setDone()} is detected
public static final int REPORT_TYPE_DONE = 2;
* When {@link ProgressReporter#setIndeterminate(boolean)} is detected
public static final int REPORT_TYPE_MODE_CHANGE = 3;
* When {@link ProgressReporter#setErrorMessage(String)} is detected
public static final int REPORT_TYPE_ERROR = 4;
* When {@link ProgressReporter#retry()} is detected
public static final int REPORT_TYPE_RETRY = 5;
* When any other property is modified
public static final int REPORT_TYPE_PROPERTY_CHANGED = 6;
* When {@link ProgressReporter#dispose()} is called
public static final int REPORT_TYPE_DISPOSED = 7;
//========== return values for report listeners ======
* Default return value from a listener indicating the event has been received and processed successfully
public static final int RETVAL_OK = 0;
* A return value from a listener indicating that the listener is done and is no longer interested
* in any subsequent event; this is a hint to the notifier so that the notifier can perform clean up
* operation relating to that particular listener
public static final int RETVAL_OK_TO_DISPOSE = 1;
//============ events from the ProgressReportingManager ====
* When a reporter is added to the history list
public static final int MANAGER_EVENT_ADDED = 1;
* When a reporter is removed from the history list
public static final int MANAGER_EVENT_REMOVED = 2;
* When a reporter that is already in the history list report an event
public static final int MANAGER_EVENT_UPDATED = 3;
//======== style bits for UI components=================
* Default style bit for no styles
public static final int NONE = 0;
* Automatically closes the window when the reporter is finished;
* this only takes effect when there is only 1 reporter in the window
public static final int AUTO_CLOSE = 1 << 1;
* Open the window as MODAL
public static final int MODAL = 1 << 2;
* The reporter is the only one in a window
public static final int STANDALONE = 1 << 3;
public static final int BORDER = 1 << 4;
public static final int SHOW_TOOLBAR = 1 << 5;
//========== report message types =================
public static final int MSG_TYPE_INFO = 1 << 1;
public static final int MSG_TYPE_ERROR = 1 << 2;
public static final int MSG_TYPE_LOG = 1 << 3;