/* * File : Utils.java * Created : 25 sept. 2003 16:15:07 * By : Olivier * * Azureus - a Java Bittorrent client * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details ( see the LICENSE file ). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.SWTException; import org.eclipse.swt.custom.ScrolledComposite; import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.*; import org.eclipse.swt.events.ControlAdapter; import org.eclipse.swt.events.ControlEvent; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.*; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.*; import org.eclipse.swt.program.Program; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.internat.MessageText; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.mainwindow.Colors; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.mainwindow.SWTThread; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.mainwindow.TorrentOpener; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.shells.MessageBoxShell; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.views.utils.VerticalAligner; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.impl.AzureusCoreImpl; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.UIFunctionsManagerSWT; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.UIFunctionsSWT; /** * @author Olivier * */ public class Utils { private static final String GOOD_STRING = "(/|,jI~`gy"; public static final boolean isGTK = SWT.getPlatform().equals("gtk"); /** Some platforms expand the last column to fit the remaining width of * the table. */ public static final boolean LAST_TABLECOLUMN_EXPANDS = isGTK; /** GTK already handles alternating background for tables */ public static final boolean TABLE_GRIDLINE_IS_ALTERNATING_COLOR = isGTK; private static final boolean DIRECT_SETCHECKED = !Constants.isOSX || SWT.getVersion() >= 3212; public static final boolean SWT32_TABLEPAINT = false; //SWT.getVersion() >= 3200; /** * Debug/Diagnose SWT exec calls. Provides usefull information like how * many we are queuing up, and how long each call takes. Good to turn on * occassionally to see if we coded something stupid. */ private static final boolean DEBUG_SWTEXEC = System.getProperty( "debug.swtexec", "0").equals("1"); private static ArrayList queue; private static AEDiagnosticsLogger diag_logger; static { if (DEBUG_SWTEXEC) { queue = new ArrayList(); diag_logger = AEDiagnostics.getLogger("swt"); diag_logger.log("\n\nSWT Logging Starts"); } else { queue = null; diag_logger = null; } } public static boolean isAZ2UI() { String ui_type = COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter("ui"); return (ui_type.equals("az2")); } public static void disposeComposite(Composite composite, boolean disposeSelf) { if (composite == null || composite.isDisposed()) return; Control[] controls = composite.getChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < controls.length; i++) { Control control = controls[i]; if (control != null && !control.isDisposed()) { if (control instanceof Composite) { disposeComposite((Composite) control, true); } try { control.dispose(); } catch (SWTException e) { Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } } // It's possible that the composite was destroyed by the child if (!composite.isDisposed() && disposeSelf) try { composite.dispose(); } catch (SWTException e) { Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } public static void disposeComposite(Composite composite) { disposeComposite(composite, true); } /** * Dispose of a list of SWT objects * * @param disposeList */ public static void disposeSWTObjects(List disposeList) { disposeSWTObjects(disposeList.toArray()); disposeList.clear(); } public static void disposeSWTObjects(Object[] disposeList) { boolean bResourceObjectExists = SWT.getVersion() >= 3129; for (int i = 0; i < disposeList.length; i++) { Object o = disposeList[i]; if (o instanceof Widget && !((Widget) o).isDisposed()) ((Widget) o).dispose(); else if (bResourceObjectExists && (o instanceof Resource) && !((Resource) o).isDisposed()) ((Resource) o).dispose(); else { try { // For Pre-SWT 3.1 if ((o instanceof Cursor) && !((Cursor) o).isDisposed()) { ((Cursor) o).dispose(); } else if ((o instanceof Font) && !((Font) o).isDisposed()) { ((Font) o).dispose(); } else if ((o instanceof GC) && !((GC) o).isDisposed()) { ((GC) o).dispose(); } else if ((o instanceof Image) && !((Image) o).isDisposed()) { ((Image) o).dispose(); } else if ((o instanceof Region) && !((Region) o).isDisposed()) { ((Region) o).dispose(); // 3.0 } else if ((o instanceof TextLayout) && !((TextLayout) o).isDisposed()) { ((TextLayout) o).dispose(); // 3.0 } } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) { // ignore } // Path, Pattern, Transform are all 3.1, which will be instances of // Resource } } } /** * Initializes the URL dialog with http:// * If a valid link is found in the clipboard, it will be inserted * and the size (and location) of the dialog is adjusted. * @param shell to set the dialog location if needed * @param url the URL text control * @param accept_magnets * * @author Rene Leonhardt */ public static void setTextLinkFromClipboard(final Shell shell, final Text url, boolean accept_magnets) { String link = getLinkFromClipboard(shell.getDisplay(), accept_magnets); if (link != null) url.setText(link); } /** * <p>Gets an URL from the clipboard if a valid URL for downloading has been copied.</p> * <p>The supported protocols currently are http, https, and magnet.</p> * @param display * @param accept_magnets * @return first valid link from clipboard, else "http://" */ public static String getLinkFromClipboard(Display display, boolean accept_magnets) { final Clipboard cb = new Clipboard(display); final TextTransfer transfer = TextTransfer.getInstance(); String data = (String) cb.getContents(transfer); String text = UrlUtils.parseTextForURL(data, accept_magnets); if (text == null) { return "http://"; } return text; } public static void centreWindow(Shell shell) { Rectangle displayArea; // area to center in try { displayArea = shell.getMonitor().getClientArea(); } catch (NoSuchMethodError e) { displayArea = shell.getDisplay().getClientArea(); } Rectangle shellRect = shell.getBounds(); if (shellRect.height > displayArea.height) { shellRect.height = displayArea.height; } if (shellRect.width > displayArea.width - 50) { shellRect.width = displayArea.width; } shellRect.x = displayArea.x + (displayArea.width - shellRect.width) / 2; shellRect.y = displayArea.y + (displayArea.height - shellRect.height) / 2; shell.setBounds(shellRect); } /** * Centers a window relative to a control. That is to say, the window will be located at the center of the control. * @param window * @param control */ public static void centerWindowRelativeTo(final Shell window, final Control control) { final Rectangle bounds = control.getBounds(); final Point shellSize = window.getSize(); window.setLocation(bounds.x + (bounds.width / 2) - shellSize.x / 2, bounds.y + (bounds.height / 2) - shellSize.y / 2); } public static void createTorrentDropTarget(Composite composite, boolean bAllowShareAdd) { try { createDropTarget(composite, bAllowShareAdd, null); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.out(e); } } /** * @param control the control (usually a Shell) to add the DropTarget * @param url the Text control where to set the link text * * @author Rene Leonhardt */ public static void createURLDropTarget(Composite composite, Text url) { try { createDropTarget(composite, false, url); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.out(e); } } private static void createDropTarget(Composite composite, final boolean bAllowShareAdd, final Text url, DropTargetListener dropTargetListener) { Transfer[] transferList; if (SWT.getVersion() >= 3107) { transferList = new Transfer[] { HTMLTransfer.getInstance(), URLTransfer.getInstance(), FileTransfer.getInstance(), TextTransfer.getInstance() }; } else { transferList = new Transfer[] { URLTransfer.getInstance(), FileTransfer.getInstance(), TextTransfer.getInstance() }; } final DropTarget dropTarget = new DropTarget(composite, DND.DROP_DEFAULT | DND.DROP_MOVE | DND.DROP_COPY | DND.DROP_LINK | DND.DROP_TARGET_MOVE); dropTarget.setTransfer(transferList); dropTarget.addDropListener(dropTargetListener); // Note: DropTarget will dipose when the parent it's on diposes // On Windows, dropping on children moves up to parent // On OSX, each child needs it's own drop. if (Constants.isWindows) return; Control[] children = composite.getChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { Control control = children[i]; if (!control.isDisposed()) { if (control instanceof Composite) { createDropTarget((Composite) control, bAllowShareAdd, url, dropTargetListener); } else { final DropTarget dropTarget2 = new DropTarget(control, DND.DROP_DEFAULT | DND.DROP_MOVE | DND.DROP_COPY | DND.DROP_LINK | DND.DROP_TARGET_MOVE); dropTarget2.setTransfer(transferList); dropTarget2.addDropListener(dropTargetListener); } } } } private static void createDropTarget(Composite composite, boolean bAllowShareAdd, Text url) { URLDropTarget target = new URLDropTarget(url, bAllowShareAdd); createDropTarget(composite, bAllowShareAdd, url, target); } private static class URLDropTarget extends DropTargetAdapter { private final Text url; private final boolean bAllowShareAdd; public URLDropTarget(Text url, boolean bAllowShareAdd) { this.url = url; this.bAllowShareAdd = bAllowShareAdd; } public void dropAccept(DropTargetEvent event) { event.currentDataType = URLTransfer.pickBestType(event.dataTypes, event.currentDataType); } public void dragOver(DropTargetEvent event) { // skip setting detail if user is forcing a drop type (ex. via the // ctrl key), providing that the operation is valid if (event.detail != DND.DROP_DEFAULT && ((event.operations & event.detail) > 0)) return; if ((event.operations & DND.DROP_LINK) > 0) event.detail = DND.DROP_LINK; else if ((event.operations & DND.DROP_DEFAULT) > 0) event.detail = DND.DROP_DEFAULT; else if ((event.operations & DND.DROP_COPY) > 0) event.detail = DND.DROP_COPY; } public void drop(DropTargetEvent event) { if (url == null || url.isDisposed()) { TorrentOpener.openDroppedTorrents(AzureusCoreImpl.getSingleton(), event, bAllowShareAdd); } else { if (event.data instanceof URLTransfer.URLType) { if (((URLTransfer.URLType) event.data).linkURL != null) url.setText(((URLTransfer.URLType) event.data).linkURL); } else if (event.data instanceof String) { String sURL = UrlUtils.parseTextForURL((String) event.data, true); if (sURL != null) { url.setText(sURL); } } } } } /** * Force label to use more vertical space if wrapped and in a GridLayout * Place this listener on the _parent_ of the label * See Eclipse SWT Bug #9866 (GridLayout does not handle wrapped Label properly) * This workaround only works for labels who: * - horizontally span their whole parent * (ie. the parent has 3 columns, the label must span 3 columns) * - GridData style has GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL * - Label style has SWT.WRAP * * @author TuxPaper * @note Bug 9866 fixed in 3105 and later */ public static class LabelWrapControlListener extends ControlAdapter { public void controlResized(ControlEvent e) { if (SWT.getVersion() >= 3105) return; Composite parent = (Composite) e.widget; Control children[] = parent.getChildren(); if (children.length > 0) { GridLayout parentLayout = (GridLayout) parent.getLayout(); if (parentLayout != null) { Point size; int marginWidth = parentLayout.marginWidth; Composite grandParent = parent.getParent(); if (grandParent instanceof ScrolledComposite) { Composite greatGP = grandParent.getParent(); if (greatGP != null) { size = greatGP.getSize(); if (greatGP.getLayout() instanceof GridLayout) { marginWidth += ((GridLayout) greatGP.getLayout()).marginWidth; } } else { // not tested size = grandParent.getSize(); } if (grandParent.getLayout() instanceof GridLayout) { marginWidth += ((GridLayout) grandParent.getLayout()).marginWidth; } ScrollBar sb = grandParent.getVerticalBar(); if (sb != null) { // I don't know why, but we have to remove one size.x -= sb.getSize().x + 1; } } else size = parent.getSize(); boolean oneChanged = false; for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { if ((children[i] instanceof Label) && (children[i].getStyle() & SWT.WRAP) == SWT.WRAP) { GridData gd = (GridData) children[i].getLayoutData(); if (gd != null && gd.horizontalAlignment == GridData.FILL) { if (gd.horizontalSpan == parentLayout.numColumns) { gd.widthHint = size.x - 2 * marginWidth; oneChanged = true; } else { Point pt = children[i].getLocation(); gd.widthHint = size.x - pt.x - (2 * marginWidth); oneChanged = true; } } } } if (oneChanged) { parent.layout(true); if (grandParent instanceof ScrolledComposite) { ((ScrolledComposite) grandParent).setMinSize(parent.computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT, true)); } } } } // size } // controlResized } // class public static void alternateRowBackground(TableItem item) { if (Utils.TABLE_GRIDLINE_IS_ALTERNATING_COLOR) { if (!item.getParent().getLinesVisible()) item.getParent().setLinesVisible(true); return; } if (item == null || item.isDisposed()) return; Color[] colors = { item.getDisplay().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_LIST_BACKGROUND), Colors.colorAltRow }; Color newColor = colors[item.getParent().indexOf(item) % colors.length]; if (!item.getBackground().equals(newColor)) { item.setBackground(newColor); } } public static void alternateTableBackground(Table table) { if (table == null || table.isDisposed()) return; if (Utils.TABLE_GRIDLINE_IS_ALTERNATING_COLOR) { if (!table.getLinesVisible()) table.setLinesVisible(true); return; } int iTopIndex = table.getTopIndex(); int iBottomIndex = getTableBottomIndex(table, iTopIndex); Color[] colors = { table.getDisplay().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_LIST_BACKGROUND), Colors.colorAltRow }; int iFixedIndex = iTopIndex; for (int i = iTopIndex; i <= iBottomIndex; i++) { TableItem row = table.getItem(i); // Rows can be disposed! if (!row.isDisposed()) { Color newColor = colors[iFixedIndex % colors.length]; iFixedIndex++; if (!row.getBackground().equals(newColor)) { // System.out.println("setting "+rows[i].getBackground() +" to " + newColor); row.setBackground(newColor); } } } } /** * <p> * Set a MenuItem's image with the given ImageRepository key. In compliance with platform * human interface guidelines, the images are not set under Mac OS X. * </p> * @param item SWT MenuItem * @param repoKey ImageRepository image key * @see <a href="http://developer.apple.com/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/OSXHIGuidelines/XHIGMenus/chapter_7_section_3.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30000356/TPXREF116">Apple HIG</a> */ public static void setMenuItemImage(final MenuItem item, final String repoKey) { if (!Constants.isOSX) item.setImage(ImageRepository.getImage(repoKey)); } public static void setMenuItemImage(final MenuItem item, final Image image) { if (!Constants.isOSX) item.setImage(image); } /** * Sets the shell's Icon(s) to the default Azureus icon. OSX doesn't require * an icon, so they are skipped * * @param shell */ public static void setShellIcon(Shell shell) { final String[] sImageNames = { "azureus", "azureus32", "azureus64", "azureus128" }; if (Constants.isOSX) return; try { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); Image[] images = new Image[] { ImageRepository.getImage("azureus"), ImageRepository.getImage("azureus32"), ImageRepository.getImage("azureus64"), ImageRepository.getImage("azureus128") }; for (int i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { Image image = ImageRepository.getImage(sImageNames[i]); if (image != null) list.add(image); } if (list.size() == 0) return; shell.setImages((Image[]) list.toArray(new Image[0])); } catch (NoSuchMethodError e) { // SWT < 3.0 Image image = ImageRepository.getImage(sImageNames[0]); if (image != null) shell.setImage(image); } } private static Display getDisplay() { SWTThread swt = SWTThread.getInstance(); Display display; if (swt == null) { display = Display.getDefault(); if (display == null) { System.err.println("SWT Thread not started yet!"); return null; } } else { if (swt.isTerminated()) { return null; } display = swt.getDisplay(); } if (display == null || display.isDisposed()) { return null; } return display; } /** * Execute code in the Runnable object using SWT's thread. If current * thread it already SWT's thread, the code will run immediately. If the * current thread is not SWT's, code will be run either synchronously or * asynchronously on SWT's thread at the next reasonable opportunity. * * This method does not catch any exceptions. * * @param code code to run * @param async true if SWT asyncExec, false if SWT syncExec * @return success */ public static boolean execSWTThread(final Runnable code, boolean async) { return execSWTThread(code, async ? -1 : -2); } /** * Schedule execution of the code in the Runnable object using SWT's thread. * Even if the current thread is the SWT Thread, the code will be scheduled. * <p> * Much like Display.asyncExec, except getting the display is handled for you, * and provides the ability to diagnose and monitor scheduled code run. * * @param msLater time to wait before running code on SWT thread. 0 does not * mean immediate, but as soon as possible. * @param code Code to run * @return sucess * * @since */ public static boolean execSWTThreadLater(int msLater, final Runnable code) { return execSWTThread(code, msLater); } /** * * @param code * @param msLater -2: sync<BR> * -1: sync if on SWT thread, async otherwise<BR> * 0: async<BR> * >0: timerExec * @return * * @since */ private static boolean execSWTThread(final Runnable code, final int msLater) { Display display = getDisplay(); if (display == null || code == null) { return false; } if (msLater < 0 && display.getThread() == Thread.currentThread()) { if (queue == null) { code.run(); } else { long lStartTimeRun = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); code.run(); long wait = SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - lStartTimeRun; if (wait > 700) { diag_logger.log(SystemTime.getCurrentTime() + "] took " + wait + "ms to run " + Debug.getCompressedStackTrace()); } } } else if (msLater >= -1) { try { if (queue == null) { if (msLater <= 0) { display.asyncExec(code); } else { display.timerExec(msLater, code); } } else { queue.add(code); diag_logger.log(SystemTime.getCurrentTime() + "] + QUEUE. size= " + queue.size() + "; add " + code + " via " + Debug.getCompressedStackTrace()); final long lStart = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); final Display fDisplay = display; AERunnable runnableWrapper = new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { long wait = SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - lStart - msLater; if (wait > 700) { diag_logger.log(SystemTime.getCurrentTime() + "] took " + wait + "ms before SWT ran async code " + code); } long lStartTimeRun = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); try { if (fDisplay.isDisposed()) { Debug.out("Display disposed while trying to execSWTThread " + code); // run anayway, except trap SWT error try { code.run(); } catch (SWTException e) { Debug.out("Error while execSWTThread w/disposed Display", e); } } else { code.run(); } } finally { wait = SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - lStartTimeRun; if (wait > 500) { diag_logger.log(SystemTime.getCurrentTime() + "] took " + wait + "ms to run " + code); } diag_logger.log(SystemTime.getCurrentTime() + "] - QUEUE. size=" + queue.size()); queue.remove(code); } } }; if (msLater <= 0) { display.asyncExec(runnableWrapper); } else { display.timerExec(msLater, runnableWrapper); } } } catch (NullPointerException e) { // If the display is being disposed of, asyncExec may give a null // pointer error return false; } } else { display.syncExec(code); } return true; } /** * Execute code in the Runnable object using SWT's thread. If current * thread it already SWT's thread, the code will run immediately. If the * current thread is not SWT's, code will be run asynchronously on SWT's * thread at the next reasonable opportunity. * * This method does not catch any exceptions. * * @param code code to run * @return success */ public static boolean execSWTThread(Runnable code) { return execSWTThread(code, -1); } public static boolean isThisThreadSWT() { SWTThread swt = SWTThread.getInstance(); if (swt == null) { System.err.println("WARNING: SWT Thread not started yet"); } Display display = (swt == null) ? Display.getCurrent() : swt.getDisplay(); if (display == null) { return false; } // This will throw if we are disposed or on the wrong thread // Much better that display.getThread() as that one locks Device.class // and may end up causing sync lock when disposing try { display.getWarnings(); } catch (SWTException e) { return false; } return (display.getThread() == Thread.currentThread()); } /** Open a messagebox using resource keys for title/text * * @param parent Parent shell for messagebox * @param style SWT styles for messagebox * @param keyPrefix message bundle key prefix used to get title and text. * Title will be keyPrefix + ".title", and text will be set to * keyPrefix + ".text" * @param textParams any parameters for text * * @return what the messagebox returns */ public static int openMessageBox(Shell parent, int style, String keyPrefix, String[] textParams) { if (style == SWT.OK) { int ret = new MessageBoxShell(parent, MessageText.getString(keyPrefix + ".title"), MessageText.getString(keyPrefix + ".text", textParams), new String[] { MessageText.getString("Button.ok") }, 0).open(); return (ret == 0) ? SWT.OK : SWT.CANCEL; } else { MessageBox mb = new MessageBox(parent, style); mb.setMessage(MessageText.getString(keyPrefix + ".text", textParams)); mb.setText(MessageText.getString(keyPrefix + ".title")); return mb.open(); } } /** Open a messagebox with actual title and text * * @param parent * @param style * @param title * @param text * @return */ public static int openMessageBox(Shell parent, int style, String title, String text) { MessageBox mb = new MessageBox(parent == null ? findAnyShell() : parent, style); mb.setMessage(text); mb.setText(title); return mb.open(); } /** * Bottom Index may be negative */ public static int getTableBottomIndex(Table table, int iTopIndex) { // on Linux, getItemHeight is slow AND WRONG. so is getItem(x).getBounds().y // getItem(Point) is slow on OSX int itemCount = table.getItemCount(); if (!table.isVisible() || iTopIndex >= itemCount) return -1; if (Constants.isOSX) { try { TableItem item = table.getItem(iTopIndex); Rectangle bounds = item.getBounds(); Rectangle clientArea = table.getClientArea(); int itemHeight = table.getItemHeight(); int iBottomIndex = Math.min(iTopIndex + (clientArea.height + clientArea.y - bounds.y - 1) / itemHeight, itemCount - 1); // System.out.println(bounds + ";" + clientArea + ";" + itemHeight + ";bi=" // + iBottomIndex + ";ti=" + iTopIndex + ";" // + (clientArea.height + clientArea.y - bounds.y - 1)); return iBottomIndex; } catch (NoSuchMethodError e) { // item.getBounds is 3.2 return Math.min( iTopIndex + ((table.getClientArea().height - table.getHeaderHeight() - 1) / table.getItemHeight()) + 1, table.getItemCount() - 1); } } // getItem will return null if clientArea's height is smaller than // header height. int areaHeight = table.getClientArea().height; if (areaHeight <= table.getHeaderHeight()) return -1; // 2 offset to be on the safe side TableItem bottomItem = table.getItem(new Point(2, table.getClientArea().height - 1)); int iBottomIndex = (bottomItem != null) ? table.indexOf(bottomItem) : itemCount - 1; return iBottomIndex; } public static void launch(String sFile) { if (sFile == null) { return; } if (SWT.getVersion() >= 3315 || SWT.getVersion() < 3300 || UrlUtils.isURL(sFile) || sFile.startsWith("mailto:")) { boolean launched = Program.launch(sFile); if (!launched && Constants.isUnix && (UrlUtils.isURL(sFile) || sFile.startsWith("mailto:"))) { if (!Program.launch("xdg-open " + sFile)) { Program.launch("htmlview " + sFile); } } } else { if (Constants.isOSX) { Program.launch("file://" + sFile.replaceAll(" ", "%20")); } else { Program.launch(sFile); } } } /** * Sets the checkbox in a Virtual Table while inside a SWT.SetData listener * trigger. SWT 3.1 has an OSX bug that needs working around. * * @param item * @param checked */ public static void setCheckedInSetData(final TableItem item, final boolean checked) { if (DIRECT_SETCHECKED) { item.setChecked(checked); } else { item.setChecked(!checked); item.getDisplay().asyncExec(new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { item.setChecked(checked); } }); } if (Constants.isWindowsXP || isGTK) { Rectangle r = item.getBounds(0); Table table = item.getParent(); Rectangle rTable = table.getClientArea(); r.y += VerticalAligner.getTableAdjustVerticalBy(table); table.redraw(0, r.y, rTable.width, r.height, true); } } public static boolean linkShellMetricsToConfig(final Shell shell, final String sConfigPrefix) { String windowRectangle = COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter( sConfigPrefix + ".rectangle", null); boolean bDidResize = false; if (null != windowRectangle) { int i = 0; int[] values = new int[4]; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(windowRectangle, ","); try { while (st.hasMoreTokens() && i < 4) { values[i++] = Integer.valueOf(st.nextToken()).intValue(); } if (i == 4) { Rectangle shellBounds = new Rectangle(values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3]); shell.setBounds(shellBounds); verifyShellRect(shell, true); bDidResize = true; } } catch (Exception e) { } } boolean isMaximized = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter(sConfigPrefix + ".maximized") && !Constants.isOSX; shell.setMaximized(isMaximized); new ShellMetricsResizeListener(shell, sConfigPrefix); return bDidResize; } private static class ShellMetricsResizeListener implements Listener { private int state = -1; private String sConfigPrefix; private Rectangle bounds = null; ShellMetricsResizeListener(Shell shell, String sConfigPrefix) { this.sConfigPrefix = sConfigPrefix; state = calcState(shell); if (state == SWT.NONE) bounds = shell.getBounds(); shell.addListener(SWT.Resize, this); shell.addListener(SWT.Move, this); shell.addListener(SWT.Dispose, this); } private int calcState(Shell shell) { return shell.getMinimized() ? SWT.MIN : shell.getMaximized() && !Constants.isOSX ? SWT.MAX : SWT.NONE; } private void saveMetrics() { COConfigurationManager.setParameter(sConfigPrefix + ".maximized", state == SWT.MAX); if (bounds == null) return; COConfigurationManager.setParameter(sConfigPrefix + ".rectangle", bounds.x + "," + bounds.y + "," + bounds.width + "," + bounds.height); } public void handleEvent(Event event) { Shell shell = (Shell) event.widget; state = calcState(shell); if (event.type != SWT.Dispose && state == SWT.NONE) bounds = shell.getBounds(); if (event.type == SWT.Dispose) saveMetrics(); } } public static GridData setGridData(Composite composite, int gridStyle, Control ctrlBestSize, int maxHeight) { GridData gridData = new GridData(gridStyle); gridData.heightHint = ctrlBestSize.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT).y; if (gridData.heightHint > maxHeight && maxHeight > 0) gridData.heightHint = maxHeight; composite.setLayoutData(gridData); return gridData; } public static FormData getFilledFormData() { FormData formData = new FormData(); formData.top = new FormAttachment(0, 0); formData.left = new FormAttachment(0, 0); formData.right = new FormAttachment(100, 0); formData.bottom = new FormAttachment(100, 0); return formData; } public static int pixelsToPoint(int pixels, int dpi) { int ret = (int) Math.round((pixels * 72.0) / dpi); return ret; } public static int pixelsToPoint(double pixels, int dpi) { int ret = (int) Math.round((pixels * 72.0) / dpi); return ret; } public static boolean drawImage(GC gc, Image image, Rectangle dstRect, Rectangle clipping, int hOffset, int vOffset, boolean clearArea) { return drawImage(gc, image, new Point(0, 0), dstRect, clipping, hOffset, vOffset, clearArea); } public static boolean drawImage(GC gc, Image image, Rectangle dstRect, Rectangle clipping, int hOffset, int vOffset) { return drawImage(gc, image, new Point(0, 0), dstRect, clipping, hOffset, vOffset, false); } public static boolean drawImage(GC gc, Image image, Point srcStart, Rectangle dstRect, Rectangle clipping, int hOffset, int vOffset, boolean clearArea) { Rectangle srcRect; Point dstAdj; if (clipping == null) { dstAdj = new Point(0, 0); srcRect = new Rectangle(srcStart.x, srcStart.y, dstRect.width, dstRect.height); } else { if (!dstRect.intersects(clipping)) { return false; } dstAdj = new Point(Math.max(0, clipping.x - dstRect.x), Math.max(0, clipping.y - dstRect.y)); srcRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); srcRect.x = srcStart.x + dstAdj.x; srcRect.y = srcStart.y + dstAdj.y; srcRect.width = Math.min(dstRect.width - dstAdj.x, clipping.x + clipping.width - dstRect.x); srcRect.height = Math.min(dstRect.height - dstAdj.y, clipping.y + clipping.height - dstRect.y); } if (!srcRect.isEmpty()) { try { if (clearArea) { gc.fillRectangle(dstRect.x + dstAdj.x + hOffset, dstRect.y + dstAdj.y + vOffset, srcRect.width, srcRect.height); } gc.drawImage(image, srcRect.x, srcRect.y, srcRect.width, srcRect.height, dstRect.x + dstAdj.x + hOffset, dstRect.y + dstAdj.y + vOffset, srcRect.width, srcRect.height); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("drawImage: " + e.getMessage() + ": " + image + ", " + srcRect + ", " + (dstRect.x + dstAdj.y + hOffset) + "," + (dstRect.y + dstAdj.y + vOffset) + "," + srcRect.width + "," + srcRect.height + "; imageBounds = " + image.getBounds()); } } return true; } /** * @param area * @param event id * @param listener */ public static void addListenerAndChildren(Composite area, int event, Listener listener) { area.addListener(event, listener); Control[] children = area.getChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { Control child = children[i]; if (child instanceof Composite) { addListenerAndChildren((Composite) child, event, listener); } else { child.addListener(event, listener); } } } public static Shell findAnyShell() { // Pick the main shell if we can UIFunctionsSWT uiFunctions = UIFunctionsManagerSWT.getUIFunctionsSWT(); if (uiFunctions != null) { Shell shell = uiFunctions.getMainShell(); if (shell != null && !shell.isDisposed()) { return shell; } } // Get active shell from current display if we can Display current = Display.getCurrent(); if (current == null) { return null; } Shell shell = current.getActiveShell(); if (shell != null && !shell.isDisposed()) { return shell; } // Get first shell of current display if we can Shell[] shells = current.getShells(); if (shells.length == 0) { return null; } if (shells[0] != null && !shells[0].isDisposed()) { return shells[0]; } return null; } /** * @param listener */ public static boolean verifyShellRect(Shell shell, boolean bAdjustIfInvalid) { boolean bMetricsOk; try { bMetricsOk = false; Point ptTopLeft = shell.getLocation(); Monitor[] monitors = shell.getDisplay().getMonitors(); for (int j = 0; j < monitors.length && !bMetricsOk; j++) { Rectangle bounds = monitors[j].getBounds(); bMetricsOk = bounds.contains(ptTopLeft); } } catch (NoSuchMethodError e) { Rectangle bounds = shell.getDisplay().getBounds(); bMetricsOk = shell.getBounds().intersects(bounds); } if (!bMetricsOk && bAdjustIfInvalid) { centreWindow(shell); } return bMetricsOk; } /** * Relayout all composites up from control until there's enough room for the * control to fit * * @param control Control that had it's sized changed and needs more room */ public static void relayout(Control control) { relayout(control, false); } /** * Relayout all composites up from control until there's enough room for the * control to fit * * @param control Control that had it's sized changed and needs more room */ public static void relayout(Control control, boolean expandOnly) { if (control == null || control.isDisposed()) { return; } Composite parent = control.getParent(); Point targetSize = control.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT, true); Point size = control.getSize(); if (size.y == targetSize.y && size.x == targetSize.x) { return; } Object layoutData = control.getLayoutData(); if (layoutData instanceof FormData) { FormData fd = (FormData) layoutData; if (fd.width != SWT.DEFAULT && fd.height != SWT.DEFAULT) { parent.layout(); return; } } if (expandOnly && size.y >= targetSize.y && size.x >= targetSize.x) { parent.layout(); return; } while (parent != null) { parent.layout(true, true); parent = parent.getParent(); Point newSize = control.getSize(); //System.out.println("new=" + newSize + ";target=" + targetSize); if (newSize.y >= targetSize.y && newSize.x >= targetSize.x) { break; } } if (parent != null) { parent.layout(); } } /** * */ public static void beep() { execSWTThread(new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { Display display = Display.getDefault(); if (display != null) { display.beep(); } } }); } /** * * @param baseFont * @param gc Can be null * @param heightInPixels * @return * * @since */ public static int getFontHeightFromPX(Font baseFont, GC gc, int heightInPixels) { Font font = null; Device device = baseFont.getDevice(); // hack.. heightInPixels++; // This isn't accurate, but gets us close int size = Utils.pixelsToPoint(heightInPixels, device.getDPI().y) + 1; if (size <= 0) { return 0; } boolean bOurGC = gc == null || gc.isDisposed(); try { if (bOurGC) { gc = new GC(device); } FontData[] fontData = baseFont.getFontData(); do { if (font != null) { size--; font.dispose(); } fontData[0].setHeight(size); font = new Font(device, fontData); gc.setFont(font); } while (font != null && gc.textExtent(GOOD_STRING).y > heightInPixels && size > 1); } finally { if (bOurGC) { gc.dispose(); } if (font != null && !font.isDisposed()) { font.dispose(); } } return size; } public static int getFontHeightFromPX(Device device, FontData[] fontData, GC gc, int heightInPixels) { Font font = null; // hack.. heightInPixels++; // This isn't accurate, but gets us close int size = Utils.pixelsToPoint(heightInPixels, device.getDPI().y) + 1; if (size <= 0) { return 0; } boolean bOurGC = gc == null || gc.isDisposed(); try { if (bOurGC) { gc = new GC(device); } do { if (font != null) { size--; font.dispose(); } fontData[0].setHeight(size); font = new Font(device, fontData); gc.setFont(font); } while (font != null && gc.textExtent(GOOD_STRING).y > heightInPixels && size > 1); } finally { if (bOurGC) { gc.dispose(); } if (font != null && !font.isDisposed()) { font.dispose(); } } return size; } public static Font getFontWithHeight(Font baseFont, GC gc, int heightInPixels) { Font font = null; Device device = baseFont.getDevice(); // hack.. heightInPixels++; // This isn't accurate, but gets us close int size = Utils.pixelsToPoint(heightInPixels, device.getDPI().y) + 1; if (size <= 0) { size = 2; } boolean bOurGC = gc == null || gc.isDisposed(); try { if (bOurGC) { gc = new GC(device); } FontData[] fontData = baseFont.getFontData(); do { if (font != null) { size--; font.dispose(); } fontData[0].setHeight(size); font = new Font(device, fontData); gc.setFont(font); } while (font != null && gc.textExtent(GOOD_STRING).y > heightInPixels && size > 1); } finally { if (bOurGC) { gc.dispose(); } } return font; } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #execSWTThread(AERunnableWithCallback)} to avoid * thread locking issues */ public static boolean execSWTThreadWithBool(String ID, AERunnableBoolean code) { return execSWTThreadWithBool(ID, code, 0); } /** * Runs code within the SWT thread, waits for code to complete executing, * (using a sempaphore), and then returns a value. * * @note USE WITH CAUTION. If the calling function synchronizes, and the * runnable code ends up synchronizing on the same object, an indefinite * thread lock or an unexpected timeout may occur (if one of the threads * is the SWT thread).<p> * ex - Thread1 calls c.foo(), which synchronized(this). * - Thread2 is the SWT Thread. Thread2 calls c.foo(), which waits on * Thread1 to complete. * - c.foo() from Thread1 calls execSWTThreadWithBoolean(.., swtcode, ..), * which waits for the SWT Thread to return run the swtcode. * - Deadlock, or Timoeout which returns a false (and no code ran) * * @param ID id for debug * @param code code to run * @param millis ms to timeout in * @return */ public static boolean execSWTThreadWithBool(String ID, AERunnableBoolean code, long millis) { if (code == null) { return false; } boolean[] returnValueObject = { false }; Display display = getDisplay(); AESemaphore sem = null; if (display == null || display.getThread() != Thread.currentThread()) { sem = new AESemaphore(ID); } try { code.setupReturn(ID, returnValueObject, sem); if (!execSWTThread(code)) { // code never got run // XXX: throw instead? return false; } } catch (Throwable e) { if (sem != null) { sem.release(); } Debug.out(ID, e); } if (sem != null) { sem.reserve(millis); } return returnValueObject[0]; } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #execSWTThread(AERunnableWithCallback)} to avoid * thread locking issues */ public static Object execSWTThreadWithObject(String ID, AERunnableObject code) { return execSWTThreadWithObject(ID, code, 0); } /** * Runs code within the SWT thread, waits for code to complete executing, * (using a sempaphore), and then returns a value. * * @note USE WITH CAUTION. If the calling function synchronizes, and the * runnable code ends up synchronizing on the same object, an indefinite * thread lock or an unexpected timeout may occur (if one of the threads * is the SWT thread).<p> * ex - Thread1 calls c.foo(), which synchronized(this). * - Thread2 is the SWT Thread. Thread2 calls c.foo(), which waits on * Thread1 to complete. * - c.foo() from Thread1 calls execSWTThreadWithObject(.., swtcode, ..), * which waits for the SWT Thread to return run the swtcode. * - Deadlock, or Timoeout which returns a null (and no code ran) * * @param ID id for debug * @param code code to run * @param millis ms to timeout in * @return */ public static Object execSWTThreadWithObject(String ID, AERunnableObject code, long millis) { if (code == null) { return null; } Object[] returnValueObject = { null }; Display display = getDisplay(); AESemaphore sem = null; if (display == null || display.getThread() != Thread.currentThread()) { sem = new AESemaphore(ID); } try { code.setupReturn(ID, returnValueObject, sem); if (!execSWTThread(code)) { // XXX: throw instead? return null; } } catch (Throwable e) { if (sem != null) { sem.release(); } Debug.out(ID, e); } if (sem != null) { sem.reserve(millis); } return returnValueObject[0]; } /** * Waits until modal dialogs are disposed. Assumes we are on SWT thread * * @since */ public static void waitForModals() { SWTThread swt = SWTThread.getInstance(); Display display; if (swt == null) { display = Display.getDefault(); if (display == null) { System.err.println("SWT Thread not started yet!"); return; } } else { if (swt.isTerminated()) { return; } display = swt.getDisplay(); } if (display == null || display.isDisposed()) { return; } Shell[] shells = display.getShells(); Shell modalShell = null; for (int i = 0; i < shells.length; i++) { Shell shell = shells[i]; if ((shell.getStyle() & SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL) > 0) { modalShell = shell; break; } } if (modalShell != null) { while (!modalShell.isDisposed()) { if (!display.readAndDispatch()) { display.sleep(); } } } } public static GridData getWrappableLabelGridData(int hspan, int styles) { GridData gridData = new GridData(GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FILL | styles); gridData.horizontalSpan = hspan; gridData.widthHint = 0; return gridData; } public static Image createAlphaImage(Device device, int width, int height) { return createAlphaImage(device, width, height, (byte) 0); } public static Image createAlphaImage(Device device, int width, int height, byte defaultAlpha) { byte[] alphaData = new byte[width * height]; Arrays.fill(alphaData, 0, alphaData.length, (byte) defaultAlpha); ImageData imageData = new ImageData(width, height, 24, new PaletteData( 0xFF, 0xFF00, 0xFF0000)); Arrays.fill(imageData.data, 0, imageData.data.length, (byte) 0); imageData.alphaData = alphaData; Image image = new Image(device, imageData); return image; } public static Image blitImage(Device device, Image srcImage, Rectangle srcArea, Image dstImage, Point dstPos) { if (srcArea == null) { srcArea = srcImage.getBounds(); } Rectangle dstBounds = dstImage.getBounds(); if (dstPos == null) { dstPos = new Point(dstBounds.x, dstBounds.y); } else { dstBounds.x = dstPos.x; dstBounds.y = dstPos.y; } srcArea.intersect(dstBounds); // draw the image with no mask! :( GC gc = new GC(dstImage); try { gc.drawImage(srcImage, srcArea.x, srcArea.y, srcArea.width, srcArea.height, dstPos.x, dstPos.y, srcArea.width, srcArea.height); } finally { gc.dispose(); } ImageData dstImageData = dstImage.getImageData(); ImageData srcImageData = srcImage.getImageData(); int yPos = dstPos.y; for (int y = 0; y < srcArea.height; y++) { int xPos = dstPos.x; for (int x = 0; x < srcArea.width; x++) { dstImageData.setAlpha(xPos, yPos, srcImageData.getAlpha(x + srcArea.x, y + srcArea.y)); xPos++; } yPos++; } return new Image(device, dstImageData); } /** * * @param display * @param background * @param foreground * @param foregroundOffsetOnBg * @param modifyForegroundAlpha 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (retain current alpha) * @return */ public static Image renderTransparency(Display display, Image background, Image foreground, Point foregroundOffsetOnBg, int modifyForegroundAlpha) { //Checks if (display == null || display.isDisposed() || background == null || background.isDisposed() || foreground == null || foreground.isDisposed()) return null; Rectangle backgroundArea = background.getBounds(); Rectangle foregroundDrawArea = foreground.getBounds(); foregroundDrawArea = new Rectangle(foregroundDrawArea.x + foregroundOffsetOnBg.x, foregroundDrawArea.y + foregroundOffsetOnBg.y, foregroundDrawArea.width, foregroundDrawArea.height); foregroundDrawArea.intersect(backgroundArea); if (foregroundDrawArea.isEmpty()) return null; Image image = new Image(display, backgroundArea); ImageData backData = background.getImageData(); ImageData foreData = foreground.getImageData(); ImageData imgData = image.getImageData(); PaletteData backPalette = backData.palette; ImageData backMask = backData.getTransparencyType() != SWT.TRANSPARENCY_ALPHA ? backData.getTransparencyMask() : null; PaletteData forePalette = foreData.palette; ImageData foreMask = foreData.getTransparencyType() != SWT.TRANSPARENCY_ALPHA ? foreData.getTransparencyMask() : null; PaletteData imgPalette = imgData.palette; image.dispose(); for (int x = 0; x < backgroundArea.width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < backgroundArea.height; y++) { RGB cBack = backPalette.getRGB(backData.getPixel(x, y)); int aBack = backData.getAlpha(x, y); if (backMask != null && backMask.getPixel(x, y) == 0) aBack = 0; // special treatment for icons with transparency masks int aFore = 0; if (foregroundDrawArea.contains(x, y)) { final int fx = x - foregroundDrawArea.x; final int fy = y - foregroundDrawArea.y; RGB cFore = forePalette.getRGB(foreData.getPixel(fx, fy)); aFore = foreData.getAlpha(fx, fy); if (foreMask != null && foreMask.getPixel(fx, fy) == 0) aFore = 0; // special treatment for icons with transparency masks aFore = aFore * modifyForegroundAlpha / 255; cBack.red *= aBack * (255 - aFore); cBack.red /= 255; cBack.red += aFore * cFore.red; cBack.red /= 255; cBack.green *= aBack * (255 - aFore); cBack.green /= 255; cBack.green += aFore * cFore.green; cBack.green /= 255; cBack.blue *= aBack * (255 - aFore); cBack.blue /= 255; cBack.blue += aFore * cFore.blue; cBack.blue /= 255; } imgData.setAlpha(x, y, aFore + aBack * (255 - aFore) / 255); imgData.setPixel(x, y, imgPalette.getPixel(cBack)); } } return new Image(display, imgData); } public static Control findBackgroundImageControl(Control control) { Image image = control.getBackgroundImage(); if (image == null) { return control; } Composite parent = control.getParent(); Composite lastParent = parent; while (parent != null) { Image parentImage = parent.getBackgroundImage(); if (!image.equals(parentImage)) { return lastParent; } lastParent = parent; parent = parent.getParent(); } return control; } /** * @return * * @since */ public static boolean anyShellHaveStyle(int styles) { Display display = Display.getCurrent(); if (display != null) { Shell[] shells = display.getShells(); for (int i = 0; i < shells.length; i++) { Shell shell = shells[i]; int style = shell.getStyle(); if ((style & styles) == styles) { return true; } } } return false; } public static int[] colorToIntArray(Color color) { if (color == null || color.isDisposed()) { return null; } return new int[] { color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue() }; } /** * Centers the target <code>Rectangle</code> relative to the reference Rectangle * @param target * @param reference */ public static void centerRelativeTo(Rectangle target, Rectangle reference) { target.x = reference.x + (reference.width / 2) - target.width / 2; target.y = reference.y + (reference.height / 2) - target.height / 2; } /** * Ensure that the given <code>Rectangle</code> is fully visible on the monitor that the cursor * is currently in. This method does not resize the given Rectangle; it merely reposition it * if appropriate. If the given Rectangle is taller or wider than the current monitor then * it may not fit 'fully' in the monitor. * <P> * We use a best-effort approach with an emphasis to have at least the top-left of the Rectangle * be visible. If the given Rectangle does not fit entirely in the monitor then portion * of the right and/or left may be off-screen. * * <P> * This method does honor global screen elements when possible. Screen elements include the TaskBar on Windows * and the Application menu on OSX, and possibly others. The re-positioned Rectangle returned will fit on the * screen without overlapping (or sliding under) these screen elements. * @param rect * @return */ public static void makeVisibleOnCursor(Rectangle rect) { if (null == rect) { return; } Display display = Display.getCurrent(); if (null == display) { Debug.out("No current display detected. This method [Utils.makeVisibleOnCursor()] must be called from a display thread."); return; } try { /* * Get cursor location */ Point cursorLocation = display.getCursorLocation(); /* * Find the monitor that this cursorLocation resides in */ Monitor[] monitors = display.getMonitors(); Rectangle monitorBounds = null; for (int i = 0; i < monitors.length; i++) { monitorBounds = monitors[i].getClientArea(); if (true == monitorBounds.contains(cursorLocation)) { break; } } if (null == monitorBounds) { return; } /* * Make sure the bottom is fully visible on the monitor */ int bottomDiff = (monitorBounds.y + monitorBounds.height) - (rect.y + rect.height); if (bottomDiff < 0) { rect.y += bottomDiff; } /* * Make sure the right is fully visible on the monitor */ int rightDiff = (monitorBounds.x + monitorBounds.width) - (rect.x + rect.width); if (rightDiff < 0) { rect.x += rightDiff; } /* * Make sure the left is fully visible on the monitor */ if (rect.x < monitorBounds.x) { rect.x = monitorBounds.x; } /* * Make sure the top is fully visible on the monitor */ if (rect.y < monitorBounds.y) { rect.y = monitorBounds.y; } } catch (NoSuchMethodError e) { //Do nothing } } }