package edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Base64; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.category.Category; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.disk.DiskManagerFileInfo; import; import; import; import; import; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.peer.PEPeer; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.peer.PEPeerManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrent; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrentException; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.impl.TOTorrentImpl; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.ByteFormatter; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Debug; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.HashWrapper; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.impl.AzureusCoreImpl; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.multisource.Sha1HashManager; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.multisource.Sha1SourceFinder; import; import; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.permissions.PermissionsDAO; public class FileListManager { private static final String FILE_MISSING_CHECK_NEEDED = "file_check_needed"; private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(FileListManager.class.getName()); private static final int MAX_FILE_LIST_REFRESH_RATE = 5000; public static final int MAX_SEARCH_HITS = 30; private static final int MAX_SEND_FILE_LIST_RATE = 30 * 1000; private final ConcurrentHashMap<Long, byte[]> hashhashToInfoHashMapping = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, byte[]>(); private final ConcurrentHashMap<Long, String> hashhashToTorrentName = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, String>(); private final ConcurrentHashMap<Friend, FileList> incomingFileLists = new ConcurrentHashMap<Friend, FileList>(); private final Semaphore initialFileListSemaphore = new Semaphore(0); private volatile long lastTimeFileListSentToFriends = 0; private final MetaInfoManager metaInfoManager; private volatile FileList ownF2FFileList; private final PermissionsDAO permissionsManager; /** * Only run refresh every 500 ms (after last one finished, and only one at a * time) */ private final FileListRefresher refreshRateLimiter = new FileListRefresher( "FileListManager refresh rate limiter"); private volatile FileList searchableFileList; private volatile Timer updateRateLimiter = null; private long lastFileListRefreshMs = 0; private final HashMap<DownloadManager, Boolean> includedInFileList = new HashMap<DownloadManager, Boolean>(); private NegativeHitCache negativeHitCache = new NegativeHitCache(); public FileListManager(PermissionsDAO permissionsManager) { this.permissionsManager = permissionsManager; this.metaInfoManager = new MetaInfoManager(); refreshRateLimiter.setDaemon(true); refreshRateLimiter.start(); scheduleFileListRefresh(); AzureusCoreImpl.getSingleton().getGlobalManager().addListener(new GlobalManagerListener() { /* * a refresh is needed if we are should be in the file list but * aren't */ private void checkIfRefreshNeeded(DownloadManager dm) { boolean completedOrRunning = completedOrDownloading(dm); if (completedOrRunning && !includedInFileList.containsKey(dm)) { scheduleFileListRefresh(); } else if (!completedOrRunning && includedInFileList.containsKey(dm)) { scheduleFileListRefresh(); } } @Override public void destroyed() { } @Override public void destroyInitiated() { } @Override public void downloadManagerAdded(final DownloadManager dm) { scheduleFileListRefresh(); dm.addListener(new DownloadManagerListener() { @Override public void stateChanged(DownloadManager manager, int state) { if (manager.getState() == DownloadManager.STATE_ERROR) { manager.getDownloadState().setBooleanAttribute( FILE_MISSING_CHECK_NEEDED, true); } logger.fine("download state changed, refresh might be needed"); checkIfRefreshNeeded(dm); } @Override public void positionChanged(DownloadManager download, int oldPosition, int newPosition) { } @Override public void filePriorityChanged(DownloadManager download, DiskManagerFileInfo file) { } @Override public void downloadComplete(DownloadManager manager) { logger.fine("download completed, refresh might be needed"); checkIfRefreshNeeded(dm); } @Override public void completionChanged(DownloadManager manager, boolean bCompleted) { logger.fine("download completion changed, refresh might be needed"); checkIfRefreshNeeded(dm); } }); dm.addPeerListener(new DownloadManagerPeerListener() { @Override public void peerRemoved(PEPeer peer) { checkIfRefreshNeeded(dm); } @Override public void peerManagerWillBeAdded(PEPeerManager manager) { } @Override public void peerManagerRemoved(PEPeerManager manager) { } @Override public void peerManagerAdded(PEPeerManager manager) { } @Override public void peerAdded(PEPeer peer) { logger.fine("peer added, refresh might be needed"); checkIfRefreshNeeded(dm); } }); } @Override public void downloadManagerRemoved(DownloadManager dm) { scheduleFileListRefresh(); } @Override public void seedingStatusChanged(boolean seeding_only_mode) { } }); } private FileList generateFileListForFriend(FileList baseFileList, Friend f) { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<FileCollection> forFriend = new LinkedList<FileCollection>(); for (FileCollection c : baseFileList.getElements()) { if (permissionsManager.hasPermissions(f.getPublicKey(), c.getUniqueIdBytes())) { forFriend.add(c); } else { logger.fine("friend: " + f.getNick() + " has no access to file: " + c.getName()); } } logger.fine("created file list for " + f.getNick() + " num swarms=" + forFriend.size() + " time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time)); return new FileList(forFriend); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) private void generateOwnLists() { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); includedInFileList.clear(); List<FileCollection> allFiles = new LinkedList<FileCollection>(); List<FileCollection> searchableFiles = new LinkedList<FileCollection>(); logger.finest("Getting downloads list..."); List<DownloadManager> downloads = AzureusCoreImpl.getSingleton().getGlobalManager() .getDownloadManagers(); logger.finest("got it"); for (DownloadManager download : downloads) { try { logger.finest("considering download: " + download.getDisplayName()); TOTorrent t = download.getTorrent(); if (t == null) { logger.warning("Null torrent for download: " + download.getDisplayName()); continue; } boolean completedOrDownloading = completedOrDownloading(download); /* * check if we marked this as a potential problem torrent */ if (completedOrDownloading) { if (download.getDownloadState().getBooleanAttribute(FILE_MISSING_CHECK_NEEDED)) { logger.finest("marked as potential problem torrent, checking if files exists: " + download.getDisplayName()); if (download.filesExist()) { download.getDownloadState().setBooleanAttribute( FILE_MISSING_CHECK_NEEDED, false); } else { logger.finest("files missing: " + download.getDisplayName()); continue; } } } boolean autoAdded = download.getDownloadState().getBooleanAttribute( Sha1SourceFinder.ONESWARM_AUTO_ADDED); // it is "allowed" if the f2f network and peer source is enabled logger.finest("getting networks and sources"); String[] networks = download.getDownloadState().getNetworks(); String[] peerSources = download.getDownloadState().getPeerSources(); logger.finest("done"); boolean allowed = OverlayTransport.checkOSF2FAllowed(peerSources, networks); if (allowed) { DiskManagerFileInfo[] files = download.getDiskManagerFileInfo(); String[] sha1List = null; String[] ed2kList = null; String hashesAdded = download.getDownloadState().getAttribute( Sha1HashManager.OS_HASHES_ADDED); if (hashesAdded != null && (hashesAdded.equals(Sha1HashManager.OS_HASHES_TYPE_LOCAL) || hashesAdded .equals(Sha1HashManager.OS_HASHES_TYPE_TORRENT))) { sha1List = download.getDownloadState().getListAttribute( TOTorrentImpl.OS_SHA1); ed2kList = download.getDownloadState().getListAttribute( TOTorrentImpl.OS_ED2K); } ArrayList<FileListFile> subListSearchable = new ArrayList<FileListFile>(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { DiskManagerFileInfo torrentFile = files[i]; FileListFile f = new FileListFile(torrentFile.getTorrentFile() .getRelativePath(), torrentFile.getLength()); /* * skipped files are not searchable or sent to friends * * don't add files unless they are completed or * downloading */ boolean includeFile = false; if (!torrentFile.isSkipped()) { if (completedOrDownloading) { includeFile = true; } else { if (torrentFile.getDownloaded() == torrentFile.getLength()) { includeFile = true; } } } if (includeFile) { subListSearchable.add(f); } /* * add sha1 for sha1 search matching, slightly different * if simple of non simple torrent */ if (sha1List != null && sha1List.length > i) { f.setSha1Hash(Base64.decode(sha1List[i])); } if (ed2kList != null && ed2kList.length > i) { f.setEd2kHash(Base64.decode(ed2kList[i])); } // end sha1 + ed2k hashes } if (subListSearchable.size() == 0) { logger.finest("no files completed or downloaded in torrent, skipping"); continue; } byte[] infohash = t.getHash(); String name = download.getDisplayName(); final byte[] co = t.getComment(); String comment = ""; if (co != null) { comment = new String(co); } Category c = download.getDownloadState().getCategory(); String category = ""; if (c != null) { category = new String(category.getBytes()); } String uniqueID = new String(Base64.encode(infohash)); // System.out.println(uniqueID); logger.finest("creating FileCollection..."); FileCollection allFilesCollection = new FileCollection( FileCollection.TYPE_BITTORRENT, uniqueID, name, comment, category, subListSearchable, download.getCreationTime()); DownloadManager real_dl = AzureusCoreImpl.getSingleton().getGlobalManager() .getDownloadManager(new HashWrapper(t.getHash())); if (real_dl == null) { continue; } if (real_dl.getDownloadState() != null) { Object album = real_dl.getDownloadState().getAttribute( FileCollection.ONESWARM_ALBUM_ATTRIBUTE); if (album != null) { if (album instanceof String) { allFilesCollection.setOptionalField( FileCollection.ONESWARM_ALBUM_ATTRIBUTE, (String) album); logger.finest("album info found, setting album to: " + album); } } Object artist = real_dl.getDownloadState().getAttribute( FileCollection.ONESWARM_ARTIST_ATTRIBUTE); if (artist != null) { if (artist instanceof String) { allFilesCollection.setOptionalField( FileCollection.ONESWARM_ARTIST_ATTRIBUTE, (String) artist); logger.finest("artist info found, setting artist to: " + artist); } } List<List<String>> tags = new LinkedList<List<String>>(); for (String tagpath : real_dl.getDownloadState().getListAttribute( FileCollection.ONESWARM_TAGS_ATTRIBUTE)) { tags.add(Arrays.asList(tagpath.split("/"))); } allFilesCollection.setDirectoryTags(tags); logger.finest("added " + tags.size() + " tags to " + allFilesCollection.getName()); } if (!autoAdded) { allFiles.add(allFilesCollection); } logger.finest("done"); if (permissionsManager.hasAllFriendsPermission(infohash) && !autoAdded) { searchableFiles.add(allFilesCollection); logger.finest("adding to searchable files: " + download.getDisplayName()); } // add to the hash map so we can find the metainfohash of a // metainfohashhash long key = getInfoHashhash(infohash); hashhashToInfoHashMapping.put(key, infohash); hashhashToTorrentName.put(key, download.getDisplayName()); if (!autoAdded) { includedInFileList.put(download, true); } } else { logger.finest("Not allowed: " + download.getDisplayName()); } } catch (TOTorrentException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } long generateComplete = System.currentTimeMillis(); lastFileListRefreshMs = generateComplete - time;"created own file list: num swarms=" + allFiles.size() + " time=" + lastFileListRefreshMs); for (FileList friendsList : incomingFileLists.values()) { addInfoHashHashes(friendsList); } logger.fine("added friends files to hashhash mapping, time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - generateComplete)); ownF2FFileList = new FileList(allFiles); searchableFileList = new FileList(searchableFiles); negativeHitCache = new NegativeHitCache(); } public FileList getFileListToSendToFriend(Friend f) { /* * makes the call block until the first file list is created */ waitForFileListCreation(); if (!f.isCanSeeFileList()) { // is the friend can't see out list, just send an empty one return (new FileList()); } else if (ownF2FFileList == null) { Debug.out("Tried to send file list to friend, but our file list is null"); return (new FileList()); } else { return (generateFileListForFriend(ownF2FFileList, f)); } } public FileList getFriendsList(Friend f) { return incomingFileLists.get(f); } public byte[] getMetainfoHash(long metainfohashhash) { logger.fine("got request for: " + metainfohashhash); return hashhashToInfoHashMapping.get(metainfohashhash); } public MetaInfoManager getMetaInfoManager() { return metaInfoManager; } public FileList getOwnFileList() { /* * makes the call block until the first file list is created */ waitForFileListCreation(); return ownF2FFileList; } public String getTorrentNameFromInfoHashHash(long infoHashHash) { return hashhashToTorrentName.get(infoHashHash); } private long searchesTotal = 0; public long getSearchesTotal() { return searchesTotal; } public long getSearchCacheHits() { return searchCacheHits; } private long searchCacheHits = 0; public List<FileCollection> handleSearch(Friend f, String searchString) { searchesTotal++; /* * start by checking the negative cache */ if (negativeHitCache.get(searchString) != null) { searchCacheHits++; return new LinkedList<FileCollection>(); } FileList matches = searchableFileList.searchMatches(searchString); long matchingFiles = matches.getFileNum(); if (matchingFiles == 0) { negativeHitCache.put(searchString, true); return matches.getElements(); } else if (matchingFiles <= MAX_SEARCH_HITS) { return matches.getElements(); } else { // TODO: do something smart here, current policy is: // prefer matches on the torrent name // if match on torrent name, select largest file in torrent that // matches search // if we have room left, just select largest file in matching // torrents // if still room left, add files that match // the idea is that we want to return as many unique torrents as // possible so we can rank by number of sources, // we might want to think about this some more... int added = 0; HashMap<String, FileCollection> selected = new HashMap<String, FileCollection>(); ArrayList<FileCollection> shuffled = new ArrayList<FileCollection>( matches.getElements()); ArrayList<FileCollection> torrentMatchNotFileMatch = new ArrayList<FileCollection>(); ArrayList<FileCollection> torrentMatchAndFileMatch = new ArrayList<FileCollection>(); ArrayList<FileCollection> fileMatchNotTorrentMatch = new ArrayList<FileCollection>(); Collections.shuffle(shuffled); logger.fine("got text search, found matches: " + matches.getFileNum()); // first, largest file that both matches the torrent name and the // filename logger.fine("adding largest file with match in torrent+file " + getFileNum(selected.values())); for (int i = 0; i < shuffled.size(); i++) { FileCollection collection = shuffled.get(i); if (collection.nameMatch(searchString)) { FileCollection largest = collection.getLargestFile(searchString); if (largest != null) { selected.put(largest.getUniqueID(), largest); added += largest.getFileNum(); // save these for later FileCollection fileMatches = collection.fileMatches(searchString); // but remove this one so we don't add it again fileMatches.getChildren().remove(largest.getChildren().get(0)); torrentMatchAndFileMatch.add(fileMatches); } else { torrentMatchNotFileMatch.add(collection); } if (added >= MAX_SEARCH_HITS) { List<FileCollection> s = new ArrayList<FileCollection>(selected.values()); logger.fine("only room for largest file matching file in torrent+file match: " + added + "|" + getFileNum(selected.values())); return s; } } else { // matches file but not torrent, save for later fileMatchNotTorrentMatch.add(collection); } } logger.fine("adding largest file with match in torrent but not file" + getFileNum(selected.values())); // second, if we have a match in torrent name, but not in the file // name, just add the largest file from these for (int i = 0; i < torrentMatchNotFileMatch.size(); i++) { FileCollection largestFile = torrentMatchNotFileMatch.get(i).getLargestFile(); selected.put(largestFile.getUniqueID(), largestFile); added += largestFile.getFileNum(); if (added >= MAX_SEARCH_HITS) { List<FileCollection> s = new ArrayList<FileCollection>(selected.values()); return s; } } logger.fine("adding files with match in torrent+file but not largest " + getFileNum(selected.values())); // third, add files that match on file name and torrent name but is // not the largest for (int i = 0; i < torrentMatchAndFileMatch.size(); i++) { FileCollection c = torrentMatchAndFileMatch.get(i); List<FileListFile> files = c.getChildren(); FileCollection target = selected.get(c.getUniqueID()); while (added < MAX_SEARCH_HITS && files.size() > 0) { target.getChildren().add(files.remove(0)); added++; } } logger.fine("adding files with match in file: " + getFileNum(selected.values())); // third, add files that match on file name for (int i = 0; i < fileMatchNotTorrentMatch.size(); i++) { FileCollection c = fileMatchNotTorrentMatch.get(i); List<FileListFile> files = c.getChildren(); // begin with the biggest one if (!selected.containsKey(c.getUniqueID())) { FileCollection largestFile = c.getLargestFile(); selected.put(largestFile.getUniqueID(), largestFile); c.getChildren().remove(largestFile.getChildren().get(0)); added++; } // then continue with the rest FileCollection target = selected.get(c.getUniqueID()); while (added < MAX_SEARCH_HITS && files.size() > 0) { target.getChildren().add(files.remove(0)); added++; } } logger.fine("returning matches: " + getFileNum(selected.values())); List<FileCollection> s = new ArrayList<FileCollection>(selected.values()); return s; } } public List<byte[]> receivedFriendFileList(Friend f, int type, byte[] data, boolean use_extended_filelists) throws IOException { FileList friendsList = null; if (data != null && data.length != 0) { if (use_extended_filelists == false) { // System.out.println("decoding basic"); friendsList = FileListManager.decode_basic(data); } else { // System.out.println("decoding extended"); friendsList = FileListManager.decode_extended(data); } } else { friendsList = new FileList(); } return receivedFriendFileList(f, type, friendsList); } public List<byte[]> receivedFriendFileList(Friend f, int type, FileList friendsList) { incomingFileLists.put(f, friendsList); return addInfoHashHashes(friendsList); } private List<byte[]> addInfoHashHashes(FileList friendsList) { List<byte[]> newInfoHashes = new LinkedList<byte[]>(); // check what's new here for (FileCollection torrent : friendsList.getElements()) { byte[] infohash = Base64.decode(torrent.getUniqueID()); long infoHashhash = getInfoHashhash(infohash); if (ownF2FFileList == null) { newInfoHashes.add(infohash); } else if (!ownF2FFileList.contains(infohash)) { newInfoHashes.add(infohash); } // and add the torrent name to the dictionary if (!hashhashToTorrentName.containsKey(infoHashhash)) { hashhashToTorrentName.put(infoHashhash, torrent.getName()); } if (!hashhashToInfoHashMapping.containsKey(infoHashhash)) { hashhashToInfoHashMapping.put(infoHashhash, infohash); } } return newInfoHashes; } private void refresh() { logger.fine("Refreshing file list"); long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean releaseFileListLock = ownF2FFileList == null; logger.finer("Refreshing own lists..."); generateOwnLists(); logger.fine("Refreshing file list took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t) + " ms"); if (releaseFileListLock) { initialFileListSemaphore.release(); } // check if the overlayManager is available final OverlayManager overlayManager = OSF2FMain.getSingelton().getOverlayManager(); if (overlayManager == null) { return; } // check when we sent our list to friends last long timeSinceLast = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastTimeFileListSentToFriends; if (timeSinceLast > MAX_SEND_FILE_LIST_RATE) { logger.fine("sending file list to friends"); overlayManager.triggerFileListUpdates(); lastTimeFileListSentToFriends = System.currentTimeMillis(); } else { // ok, we already did this pretty recently // check for scheduled updates if (updateRateLimiter != null) { logger.fine("not sending file list to friends, an update is already scheduled"); } else { // schedule an update logger.fine("scheduling file list update"); updateRateLimiter = new Timer("FileListUpdateScheduler", true); updateRateLimiter.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { logger.fine("sending file list to friends"); lastTimeFileListSentToFriends = System.currentTimeMillis(); overlayManager.triggerFileListUpdates(); updateRateLimiter.cancel(); updateRateLimiter = null; } }, MAX_SEND_FILE_LIST_RATE); } } logger.fine("Refreshing file done"); } public void scheduleFileListRefresh() { logger.fine("Scheduling file list refresh"); refreshRateLimiter.schedule(); } public void waitForFileListCreation() { if (ownF2FFileList == null) { try { if (!initialFileListSemaphore.tryAcquire()) { logger.fine("waiting for file list to get created"); initialFileListSemaphore.acquire(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } initialFileListSemaphore.release(); } } public static boolean completedOrDownloading(DownloadManager dm) { if (dm.getState() == DownloadManager.STATE_ERROR) { return false; } /* * we respond to searches if we either are completed */ boolean completed = dm.getAssumedComplete(); if (completed) { return true; } /* * or that are downloading at >1 KB/s and there are seeds */ DownloadManagerStats dmStats = dm.getStats(); if (dmStats != null && dmStats.getDataReceiveRate() > 1 && dm.getNbSeeds() > 0) { return true; } return false; } public static FileList decode_basic(byte[] data) throws IOException { return decode(data, false); } public static FileList decode_extended(byte[] data) throws IOException { return decode(data, true); } static FileList decode(byte[] data, boolean include_extended_info) throws IOException { if (data == null || data.length < 1) { return new FileList(); } long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean gzip = data[0] == 1; try { ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(data, 1, data.length - 1); DataInputStream in; if (gzip) { in = new DataInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(bin)); } else { in = new DataInputStream(bin); } // TODO: further sanity checks for value int numCollections = in.readInt(); if (numCollections < 0) { throw new IOException("Number of collections must be positive."); } List<FileCollection> collections = new LinkedList<FileCollection>(); for (int i = 0; i < numCollections; i++) { collections.add(readCollection(in, include_extended_info)); } in.close(); FileList list = new FileList(collections); logger.fine("decoded " + (include_extended_info ? "extended" : "") + " file list, gzip=" + gzip + " num swarms=" + list.getElements().size() + " time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time)); return list; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException("filelist decode error"); } } public static byte[] encode_basic(FileList list, boolean gzip) { return encode(list, gzip, false); } public static byte[] encode_extended(FileList list, boolean gzip) { return encode(list, gzip, true); } static byte[] encode(FileList list, boolean gzip, boolean include_extended_info) { // format: // 1 byte flags, bit 0 set means gzipped // 4 bytes (java int): number of collections // collections[] // collection format: // 1 byte type // 20 bytes (hash): collection id // 2 bytes (java short): collection name len // x bytes collection UTF-8 // 2 bytes (java short):description length // x bytes description UTF-8 encoded // 8 bytes (java long) date added // 4 bytes (java int): number of files // OPTIONAL -- support for extended tags (see writeCollection for info) // files[] // files format: // 8 bytes file size (java long) // 2 bytes filename length (java short) // x bytes UTF8 encoded file name try { if (list == null) { list = new FileList(); } long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream out; if (gzip) { out = new DataOutputStream(new GZIPOutputStream(buf)); } else { out = new DataOutputStream(buf); } if (list.getElements() != null) { int numCollections = list.getElements().size(); out.writeInt(numCollections); for (FileCollection c : list.getElements()) { writeCollection(out, c, include_extended_info); } } else { out.writeInt(0); } out.close(); buf.close(); byte[] byteArray = buf.toByteArray(); byte[] ret = new byte[byteArray.length + 1]; if (gzip) { ret[0] = (byte) 1; } else { ret[0] = (byte) 0; } System.arraycopy(byteArray, 0, ret, 1, byteArray.length); logger.fine("encoded " + (include_extended_info ? "extended " : "") + "file list, gzip=" + gzip + " num swarms=" + list.getElements().size() + " time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time)); return ret; } catch (IOException e) { Debug.out("error encoding file list", e); } return null; } private static int getFileNum(Collection<FileCollection> list) { int num = 0; for (FileCollection f : list) { num += f.getFileNum(); } return num; } public long getInfoHashhash(byte[] infohash) { ByteArrayInputStream b = new ByteArrayInputStream(infohash); DataInputStream i = new DataInputStream(b); long val = 0; try { val = i.readLong(); } catch (IOException e) { Debug.out("error when getting infohashhash", e); } /* * add the info hash to the map, just in case we get responses before * the file list had time to refresh */ hashhashToInfoHashMapping.put(val, infohash); // System.out.println("hashhash: " + val); return val; } public static void main(String[] args) { try { // List<FileListFile> files = new LinkedList<FileListFile>(); // for (int i = 0; i < 17; i++) { // files.add(new FileListFile("test file " + i, 1000 * i)); // } // FileCollection testCollection = new FileCollection((byte) 0, new // String(Base64.encode(new byte[20])), // "test collection with 17 files", // "this is a long comment.... but it is worth it", "", files, // System.currentTimeMillis()); // // List<FileCollection> c = new LinkedList<FileCollection>(); // c.add(testCollection); // // List<FileListFile> files2 = new LinkedList<FileListFile>(); // files.add(new FileListFile("TestFile.tar", 1024 * 1024 * 1024)); // // FileCollection testCollection2 = new FileCollection((byte) 0, new // String(Base64.encode(new byte[20])), "test2", "", "", files2, // System.currentTimeMillis()); // c.add(testCollection2); // FileList f = new FileList(c); // byte[] bytes = encode_basic(f, false); // // FileList f2 = decode_basic(bytes); // System.out.println("f2=" + f2.getListId() + " f1=" + // f.getListId() + " equals=" + (f2.getListId() == f.getListId())); // // FileList f3 = new FileList(new LinkedList<FileCollection>()); // bytes = encode_basic(f3, true); // FileList f4 = decode_basic(bytes); // System.out.println("empty equals:" + (f3.getListId() == // f4.getListId())); // // FileList f5 = new FileList(); // bytes = encode_basic(f5, true); // FileList f6 = decode_basic(bytes); // RandomAccessFile foo = new RandomAccessFile("/tmp/foo", "r"); // byte [] b = new byte[(int)foo.length()]; byte[] b = ByteFormatter .decodeString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ileList fl = FileListManager.decode_extended(b); System.out.println(fl.getFileNum() + " files read"); System.out.println(fl); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } private static FileCollection readCollection(DataInputStream in, boolean include_extended_info) throws IOException { byte type = in.readByte(); byte[] uniqueId = new byte[20]; in.readFully(uniqueId); String name = readString(in); String desc = readString(in); long dataAdded = in.readLong(); int numFiles = in.readInt(); List<FileListFile> files = new LinkedList<FileListFile>(); for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) { files.add(readFile(in)); } FileCollection coll = new FileCollection(type, new String(Base64.encode(uniqueId)), name, desc, "", files, dataAdded); /** * Directory information. Format is: 2 byte number of directory entries. * Per directory entry: 2 byte number of entries in path String-encoded * (using read/writeString()) path entries) */ if (include_extended_info) { short howmany = in.readShort(); List<List<String>> all_tags = new LinkedList<List<String>>(); for (short i = 0; i < howmany; i++) { short entries = in.readShort(); List<String> this_tag = new LinkedList<String>(); for (short eItr = 0; eItr < entries; eItr++) { this_tag.add(readString(in)); } all_tags.add(this_tag); } coll.setDirectoryTags(all_tags); } return coll; } private static FileListFile readFile(DataInputStream in) throws IOException { long fileSize = in.readLong(); String str = readString(in); return new FileListFile(str, fileSize); } private static String readString(DataInputStream in) throws IOException { short encodedStringLength = in.readShort(); byte[] encodedString = new byte[encodedStringLength]; in.readFully(encodedString); String str = new String(encodedString, "UTF-8"); return str; } private static void writeCollection(DataOutputStream out, FileCollection c, boolean include_extended_info) throws IOException { if (c.getUniqueIdBytes().length != 20) { throw new IOException("File collections unique id must be 20 bytes"); } out.write(c.getType()); out.write(c.getUniqueIdBytes()); writeString(out, c.getName()); writeString(out, c.getDescription()); out.writeLong(c.getAddedTimeUTC()); int fileNum = c.getChildren().size(); out.writeInt(fileNum); for (FileListFile file : c.getChildren()) { writeFile(out, file); } if (include_extended_info) { out.writeShort(c.getDirectoryTags().size()); for (List<String> tag : c.getDirectoryTags()) { out.writeShort((short) tag.size()); for (String entry : tag) { writeString(out, entry); } } } } private static void writeFile(DataOutputStream out, FileListFile file) throws IOException { long fileSize = file.getLength(); out.writeLong(fileSize); writeString(out, file.getFileName()); } private static void writeString(DataOutputStream out, String str) throws IOException { byte[] encodedFileName = str.getBytes("UTF-8"); short encodedLength = (short) encodedFileName.length; out.writeShort(encodedLength); out.write(encodedFileName, 0, encodedLength); } private final class FileListRefresher extends Thread { private volatile boolean doRefresh = false; private long lastRefreshCompleted = 0; private volatile long lastRefreshRequested = 0; private FileListRefresher(String name) { super(name); } private boolean delayDueToRateLimit() { /* * we are skipping the refresh this time if we completed a refresh * very recently */ long timeSinceLastRefresh = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastRefreshCompleted; if (timeSinceLastRefresh < Math.max(MAX_FILE_LIST_REFRESH_RATE, lastFileListRefreshMs * 5)) { logger.finest("skipping file list refresh, last refresh was " + timeSinceLastRefresh + " ms ago"); return true; } /* * or if the requests for refreshing are too frequent */ long timeSinceLastRequest = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastRefreshRequested; if (timeSinceLastRequest < MAX_FILE_LIST_REFRESH_RATE) { // check, if we did a refresh kinda recently we should wait with // this one if (timeSinceLastRefresh < 10 * MAX_FILE_LIST_REFRESH_RATE) { logger.finest("skipping file list refresh, last request was " + timeSinceLastRequest + " ms ago, refresh: " + timeSinceLastRefresh + " ms ago"); return true; } } return false; } public void schedule() { doRefresh = true; lastRefreshRequested = System.currentTimeMillis(); } @Override public void run() { try { while (true) { if (doRefresh) { if (!delayDueToRateLimit()) { logger.finer("refresh rate limiter triggered"); doRefresh = false; try { refresh(); lastRefreshCompleted = System.currentTimeMillis(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { logger.finer("file refresh delayed 500 ms due to rate limit"); } } Thread.sleep(MAX_FILE_LIST_REFRESH_RATE); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public boolean isInitialFileListGenerated() { return ownF2FFileList != null; } private class NegativeHitCache extends LinkedHashMap<String, Boolean> { public final static int MAX_SIZE = 500; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public NegativeHitCache() { super(MAX_SIZE, 0.75f, true); } @Override protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<String, Boolean> eldest) { return size() > MAX_SIZE; } } }