/* * Created on 12-Mar-2005 * Created by Paul Gardner * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Aelitis, All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * AELITIS, SAS au capital de 46,603.30 euros * 8 Allee Lenotre, La Grille Royale, 78600 Le Mesnil le Roi, France. * */ package com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.dht.impl; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.DataInputStream; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.security.KeyFactory; import java.security.Signature; import java.security.interfaces.RSAPublicKey; import java.security.spec.RSAPublicKeySpec; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.*; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.DHT; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.DHTLogger; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.DHTStorageAdapter; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.DHTStorageBlock; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.DHTStorageKey; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.DHTStorageKeyStats; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.impl.DHTLog; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.transport.DHTTransportContact; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.transport.DHTTransportFullStats; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.transport.DHTTransportValue; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.bloom.BloomFilter; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.bloom.BloomFilterFactory; /** * @author parg * */ public class DHTPluginStorageManager implements DHTStorageAdapter { private static final String pub_exp = "10001"; private static final String modulus = "b8a440c76405b2175a24c86d70f2c71929673a31045791d8bd84220a48729998900d227b560e88357074fa534ccccc6944729bfdda5413622f068e7926176a8afc8b75d4ba6cde760096624415b544f73677e8093ddba46723cb973b4d55f61c2003b73f52582894c018e141e8d010bb615cdbbfaeb97a7af6ce1a5a20a62994da81bde6487e8a39e66c8df0cfd9d763c2da4729cbf54278ea4912169edb0a33"; private static final long ADDRESS_EXPIRY = 7*24*60*60*1000L; private static final int DIV_WIDTH = 10; private static final int DIV_FRAG_GET_SIZE = 2; private static final long DIV_EXPIRY_MIN = 2*24*60*60*1000L; private static final long DIV_EXPIRY_RAND = 1*24*60*60*1000L; private static final long KEY_BLOCK_TIMEOUT_SECS = 7*24*60*60; public static final int LOCAL_DIVERSIFICATION_SIZE_LIMIT = 32*1024; public static final int LOCAL_DIVERSIFICATION_ENTRIES_LIMIT = LOCAL_DIVERSIFICATION_SIZE_LIMIT/16; public static final int LOCAL_DIVERSIFICATION_READS_PER_MIN_SAMPLES = 3; public static final int LOCAL_DIVERSIFICATION_READS_PER_MIN = 30; public static final int MAX_STORAGE_KEYS = 65536; private int network; private DHTLogger log; private File data_dir; private AEMonitor address_mon = new AEMonitor( "DHTPluginStorageManager:address" ); private AEMonitor contact_mon = new AEMonitor( "DHTPluginStorageManager:contact" ); private AEMonitor storage_mon = new AEMonitor( "DHTPluginStorageManager:storage" ); private AEMonitor version_mon = new AEMonitor( "DHTPluginStorageManager:version" ); private AEMonitor key_block_mon = new AEMonitor( "DHTPluginStorageManager:block" ); private Map version_map = new HashMap(); private Map recent_addresses = new HashMap(); private Map remote_diversifications = new HashMap(); private Map local_storage_keys = new HashMap(); private int remote_freq_div_count; private int remote_size_div_count; private volatile ByteArrayHashMap key_block_map_cow = new ByteArrayHashMap(); private volatile DHTStorageBlock[] key_blocks_direct_cow = new DHTStorageBlock[0]; private BloomFilter kb_verify_fail_bloom; private long kb_verify_fail_bloom_create_time; private long suspend_divs_until; private static RSAPublicKey key_block_public_key; static{ try{ KeyFactory key_factory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA"); RSAPublicKeySpec public_key_spec = new RSAPublicKeySpec( new BigInteger(modulus,16), new BigInteger(pub_exp,16)); key_block_public_key = (RSAPublicKey)key_factory.generatePublic( public_key_spec ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } public DHTPluginStorageManager( int _network, DHTLogger _log, File _data_dir ) { network = _network; log = _log; data_dir = _data_dir; if ( network == DHT.NW_CVS ){ // work around issue whereby puts to the CVS dht went out of control and // diversified everything String key_ver = "dht.plugin.sm.hack.kill.div.2.v"; String key = "dht.plugin.sm.hack.kill.div.2"; final int HACK_VER = 6; final long HACK_PERIOD = 3*24*60*60*1000L; long suspend_ver = COConfigurationManager.getLongParameter( key_ver, 0 ); long suspend_start; if ( suspend_ver < HACK_VER ){ suspend_start = 0; COConfigurationManager.setParameter( key_ver, HACK_VER ); }else{ suspend_start = COConfigurationManager.getLongParameter( key, 0 ); } long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); if ( suspend_start == 0 ){ suspend_start = now; COConfigurationManager.setParameter( key, suspend_start ); } suspend_divs_until = suspend_start + HACK_PERIOD; if ( suspendDivs()){ writeMapToFile( new HashMap(), "diverse" ); }else{ suspend_divs_until = 0; } } FileUtil.mkdirs(data_dir); readRecentAddresses(); readDiversifications(); readVersionData(); readKeyBlocks(); } public int getNetwork() { return( network ); } protected void importContacts( DHT dht ) { try{ contact_mon.enter(); File target = new File( data_dir, "contacts.dat" ); if ( !target.exists()){ target = new File( data_dir, "contacts.saving" ); } if ( target.exists()){ DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream( new FileInputStream( target )); try{ dht.importState( dis ); }finally{ dis.close(); } } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); }finally{ contact_mon.exit(); } } protected void exportContacts( DHT dht ) { try{ contact_mon.enter(); File saving = new File( data_dir, "contacts.saving" ); File target = new File( data_dir, "contacts.dat" ); saving.delete(); DataOutputStream dos = null; boolean ok = false; try{ FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream( saving ); dos = new DataOutputStream(fos); dht.exportState( dos, 32 ); dos.flush(); fos.getFD().sync(); ok = true; }finally{ if ( dos != null ){ dos.close(); if ( ok ){ target.delete(); saving.renameTo( target ); } } } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); }finally{ contact_mon.exit(); } // this is a good point to save diversifications - useful when they've expired // as writing isn't triggered at expiry time writeDiversifications(); } protected void readRecentAddresses() { try{ address_mon.enter(); recent_addresses = readMapFromFile( "addresses" ); }finally{ address_mon.exit(); } } protected void writeRecentAddresses() { try{ address_mon.enter(); // remove any old crud Iterator it = recent_addresses.keySet().iterator(); while( it.hasNext()){ String key = (String)it.next(); if ( !key.equals( "most_recent" )){ Long time = (Long)recent_addresses.get(key); if ( SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - time.longValue() > ADDRESS_EXPIRY ){ it.remove(); } } } writeMapToFile( recent_addresses, "addresses" ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); }finally{ address_mon.exit(); } } protected void recordCurrentAddress( String address ) { try{ address_mon.enter(); recent_addresses.put( address, new Long( SystemTime.getCurrentTime())); recent_addresses.put( "most_recent", address.getBytes()); writeRecentAddresses(); }finally{ address_mon.exit(); } } protected String getMostRecentAddress() { byte[] addr = (byte[])recent_addresses.get( "most_recent" ); if ( addr == null ){ return( null ); } return( new String( addr )); } protected boolean isRecentAddress( String address ) { try{ address_mon.enter(); if ( recent_addresses.containsKey( address )){ return( true ); } String most_recent = getMostRecentAddress(); return( most_recent != null && most_recent.equals( address )); }finally{ address_mon.exit(); } } protected void localContactChanged( DHTTransportContact contact ) { purgeDirectKeyBlocks(); } protected Map readMapFromFile( String file_prefix ) { try{ File target = new File( data_dir, file_prefix + ".dat" ); if ( !target.exists()){ target = new File( data_dir, file_prefix + ".saving" ); } if ( target.exists()){ BufferedInputStream is = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( target )); try{ return( BDecoder.decode( is )); }finally{ is.close(); } } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); } return( new HashMap()); } protected void writeMapToFile( Map map, String file_prefix ) { try{ File saving = new File( data_dir, file_prefix + ".saving" ); File target = new File( data_dir, file_prefix + ".dat" ); saving.delete(); if ( map.size() == 0 ){ target.delete(); }else{ FileOutputStream os = null; boolean ok = false; try{ byte[] data = BEncoder.encode( map ); os = new FileOutputStream( saving ); os.write( data ); os.flush(); os.getFD().sync(); os.close(); ok = true; }finally{ if ( os != null ){ os.close(); if ( ok ){ target.delete(); saving.renameTo( target ); } } } } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } protected void readVersionData() { try{ version_mon.enter(); version_map = readMapFromFile( "version" ); }finally{ version_mon.exit(); } } protected void writeVersionData() { try{ version_mon.enter(); writeMapToFile( version_map, "version" ); }finally{ version_mon.exit(); } } public int getNextValueVersions( int num ) { try{ version_mon.enter(); Long l_next = (Long)version_map.get( "next" ); int now = (int)(SystemTime.getCurrentTime()/1000); int next; if ( l_next == null ){ next = now; }else{ next = l_next.intValue(); // if "next" is in the future then we live with it to try and ensure increasing // values (system clock must have changed) if ( next < now ){ next = now; } } version_map.put( "next", new Long( next+num )); writeVersionData(); return( next ); }finally{ version_mon.exit(); } } // key storage public DHTStorageKey keyCreated( HashWrapper key, boolean local ) { //System.out.println( "DHT key created"); try{ storage_mon.enter(); return( getStorageKey( key )); }finally{ storage_mon.exit(); } } public void keyDeleted( DHTStorageKey key ) { //System.out.println( "DHT key deleted" ); try{ storage_mon.enter(); deleteStorageKey((storageKey)key ); }finally{ storage_mon.exit(); } } public int getKeyCount() { try{ storage_mon.enter(); return( local_storage_keys.size()); }finally{ storage_mon.exit(); } } public void keyRead( DHTStorageKey key, DHTTransportContact contact ) { //System.out.println( "DHT value read" ); try{ storage_mon.enter(); ((storageKey)key).read( contact ); }finally{ storage_mon.exit(); } } public void serialiseStats( storageKey key, DataOutputStream dos ) throws IOException { dos.writeByte( (byte)0 ); // version dos.writeInt( key.getEntryCount()); dos.writeInt( key.getSize()); dos.writeInt( key.getReadsPerMinute()); dos.writeByte( key.getDiversificationType()); } public DHTStorageKeyStats deserialiseStats( DataInputStream is ) throws IOException { byte version = is.readByte(); final int entry_count = is.readInt(); final int size = is.readInt(); final int reads = is.readInt(); final byte div = is.readByte(); return( new DHTStorageKeyStats() { public int getEntryCount() { return( entry_count ); } public int getSize() { return( size ); } public int getReadsPerMinute() { return( reads ); } public byte getDiversification() { return( div ); } public String getString() { return( "entries=" + getEntryCount() + ",size=" + getSize() + ",rpm=" + getReadsPerMinute() + ",div=" + getDiversification()); } }); } public void valueAdded( DHTStorageKey key, DHTTransportValue value ) { // System.out.println( network + ": DHT value added: " + DHTLog.getString2( ((storageKey)key).getKey().getBytes()) + " -> " + value.getString()); try{ storage_mon.enter(); ((storageKey)key).valueChanged( 1, value.getValue().length); }finally{ storage_mon.exit(); } } public void valueUpdated( DHTStorageKey key, DHTTransportValue old_value, DHTTransportValue new_value ) { //System.out.println( "DHT value updated" ); try{ storage_mon.enter(); ((storageKey)key).valueChanged( 0, new_value.getValue().length - old_value.getValue().length); }finally{ storage_mon.exit(); } } public void valueDeleted( DHTStorageKey key, DHTTransportValue value ) { //System.out.println( "DHT value deleted" ); try{ storage_mon.enter(); ((storageKey)key).valueChanged( -1, -value.getValue().length); }finally{ storage_mon.exit(); } } public boolean isDiversified( byte[] key ) { HashWrapper wrapper = new HashWrapper( key ); try{ storage_mon.enter(); return( lookupDiversification( wrapper ) != null ); }finally{ storage_mon.exit(); } } // get diversifications for put operations must deterministically return the same end points // but gets for gets should be randomised to load balance public byte[][] getExistingDiversification( byte[] key, boolean put_operation, boolean exhaustive, int max_depth ) { if ( suspendDivs()){ return( new byte[][]{ key }); } //System.out.println( "DHT get existing diversification: put = " + put_operation ); HashWrapper wrapper = new HashWrapper( key ); // must always return a value - original if no diversification exists try{ storage_mon.enter(); byte[][] res = followDivChain( wrapper, put_operation, exhaustive, max_depth ); if ( res.length > 0 && !Arrays.equals( res[0], key )){ String trace = ""; for (int i=0;i<res.length;i++){ trace += (i==0?"":",") + DHTLog.getString2( res[i] ); } log.log( "SM: get div: " + DHTLog.getString2(key) + ", put = " + put_operation + ", exh = " + exhaustive + " -> " + trace ); } return( res ); }finally{ storage_mon.exit(); } } public byte[][] createNewDiversification( final String description, final DHTTransportContact cause, byte[] key, boolean put_operation, byte diversification_type, boolean exhaustive, int max_depth ) { if ( suspendDivs()){ if ( put_operation ){ return( new byte[0][] ); } } // System.out.println( "DHT create new diversification: desc=" + description + ", put=" + put_operation +", type=" + diversification_type ); HashWrapper wrapper = new HashWrapper( key ); try{ storage_mon.enter(); diversification div = lookupDiversification( wrapper ); boolean created = false; if ( div == null ){ div = createDiversification( wrapper, diversification_type ); created = true; } byte[][] res = followDivChain( wrapper, put_operation, exhaustive, max_depth ); String trace = ""; for (int i=0;i<res.length;i++){ trace += (i==0?"":",") + DHTLog.getString2( res[i] ); } log.log( "SM: create div: " + DHTLog.getString2(key) + ", new=" + created + ", put = " + put_operation + ", exh=" + exhaustive + ", type=" + DHT.DT_STRINGS[diversification_type] + " -> " + trace + ", cause=" + (cause==null?"<unknown>":cause.getString()) + ", desc=" + description ); /* if ( cause == null ){ Debug.out( description + ": DIV cause is null!" ); }else{ new AEThread2("") { public void run() { DHTTransportFullStats stats = cause.getStats(); if ( stats == null ){ Debug.out( description + ": DIV stats is null!" ); }else{ Debug.out( description + ": DIV stats: " + stats.getString()); } } }.start(); } */ return( res ); }finally{ storage_mon.exit(); } } protected byte[][] followDivChain( HashWrapper wrapper, boolean put_operation, boolean exhaustive, int max_depth ) { List list = new ArrayList(); list.add( wrapper ); list = followDivChainSupport( list, put_operation, 0, exhaustive, new ArrayList(), max_depth ); byte[][] res = new byte[list.size()][]; for (int i=0;i<list.size();i++){ res[i] = ((HashWrapper)list.get(i)).getBytes(); } return( res ); } protected List followDivChainSupport( List list_in, boolean put_operation, int depth, boolean exhaustive, List keys_done, int max_depth ) { List list_out = new ArrayList(); if ( depth < max_depth ){ /* String indent = ""; for(int i=0;i<depth;i++){ indent+= " "; } System.out.println( indent + "->" ); */ // for each entry, if there are no diversifications then we just return the value // for those with divs we replace their entry with the diversified set (which can // include the entry itself under some circumstances ) for (int i=0;i<list_in.size();i++){ HashWrapper wrapper = (HashWrapper)list_in.get(i); diversification div = lookupDiversification( wrapper ); if ( div == null ){ if ( !list_out.contains( wrapper )){ list_out.add(wrapper); } }else{ if ( keys_done.contains( wrapper )){ // we've recursed on the key, this means that a prior diversification wanted // the key included, so include it now if ( !list_out.contains( wrapper )){ list_out.add(wrapper); } continue; } keys_done.add( wrapper ); // replace this entry with the diversified keys List new_list = followDivChainSupport( div.getKeys( put_operation, exhaustive ), put_operation, depth+1, exhaustive, keys_done, max_depth ); for (int j=0;j<new_list.size();j++){ Object entry = new_list.get(j); if ( !list_out.contains( entry )){ list_out.add(entry); } } } } // System.out.println( indent + "<-" ); }else{ if ( Constants.isCVSVersion()){ Debug.out( "Terminated div chain lookup (max depth=" + max_depth + ") - net=" + network ); } } return( list_out ); } protected storageKey getStorageKey( HashWrapper key ) { storageKey res = (storageKey)local_storage_keys.get( key ); if ( res == null ){ // someout could be spamming us with crap, prevent things from getting // out of control if ( local_storage_keys.size() >= MAX_STORAGE_KEYS ){ res = new storageKey( this, suspendDivs()?DHT.DT_NONE:DHT.DT_SIZE, key ); Debug.out( "DHTStorageManager: max key limit exceeded" ); log.log( "SM: max storage key limit exceeded - " + DHTLog.getString2( key.getBytes())); }else{ res = new storageKey( this, DHT.DT_NONE, key ); local_storage_keys.put( key, res ); } } return( res ); } protected void deleteStorageKey( storageKey key ) { if ( local_storage_keys.remove( key.getKey()) != null ){ if ( key.getDiversificationType() != DHT.DT_NONE ){ writeDiversifications(); } } } protected boolean suspendDivs() { return( suspend_divs_until > 0 && suspend_divs_until > SystemTime.getCurrentTime()); } protected void readDiversifications() { if ( suspendDivs()){ return; } try{ storage_mon.enter(); Map map = readMapFromFile( "diverse" ); List keys = (List)map.get("local"); if ( keys != null ){ long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); for (int i=0;i<keys.size();i++){ storageKey d = storageKey.deserialise(this, (Map)keys.get(i)); long time_left = d.getExpiry() - now; if ( time_left > 0 ){ local_storage_keys.put( d.getKey(), d ); }else{ log.log( "SM: serialised sk: " + DHTLog.getString2( d.getKey().getBytes()) + " expired" ); } } } List divs = (List)map.get("remote"); if ( divs != null ){ long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); for (int i=0;i<divs.size();i++){ diversification d = diversification.deserialise( this, (Map)divs.get(i)); long time_left = d.getExpiry() - now; if ( time_left > 0 ){ diversification existing = (diversification)remote_diversifications.put( d.getKey(), d ); if ( existing != null ){ divRemoved( existing ); } divAdded( d ); }else{ log.log( "SM: serialised div: " + DHTLog.getString2( d.getKey().getBytes()) + " expired" ); } } } }finally{ storage_mon.exit(); } } protected void writeDiversifications() { if ( suspendDivs()){ return; } try{ storage_mon.enter(); Map map = new HashMap(); List keys = new ArrayList(); map.put( "local", keys ); Iterator it = local_storage_keys.values().iterator(); while( it.hasNext()){ storageKey key = (storageKey)it.next(); if ( key.getDiversificationType() != DHT.DT_NONE ){ keys.add(key.serialise()); } } List divs = new ArrayList(); map.put( "remote", divs ); it = remote_diversifications.values().iterator(); while( it.hasNext()){ divs.add(((diversification)it.next()).serialise()); } writeMapToFile( map, "diverse" ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); }finally{ storage_mon.exit(); } } protected diversification lookupDiversification( HashWrapper wrapper ) { diversification div = (diversification)remote_diversifications.get(wrapper); if ( div != null ){ if ( div.getExpiry() < SystemTime.getCurrentTime()){ log.log( "SM: div: " + DHTLog.getString2( div.getKey().getBytes()) + " expired" ); remote_diversifications.remove( wrapper ); divRemoved( div ); div = null; } } return( div ); } protected diversification createDiversification( HashWrapper wrapper, byte type ) { diversification div = new diversification( this, wrapper, type ); diversification existing = (diversification)remote_diversifications.put( wrapper, div ); if ( existing != null ){ divRemoved( existing ); } divAdded( div ); writeDiversifications(); return( div ); } protected void divAdded( diversification div ) { if ( div.getType() == DHT.DT_FREQUENCY ){ remote_freq_div_count++; }else{ remote_size_div_count++; } } protected void divRemoved( diversification div ) { if ( div.getType() == DHT.DT_FREQUENCY ){ remote_freq_div_count--; }else{ remote_size_div_count--; } } public int getRemoteFreqDivCount() { return( remote_freq_div_count ); } public int getRemoteSizeDivCount() { return( remote_size_div_count ); } protected static String formatExpiry( long l ) { long diff = l - SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); return( (diff<0?"-":"") + DisplayFormatters.formatTime(Math.abs(diff))); } // key blocks protected void readKeyBlocks() { try{ key_block_mon.enter(); Map map = readMapFromFile( "block" ); List entries = (List)map.get( "entries" ); int now_secs = (int)(SystemTime.getCurrentTime()/1000); ByteArrayHashMap new_map = new ByteArrayHashMap(); if ( entries != null ){ for (int i=0;i<entries.size();i++){ try{ Map m = (Map)entries.get(i); byte[] request = (byte[])m.get( "req" ); byte[] cert = (byte[])m.get( "cert" ); int recv = ((Long)m.get( "received" )).intValue(); boolean direct = ((Long)m.get( "direct" )).longValue()==1; if ( recv > now_secs ){ recv = now_secs; } keyBlock kb = new keyBlock( request, cert, recv, direct ); // direct "add" values never timeout, however direct "removals" do, as do // indirect values if ( ( direct && kb.isAdd()) || now_secs - recv < KEY_BLOCK_TIMEOUT_SECS ){ if ( verifyKeyBlock( request, cert )){ log.log( "KB: deserialised " + DHTLog.getString2( kb.getKey()) + ",add=" + kb.isAdd() + ",dir=" + kb.isDirect()); new_map.put( kb.getKey(), kb ); } } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } } key_block_map_cow = new_map; key_blocks_direct_cow = buildKeyBlockDetails( new_map ); }finally{ key_block_mon.exit(); } } protected DHTStorageBlock[] buildKeyBlockDetails( ByteArrayHashMap map ) { List kbs = map.values(); Iterator it = kbs.iterator(); while( it.hasNext()){ keyBlock kb = (keyBlock)it.next(); if ( !kb.isDirect()){ it.remove(); } } DHTStorageBlock[] new_blocks = new DHTStorageBlock[kbs.size()]; kbs.toArray( new_blocks ); return( new_blocks ); } protected void writeKeyBlocks() { try{ key_block_mon.enter(); Map map = new HashMap(); List entries = new ArrayList(); map.put( "entries", entries ); List kbs = key_block_map_cow.values(); for (int i=0;i<kbs.size();i++){ keyBlock kb = (keyBlock)kbs.get(i); Map m = new HashMap(); m.put( "req", kb.getRequest()); m.put( "cert", kb.getCertificate()); m.put( "received", new Long(kb.getReceived())); m.put( "direct", new Long(kb.isDirect()?1:0)); entries.add( m ); } writeMapToFile( map, "block" ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); }finally{ key_block_mon.exit(); } } public DHTStorageBlock keyBlockRequest( DHTTransportContact originating_contact, byte[] request, byte[] signature ) { // request is 4 bytes flags, 4 byte time, K byte key // flag: MSB 00 -> unblock, 01 ->block if ( request.length <= 8 ){ return( null ); } keyBlock kb = new keyBlock(request, signature, (int)(SystemTime.getCurrentTime()/1000), originating_contact != null ); try{ key_block_mon.enter(); boolean add_it = false; try{ keyBlock old = (keyBlock)key_block_map_cow.get( kb.getKey()); if ( old != null ){ // never override a direct value with an indirect one as direct = first hand knowledge // whereas indirect is hearsay if ( old.isDirect() && !kb.isDirect()){ return( null ); } // don't let older instructions override newer ones if ( old.getCreated() > kb.getCreated()){ return( null ); } } if ( kb.isAdd()){ if ( old == null || !old.isAdd()){ if ( !verifyKeyBlock( kb, originating_contact )){ return( null ); } add_it = true; } return( kb ); }else{ // only direct operations can "remove" blocks if ( kb.isDirect() && ( old == null || old.isAdd())){ if ( !verifyKeyBlock( kb, originating_contact )){ return( null ); } add_it = true; } return( null ); } }finally{ if ( add_it ){ ByteArrayHashMap new_map = key_block_map_cow.duplicate(); new_map.put( kb.getKey(), kb ); // seeing as we've received this from someone there's no point in replicating it // back to them later - mark them to prevent this if ( originating_contact != null ){ kb.sentTo( originating_contact ); } key_block_map_cow = new_map; key_blocks_direct_cow = buildKeyBlockDetails( key_block_map_cow ); writeKeyBlocks(); } } }finally{ key_block_mon.exit(); } } protected boolean verifyKeyBlock( keyBlock kb, DHTTransportContact originator ) { byte[] id = originator==null?new byte[20]:originator.getID(); BloomFilter filter = kb_verify_fail_bloom; long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); if ( filter == null || kb_verify_fail_bloom_create_time > now || now - kb_verify_fail_bloom_create_time > 30*60*1000 ){ kb_verify_fail_bloom_create_time = now; filter = BloomFilterFactory.createAddOnly(4000); kb_verify_fail_bloom = filter; } if ( filter.contains( id )){ log.log( "KB: request verify denied" ); return( false ); } try{ Signature verifier = Signature.getInstance("MD5withRSA" ); verifier.initVerify( key_block_public_key ); verifier.update( kb.getRequest() ); if ( !verifier.verify( kb.getCertificate())){ log.log( "KB: request verify failed for " + DHTLog.getString2( kb.getKey())); filter.add( id ); return( false ); } log.log( "KB: request verify ok " + DHTLog.getString2( kb.getKey()) + ", add = " + kb.isAdd() + ", direct = " + kb.isDirect()); return( true ); }catch( Throwable e ){ return( false ); } } public static boolean verifyKeyBlock( byte[] request, byte[] signature ) { try{ Signature verifier = Signature.getInstance("MD5withRSA" ); verifier.initVerify( key_block_public_key ); verifier.update( request ); if ( !verifier.verify( signature )){ return( false ); } return( true ); }catch( Throwable e ){ return( false ); } } public DHTStorageBlock getKeyBlockDetails( byte[] key ) { keyBlock kb = (keyBlock)key_block_map_cow.get( key ); if ( kb == null || !kb.isAdd()){ return( null ); } if ( !kb.getLogged()){ kb.setLogged(); log.log( "KB: Access to key '" + DHTLog.getFullString( kb.getKey()) + "' denied as it is blocked" ); } return( kb ); } public DHTStorageBlock[] getDirectKeyBlocks() { return( key_blocks_direct_cow ); } public byte[] getKeyForKeyBlock( byte[] request ) { if ( request.length <= 8 ){ return( new byte[0] ); } byte[] key = new byte[ request.length - 8 ]; System.arraycopy( request, 8, key, 0, key.length ); return( key ); } protected void purgeDirectKeyBlocks() { try{ key_block_mon.enter(); ByteArrayHashMap new_map = new ByteArrayHashMap(); Iterator it = key_block_map_cow.values().iterator(); boolean changed = false; while( it.hasNext()){ keyBlock kb = (keyBlock)it.next(); if ( kb.isDirect()){ changed = true; }else{ new_map.put( kb.getKey(), kb ); } } if ( changed ){ log.log( "KB: Purged direct entries on ID change" ); key_block_map_cow = new_map; key_blocks_direct_cow = buildKeyBlockDetails( key_block_map_cow ); writeKeyBlocks(); } }finally{ key_block_mon.exit(); } } public void setStorageForKey( String key, byte[] data ) { try{ storage_mon.enter(); Map map = readMapFromFile( "general" ); map.put( key, data ); writeMapToFile( map, "general" ); }finally{ storage_mon.exit(); } } public byte[] getStorageForKey( String key ) { try{ storage_mon.enter(); Map map = readMapFromFile( "general" ); return((byte[])map.get( key )); }finally{ storage_mon.exit(); } } protected static class keyBlock implements DHTStorageBlock { private byte[] request; private byte[] cert; private int received; private boolean direct; private BloomFilter sent_to_bloom; private boolean logged; protected keyBlock( byte[] _request, byte[] _cert, int _received, boolean _direct ) { request = _request; cert = _cert; received = _received; direct = _direct; } public byte[] getRequest() { return( request ); } public byte[] getCertificate() { return( cert ); } public byte[] getKey() { byte[] key = new byte[ request.length - 8 ]; System.arraycopy( request, 8, key, 0, key.length ); return( key ); } protected boolean isAdd() { return( request[0] == 0x01 ); } protected boolean getLogged() { return( logged ); } protected void setLogged() { logged = true; } protected int getCreated() { int created = (request[4]<<24)&0xff000000 | (request[5]<<16)&0x00ff0000 | (request[6]<< 8)&0x0000ff00 | request[7] &0x000000ff; return( created ); } protected int getReceived() { return( received ); } protected boolean isDirect() { return( direct ); } public boolean hasBeenSentTo( DHTTransportContact contact ) { BloomFilter filter = sent_to_bloom; if ( filter == null ){ return( false ); } return( filter.contains( contact.getID())); } public void sentTo( DHTTransportContact contact ) { BloomFilter filter = sent_to_bloom; if ( filter == null || filter.getEntryCount() > 100 ){ filter = BloomFilterFactory.createAddOnly(500); sent_to_bloom = filter; } filter.add( contact.getID()); } } protected static class diversification { private DHTPluginStorageManager manager; private HashWrapper key; private byte type; private long expiry; private int[] fixed_put_offsets; protected diversification( DHTPluginStorageManager _manager, HashWrapper _key, byte _type ) { manager = _manager; key = _key; type = _type; expiry = SystemTime.getCurrentTime() + DIV_EXPIRY_MIN + (long)(Math.random() * DIV_EXPIRY_RAND ); fixed_put_offsets = new int[DIV_FRAG_GET_SIZE]; int pos = 0; while( pos < DIV_FRAG_GET_SIZE ){ int i = (int)(Math.random()*DIV_WIDTH); boolean found = false; for (int j=0;j<pos;j++){ if( i == fixed_put_offsets[j] ){ found = true; break; } } if ( !found ){ fixed_put_offsets[pos++] = i; } } } protected diversification( DHTPluginStorageManager _manager, HashWrapper _key, byte _type, long _expiry, int[] _fixed_put_offsets ) { manager = _manager; key = _key; type = _type; expiry = _expiry; fixed_put_offsets = _fixed_put_offsets; } protected Map serialise() { Map map = new HashMap(); map.put( "key", key.getBytes()); map.put( "type", new Long(type)); map.put( "exp", new Long(expiry)); List offsets = new ArrayList(); for (int i=0;i<fixed_put_offsets.length;i++){ offsets.add( new Long( fixed_put_offsets[i])); } map.put( "fpo", offsets ); if ( Constants.isCVSVersion()){ manager.log.log( "SM: serialised div: " + DHTLog.getString2( key.getBytes()) + ", " + DHT.DT_STRINGS[type] + ", " + formatExpiry(expiry)); } return( map ); } protected static diversification deserialise( DHTPluginStorageManager _manager, Map _map ) { HashWrapper key = new HashWrapper((byte[])_map.get("key")); int type = ((Long)_map.get("type")).intValue(); long exp = ((Long)_map.get("exp")).longValue(); List offsets = (List)_map.get("fpo"); int[] fops = new int[offsets.size()]; for (int i=0;i<fops.length;i++){ fops[i] = ((Long)offsets.get(i)).intValue(); } _manager.log.log( "SM: deserialised div: " + DHTLog.getString2( key.getBytes()) + ", " + DHT.DT_STRINGS[type] + ", " + formatExpiry(exp)); return( new diversification( _manager, key, (byte)type, exp, fops )); } protected HashWrapper getKey() { return( key ); } protected long getExpiry() { return( expiry ); } protected byte getType() { return( type ); } protected List getKeys( boolean put, boolean exhaustive ) { List keys = new ArrayList(); if ( put ){ if ( type == DHT.DT_FREQUENCY ){ // put to all keys for (int i=0;i<DIV_WIDTH;i++){ keys.add( diversifyKey( key, i )); } if ( exhaustive ){ // include original key // System.out.println( "followDivs:put:freq adding original" ); keys.add( key ); } }else{ // put to a fixed subset. has to be fixed else over time we'll put to // all the fragmented locations and nullify the point of this. gets are // randomised to we don't loose out by fixing the puts for (int i=0;i<fixed_put_offsets.length;i++){ keys.add( diversifyKey( key, fixed_put_offsets[i])); } if ( exhaustive ){ // include original key // System.out.println( "followDivs:put:size adding original" ); keys.add( key ); } } }else{ // get always returns a randomised selection if ( type == DHT.DT_FREQUENCY ){ // diversification has lead to caching at all 'n' places keys.add( diversifyKey( key,(int)(Math.random()*DIV_WIDTH))); }else{ // diversification has fragmented across 'n' places // select 2 to search or all if exhaustive if ( exhaustive ){ for (int i=0;i<DIV_WIDTH;i++){ keys.add( diversifyKey( key, i )); } // System.out.println( "followDivs:get:size adding all" ); }else{ List randoms = new ArrayList(); while( randoms.size() < DIV_FRAG_GET_SIZE ){ Integer i = new Integer((int)(Math.random()*DIV_WIDTH)); if ( !randoms.contains(i)){ randoms.add( i ); } } for (int i=0;i<DIV_FRAG_GET_SIZE;i++){ keys.add( diversifyKey( key, ((Integer) randoms.get(i)).intValue())); } } } } return( keys ); } } public static HashWrapper diversifyKey( HashWrapper key_in, int offset ) { return( new HashWrapper( diversifyKey( key_in.getBytes(), offset ))); } public static byte[] diversifyKey( byte[] key_in, int offset ) { return(new SHA1Simple().calculateHash( diversifyKeyLocal( key_in, offset ))); } public static byte[] diversifyKeyLocal( byte[] key_in, int offset ) { byte[] key_out = new byte[key_in.length+1]; System.arraycopy( key_in, 0, key_out, 0, key_in.length ); key_out[key_in.length] = (byte)offset; return( key_out ); } protected static class storageKey implements DHTStorageKey { private DHTPluginStorageManager manager; private HashWrapper key; private byte type; private int size; private int entries; private long expiry; private long read_count_start; private short reads_per_min; private BloomFilter ip_bloom_filter; protected storageKey( DHTPluginStorageManager _manager, byte _type, HashWrapper _key ) { manager = _manager; type = _type; key = _key; expiry = SystemTime.getCurrentTime() + DIV_EXPIRY_MIN + (long)(Math.random() * DIV_EXPIRY_RAND ); } protected storageKey( DHTPluginStorageManager _manager, byte _type, HashWrapper _key, long _expiry ) { manager = _manager; type = _type; key = _key; expiry = _expiry; } protected Map serialise() { Map map = new HashMap(); map.put( "key", key.getBytes()); map.put( "type", new Long(type)); map.put( "exp", new Long(expiry)); manager.log.log( "SM: serialised sk: " + DHTLog.getString2( key.getBytes()) + ", " + DHT.DT_STRINGS[type] + ", " + formatExpiry(expiry) ); return( map ); } protected static storageKey deserialise( DHTPluginStorageManager _manager, Map map ) { HashWrapper key = new HashWrapper((byte[])map.get("key")); int type = ((Long)map.get("type")).intValue(); long exp = ((Long)map.get("exp")).longValue(); _manager.log.log( "SM: deserialised sk: " + DHTLog.getString2( key.getBytes()) + ", " + DHT.DT_STRINGS[type] + ", " + formatExpiry(exp)); return( new storageKey( _manager, (byte)type, key, exp )); } public void serialiseStats( DataOutputStream dos ) throws IOException { manager.serialiseStats( this, dos ); } protected HashWrapper getKey() { return( key ); } protected long getExpiry() { return( expiry ); } public byte getDiversificationType() { if ( type != DHT.DT_NONE ){ // trigger timeouts here if ( expiry < SystemTime.getCurrentTime()){ type = DHT.DT_NONE; manager.log.log( "SM: sk: " + DHTLog.getString2( getKey().getBytes()) + " expired" ); manager.writeDiversifications(); } } return( type ); } public int getReadsPerMinute() { return( reads_per_min ); } public int getSize() { return( size ); } public int getEntryCount() { return( entries ); } protected void read( DHTTransportContact contact ) { // System.out.println( "read: " + DHTLog.getString2( key.getBytes())); if ( type == DHT.DT_NONE ){ long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); long diff = now - read_count_start; if ( diff > LOCAL_DIVERSIFICATION_READS_PER_MIN_SAMPLES*60*1000 ){ if ( ip_bloom_filter != null ){ int ip_entries = ip_bloom_filter.getEntryCount(); reads_per_min = (short)( ip_entries / LOCAL_DIVERSIFICATION_READS_PER_MIN_SAMPLES ); if ( reads_per_min == 0 && ip_entries > 0 ){ // show at least some activity! reads_per_min = 1; } if ( ip_entries > LOCAL_DIVERSIFICATION_READS_PER_MIN * LOCAL_DIVERSIFICATION_READS_PER_MIN_SAMPLES ){ if ( !manager.suspendDivs()){ type = DHT.DT_FREQUENCY; manager.log.log( "SM: sk freq created (" + ip_entries + "reads ) - " + DHTLog.getString2( key.getBytes())); manager.writeDiversifications(); } } } read_count_start = now; ip_bloom_filter = null; // just null it and drop this read, doesn't matter // and means that we don't bother creating a filter for // infrequently accessed data }else{ if ( ip_bloom_filter == null ){ // we want to hold enough IPs to detect a hit rate of reads_per_min*min // with a reasonable accuracy (sized to 10/3 to save space - this gives // an average of 100 adds required to detect 90 unique) ip_bloom_filter = BloomFilterFactory.createAddOnly( ( LOCAL_DIVERSIFICATION_READS_PER_MIN * LOCAL_DIVERSIFICATION_READS_PER_MIN_SAMPLES *10 ) / 3 ); } byte[] address_bytes = contact.getAddress().getAddress().getAddress(); ip_bloom_filter.add( address_bytes ); } } } protected void valueChanged( int entries_diff, int size_diff ) { entries += entries_diff; size += size_diff; if ( entries < 0 ){ Debug.out( "entries negative" ); entries = 0; } if ( size < 0 ){ Debug.out( "size negative" ); size = 0; } if ( type == DHT.DT_NONE ){ if ( !manager.suspendDivs()){ if ( size > LOCAL_DIVERSIFICATION_SIZE_LIMIT ){ type = DHT.DT_SIZE; manager.log.log( "SM: sk size total created (size " + size + ") - " + DHTLog.getString2( key.getBytes())); manager.writeDiversifications(); }else if ( entries > LOCAL_DIVERSIFICATION_ENTRIES_LIMIT ){ type = DHT.DT_SIZE; manager.log.log( "SM: sk size entries created (" + entries + " entries) - " + DHTLog.getString2( key.getBytes())); manager.writeDiversifications(); } } } // System.out.println( "value changed: entries = " + entries + "(" + entries_diff + "), size = " + size + "(" + size_diff + ")"); } } }