/* * Created on Jun 20, 2003 * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Aelitis, All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * AELITIS, SAS au capital de 46,603.30 euros * 8 Allee Lenotre, La Grille Royale, 78600 Le Mesnil le Roi, France. * */ package org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.impl; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager.ParameterVerifier; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.security.CryptoManager; /** * A singleton used to store configuration into a bencoded file. * * @author TdC_VgA * */ public class ConfigurationManager implements AEDiagnosticsEvidenceGenerator { private static ConfigurationManager config_temp = null; private static ConfigurationManager config = null; private static AEMonitor class_mon = new AEMonitor( "ConfigMan:class" ); private Map propertiesMap; // leave this NULL - it picks up errors caused by initialisation sequence errors private List listeners = new ArrayList(); private Hashtable parameterListeners = new Hashtable(); private AEMonitor this_mon = new AEMonitor( "ConfigMan"); private static FrequencyLimitedDispatcher dirty_dispatcher = new FrequencyLimitedDispatcher( new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { COConfigurationManager.save(); } }, 30*1000 ); public static ConfigurationManager getInstance() { try{ class_mon.enter(); if ( config == null){ // this is nasty but I can't see an easy way around it. Unfortunately while reading the config // we hit other code (logging for example) that needs access to the config data. Things are // cunningly (?) arranged so that a recursive call here *won't* result in a further (looping) // recursive call if we attempt to load the config again. Hence this disgusting code that // goes for a second load attempt if ( config_temp == null ){ config_temp = new ConfigurationManager(); config_temp.load(); config_temp.initialise(); config = config_temp; }else{ if ( config_temp.propertiesMap == null ){ config_temp.load(); } return( config_temp ); } } return config; }finally{ class_mon.exit(); } } public static ConfigurationManager getInstance(Map data) { try{ class_mon.enter(); if (config == null){ config = new ConfigurationManager(data); } return config; }finally{ class_mon.exit(); } } private ConfigurationManager() { } private ConfigurationManager( Map data ) { // default state of play for config initialised from map is debug log files off unless already // specified if ( data.get("Logger.DebugFiles.Enabled") == null ){ data.put( "Logger.DebugFiles.Enabled", new Long(0)); } propertiesMap = data; } protected void initialise() { //ConfigurationChecker.migrateConfig(); //removed 2201 ConfigurationChecker.checkConfiguration(); ConfigurationChecker.setSystemProperties(); AEDiagnostics.addEvidenceGenerator( this ); } public void load(String filename) { Map data = FileUtil.readResilientConfigFile( filename, false ); // horrendous recursive loading going on here due to logger + config depedencies. If already loaded // then use the existing data as it might have already been written to... if ( propertiesMap == null ){ propertiesMap = data; } /* * Can't do this yet. Sometimes, there's a default set to x, but the code * calls get..Parameter(..., y). y != x. When the user sets the the parameter * to x, we remove it from the list. Later, the get..Parameter(.., y) returns * y because there is no entry. * * The solution is to not allow get..Parameter(.., y) when there's a default * value. Another reason to not allow it is that having two defaults confuses * coders. * // Remove entries that are default. Saves memory, reduces // file size when saved again ConfigurationDefaults def = ConfigurationDefaults.getInstance(); Iterator it = new TreeSet(propertiesMap.keySet()).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key = (String)it.next(); Object defValue = def.getDefaultValueAsObject(key); if (defValue == null) continue; if (defValue instanceof Long) { int iDefValue = ((Long)defValue).intValue(); int iValue = getIntParameter(key, iDefValue); if (iValue == iDefValue) propertiesMap.remove(key); } if (defValue instanceof String) { String sDefValue = defValue.toString(); String sValue = getStringParameter(key, sDefValue); if (sValue.compareTo(sDefValue) == 0) propertiesMap.remove(key); } } */ } public void load() { load("azureus.config"); } public void save(String filename) { if ( propertiesMap == null ){ // nothing to save, initialisation not complete return; } FileUtil.writeResilientConfigFile( filename, propertiesMap ); List listeners_copy; try{ this_mon.enter(); listeners_copy = new ArrayList( listeners ); }finally{ this_mon.exit(); } for (int i=0;i<listeners_copy.size();i++){ COConfigurationListener l = (COConfigurationListener)listeners_copy.get(i); if (l != null){ try{ l.configurationSaved(); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); } }else{ Debug.out("COConfigurationListener is null"); } } } public void save() { save("azureus.config"); /** * next rev: remove azureus.config altogether */ save("oneswarm.config"); } public void setDirty() { dirty_dispatcher.dispatch(); } public boolean isNewInstall() { return( ConfigurationChecker.isNewInstall()); } public Set getDefinedParameters() { return( propertiesMap.keySet()); } public boolean getBooleanParameter(String parameter, boolean defaultValue) { int defaultInt = defaultValue ? 1 : 0; int result = getIntParameter(parameter, defaultInt); return result == 0 ? false : true; } public boolean getBooleanParameter(String parameter) { ConfigurationDefaults def = ConfigurationDefaults.getInstance(); int result; try { result = getIntParameter(parameter, def.getIntParameter(parameter)); } catch (ConfigurationParameterNotFoundException e) { result = getIntParameter(parameter, ConfigurationDefaults.def_boolean); } return result == 0 ? false : true; } public boolean setParameter(String parameter, boolean value) { return setParameter(parameter, value ? 1 : 0); } private Long getLongParameterRaw(String parameter) { try { return (Long) propertiesMap.get(parameter); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.out( "Parameter '" + parameter + "' has incorrect type", e ); return null; } } public int getIntParameter(String parameter, int defaultValue) { Long tempValue = getLongParameterRaw(parameter); return tempValue != null ? tempValue.intValue() : defaultValue; } public int getIntParameter(String parameter) { ConfigurationDefaults def = ConfigurationDefaults.getInstance(); int result; try { result = getIntParameter(parameter, def.getIntParameter(parameter)); } catch (ConfigurationParameterNotFoundException e) { result = getIntParameter(parameter, ConfigurationDefaults.def_int); } return result; } public long getLongParameter(String parameter, long defaultValue) { Long tempValue = getLongParameterRaw(parameter); return tempValue != null ? tempValue.longValue() : defaultValue; } public long getLongParameter(String parameter) { ConfigurationDefaults def = ConfigurationDefaults.getInstance(); long result; try { result = getLongParameter(parameter, def.getLongParameter(parameter)); } catch (ConfigurationParameterNotFoundException e) { result = getLongParameter(parameter, ConfigurationDefaults.def_long); } return result; } private byte[] getByteParameterRaw(String parameter) { return (byte[]) propertiesMap.get(parameter); } public byte[] getByteParameter(String parameter) { ConfigurationDefaults def = ConfigurationDefaults.getInstance(); byte[] result; try { result = getByteParameter(parameter, def.getByteParameter(parameter)); } catch (ConfigurationParameterNotFoundException e) { result = getByteParameter(parameter, ConfigurationDefaults.def_bytes); } return result; } public byte[] getByteParameter(String parameter, byte[] defaultValue) { byte[] tempValue = getByteParameterRaw(parameter); return tempValue != null ? tempValue : defaultValue; } private String getStringParameter(String parameter, byte[] defaultValue) { byte[] bp = getByteParameter(parameter, defaultValue); if ( bp == null ){ bp = getByteParameter(parameter, null); } if (bp == null) return null; return bytesToString(bp); } public String getStringParameter(String parameter, String defaultValue) { String tempValue = getStringParameter(parameter, (byte[]) null); return tempValue != null ? tempValue : defaultValue; } public String getStringParameter(String parameter) { ConfigurationDefaults def = ConfigurationDefaults.getInstance(); String result; try { result = getStringParameter(parameter, def.getStringParameter(parameter)); } catch (ConfigurationParameterNotFoundException e) { result = getStringParameter(parameter, ConfigurationDefaults.def_String); } return result; } public StringList getStringListParameter(String parameter) { try { List rawList = (List) propertiesMap.get(parameter); if(rawList == null) return new StringListImpl(); return new StringListImpl(rawList); } catch(Exception e) { Debug.out( "Parameter '" + parameter + "' has incorrect type", e ); return new StringListImpl(); } } public boolean setParameter(String parameter,StringList value) { try { List encoded = new ArrayList(); List l = ((StringListImpl)value).getList(); for (int i=0;i<l.size();i++){ encoded.add( stringToBytes((String)l.get(i))); } propertiesMap.put(parameter,encoded); } catch(Exception e) { Debug.printStackTrace(e); return false; } return true; } public List getListParameter(String parameter, List def) { try { List rawList = (List) propertiesMap.get(parameter); if(rawList == null) return def; return rawList; } catch(Exception e) { Debug.out( "Parameter '" + parameter + "' has incorrect type", e ); return def; } } public boolean setParameter(String parameter,List value) { try { propertiesMap.put(parameter,value); notifyParameterListeners(parameter); } catch(Exception e) { Debug.printStackTrace(e); return false; } return true; } public Map getMapParameter(String parameter, Map def) { try { Map map = (Map) propertiesMap.get(parameter); if(map == null) return def; return map; } catch(Exception e) { Debug.out( "Parameter '" + parameter + "' has incorrect type", e ); return def; } } public boolean setParameter(String parameter,Map value) { try { propertiesMap.put(parameter,value); notifyParameterListeners(parameter); } catch(Exception e) { Debug.printStackTrace(e); return false; } return true; } public String getDirectoryParameter(String parameter) throws IOException { String dir = getStringParameter(parameter); if( dir.length() > 0 ) { File temp = new File(dir); if (!temp.exists()) { FileUtil.mkdirs(temp); } if (!temp.isDirectory()) { throw new IOException("Configuration error. This is not a directory: " + dir); } } return dir; } public float getFloatParameter(String parameter) { return( getFloatParameter( parameter, ConfigurationDefaults.def_float )); } public float getFloatParameter(String parameter, float def_val) { ConfigurationDefaults def = ConfigurationDefaults.getInstance(); try { Object o = propertiesMap.get(parameter); if (o instanceof Number) { return ((Number)o).floatValue(); } String s = getStringParameter(parameter); if (!s.equals(ConfigurationDefaults.def_String)) return Float.parseFloat(s); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.out( "Parameter '" + parameter + "' has incorrect type", e ); } try { return def.getFloatParameter(parameter); } catch (Exception e2) { return def_val; } } public boolean setParameter(String parameter, float defaultValue) { String newValue = String.valueOf(defaultValue); return setParameter(parameter, stringToBytes(newValue)); } public boolean setParameter(String parameter, int defaultValue) { Long newValue = new Long(defaultValue); try { Long oldValue = (Long) propertiesMap.put(parameter, newValue); return notifyParameterListenersIfChanged(parameter, newValue, oldValue); } catch (ClassCastException e) { // Issuing a warning here would be nice, but both logging and config stuff // at startup create potential deadlocks or stack overflows notifyParameterListeners(parameter); return true; } } public boolean setParameter(String parameter, long defaultValue) { Long newValue = new Long(defaultValue); try { Long oldValue = (Long) propertiesMap.put(parameter, newValue); return notifyParameterListenersIfChanged(parameter, newValue, oldValue); } catch (ClassCastException e) { // Issuing a warning here would be nice, but both logging and config stuff // at startup create potential deadlocks or stack overflows notifyParameterListeners(parameter); return true; } } public boolean setParameter(String parameter, byte[] defaultValue) { try { byte[] oldValue = (byte[]) propertiesMap.put(parameter, defaultValue); return notifyParameterListenersIfChanged(parameter, defaultValue, oldValue); } catch (ClassCastException e) { // Issuing a warning here would be nice, but both logging and config stuff // at startup create potential deadlocks or stack overflows notifyParameterListeners(parameter); return true; } } public boolean setParameter(String parameter, String defaultValue) { return setParameter(parameter, stringToBytes(defaultValue)); } /** * Returns true if a parameter with the given name exists. * @param key The name of the parameter to check. * @param explicit If <tt>true</tt>, we only check for a value which is * definitely stored explicitly, <tt>false</tt> means that we'll also * check against configuration defaults too. */ public boolean hasParameter(String key, boolean explicit) { // We have an explicit value set. if (propertiesMap.containsKey(key)) {return true;} // We have a default value set. if ((!explicit) && ConfigurationDefaults.getInstance().hasParameter(key)) { return true; } return false; } public boolean verifyParameter( String parameter, String value ) { List verifiers = ConfigurationDefaults.getInstance().getVerifiers(parameter); if ( verifiers != null ){ try{ for (int i=0;i<verifiers.size();i++){ ParameterVerifier verifier = (ParameterVerifier)verifiers.get(i); if ( verifier != null ){ try{ if ( !verifier.verify(parameter,value)){ return( false ); } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); } } } }catch( Throwable e ){ // we're not synchronized so possible but unlikely error here Debug.printStackTrace( e ); } } return( true ); } public boolean setRGBParameter(String parameter, int red, int green, int blue) { boolean bAnyChanged = false; bAnyChanged |= setParameter(parameter + ".red", red); bAnyChanged |= setParameter(parameter + ".green", green); bAnyChanged |= setParameter(parameter + ".blue", blue); if (bAnyChanged) notifyParameterListeners(parameter); return bAnyChanged; } // Sets a parameter back to its default public boolean setParameter(String parameter) throws ConfigurationParameterNotFoundException { ConfigurationDefaults def = ConfigurationDefaults.getInstance(); try { return setParameter(parameter, def.getIntParameter(parameter)); } catch (Exception e) { return setParameter(parameter, def.getStringParameter(parameter)); } } public Object getParameter( String name ) { Object value = propertiesMap.get( name ); if ( value == null ){ value = ConfigurationDefaults.getInstance().getParameter( name ); } return( value ); } /** * Remove the given configuration parameter completely. * @param parameter to remove * @return true if found and removed, false if not */ public boolean removeParameter( String parameter ) { boolean removed = propertiesMap.remove( parameter ) != null; if (removed) notifyParameterListeners(parameter); return removed; } public boolean removeRGBParameter(String parameter) { boolean bAnyChanged = false; bAnyChanged |= removeParameter(parameter + ".red"); bAnyChanged |= removeParameter(parameter + ".green"); bAnyChanged |= removeParameter(parameter + ".blue"); if (bAnyChanged) notifyParameterListeners(parameter); return bAnyChanged; } /** * Does the given parameter exist. * @param parameter to check * @return true if exists, false if not present */ public boolean doesParameterNonDefaultExist( String parameter ) { return propertiesMap.containsKey( parameter ); } private boolean notifyParameterListenersIfChanged(String parameter, Long newValue, Long oldValue) { if(oldValue == null || 0 != newValue.compareTo(oldValue)) { notifyParameterListeners(parameter); return true; } return false; } private boolean notifyParameterListenersIfChanged(String parameter, byte[] newValue, byte[] oldValue) { if(oldValue == null || !Arrays.equals(newValue, oldValue)) { notifyParameterListeners(parameter); return true; } return false; } private void notifyParameterListeners(String parameter) { LightHashSet parameterListener = (LightHashSet) parameterListeners.get(parameter); if (parameterListener == null) { return; } for (Iterator it = parameterListener.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ParameterListener listener = (ParameterListener) it.next(); if (listener != null) { try { listener.parameterChanged(parameter); } catch (Throwable e) { // we're not synchronized so possible but unlikely error here Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } } } public void addParameterListener(String parameter, ParameterListener listener){ try{ this_mon.enter(); if(parameter == null || listener == null) return; LightHashSet parameterListener = (LightHashSet) parameterListeners.get(parameter); if(parameterListener == null) { parameterListeners.put(parameter, parameterListener = new LightHashSet(1)); } if(!parameterListener.contains(listener)) parameterListener.add(listener); }finally{ this_mon.exit(); } } public void removeParameterListener(String parameter, ParameterListener listener){ try{ this_mon.enter(); if(parameter == null || listener == null) return; LightHashSet parameterListener = (LightHashSet) parameterListeners.get(parameter); if(parameterListener != null) { parameterListener.remove(listener); } }finally{ this_mon.exit(); } } public void addListener(COConfigurationListener listener) { try{ this_mon.enter(); listeners.add(listener); }finally{ this_mon.exit(); } } public void removeListener(COConfigurationListener listener) { try{ this_mon.enter(); listeners.remove(listener); }finally{ this_mon.exit(); } } public void generate( IndentWriter writer ) { writer.println( "Configuration Details" ); try{ writer.indent(); writer.println( "System Properties" ); try{ writer.indent(); Properties props = System.getProperties(); Iterator it = new TreeSet( props.keySet()).iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ String key = (String)it.next(); writer.println( key + "=" + props.get( key )); } }finally{ writer.exdent(); } writer.println( "Azureus Config" ); try{ writer.indent(); Iterator it = new TreeSet(propertiesMap.keySet()).iterator(); while( it.hasNext()){ String key = (String)it.next(); // don't dump crypto stuff if ( key.startsWith( CryptoManager.CRYPTO_CONFIG_PREFIX )){ continue; } Object value = propertiesMap.get(key); boolean bParamExists = ConfigurationDefaults.getInstance().doesParameterDefaultExist(key.toString()); if (!bParamExists){ key = "[NoDef] " + key; } if ( value instanceof Long ){ writer.println( key + "=" + value ); }else if ( value instanceof List ){ writer.println( key + "=" + value + "[list]" ); }else if ( value instanceof Map ){ writer.println( key + "=" + value + "[map]" ); }else if ( value instanceof byte[] ){ byte[] b = (byte[])value; boolean hex = false; for (int i=0;i<b.length;i++){ char c = (char)b[i]; if ( ! ( Character.isLetterOrDigit(c) || "`�\"�$%^&*()-_=+[{]};:'@#~,<.>/?'".indexOf(c) != -1 )){ hex = true; break; } } writer.println( key + "=" + (hex?ByteFormatter.nicePrint(b):bytesToString((byte[])value))); }else{ writer.println( key + "=" + value + "[unknown]" ); } } }finally{ writer.exdent(); } }finally{ writer.exdent(); } } protected static String bytesToString( byte[] bytes ) { try{ return( new String( bytes, Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING )); }catch( Throwable e ){ return( new String(bytes)); } } protected static byte[] stringToBytes( String str ) { try{ return( str.getBytes( Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING )); }catch( Throwable e ){ return( str.getBytes()); } } }