package edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.permissions; import java.beans.XMLDecoder; import java.beans.XMLEncoder; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Base64; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.disk.DiskManagerFileInfo; import; import; import; import; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.peer.PEPeerSource; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.impl.TOTorrentImpl; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.AENetworkClassifier; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.ByteFormatter; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.HashWrapper; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.SystemProperties; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ipc.IPCException; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ipc.IPCInterface; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.AzureusCore; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.impl.AzureusCoreImpl; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.Friend; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.share.DownloadManagerStarter; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.share.DownloadManagerStarter.DownloadManagerStartListener; public class PermissionsDAO { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PermissionsDAO.class.getName()); private static final String PERMISSIONS_FILE_NAME = "permissions.xml"; private static final String GROUPS_FILE_NAME = "groups.xml"; private static final String PERMISSIONS_PATH = SystemProperties.getUserPath() + File.separator + PERMISSIONS_FILE_NAME; private static final String GROUPS_PATH = SystemProperties.getUserPath() + File.separator + GROUPS_FILE_NAME; private static final String NO_PERMISSIONS_DATA = ""; private static PermissionsDAO inst = new PermissionsDAO(); private long nextGroupID = 3; /** * Groups v2 -- group IDs and info stored in swarm additional properties */ Map<Long, GroupBean> groupid_to_group = new HashMap<Long, GroupBean>(); // soft state -- can be reconstructed from groupid_to_group, and is not saved. Map<String, Long> base64Key_to_groupid = new HashMap<String, Long>(); /** * we use this as a temporary storage area when setting/retrieving permissions before we've actually * added the download manager. Swarms are removed from here when they are actually initialized. */ Map<String, ArrayList<GroupBean>> temporaryHash_to_groups = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<GroupBean>>(); /**/ private IPCInterface f2fIpc = null; public static final PermissionsDAO get() { return inst; } protected PermissionsDAO() { } public synchronized void init(IPCInterface f2f) { if (f2fIpc == null) { f2fIpc = f2f; add_special(); try { load_groups(); } catch( Exception e ) { logger.warning("Error loading v2 permissions, trying load of v1. " + e.toString()); try { load_permissions(); } catch( IOException e2 ) { logger.warning("Error loading v1 permissions: " + e.toString()); } } // catch from load_groups() sanity_check_perms(); } // f2fIpc != null } private synchronized void add_special() { for( GroupBean special : new GroupBean[]{GroupBean.ALL_FRIENDS, GroupBean.PUBLIC} ) { GroupBean candidate = groupid_to_group.get(special.getGroupID()); if( candidate != null ) { if( candidate.equals(special) == true ) { continue; } } logger.fine("Adding " + special.getGroupName() + " after load"); groupid_to_group.put(special.getGroupID(), special); } } private synchronized void sanity_check_perms() { AzureusCore core = AzureusCoreImpl.getSingleton(); for( DownloadManager dm : (List<DownloadManager>)core.getGlobalManager().getDownloadManagers() ) { try { String [] ids = dm.getDownloadState().getListAttribute(TOTorrentImpl.OS_PERMISSIONS); if( ids == null ) { dm.setData(NO_PERMISSIONS_DATA, Boolean.TRUE); } else if( ids.length == 0 ) { dm.setData(NO_PERMISSIONS_DATA, Boolean.TRUE); } } catch( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * This is a hack, but is needed to deal with load order issues. */ public synchronized void f2fInitialized() { AzureusCoreImpl.getSingleton().getGlobalManager().addDownloadManagerInitialisationAdapter(new DownloadManagerInitialisationAdapter(){ @Override public void initialised(DownloadManager manager) { try { String hexHash = ByteFormatter.encodeString(manager.getTorrent().getHash()); ArrayList<GroupBean> groups = PermissionsDAO.this.getGroupsForHash(hexHash); if( temporaryHash_to_groups.containsKey(hexHash) ) { PermissionsDAO.this.setGroupsForHash(hexHash, groups, false, manager); logger.finer("Removing from temporaryHash_to_groups, size: " + (temporaryHash_to_groups.size()-1)); temporaryHash_to_groups.remove(hexHash); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }}); } private void load_groups() throws IOException {"loading groups (v2)"); XMLDecoder decoder = new XMLDecoder(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(GROUPS_PATH))); Map<Long, GroupBean> scratch_groupid_to_group = (Map<Long, GroupBean>)decoder.readObject(); /** * Sanity check this file -- does it include all friends and public at the correct IDs? If not, throw it out. */ for( GroupBean special : new GroupBean[]{GroupBean.ALL_FRIENDS, GroupBean.PUBLIC} ) { if( scratch_groupid_to_group.get(special.getGroupID()).equals(special) == false ) { throw new IOException("Seemingly corrupt groups file -- special group IDs don't match requirements (" + special + ")"); } } groupid_to_group = scratch_groupid_to_group; } private void load_permissions() throws IOException {"loading permissions... (v1)"); /** * v1 state -- we try to load this and then convert it. */ Map<String, List<GroupBean>> infohash_to_groups = new HashMap<String, List<GroupBean>>(); Map<String, GroupBean> groupname_to_group = new HashMap<String, GroupBean>(); XMLDecoder decoder = new XMLDecoder(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(PERMISSIONS_PATH))); infohash_to_groups = (Map<String, List<GroupBean>>) decoder.readObject(); groupname_to_group = (Map<String, GroupBean>) decoder.readObject(); /** * Sanity check stored values, eliminate null groups, etc. */ for (String groupName : groupname_to_group.keySet().toArray(new String[0])) { if (groupname_to_group.get(groupName) == null) { groupname_to_group.remove(groupName); logger.warning("removed groupname with null group: " + groupName); } } for (String infohash : infohash_to_groups.keySet().toArray(new String[0])) { if (infohash_to_groups.get(infohash) == null) { infohash_to_groups.remove(infohash); logger.warning("removed infohash to group mapping with null groups: " + infohash); } } /** * Build up v2 of group structures */ for( GroupBean g : groupname_to_group.values() ) { // these were added separately if( g.equals(GroupBean.PUBLIC) ) { g.setGroupID(GroupBean.PUBLIC.getGroupID()); continue; } if( g.equals(GroupBean.ALL_FRIENDS) ) { g.setGroupID(GroupBean.ALL_FRIENDS.getGroupID()); continue; } if( g.getGroupID() <= 0 ) { logger.warning("Group has invalid group ID: " + g.getGroupID() + ", setting to: " + (nextGroupID+1)); g.setGroupID(nextGroupID++); } groupid_to_group.put(g.getGroupID(), g); if( g.isUserGroup() ) { base64Key_to_groupid.put(g.getMemberKeys().get(0), g.getGroupID()); } } if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { for (String hash : infohash_to_groups.keySet()) { logger.finest(hash + " has: "); for (GroupBean g : infohash_to_groups.get(hash)) { if( g == null ) { logger.finest("\tnull"); } else { logger.finest("\t" + g.getGroupName()); } } } } refresh_friend_groups();"loaded existing permissions for " + infohash_to_groups.size()); checkAndConvertOldPermissions(groupname_to_group, infohash_to_groups); save_groups(); } public void checkAndConvertOldPermissions(Map<String, GroupBean> groupnameToGroup, Map<String, List<GroupBean>> infohash_to_groups) { /** * Check for any existing DL managers that don't have a permissions attribute (and give them one) */ AzureusCore core = AzureusCoreImpl.getSingleton(); for( DownloadManager dm : (List<DownloadManager>)core.getGlobalManager().getDownloadManagers() ) { try { String [] ids = dm.getDownloadState().getListAttribute(TOTorrentImpl.OS_PERMISSIONS); // null or length zero. boolean convert = ids == null; if( ids != null ) { convert = ids.length == 0; } if( convert ) { String hexHash = ByteFormatter.encodeString(dm.getTorrent().getHash()); List<GroupBean> existing = infohash_to_groups.get(hexHash); String [] converted; if( existing == null ) { logger.warning("Swarm has no permissions (either attrib or xml): " + dm.getDisplayName()); continue; } else { + " needs attrib permissions conversion"); converted = new String[existing.size()]; for( int i=0; i<existing.size(); i++ ) { /** * The group ID is retrieved from the groupnameToGroup structure because that's the one * that's been converted -- the beans in the v1 hash->groups structure will all have 0 group IDs, but * we generated IDs for groupname -> group */ try { logger.finest("Converting: " + existing.get(i).toString()); converted[i] = groupnameToGroup.get(existing.get(i).getGroupName()).getGroupID()+""; } catch( Exception e ) { logger.warning("Error converting group. (" + e.toString() + ")"); converted[i] = "0"; } } dm.getDownloadState().setListAttribute(TOTorrentImpl.OS_PERMISSIONS, converted); } } } catch( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.warning("Error during permissions conversion check: " + e.toString()); } } } public synchronized void refresh_friend_groups() { logger.fine("refresh friend groups"); List<Friend> permittable_friends = new ArrayList<Friend>(); try { List<Friend> raw_friends = (List<Friend>) f2fIpc.invoke("getFriends", new Object[0]); for (Friend f : raw_friends) { if (f.isBlocked() == false && f.isCanSeeFileList()) { permittable_friends.add(f); } } } catch (IPCException e) { logger.warning("IPC error: " + e.toString() + " (check stderr)"); e.printStackTrace(); } Set<String> covered_keys = new HashSet<String>(); /** * Add any new users and build up a list of current keys */ for( Friend f : permittable_friends ) { String base64Key = new String(Base64.encode(f.getPublicKey())); covered_keys.add(base64Key); if( base64Key_to_groupid.containsKey(base64Key) == false ) { logger.fine("Adding new user group for: " + f.getNick()); List<String> scratchKeys = new ArrayList<String>(); scratchKeys.add(base64Key); this.addGroup(f.getNick(), scratchKeys, true); } } /** * Now, for any of the keys in our current list which are not in this set, remove. */ boolean save = false; for( String key : base64Key_to_groupid.keySet().toArray(new String[0]) ) { if( covered_keys.contains(key) == false ) { logger.fine("Sync with friend list removes user group: " + key); try { removeGroupID(base64Key_to_groupid.get(key), true); save = true; } catch (IOException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); logger.warning(e.toString()); } } } if( save ) { save_groups(); } } public synchronized void renameGroup(long inGroupID, String neu) throws IOException { GroupBean g = groupid_to_group.get(inGroupID); if( g == null ) { throw new IOException("Invalid group id: " + inGroupID); } if( g.getGroupID() <= 2 ) { throw new IOException("Cannot rename special groups (public, all friends)"); } g.setGroupName(neu); save_groups(); } public void refreshFileLists() { try { logger.fine("refresh file lists in f2f..."); f2fIpc.invoke("refreshFileLists", new Object[0]); logger.fine("done refreshFileLists()"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private synchronized void save_groups() { logger.fine("save groups"); try { XMLEncoder encoder = new XMLEncoder(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(GROUPS_PATH))); encoder.writeObject(groupid_to_group); encoder.close(); logger.fine("done"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public synchronized long addGroup(String inName, List<String> userKeys, boolean isUserGroup) { if( isUserGroup && userKeys.size() != 1 ) { throw new RuntimeException("logic problem -- add user group with != 1 key! (" + userKeys.size() + ")"); } GroupBean g = GroupBean.createGroup(inName, userKeys, isUserGroup, nextGroupID++); groupid_to_group.put(g.getGroupID(), g); if( isUserGroup ) { base64Key_to_groupid.put(userKeys.get(0), g.getGroupID()); } save_groups(); logger.fine("added new group: " + inName); return g.getGroupID(); } public synchronized void updateGroupKeys( Long inID, List<String> keys ) throws IOException { GroupBean g = getGroup(inID); if( g == null ) { throw new IOException("Invalid group ID: " + inID + " (group not found)"); } if( g.isUserGroup() == true ) { throw new IOException("Can't update keys for a user group."); } g.setMemberKeys(keys); } public synchronized void removeGroupID( Long inID ) throws IOException { removeGroupID(inID, false); } private synchronized void removeGroupID( Long inID, boolean userRemoval ) throws IOException { if( inID <= 0 ) { throw new IOException("Invalid group ID: " + inID); } if( inID <= 2 ) { throw new IOException("Cannot remove reserved group " + inID); } GroupBean g = getGroup(inID); if( g == null ) { throw new IOException("Invalid group id (group not found): " + inID); } if( userRemoval == false && g.isUserGroup() ) { throw new IOException("Tried to remove user group."); } groupid_to_group.remove(inID); } public synchronized boolean hasPublicPermission(byte[] infoHash) { String inHexHash = ByteFormatter.encodeString(infoHash); List<GroupBean> allowedGroups = getGroupsForHash(inHexHash); if (allowedGroups == null) { return false; } return allowedGroups.contains(GroupBean.PUBLIC); } public synchronized boolean hasAllFriendsPermission(byte[] infoHash) { String inHexHash = ByteFormatter.encodeString(infoHash); List<GroupBean> allowedGroups = getGroupsForHash(inHexHash); if (allowedGroups == null) { return false; } return allowedGroups.contains(GroupBean.ALL_FRIENDS); } public synchronized ArrayList<GroupBean> getGroupsForHash( String inHexHash ) { final DownloadManager dm = AzureusCoreImpl.getSingleton().getGlobalManager().getDownloadManager(new HashWrapper(ByteFormatter.decodeString(inHexHash))); if( dm == null ) { ArrayList<GroupBean> scratch = temporaryHash_to_groups.get(inHexHash); if( scratch != null ) { return scratch; } logger.warning("getGroupsForHash_v2 with null download manager! " + inHexHash); return new ArrayList<GroupBean>(); } if( temporaryHash_to_groups.containsKey(inHexHash) ) { logger.warning("DownloadManager is not null, but temporary hash still has entry for swarm: " + dm.getDisplayName()); } String[] groups = dm.getDownloadState().getListAttribute(TOTorrentImpl.OS_PERMISSIONS); ArrayList<GroupBean> out = new ArrayList<GroupBean>(); try { if( groups == null ) { logger.warning("No permissions for swarm: " + dm.getDisplayName()); dm.setData(NO_PERMISSIONS_DATA, Boolean.TRUE); return out; } if( groups.length == 0 ) { logger.fine("Swarm not shared with anyone. " + dm.getDisplayName()); dm.setData(NO_PERMISSIONS_DATA, Boolean.TRUE); return out; } for( String idStr : groups ) { try { long id = Long.parseLong(idStr); GroupBean g = groupid_to_group.get(id); if( g != null ) { out.add(g); } else { logger.warning("Swarm has nonexistent group: " + id); } } catch( NumberFormatException e ) { logger.warning("Malformed group id during parse of " + dm.getDisplayName() + " / " + inHexHash); e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch( Exception e ) { logger.warning("Error reading permissions for: " + dm.getDisplayName() + " / " + e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } return out; } public synchronized void setGroupsForHash( String inHexHash, final ArrayList<GroupBean> inGroups, boolean addingDL ) { setGroupsForHash( inHexHash, inGroups, addingDL, null ); } private synchronized void setGroupsForHash( String inHexHash, final ArrayList<GroupBean> inGroups, boolean addingDL, DownloadManager inDM ) { logger.fine("setGroupsForHash v2 -- " + inHexHash + " w/ " + inGroups.size() + " groups"); DownloadManager dm = null; if( inDM != null ) { dm = inDM; } else { dm = AzureusCoreImpl.getSingleton().getGlobalManager().getDownloadManager(new HashWrapper(ByteFormatter.decodeString(inHexHash))); } if( dm == null ) { if( !addingDL ) { logger.warning("Tried to set groups for hash with null download manager: " + inHexHash); return; } temporaryHash_to_groups.put(inHexHash, inGroups); logger.finest("setGroupsForHash -- used temporary storage while adding."); return; } List<GroupBean> existing = getGroupsForHash(inHexHash); boolean _started_with_public = false; if (existing != null) { if (existing.contains(GroupBean.PUBLIC)) { logger.fine(inHexHash + " started with public"); _started_with_public = true; } } final boolean started_with_public = _started_with_public; List<String> idsList = new ArrayList<String>(); for( GroupBean g : inGroups ) { if( g.getGroupID() <= 0 ) { logger.warning("setGroupsForHash_v2 called with group having invalid id! " + g.getGroupName() + " -- skipping."); continue; } idsList.add(g.getGroupID()+""); } dm.getDownloadState().setListAttribute(TOTorrentImpl.OS_PERMISSIONS, idsList.toArray(new String[0])); dm.getDownloadState().save(); if( idsList.size() == 0 ) { dm.setData(NO_PERMISSIONS_DATA, Boolean.TRUE); } else { dm.setData(NO_PERMISSIONS_DATA, null); } logger.finer("Set perms property, now checking start/stop and network enabling."); /** * If this includes either of the special groups, we need to update * these ourselves immediately (these are not on demand) */ boolean any_friend = false; for (GroupBean g : inGroups) { if (g.equals(GroupBean.PUBLIC) == false) { any_friend = true; } } /* * sync up the enabled networks */ if (dm != null) { logger.fine("setTorrentPrivacy: " + inHexHash + " pub?: " + Boolean.toString(inGroups.contains(GroupBean.PUBLIC)) + " f2f?: " + Boolean.toString(any_friend)); setTorrentPrivacy( dm, inGroups.contains(GroupBean.PUBLIC), any_friend ); } /** * If we add/remove the public network we need to restart the torrent */ if (started_with_public != inGroups.contains(GroupBean.PUBLIC)) { logger.fine("changing public visibility requires stop/start"); if (dm != null) { if (dm.getState() != DownloadManager.STATE_STOPPED || dm.getState() != DownloadManager.STATE_STOPPING) { dm.addListener(new DownloadManagerListener() { @Override public void completionChanged(DownloadManager manager, boolean completed) { } @Override public void downloadComplete(DownloadManager manager) { } @Override public void filePriorityChanged(DownloadManager download, DiskManagerFileInfo file) { } @Override public void positionChanged(DownloadManager download, int oldPosition, int newPosition) { } @Override public void stateChanged(final DownloadManager manager, int state) { if (state == DownloadManager.STATE_QUEUED) { DownloadManagerStarter.startDownload(manager, new DownloadManagerStartListener() { @Override public void downloadStarted() { if (started_with_public == false && inGroups.contains(GroupBean.PUBLIC) == true) { logger.finer("public network added, forcing tracker update"); manager.getTrackerClient().update(true); } } }); } } }); logger.fine("stopping download: " + dm.getDisplayName()); dm.stopIt(DownloadManager.STATE_QUEUED, false, false); } } } refreshFileLists(); } public synchronized GroupBean getGroup( long inID ) { return groupid_to_group.get(inID); } public synchronized GroupBean getUserGroup( String inBase64Key ) { Long groupid = base64Key_to_groupid.get(inBase64Key); if( groupid == null ) { return null; } return groupid_to_group.get(groupid); } public synchronized Collection<GroupBean> getAllGroups() { return Arrays.asList(groupid_to_group.values().toArray(new GroupBean[0])); } public synchronized boolean hasPermissions(String inBase64Key, byte[] inSwarmHash) { String hashStr = ByteFormatter.encodeString(inSwarmHash); List<GroupBean> groups = getGroupsForHash(hashStr); for( GroupBean g : groups ) { if( g.equals(GroupBean.ALL_FRIENDS) ) { return true; } if( g.getMemberKeys().contains(inBase64Key) ) { return true; } } return false; } public synchronized boolean hasPermissions(byte[] inKey, byte[] inSwarmHash) { return hasPermissions(new String(Base64.encode(inKey)), inSwarmHash); } public void setTorrentPrivacy(DownloadManager dm, boolean publicNet, boolean f2fNet) { logger.fine("setting torrent privacy: pub=" + publicNet + " f2f=" + f2fNet); if (publicNet && f2fNet) { logger.fine("setTorrentPublic"); setTorrentPublic(dm); } else if (publicNet && !f2fNet) { logger.fine("setTorrentInternetOnly"); setTorrentInternetOnly(dm); } else if (!publicNet && f2fNet) { logger.fine("setTorrentFriendsOnly"); setTorrentFriendsOnly(dm); } else if (!publicNet && !f2fNet) { logger.fine("setTorrentPrivate"); setTorrentPrivate(dm); } refreshFileLists(); } private static void setTorrentPublic(DownloadManager dm) { logger.fine("Setting torrent Public"); DownloadManagerState state = dm.getDownloadState(); // enable all peer sources for (int i = 0; i < PEPeerSource.PS_SOURCES.length; i++) { String source = PEPeerSource.PS_SOURCES[i]; state.setPeerSourceEnabled(source, true); } // enable all networks for (int i = 0; i < AENetworkClassifier.AT_NETWORKS.length; i++) { String network = AENetworkClassifier.AT_NETWORKS[i]; state.setNetworkEnabled(network, true); } } private static void setTorrentInternetOnly(DownloadManager dm) { logger.fine("Setting torrent Internet Only"); DownloadManagerState state = dm.getDownloadState(); // enable all but f2f for (int i = 0; i < PEPeerSource.PS_SOURCES.length; i++) { String source = PEPeerSource.PS_SOURCES[i]; if (!source.equals(PEPeerSource.PS_OSF2F)) { state.setPeerSourceEnabled(source, true); } else { state.setPeerSourceEnabled(source, false); } } for (int i = 0; i < AENetworkClassifier.AT_NETWORKS.length; i++) { String network = AENetworkClassifier.AT_NETWORKS[i]; if (!network.equals(AENetworkClassifier.AT_OSF2F)) { state.setNetworkEnabled(network, true); } else { state.setNetworkEnabled(network, false); } } } private static void setTorrentPrivate(DownloadManager dm) { logger.fine("Setting torrent Private"); DownloadManagerState state = dm.getDownloadState(); // disable all for (int i = 0; i < PEPeerSource.PS_SOURCES.length; i++) { String source = PEPeerSource.PS_SOURCES[i]; state.setPeerSourceEnabled(source, false); } for (int i = 0; i < AENetworkClassifier.AT_NETWORKS.length; i++) { String network = AENetworkClassifier.AT_NETWORKS[i]; state.setNetworkEnabled(network, false); } } private static void setTorrentFriendsOnly(DownloadManager dm) { logger.fine("Setting torrent Friends Only"); DownloadManagerState state = dm.getDownloadState(); // set the peer sources to only be f2f for (int i = 0; i < PEPeerSource.PS_SOURCES.length; i++) { String source = PEPeerSource.PS_SOURCES[i]; if (source.equals(PEPeerSource.PS_OSF2F)) { state.setPeerSourceEnabled(source, true); } else { state.setPeerSourceEnabled(source, false); } } for (int i = 0; i < AENetworkClassifier.AT_NETWORKS.length; i++) { String network = AENetworkClassifier.AT_NETWORKS[i]; if (network.equals(AENetworkClassifier.AT_OSF2F)) { state.setNetworkEnabled(network, true); } else { state.setNetworkEnabled(network, false); } } logger.fine("done setting friends only"); } public static final void main(String[] args) { } }