package org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.speedtest; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.wizard.AbstractWizardPanel; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.wizard.Wizard; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.wizard.IWizardPanel; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.Messages; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.views.stats.TransferStatsView; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.impl.TransferSpeedValidator; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.internat.MessageText; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.DisplayFormatters; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.speedmanager.SpeedManager; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.speedmanager.SpeedManagerLimitEstimate; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.AzureusCoreFactory; /** * Created on May 3, 2007 * Created by Alan Snyder * Copyright (C) 2007 Aelitis, All Rights Reserved. * <p/> * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * <p/> * AELITIS, SAS au capital de 63.529,40 euros * 8 Allee Lenotre, La Grille Royale, 78600 Le Mesnil le Roi, France. */ public class SpeedTestFinishPanel extends AbstractWizardPanel { SpeedManager speedManager; TransferStatsView.limitToTextHelper helper; public SpeedTestFinishPanel(Wizard wizard, IWizardPanel previousPanel) { super(wizard, previousPanel); speedManager = AzureusCoreFactory.getSingleton().getSpeedManager(); helper = new TransferStatsView.limitToTextHelper(); } /** * */ public void show() { String title = MessageText.getString("SpeedTestWizard.finish.panel.title"); wizard.setTitle(title); Composite rootPanel = wizard.getPanel(); GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(); layout.numColumns = 1; rootPanel.setLayout(layout); Composite panel = new Composite(rootPanel, SWT.NULL); GridData gridData = new GridData( GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER | GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL ); panel.setLayoutData(gridData); layout = new GridLayout(); layout.numColumns = 3; layout.makeColumnsEqualWidth=true; panel.setLayout(layout); Label label = new Label(panel, SWT.WRAP); gridData = new GridData(); gridData.horizontalSpan = 3; gridData.widthHint = 380; label.setLayoutData(gridData); Messages.setLanguageText(label,""); //show the setting for upload speed SpeedManagerLimitEstimate upEst = speedManager.getEstimatedUploadCapacityBytesPerSec(); int maxUploadKbs = upEst.getBytesPerSec()/1024; SpeedManagerLimitEstimate downEst = speedManager.getEstimatedDownloadCapacityBytesPerSec(); int maxDownloadKbs = downEst.getBytesPerSec()/1024; //boolean setting. boolean autoSpeedEnabled = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( TransferSpeedValidator.AUTO_UPLOAD_ENABLED_CONFIGKEY ); boolean autoSpeedSeedingEnabled = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( TransferSpeedValidator.AUTO_UPLOAD_SEEDING_ENABLED_CONFIGKEY ); //spacer 2 Label s2 = new Label(panel, SWT.NULL); gridData = new GridData(); gridData.horizontalSpan = 3; s2.setLayoutData(gridData); String autoSpeed = MessageText.getString(""); createStatusLine(panel, autoSpeed, autoSpeedEnabled); String autoSpeedWhileSeeding = MessageText.getString(""); createStatusLine(panel, autoSpeedWhileSeeding, autoSpeedSeedingEnabled); //spacer 1 Label s1 = new Label(panel, SWT.NULL); gridData = new GridData(); gridData.horizontalSpan = 3; s1.setLayoutData(gridData); //displays a bytes/sec column and a bits/sec column createHeaderLine(panel); String maxUploadLbl = MessageText.getString("SpeedView.stats.estupcap"); createDataLine(panel, maxUploadLbl, maxUploadKbs, upEst); String maxDownloadLbl = MessageText.getString("SpeedView.stats.estdowncap"); createDataLine(panel, maxDownloadLbl, maxDownloadKbs, downEst); }//show //private static final String colSpace = " "; private void createHeaderLine(Composite panel){ GridData gridData; Label c1 = new Label(panel, SWT.NULL);//label gridData = new GridData(); gridData.horizontalSpan = 1; c1.setLayoutData(gridData); c1.setText(" "); Label c2 = new Label(panel,SWT.NULL); gridData = new GridData(); gridData.horizontalSpan = 1; gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.CENTER; c2.setLayoutData(gridData); c2.setText( MessageText.getString("SpeedTestWizard.set.upload.bytes.per.sec") ); Label c3 = new Label(panel,SWT.NULL); gridData = new GridData(); gridData.horizontalSpan = 1; gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.BEGINNING; c3.setLayoutData(gridData); c3.setText( MessageText.getString("SpeedTestWizard.set.upload.bits.per.sec") ); } /** * * @param panel - * @param label - label * @param enabled - is enabled */ private void createStatusLine(Composite panel, String label, boolean enabled){ GridData gridData; Label r3c1 = new Label(panel, SWT.NULL);//label gridData = new GridData(); gridData.horizontalSpan = 1; gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.END; r3c1.setLayoutData(gridData); r3c1.setText(label); Label c3 = new Label(panel,SWT.NULL);//enabled or disabled gridData = new GridData(); gridData.horizontalSpan = 1; gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.CENTER; c3.setLayoutData(gridData); if(enabled){ c3.setText( MessageText.getString("SpeedTestWizard.finish.panel.enabled","enabled") ); }else{ c3.setText( MessageText.getString("SpeedTestWizard.finish.panel.disabled","disabled") ); } Label c2 = new Label(panel,SWT.NULL);//space. gridData = new GridData(); gridData.horizontalSpan = 1; gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.BEGINNING; c2.setLayoutData(gridData); String maxUploadBitsSec = " "; c2.setText(maxUploadBitsSec); }//createStatusLine /** * One line of data in the UI * @param panel - * @param label - label * @param maxKbps - bits/sec * @param estimate - */ private void createDataLine(Composite panel, String label, int maxKbps, SpeedManagerLimitEstimate estimate) { GridData gridData; Label c1 = new Label(panel, SWT.NULL);//max upload gridData = new GridData(); gridData.horizontalSpan = 1; gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.END; c1.setLayoutData(gridData); c1.setText(label+" "); Label c2 = new Label(panel,SWT.NULL);//kbytes/sec gridData = new GridData(); gridData.horizontalSpan = 1; gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.CENTER; c2.setLayoutData(gridData); String estString = helper.getLimitText( estimate ); c2.setText(estString); Label c3 = new Label(panel,SWT.NULL);//kbits/sec gridData = new GridData(); gridData.horizontalSpan = 1; gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.BEGINNING; c3.setLayoutData(gridData); String maxBitsPerSec; if(maxKbps==0){ maxBitsPerSec = MessageText.getString("ConfigView.unlimited"); }else{ maxBitsPerSec = DisplayFormatters.formatByteCountToKiBEtcPerSec( maxKbps ); } c3.setText(maxBitsPerSec); } public boolean isPreviousEnabled(){ return false; } }