package edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.servicesharing; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.DirectByteBuffer; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.ReferenceCountedDirectByteBuffer; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.messaging.OSF2FChannelDataMsg; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.messaging.OSF2FHashSearch; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.messaging.OSF2FHashSearchResp; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.messaging.OSF2FMessage; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This class represents one Friend connection channel used for multiplexed * service channels. * Functionality extends from {@code OverlayEndpoint}, the additional * functionality from * this class is that received data is forwarded to the aggregate service * connection, and * outstanding sent data is tracked for congestion control across channels. * * @author willscott * */ public class ServiceChannelEndpoint extends OverlayEndpoint { public final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ServiceChannelEndpoint.class.getName()); private static final byte ss = 0; // Moving average sampling weight for latency estimation. private static final double EWMA = 0.25; // How long (in # RTT) before packet retransmission. private static final double RETRANSMISSION_MIN = 2; private static final double RETRANSMISSION_MAX = 3; public static final int MAX_SERVICE_MESSAGE_SIZE = 1024; private final DelayedExecutor delayedExecutor; protected final Hashtable<SequenceNumber, sentMessage> sentMessages; protected final Hashtable<Short, ServiceChannelEndpointDelegate> delegates = new Hashtable<Short, ServiceChannelEndpointDelegate>(); protected final ArrayList<Short> delegateOrder = new ArrayList<Short>(); private int outstandingBytes; private long latency = 1000; private long minLatency = Long.MAX_VALUE; private final long serviceKey; public ServiceChannelEndpoint(FriendConnection connection, OSF2FHashSearch search, OSF2FHashSearchResp response, boolean outgoing) { super(connection, response.getPathID(), 0, search, response, outgoing);"Service Channel Endpoint Created."); this.sentMessages = new Hashtable<SequenceNumber, sentMessage>(); this.outstandingBytes = 0; this.delayedExecutor = DelayedExecutorService.getInstance().getVariableDelayExecutor(); this.serviceKey = search.getInfohashhash(); this.started = true; friendConnection.isReadyForWrite(new OverlayTransport.WriteQueueWaiter() { @Override public void readyForWrite() {"friend connection marked ready for write."); for (ServiceChannelEndpointDelegate d : ServiceChannelEndpoint.this.delegates .values()) { d.channelIsReady(ServiceChannelEndpoint.this); } } }); } public void addDelegate(ServiceChannelEndpointDelegate d, short flow) { if (d.writesMessages()) { this.delegateOrder.add(flow); } this.delegates.put(flow, d); if (friendConnection.isReadyForWrite(null)) { d.channelIsReady(this); } } public void removeDelegate(ServiceChannelEndpointDelegate d) { for (Short flow : this.delegates.keySet()) { if (this.delegates.get(flow).equals(d)) { this.delegates.remove(flow); this.delegateOrder.remove(flow); break; } } } public int getPotentialWriteCapacity() { int channelCapacity = friendConnection.getSendQueuePotentialCapacity(this.channelId); return channelCapacity / this.delegateOrder.size(); } public int getWriteCapacity(ServiceChannelEndpointDelegate d) { int networkCapacity = friendConnection.getSendQueueCurrentCapacity(this.channelId); int fullPackets = networkCapacity / (this.delegates.size() * MAX_SERVICE_MESSAGE_SIZE); int delegatePriority = this.delegates.size(); for (Short flow : this.delegates.keySet()) { if (this.delegates.get(flow).equals(d)) { delegatePriority = this.delegateOrder.indexOf(flow); } } networkCapacity -= fullPackets * this.delegates.size() * MAX_SERVICE_MESSAGE_SIZE + delegatePriority * MAX_SERVICE_MESSAGE_SIZE; if (networkCapacity >= MAX_SERVICE_MESSAGE_SIZE) { fullPackets += 1; } return fullPackets * MAX_SERVICE_MESSAGE_SIZE; } @Override public void start() { // TODO(willscott): allow server to open channels. } @Override public boolean isStarted() { if (!this.outgoing) { return this.getBytesIn() > 0; } return friendConnection.isHandshakeReceived(); } @Override protected void destroyBufferedMessages() { // No buffered messages to destroy. for (sentMessage b : this.sentMessages.values()) { b.msg.returnToPool(); } this.sentMessages.clear(); this.outstandingBytes = 0; } @Override public void cleanup() { for (ServiceChannelEndpointDelegate d : this.delegates.values()) { d.channelDidClose(this); } }; @Override protected void handleDelayedOverlayMessage(OSF2FChannelDataMsg msg) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { logger.finest("incoming message: " + msg.getDescription()); } if (closed) { return; } if (!this.isStarted()) { start(); } if (!(msg instanceof OSF2FServiceDataMsg)) { logger.warning("Msg wasn't SDM: " + msg.getDescription()); return; } OSF2FServiceDataMsg newMessage = (OSF2FServiceDataMsg) msg; // logger.fine("Received msg with sequence number " + if (!newMessage.isAck()) { logger.finest("ack enqueued for " + newMessage.getDescription()); super.writeMessage(OSF2FServiceDataMsg.acknowledge(OSF2FMessage.CURRENT_VERSION, channelId, newMessage.getSubchannel(), new int[] { newMessage.getSequenceNumber() }, newMessage.isDatagram())); } for (ServiceChannelEndpointDelegate d : this.delegates.values()) { if (d.channelGotMessage(this, newMessage)) { break; } } } public long getServiceKey() { return this.serviceKey; } public void writeMessage(final SequenceNumber num, DirectByteBuffer buffer, boolean datagram) { // Move the requester to the bottom of the priority list. try { this.delegateOrder.remove(num.getFlow()); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return; } this.delegateOrder.add(num.getFlow()); boolean rst = buffer == null; if (buffer == null) { buffer = new DirectByteBuffer(ByteBuffer.allocate(0)); } int length = buffer.remaining(ss); ReferenceCountedDirectByteBuffer cpy = buffer.getReferenceCountedBuffer(); sentMessage msg = new sentMessage(num, cpy, length, 0, datagram, rst); writeMessage(msg); } private void writeMessage(sentMessage msg) { SequenceNumber num = msg.num; synchronized (sentMessages) { this.sentMessages.put(num, msg); } this.outstandingBytes += msg.length; double retransmit = RETRANSMISSION_MIN + (RETRANSMISSION_MAX - RETRANSMISSION_MIN) * Math.random(); // Remember the message may need to be retransmitted. delayedExecutor.queue((long) (retransmit * this.latency * (1 << msg.attempt)), msg); if (msg.attempt > 0 && msg.creation + latency > System.currentTimeMillis()) { logger.warning("Skipping over-aggresive retransmission."); return; } msg.creation = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Outgoing msg will be freed by super.writeMessage. msg.msg.incrementReferenceCount(); OSF2FServiceDataMsg outgoing = new OSF2FServiceDataMsg(OSF2FMessage.CURRENT_VERSION, channelId, num.getNum(), num.getFlow(), new int[0], msg.msg); if (num.getNum() == 0 && !msg.rst) { // Mark SYN messages. outgoing.setControlFlag(4); } if (msg.rst) { outgoing.setControlFlag(2); } if (msg.datagram) { // Set datagram flag to allow the packet to be sent over UDP. outgoing.setDatagram(true); } long totalWritten = msg.length; if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { logger.finest(String.format("Wrote %s to network. bytes: %d", num, msg.length)); } super.writeMessage(outgoing); bytesOut += totalWritten; } public int getOutstanding() { return this.outstandingBytes; } /** * Get the recent latency experienced on the channel. Latency is recorded as * an exponentially weighted moving average. Each acknowledgment is weighted * as some fraction of the total latency, and previous samples are decayed * accordingly. * * @return Channel latency estimate. */ public long getLatency() { return this.latency; } public DirectByteBuffer getMessage(SequenceNumber num) { synchronized (sentMessages) { sentMessage m = this.sentMessages.get(num); if (m != null) { return m.msg; } return null; } } /** * Attempt to forget a sent message. * * @param num * The message to forget * @return True if the message was successfully stopped from retransmitting. */ public boolean forgetMessage(SequenceNumber num) { synchronized (sentMessages) { sentMessage msg = this.sentMessages.remove(num); if (msg == null) { return false; } msg.cancel(); this.outstandingBytes -= msg.length; long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long sample = now - msg.creation; // If not the first attempt, we don't know which attempt was acked. if (msg.attempt == 0) { this.latency = (long) (this.latency * (1 - EWMA) + sample * EWMA); if (sample < minLatency) { minLatency = sample; } // Pending messages sent before this one were potentially lost sentMessage[] messages = this.sentMessages.values().toArray(new sentMessage[0]); for (sentMessage m : messages) { if (m.creation < msg.creation) {; } } } } return true; } @Override protected boolean isService() { return true; } private class sentMessage extends TimerTask { public ReferenceCountedDirectByteBuffer msg; public int length; private final int position; public long creation; private final SequenceNumber num; private int attempt; private final boolean datagram; public final boolean rst; public sentMessage(SequenceNumber num, ReferenceCountedDirectByteBuffer msg, int length, int attempt, boolean datagram, boolean rst) { this.creation = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.msg = msg; this.position = msg.position(ss); msg.incrementReferenceCount(); this.length = length; this.num = num; this.attempt = attempt; this.datagram = datagram; this.rst = rst; } @Override public void run() { synchronized (sentMessages) { sentMessage self = sentMessages.remove(num); if (self == null || closed) { return; } if (self.attempt != attempt) { logger.warning("Message queue concurency issues"); sentMessages.put(num, self); return; } this.attempt += 1; logger.fine("retransmitting " + num + ", try " + attempt); outstandingBytes -= length; msg.position(ss, position); writeMessage(this); } } @Override public boolean cancel() { msg.returnToPool(); return super.cancel(); } } }