/* * Created on Jul 29, 2004 * Created by Alon Rohter * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Aelitis, All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * AELITIS, SAS au capital de 46,603.30 euros * 8 Allee Lenotre, La Grille Royale, 78600 Le Mesnil le Roi, France. * */ package com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.impl; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.AddressUtils; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Debug; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.*; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.Transport.ConnectListener; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.peermanager.messaging.MessageStreamDecoder; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.peermanager.messaging.MessageStreamEncoder; /** * */ public class NetworkConnectionImpl extends NetworkConnectionHelper implements NetworkConnection { private final ConnectionEndpoint connection_endpoint; private boolean connect_with_crypto; private boolean allow_fallback; private byte[][] shared_secrets; private ConnectionListener connection_listener; private boolean is_connected; private byte is_lan_local = AddressUtils.LAN_LOCAL_MAYBE; private final OutgoingMessageQueueImpl outgoing_message_queue; private final IncomingMessageQueueImpl incoming_message_queue; private Transport transport; private volatile ConnectionAttempt connection_attempt; private volatile boolean closed; private double weight = -1; public double getWeight() { return weight; } public void setWeight( double inWeight ) { weight = inWeight; } /** * Constructor for new OUTbound connection. * The connection is not yet established upon instantiation; use connect() to do so. * @param _remote_address to connect to * @param encoder default message stream encoder to use for the outgoing queue * @param decoder default message stream decoder to use for the incoming queue */ public NetworkConnectionImpl( ConnectionEndpoint _target, MessageStreamEncoder encoder, MessageStreamDecoder decoder, boolean _connect_with_crypto, boolean _allow_fallback, byte[][] _shared_secrets ) { connection_endpoint = _target; connect_with_crypto = _connect_with_crypto; allow_fallback = _allow_fallback; shared_secrets = _shared_secrets; is_connected = false; outgoing_message_queue = new OutgoingMessageQueueImpl( encoder ); incoming_message_queue = new IncomingMessageQueueImpl( decoder, this ); } /** * Constructor for new INbound connection. * The connection is assumed to be already established, by the given already-connected channel. * @param _remote_channel connected by * @param data_already_read bytestream already read during routing * @param encoder default message stream encoder to use for the outgoing queue * @param decoder default message stream decoder to use for the incoming queue */ public NetworkConnectionImpl( Transport _transport, MessageStreamEncoder encoder, MessageStreamDecoder decoder ) { transport = _transport; connection_endpoint = transport.getTransportEndpoint().getProtocolEndpoint().getConnectionEndpoint(); is_connected = true; outgoing_message_queue = new OutgoingMessageQueueImpl( encoder ); outgoing_message_queue.setTransport( transport ); incoming_message_queue = new IncomingMessageQueueImpl( decoder, this ); } public ConnectionEndpoint getEndpoint() { return( connection_endpoint ); } public void connect( boolean high_priority, ConnectionListener listener ) { connect( null, high_priority, listener ); } public void connect( ByteBuffer initial_outbound_data, boolean high_priority, ConnectionListener listener ) { this.connection_listener = listener; if( is_connected ){ connection_listener.connectStarted(); connection_listener.connectSuccess( initial_outbound_data ); return; } if ( connection_attempt != null ){ Debug.out( "Connection attempt already active" ); listener.connectFailure( new Throwable( "Connection attempt already active" )); return; } connection_attempt = connection_endpoint.connectOutbound( connect_with_crypto, allow_fallback, shared_secrets, initial_outbound_data, high_priority, new Transport.ConnectListener() { public void connectAttemptStarted() { connection_listener.connectStarted(); } public void connectSuccess( Transport _transport, ByteBuffer remaining_initial_data ) { is_connected = true; transport = _transport; outgoing_message_queue.setTransport( transport ); connection_listener.connectSuccess( remaining_initial_data ); connection_attempt = null; } public void connectFailure( Throwable failure_msg ) { is_connected = false; connection_listener.connectFailure( failure_msg ); } }); if ( closed ){ ConnectionAttempt ca = connection_attempt; if ( ca != null ){ ca.abandon(); } } } public Transport detachTransport() { Transport t = transport; transport = new bogusTransport( transport ); close(); return( t ); } public boolean isClosed(){ return closed; } public void close() { closed = true; NetworkManager.getSingleton().stopTransferProcessing( this ); if ( connection_attempt != null ){ connection_attempt.abandon(); } if ( transport != null ){ transport.close( "Tidy close" ); } incoming_message_queue.destroy(); outgoing_message_queue.destroy(); is_connected = false; } public void notifyOfException( Throwable error ) { if( connection_listener != null ) { connection_listener.exceptionThrown( error ); } else { Debug.out( "notifyOfException():: connection_listener == null for exception: " +error.getMessage() ); } } public OutgoingMessageQueue getOutgoingMessageQueue() { return outgoing_message_queue; } public IncomingMessageQueue getIncomingMessageQueue() { return incoming_message_queue; } public void startMessageProcessing() { NetworkManager.getSingleton().startTransferProcessing( this ); } public void enableEnhancedMessageProcessing( boolean enable ) { if( enable ) { NetworkManager.getSingleton().upgradeTransferProcessing( this, null ); } else { NetworkManager.getSingleton().downgradeTransferProcessing( this ); } } public Transport getTransport() { return transport; } public TransportBase getTransportBase() { return transport; } public int getMssSize() { if ( transport == null ){ return( NetworkManager.getMinMssSize()); }else{ return( transport.getMssSize()); } } public String toString() { return( transport==null?connection_endpoint.getDescription():transport.getDescription() ); } public boolean isConnected() { return is_connected; } public boolean isLANLocal() { if ( is_lan_local == AddressUtils.LAN_LOCAL_MAYBE ){ is_lan_local = AddressUtils.isLANLocalAddress( connection_endpoint.getNotionalAddress()); } return( is_lan_local == AddressUtils.LAN_LOCAL_YES ); } public String getString() { return( "tran=" + (transport==null?"null":transport.getDescription()+",w_ready=" + transport.isReadyForWrite(null)+",r_ready=" + transport.isReadyForRead( null ))+ ",in=" + incoming_message_queue.getPercentDoneOfCurrentMessage() + ",out=" + (outgoing_message_queue==null?0:outgoing_message_queue.getTotalSize()) + ",owner=" + (connection_listener==null?"null":connection_listener.getDescription())); } protected static class bogusTransport implements Transport { private Transport transport; protected bogusTransport( Transport _transport ) { transport = _transport; } public boolean isReadyForWrite( EventWaiter waiter ) { return( false ); } public boolean isReadyForRead( EventWaiter waiter ) { return( false ); } public boolean isTCP() { return( transport.isTCP()); } public String getDescription() { return( transport.getDescription()); } public int getMssSize() { return( transport.getMssSize()); } public void setAlreadyRead( ByteBuffer bytes_already_read ) { Debug.out( "Bogus Transport Operation" ); } public TransportEndpoint getTransportEndpoint() { return( transport.getTransportEndpoint()); } public boolean isEncrypted() { return( transport.isEncrypted()); } public String getEncryption() { return( transport.getEncryption()); } public void setReadyForRead() { Debug.out( "Bogus Transport Operation" ); } public long write( ByteBuffer[] buffers, int array_offset, int length ) throws IOException { Debug.out( "Bogus Transport Operation" ); throw( new IOException( "Bogus transport!" )); } public long read( ByteBuffer[] buffers, int array_offset, int length ) throws IOException { Debug.out( "Bogus Transport Operation" ); throw( new IOException( "Bogus transport!" )); } public void setTransportMode( int mode ) { Debug.out( "Bogus Transport Operation" ); } public int getTransportMode() { return( transport.getTransportMode()); } public void connectOutbound( ByteBuffer initial_data, ConnectListener listener, boolean high_priority ) { Debug.out( "Bogus Transport Operation" ); listener.connectFailure( new Throwable( "Bogus Transport" )); } public void connectedInbound() { Debug.out( "Bogus Transport Operation" ); } public void close( String reason ) { // we get here after detaching a transport and then closing the peer connection } public void setTrace( boolean on ) { } } }