package edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.server; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.internat.LocaleTorrentUtil; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.internat.LocaleUtilEncodingException; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrent; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrentException; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrentFile; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrentdownloader.TorrentDownloader; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrentdownloader.TorrentDownloaderCallBackInterface; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrentdownloader.TorrentDownloaderFactory; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Debug; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.TorrentUtils; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.AzureusCore; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.AzureusCoreException; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.impl.AzureusCoreImpl; import; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.FileListFile; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.permissions.GroupBean; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.permissions.PermissionsDAO; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.share.ShareManagerTools; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.plugins.PluginCallback; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.CoreInterface; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.RequiresShutdown; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.rpc.FileListLite; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.rpc.OneSwarmConstants; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.rpc.PermissionsGroup; public class AddTorrentManager implements RequiresShutdown { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AddTorrentManager.class.getName()); private Random mRandom = new Random(); private class TorrentDownloaderLite { private int downloadState; private int totalRead; private int percentDone; private String status; private File file; public File getFile() { return file; } public void setFile(File file) { this.file = file; } public int getDownloadState() { return downloadState; } public void setDownloadState(int downloadState) { this.downloadState = downloadState; } public int getTotalRead() { return totalRead; } public void setTotalRead(int totalRead) { this.totalRead = totalRead; } public int getPercentDone() { return percentDone; } public void setPercentDone(int percentDone) { this.percentDone = percentDone; } public String getStatus() { return status; } public void setStatus(String status) { this.status = status; } } private final ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, TorrentDownloaderLite> downloaderMap; // private final ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Torrent> private final CoreInterface coreInterface; private final AzureusCore core; private boolean quit = false; public AddTorrentManager(CoreInterface coreInterface) { this.downloaderMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, TorrentDownloaderLite>(); this.coreInterface = coreInterface; this.core = AzureusCoreImpl.getSingleton(); coreInterface.addShutdownObject(this); } public int downloadTorrent(int friendConnection, int channelId, String torrentId, int lengthHint) { int rand = mRandom.nextInt(); final TorrentDownloaderLite downloader = new TorrentDownloaderLite(); downloaderMap.put(rand, downloader); coreInterface.getF2FInterface().getMetaInfo(friendConnection, channelId, torrentId, lengthHint, new PluginCallback<byte[]>() { public void dataRecieved(long bytes) { downloader.setTotalRead(((int) (downloader.getTotalRead() + bytes))); downloader.setDownloadState(TorrentDownloader.STATE_DOWNLOADING); } public void errorOccured(String string) { downloader.setStatus("Error: " + string); downloader.setDownloadState(TorrentDownloader.STATE_ERROR); } public void progressUpdate(int progress) { downloader.setStatus("Downloading: " + progress + "%"); downloader.setPercentDone(progress); } public void requestCompleted(byte[] data) { try { File f = File.createTempFile("oneswarm_", ".torrent"); f.deleteOnExit(); logger.fine("writing torrent to file: " + f.getCanonicalPath()); /** * We've modified the TOTorrentImpl to preserve the * required OneSwarm attributes while dumping the * rest (this include no text search, tags, album, * etc.) */ TOTorrent torrent = TorrentUtils .readFromBEncodedInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data)); torrent.setAdditionalStringProperty("encoding", "UTF-8"); TorrentUtils.writeToFile(torrent, f); downloader.setFile(f); downloader.setDownloadState(TorrentDownloader.STATE_FINISHED); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); errorOccured(e.getMessage()); } catch (TOTorrentException e) { System.err.println(e); e.printStackTrace(); errorOccured(e.getMessage()); } } }); return rand; } public int downloadTorrent(String url) { // url decode the string try { logger.finer("decoding url"); url = URLDecoder.decode(url, "ISO-8859-1"); logger.finer("new url is: " + url); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); return -1; } if (url == null) { return -1; } if (url.startsWith(OneSwarmConstants.BITTORRENT_MAGNET_PREFIX)) { logger.finer("modifying torrent url from: " + url); url = url.substring(OneSwarmConstants.BITTORRENT_MAGNET_PREFIX.length()); url = OneSwarmConstants.BITTORRENT_MAGNET_PREFIX_REAL + url; logger.finer("new torrent url: " + url); } int torrentId = -1; try { File tempFile = File.createTempFile("OneSwam_tmp_torrent_", ".torrent"); tempFile.deleteOnExit(); logger.finest("creating temp file: " + tempFile.getCanonicalPath()); final TorrentDownloaderLite downloader = new TorrentDownloaderLite(); TorrentDownloader torrentDownloader = TorrentDownloaderFactory.create( new TorrentDownloaderCallBackInterface() { public void TorrentDownloaderEvent(int state, TorrentDownloader inf) { try { logger.finest("got torrent download event: state=" + state + " done=" + inf.getPercentDone() + " URL='" + inf.getURL() + "'"); try { downloader.setTotalRead(inf.getTotalRead()); downloader.setDownloadState(state); downloader.setPercentDone(inf.getPercentDone()); downloader.setStatus(inf.getStatus()); if (state != TorrentDownloader.STATE_ERROR) { downloader.setFile(inf.getFile()); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } switch (state) { case TorrentDownloader.STATE_CANCELLED: downloaderMap.remove(inf.getURL().hashCode()); break; case TorrentDownloader.STATE_ERROR: downloaderMap.remove(inf.getURL().hashCode()); break; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (inf.getURL() != null) { downloaderMap.remove(inf.getURL().hashCode()); } } } }, url, null, tempFile.getCanonicalPath()); torrentDownloader.start(); torrentDownloader.setDeleteFileOnCancel(true); torrentId = url.hashCode(); logger.fine("started torrent download, id=" + torrentId); downloaderMap.put(torrentId, downloader); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return -1; } return torrentId; } public int getPercentageDone(int torrentDownloaderHash) { TorrentDownloaderLite inf = downloaderMap.get(torrentDownloaderHash); if (inf != null) { if (inf.getDownloadState() == TorrentDownloader.STATE_FINISHED) { return 100; } return inf.getPercentDone(); } return -2; } public int getTotalRead(int torrentDownloaderHash) { TorrentDownloaderLite inf = downloaderMap.get(torrentDownloaderHash); if (inf != null) { return inf.getTotalRead(); } return -1; } public String getStatus(int torrentDownloaderHash) { TorrentDownloaderLite inf = downloaderMap.get(torrentDownloaderHash); if (inf != null) { return inf.getStatus(); } return null; } public FileListLite[] getFiles(int torrentDownloaderHash) { TorrentDownloaderLite inf = downloaderMap.get(torrentDownloaderHash); if (inf != null && inf.getDownloadState() == TorrentDownloader.STATE_FINISHED) { File f = inf.getFile(); try { logger.finest("about to readFromFile()"); TOTorrent torrent = TorrentUtils.readFromFile(f, false); logger.finest("processing torrent: " + new String(torrent.getName())); logger.finest("after readFromFile()"); boolean limitedVisibility = torrent.getAdditionalProperty("OneSwarmNoShare") != null; if (limitedVisibility) { logger.fine("torrent has OneSwarmNoShare set"); } else { logger.fine("torrent is shared with all friends"); } /* * check the locale */ String enc = LocaleTorrentUtil.getCurrentTorrentEncoding(torrent); if (enc == null) { logger.finer("torrent lacks encoding field, trying to detect..."); // we might need to query the user for this... try { // this will set the encoding field in the torrent LocaleTorrentUtil.getTorrentEncoding(torrent); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // if that didn't work, set the default enc = LocaleTorrentUtil.getCurrentTorrentEncoding(torrent); logger.finer("got encoding: " + enc); if (enc == null) { try { LocaleTorrentUtil.setDefaultTorrentEncoding(torrent); enc = LocaleTorrentUtil.getCurrentTorrentEncoding(torrent); logger.finer("setting default encoding instead: " + enc); } catch (LocaleUtilEncodingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } if (enc != null) { TorrentUtils.writeToFile(torrent); } } TOTorrentFile[] files = torrent.getFiles(); logger.finest("after getFiles(), file num=" + files.length); FileListLite[] fList = new FileListLite[files.length]; for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { TOTorrentFile torrentFile = files[i]; logger.finest("adding: " + torrentFile.getRelativePath()); byte[][] pathComponents = torrentFile.getPathComponents(); for (byte[] bs : pathComponents) { logger.finest("path component: " + new String(bs)); } try { fList[i] = new FileListLite(new String(Base64.encode(torrent.getHash())), new String(torrent.getName(), "UTF-8"), torrentFile.getRelativePath(), torrentFile.getLength(), files.length, new Date().getTime(), 1, false, false); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { System.err.println(e); logger.severe(e.toString()); fList[i] = new FileListLite(new String(Base64.encode(torrent.getHash())), new String(torrent.getName()), torrentFile.getRelativePath(), torrentFile.getLength(), files.length, new Date().getTime(), 1, false, false); } if (limitedVisibility) { fList[i].setOneSwarmNoShare(true); } FileListFile flf = new FileListFile(); ShareManagerTools.setSha1AndEd2k(torrent, torrentFile, flf); if (flf.getSha1Hash() != null) { fList[i].setSha1Hash(new String(Base64.encode(flf.getSha1Hash()))); } if (flf.getEd2kHash() != null) { fList[i].setEd2kHash(new String(ShareManagerTools.base16Encode(flf .getEd2kHash()))); } } return fList; } catch (TOTorrentException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } return new FileListLite[0]; } public boolean addTorrent(int torrentDownloaderHash, final FileListLite[] selectedFiles, final List<PermissionsGroup> inPerms, String path, final boolean noStream) { TorrentDownloaderLite inf = null; logger.fine("Adding torrent: " + torrentDownloaderHash); try { inf = downloaderMap.get(torrentDownloaderHash); if (inf == null) { return false; } while (!quit && inf.getDownloadState() != TorrentDownloader.STATE_FINISHED) { logger.finer("waiting for torrent file to download: downloaded=" + inf.getTotalRead() + " (" + inf.getPercentDone() + "%)"); Thread.sleep(100); } if (!quit) { File f = inf.getFile(); TOTorrent torrent = TorrentUtils.readFromFile(f, false); Set<String> selectedFilesSet = new HashSet<String>(); if (selectedFiles != null) { for (FileListLite fileListLite : selectedFiles) { selectedFilesSet.add(fileListLite.getFileName()); } } ArrayList<GroupBean> converted_groups = new ArrayList<GroupBean>(inPerms.size()); for (PermissionsGroup g : inPerms) { try { converted_groups.add(PermissionsDAO.get().getGroup(g.getGroupID())); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.out("problem converting PermissionsGroup to GroupBean: " + g.getName()); e.printStackTrace(); } } return ShareManagerTools.addDownload(selectedFilesSet, converted_groups, path, noStream, f, torrent) != null; } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (AzureusCoreException e) { System.err.println(e); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (TOTorrentException e) { System.err.println(e); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { File file = inf.getFile(); if (file != null) { file.delete(); } } return false; } // private Download addDownload(Torrent torrent) throws DownloadException, // TorrentException, IOException, InterruptedException { // String defaultDir = // COConfigurationManager.getDirectoryParameter("Default save path"); // if( defaultDir == null ) { // String docPath = SystemProperties.getDocPath(); // File f = new File(docPath, "OneSwarm Downloads"); // ConfigurationManager.getInstance().setParameter("Default save path", // f.getAbsolutePath()); // defaultDir = f.getAbsolutePath(); // } // return addDownload(torrent, defaultDir); // } // // private Download addDownload(Torrent torrent, String path) throws // DownloadException, TorrentException, IOException, InterruptedException { // // check if the torrent already exists // Download d; // if ((d = // coreInterface.getDownloadManager().getDownload(torrent.getHash())) != // null) { // logger.fine("torrent already exists!"); // return d; // } else { // // File torrentFile = writeTorrentFile(torrent); // Torrent newTorrent = // coreInterface.getPluginInterface().getTorrentManager().createFromBEncodedFile(torrentFile); // // d = coreInterface.getDownloadManager().addDownloadStopped(newTorrent, // torrentFile, new File(path)); // return d; // } // } // // private File writeTorrentFile(Torrent torrent) throws TorrentException { // // File torrentMetaInfoDir = CoreInterface.getMetaInfoDir(torrent); // // File torrentFile = new File(torrentMetaInfoDir, "metainfo.torrent"); // torrent.writeToFile(torrentFile); // return torrentFile; // } public void shutdown() { quit = true; } public String getTorrentName(int torrentDownloadID) { TorrentDownloaderLite inf = downloaderMap.get(torrentDownloadID); TOTorrent torrent; try { torrent = TorrentUtils.readFromFile(inf.getFile(), false); } catch (TOTorrentException e1) { return null; } String name; try { name = new String(torrent.getName(), "UTF-8"); return name; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return new String(torrent.getName()); } } }