/* * Created on 17-Jan-2006 * Created by Paul Gardner * Copyright (C) 2006 Aelitis, All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * AELITIS, SAS au capital de 46,603.30 euros * 8 Allee Lenotre, La Grille Royale, 78600 Le Mesnil le Roi, France. * */ package com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.impl; import java.io.IOException; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.security.KeyFactory; import java.security.KeyPair; import java.security.KeyPairGenerator; import java.security.PublicKey; import java.security.SecureRandom; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import javax.crypto.KeyAgreement; import javax.crypto.interfaces.DHPublicKey; import javax.crypto.spec.DHParameterSpec; import javax.crypto.spec.DHPublicKeySpec; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Base64; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.ParameterListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.LogAlert; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.LogEvent; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.LogIDs; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.Logger; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.AEMonitor; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.ByteFormatter; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Debug; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.HashWrapper; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.SHA1Hasher; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.SystemTime; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.NetworkManager; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.impl.osssl.OneSwarmSslTransportHelperFilterStream; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.impl.osssl.OneSwarmSslTransportHelperFilterStream.SslHandShakeMatch; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.bloom.BloomFilter; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.bloom.BloomFilterFactory; public class ProtocolDecoderPHE extends ProtocolDecoder { private static final LogIDs LOGID = LogIDs.NWMAN; private static final byte CRYPTO_PLAIN = 0x01; private static final byte CRYPTO_RC4 = 0x02; private static final byte CRYPTO_XOR = 0x04; private static final byte CRYPTO_AES = 0x08; // **************************************************** private static final byte CRYPTO_SSL = 0x10; // **************************************************** //private static final String DH_P = "92d862b3a95bff4e6cbdce3a266ff4b46e6e1ecad76c0a877d92a3dae4999e6414efde56fc14d1cca6d5408a8ef9ea248389168876b6e8f4503845dfe373549f"; //private static final String DH_G = "4383b53ee650fd73e41e8c9e8527997ab8cb41e1cbd73ac7685493e1e5d091e3e3789dea03ab9d5b2c368faa617bb30e427cbaeb23c268edb38eb8c747756080"; // private static final String DH_P = "f3f90c790c63b119f9c1be43fdb12dc6ed6f26325999c01ba6ed373e75d6b2dee8d1c0475652a987c8df57b23d395bdb142be316d780b9361f85629535030873"; private static final String DH_P = "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E088A67CC74020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B302B0A6DF25F14374FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9A63A36210000000000090563"; private static final String DH_G = "02"; private static final int DH_L = 160; private static final int DH_SIZE_BYTES = DH_P.length()/2; public static final int MIN_INCOMING_INITIAL_PACKET_SIZE = DH_SIZE_BYTES; private static final BigInteger DH_P_BI = new BigInteger( DH_P, 16 ); private static final BigInteger DH_G_BI = new BigInteger( DH_G, 16 ); private static KeyPairGenerator dh_key_generator; private static long last_dh_incoming_key_generate; private static final int BLOOM_RECREATE = 30*1000; private static final int BLOOM_INCREASE = 1000; private static BloomFilter generate_bloom = BloomFilterFactory.createAddRemove4Bit(BLOOM_INCREASE); private static long generate_bloom_create_time = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); private static boolean crypto_ok; //private static boolean aes_ok; /* private static final String AES_STREAM_ALG = "AES"; private static final String AES_STREAM_CIPHER = "AES/CFB8/NoPadding"; private static final int AES_STREAM_KEY_SIZE = 128; private static final int AES_STREAM_KEY_SIZE_BYTES = AES_STREAM_KEY_SIZE/8; */ //private static final byte[] AES_STREAM_IV = // { (byte)0x15, (byte)0xE0, (byte)0x6B, (byte)0x7E, (byte)0x98, (byte)0x59, (byte)0xE4, (byte)0xA7, // (byte)0x34, (byte)0x66, (byte)0xAD, (byte)0x48, (byte)0x35, (byte)0xE2, (byte)0xD0, (byte)0x24 }; private static final String RC4_STREAM_ALG = "RC4"; private static final String RC4_STREAM_CIPHER = "RC4"; private static final int RC4_STREAM_KEY_SIZE = 128; private static final int RC4_STREAM_KEY_SIZE_BYTES = RC4_STREAM_KEY_SIZE/8; private static final int PADDING_MAX = 512; private static final int PADDING_MAX_NORMAL = PADDING_MAX; private static final int PADDING_MAX_LIMITED = 128; public static int getMaxIncomingInitialPacketSize( boolean min_overheads ) { return( MIN_INCOMING_INITIAL_PACKET_SIZE + (min_overheads?PADDING_MAX_LIMITED:PADDING_MAX_NORMAL)/2 ); } private static final Random random = new SecureRandom(); private static Map global_shared_secrets = new HashMap(); static{ try{ DHParameterSpec dh_param_spec = new DHParameterSpec( DH_P_BI, DH_G_BI, DH_L ); dh_key_generator = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DH"); dh_key_generator.initialize(dh_param_spec); dh_key_generator.generateKeyPair(); byte[] rc4_test_secret = new byte[RC4_STREAM_KEY_SIZE_BYTES]; SecretKeySpec rc4_test_secret_key_spec = new SecretKeySpec(rc4_test_secret, 0, RC4_STREAM_KEY_SIZE_BYTES, RC4_STREAM_ALG ); TransportCipher rc4_cipher = new TransportCipher( RC4_STREAM_CIPHER, Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, rc4_test_secret_key_spec ); rc4_cipher = new TransportCipher( RC4_STREAM_CIPHER, Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, rc4_test_secret_key_spec ); /* try{ byte[] aes_test_secret = new byte[AES_STREAM_KEY_SIZE_BYTES]; SecretKeySpec aes_test_secret_key_spec = new SecretKeySpec(aes_test_secret, 0, AES_STREAM_KEY_SIZE_BYTES, AES_STREAM_ALG ); AlgorithmParameterSpec spec = new IvParameterSpec( aes_test_secret ); TCPTransportCipher aes_cipher = new TCPTransportCipher( AES_STREAM_CIPHER, Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, aes_test_secret_key_spec, spec ); aes_cipher = new TCPTransportCipher( AES_STREAM_CIPHER, Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, aes_test_secret_key_spec, spec ); aes_ok = true; }catch( Throwable e ){ Logger.log( new LogEvent(LOGID, "AES Unavailable", e )); } */ crypto_ok = true; if (Logger.isEnabled()){ Logger.log( new LogEvent(LOGID, "PHE crypto initialised" )); } }catch( NoClassDefFoundError e ){ // running without PHE classes, not such a severe error Logger.log( new LogEvent(LOGID, "PHE crypto disabled as classes unavailable" )); crypto_ok = false; }catch( Throwable e ){ Logger.log( new LogEvent(LOGID, "PHE crypto initialisation failed", e )); crypto_ok = false; } } public static boolean isCryptoOK() { return( crypto_ok ); } public static void addSecretsSupport( byte[][] secrets ) { for (int i=0;i<secrets.length;i++){ SHA1Hasher hasher = new SHA1Hasher(); hasher.update( REQ2_IV ); hasher.update( secrets[i] ); byte[] encoded = hasher.getDigest(); synchronized( global_shared_secrets ){ global_shared_secrets.put( new HashWrapper( encoded ), secrets[i] ); } } } public static void removeSecretsSupport( byte[][] secrets ) { for (int i=0;i<secrets.length;i++){ SHA1Hasher hasher = new SHA1Hasher(); hasher.update( REQ2_IV ); hasher.update( secrets[i] ); byte[] encoded = hasher.getDigest(); synchronized( global_shared_secrets ){ global_shared_secrets.remove( new HashWrapper( encoded )); } } } // private static final byte SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS = (byte)((aes_ok?CRYPTO_AES:0) | CRYPTO_RC4 | CRYPTO_XOR | CRYPTO_PLAIN ); // ***************************************** private static final byte SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS = (byte)(CRYPTO_RC4 | CRYPTO_PLAIN | CRYPTO_SSL); // ***************************************** private static byte MIN_CRYPTO; static{ COConfigurationManager.addAndFireParameterListeners( new String[]{ "network.transport.encrypted.min_level" }, new ParameterListener() { @Override public void parameterChanged( String ignore ) { if ( NetworkManager.REQUIRE_CRYPTO_HANDSHAKE && !isCryptoOK() ){ Logger.log( new LogAlert(true,LogAlert.AT_ERROR,"Connection encryption unavailable, please update your Java version" )); } String min = COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter( "network.transport.encrypted.min_level"); // *********************************************************** if (min.equals("XOR")) { MIN_CRYPTO = CRYPTO_XOR | CRYPTO_RC4 | CRYPTO_AES | CRYPTO_SSL; } else if (min.equals("RC4")) { MIN_CRYPTO = CRYPTO_RC4 | CRYPTO_AES | CRYPTO_SSL; } else if (min.equals("AES")) { MIN_CRYPTO = CRYPTO_AES | CRYPTO_SSL; } else if (min.equals("SSL")) { MIN_CRYPTO = CRYPTO_SSL; } else { MIN_CRYPTO = CRYPTO_PLAIN | CRYPTO_XOR | CRYPTO_RC4 | CRYPTO_AES | CRYPTO_SSL; } // ************************************************************ MIN_CRYPTO = (byte)(MIN_CRYPTO & SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS); } }); } private static final int PS_OUTBOUND_1 = 0; private static final int PS_OUTBOUND_2 = 1; private static final int PS_OUTBOUND_3 = 2; private static final int PS_OUTBOUND_4 = 3; private static final int PS_INBOUND_1 = 10; private static final int PS_INBOUND_2 = 11; private static final int PS_INBOUND_3 = 12; private static final int PS_INBOUND_4 = 13; public static final byte[] KEYA_IV = "keyA".getBytes(); public static final byte[] KEYB_IV = "keyB".getBytes(); public static final byte[] REQ1_IV = "req1".getBytes(); public static final byte[] REQ2_IV = "req2".getBytes(); public static final byte[] REQ3_IV = "req3".getBytes(); public static final byte[] VC = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; private TransportHelper transport; private ByteBuffer write_buffer; private ByteBuffer read_buffer; private ProtocolDecoderAdapter adapter; private KeyAgreement key_agreement; private byte[] dh_public_key_bytes; private byte[] shared_secret; private byte[] secret_bytes; private ByteBuffer initial_data_out; private ByteBuffer initial_data_in; private TransportCipher write_cipher; private TransportCipher read_cipher; private byte[] padding_skip_marker; private byte my_supported_protocols; private byte selected_protocol; private boolean outbound; private int protocol_state; private int protocol_substate; private boolean handshake_complete; private int bytes_read; private int bytes_written; private long last_read_time = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); private TransportHelperFilter filter; private boolean delay_outbound_4; private boolean processing_complete; private final AEMonitor process_mon = new AEMonitor( "ProtocolDecoderPHE:process" ); // **************************************************** private boolean outBoundSSL = false; private OneSwarmSslTransportHelperFilterStream sslFilter; private byte[] expectedPublicKey; private byte[][] sharedSecrets; private SslHandShakeMatch sslMatch; // **************************************************** public ProtocolDecoderPHE( TransportHelper _transport, byte[][] _shared_secrets, ByteBuffer _header, ByteBuffer _initial_data, ProtocolDecoderAdapter _adapter ) throws IOException { super( false ); if ( !isCryptoOK()){ throw( new IOException( "PHE crypto broken" )); } transport = _transport; // scattering mode for the first KB, that should include the crypto handshake and part of the bittorrent handshake transport.setScatteringMode(768+random.nextInt(256)); initial_data_out = _initial_data; adapter = _adapter; // ********************************************************** // check if we should use outgoing SSL (sorry for the hack) if (_shared_secrets != null && _shared_secrets[0] != null && new String(_shared_secrets[0]) .equals(OneSwarmSslTransportHelperFilterStream.SHARED_SECRET_FOR_SSL_STRING)) { this.outBoundSSL = true; // store the remote public key expectedPublicKey = _shared_secrets[1]; sharedSecrets = _shared_secrets; // System.out.println("starting new PHE: expected remote pubkey:\n" + // new String(Base64.encode(expectedPublicKey))); } else if (_shared_secrets == null || _shared_secrets.length == 0) { // ********************************************************** shared_secret = new byte[0]; }else{ if ( _shared_secrets.length == 1 ){ shared_secret = _shared_secrets[0]; }else{ shared_secret = _shared_secrets[random.nextInt( _shared_secrets.length )]; } // System.out.println( "outbound - using crypto secret " + ByteFormatter.encodeString( shared_secret )); } outbound = _header == null; my_supported_protocols = SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS; if ( outbound ){ //if ( !NetworkManager.REQUIRE_CRYPTO_HANDSHAKE ){ // throw( new IOException( "Crypto encoder selected for outbound but crypto not required" )); //} // outbound connection, we require a certain minimal level of support my_supported_protocols = MIN_CRYPTO; }else{ // incoming. If we require crypto then we use minimum otherwise available if ( NetworkManager.REQUIRE_CRYPTO_HANDSHAKE ){ my_supported_protocols = MIN_CRYPTO; } } /* * only init the crypto if isn't ssl, the dh keygeneration is ratelimited by az */ if (!outbound) { ByteBuffer clone = _header.duplicate(); byte[] earlyData = new byte[clone.remaining()]; clone.get(earlyData); sslMatch = isSSL(earlyData); } if (sslMatch == SslHandShakeMatch.NO_SSL || sslMatch == SslHandShakeMatch.NOT_ENOUGH_BYTES || sslMatch == null) { // don't init the crypto unless it might be useful initCrypto(); } try{ process_mon.enter(); transport.registerForReadSelects( new TransportHelper.selectListener() { @Override public boolean selectSuccess( TransportHelper helper, Object attachment ) { return( ProtocolDecoderPHE.this.selectSuccess( helper, attachment, false )); } @Override public void selectFailure( TransportHelper helper, Object attachment, Throwable msg) { ProtocolDecoderPHE.this.selectFailure( helper, attachment, msg ); } }, null ); transport.registerForWriteSelects( new TransportHelper.selectListener() { @Override public boolean selectSuccess( TransportHelper helper, Object attachment ) { return( ProtocolDecoderPHE.this.selectSuccess( helper, attachment, true )); } @Override public void selectFailure( TransportHelper helper, Object attachment, Throwable msg) { ProtocolDecoderPHE.this.selectFailure( helper, attachment, msg ); } }, null ); transport.pauseWriteSelects(); if ( outbound ){ protocol_state = PS_OUTBOUND_1; transport.pauseReadSelects(); }else{ protocol_state = PS_INBOUND_1; if(dh_public_key_bytes != null){ read_buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( dh_public_key_bytes.length ); } else { read_buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(96); } read_buffer.put( _header ); bytes_read += _header.limit(); } }finally{ process_mon.exit(); } process(); } private static SslHandShakeMatch isSSL(byte[] data) { if (data.length > OneSwarmSslTransportHelperFilterStream.SSL_HEADER_MIN_LENGTH) { SslHandShakeMatch isClientHello = OneSwarmSslTransportHelperFilterStream.isSSLClientHello(data); // System.out.println("ssl match: " + isClientHello.name()); return isClientHello; } return SslHandShakeMatch.NOT_ENOUGH_BYTES; } protected void initCrypto() throws IOException { try{ KeyPair key_pair = generateDHKeyPair( transport, outbound ); key_agreement = KeyAgreement.getInstance("DH"); key_agreement.init(key_pair.getPrivate()); DHPublicKey dh_public_key = (DHPublicKey)key_pair.getPublic(); BigInteger dh_y = dh_public_key.getY(); dh_public_key_bytes = bigIntegerToBytes( dh_y, DH_SIZE_BYTES ); }catch( Throwable e ){ throw( new IOException( Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e))); } } protected void completeDH( byte[] buffer ) throws IOException { try{ BigInteger other_dh_y = bytesToBigInteger( buffer, 0, DH_SIZE_BYTES ); KeyFactory dh_key_factory = KeyFactory.getInstance("DH"); PublicKey other_public_key = dh_key_factory.generatePublic( new DHPublicKeySpec( other_dh_y, DH_P_BI, DH_G_BI )); key_agreement.doPhase( other_public_key, true ); secret_bytes = key_agreement.generateSecret(); adapter.gotSecret( secret_bytes ); // System.out.println( "secret = " + ByteFormatter.encodeString( secret_bytes )); }catch( Throwable e ){ e.printStackTrace(); throw( new IOException( Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e))); } } protected void setupCrypto() throws IOException { try{ //"HASH('keyA', S, SKEY)" if you're A //"HASH('keyB', S, SKEY)" if you're B SHA1Hasher hasher = new SHA1Hasher(); hasher.update( KEYA_IV ); hasher.update( secret_bytes ); hasher.update( shared_secret ); byte[] a_key = hasher.getDigest(); hasher = new SHA1Hasher(); hasher.update( KEYB_IV ); hasher.update( secret_bytes ); hasher.update( shared_secret ); byte[] b_key = hasher.getDigest(); SecretKeySpec secret_key_spec_a = new SecretKeySpec( a_key, RC4_STREAM_ALG ); SecretKeySpec secret_key_spec_b = new SecretKeySpec( b_key, RC4_STREAM_ALG ); write_cipher = new TransportCipher( RC4_STREAM_CIPHER, Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, outbound?secret_key_spec_a:secret_key_spec_b ); read_cipher = new TransportCipher( RC4_STREAM_CIPHER, Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, outbound?secret_key_spec_b:secret_key_spec_a ); }catch( Throwable e ){ e.printStackTrace(); throw( new IOException( Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e))); } } /* protected void completeDH( byte[] buffer ) throws IOException { try{ BigInteger other_dh_y = bytesToBigInteger( buffer, 0, DH_SIZE_BYTES ); KeyFactory dh_key_factory = KeyFactory.getInstance("DH"); PublicKey other_public_key = dh_key_factory.generatePublic( new DHPublicKeySpec( other_dh_y, DH_P_BI, DH_G_BI )); key_agreement.doPhase( other_public_key, true ); byte[] secret_bytes_64 = key_agreement.generateSecret(); // we only want the first 32 bytes of the secret secret_bytes = new byte[32]; System.arraycopy( secret_bytes_64, 0, secret_bytes, 0, 32 ); sha1_secret_bytes = new SHA1Simple().calculateHash( secret_bytes ); SecretKeySpec secret_key_spec_a = new SecretKeySpec( secret_bytes, 0, RC4_STREAM_KEY_SIZE_BYTES, RC4_STREAM_ALG ); SecretKeySpec secret_key_spec_b = new SecretKeySpec( secret_bytes, 16, RC4_STREAM_KEY_SIZE_BYTES, RC4_STREAM_ALG ); write_cipher = new TCPTransportCipher( RC4_STREAM_CIPHER, Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, outbound?secret_key_spec_a:secret_key_spec_b ); read_cipher = new TCPTransportCipher( RC4_STREAM_CIPHER, Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, outbound?secret_key_spec_b:secret_key_spec_a ); }catch( Throwable e ){ throw( new IOException( Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e))); } } */ protected void handshakeComplete() throws IOException { if ( selected_protocol == CRYPTO_PLAIN ){ filter = new TransportHelperFilterTransparent( transport, true ); }else if ( selected_protocol == CRYPTO_XOR ){ filter = new TransportHelperFilterStreamXOR( transport, secret_bytes ); }else if ( selected_protocol == CRYPTO_RC4 ){ filter = new TransportHelperFilterStreamCipher( transport, read_cipher, write_cipher ); // ********************************************** } else if (selected_protocol == CRYPTO_SSL) { filter = sslFilter; // System.err.println("HANDSHAKE COMPLETED: outgoing=" + outBoundSSL // + " filter: " // + sslFilter.getName()); // ********************************************** /* }else if ( selected_protocol == CRYPTO_AES ){ try{ SecretKeySpec secret_key_spec = new SecretKeySpec( secret_bytes, 32, AES_STREAM_KEY_SIZE_BYTES, AES_STREAM_ALG ); AlgorithmParameterSpec spec = new IvParameterSpec( secret_bytes, 48, AES_STREAM_KEY_SIZE_BYTES ); write_cipher = new TCPTransportCipher( AES_STREAM_CIPHER, Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secret_key_spec, spec ); read_cipher = new TCPTransportCipher( AES_STREAM_CIPHER, Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, secret_key_spec, spec ); filter = new TCPTransportHelperFilterStreamCipher( helper, read_cipher, write_cipher ); }catch( Throwable e ){ throw( new IOException( "AES crypto init failed: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e))); } */ }else{ throw( new IOException( "Invalid selected protocol '" + selected_protocol + "'" )); } if ( initial_data_in != null ){ filter = new TransportHelperFilterInserter( filter, initial_data_in ); } handshake_complete = true; } /* X_1 A->B: Diffie Hellman Ya, PadA X_2 B->A: Diffie Hellman Yb, PadB X_3 A->B: HASH('req1', S), HASH('req2', SKEY)^HASH('req3', S), ENCRYPT(VC, crypto_provide, len(PadC), PadC, len(IA)), ENCRYPT(IA) X_4 B->A: ENCRYPT(VC, crypto_select, len(padD), padD ) // , len(IB)), ENCRYPT(IB) */ protected void process() throws IOException { try{ process_mon.enter(); if ( handshake_complete ){ Debug.out( "Handshake process already completed" ); return; } boolean loop = true; while( loop ){ //System.err.println( this + ":" + (outbound?"out: ":"in : ") + protocol_state + "/" + protocol_substate + ": r " + bytes_read + " - " + read_buffer + ", w " + bytes_written + " - " + write_buffer ); // ******************************************************** /* * Major edits, this is basically where all the SSL modifications are */ if (selected_protocol == CRYPTO_SSL) { if (sslFilter.isHandshakeCompleted()) { // if it was an outgoing connection // check that we actually connected to the // hosts we intended if (outBoundSSL) { byte[] remoteKey = (byte[]) transport.getUserData( OneSwarmSslTransportHelperFilterStream.REMOTE_SSL_PUBLIC_KEY); if(Arrays.equals(expectedPublicKey, OneSwarmSslTransportHelperFilterStream.ANY_KEY_ACCEPTED_BYTES)){ // this is an auth connection, allow anyway but copy the // remote public key into the array so the auth manager can see what it is sharedSecrets[1] = remoteKey; } else if(!Arrays.equals(expectedPublicKey, remoteKey)){ throw new IOException("remote friend publickey error, expected to connect to \n'" + new String(Base64.encode(expectedPublicKey)) + "' got\n'" + new String(Base64.encode(remoteKey)) + "'"); } } handshakeComplete(); processing_complete = true; loop = false; write_buffer = null; read_buffer = null; } else { if (write_buffer == null) { write_buffer = ByteBuffer .allocate(OneSwarmSslTransportHelperFilterStream.SSL_APP_BUFFER_SIZE); write_buffer.flip(); } read(read_buffer); sslFilter.doHandshake(read_buffer, write_buffer); write(write_buffer); transport.resumeReadSelects(); transport.resumeWriteSelects(); return; } } else if (outBoundSSL) { // If using ssl, and outbound read_buffer = ByteBuffer .allocate(OneSwarmSslTransportHelperFilterStream.SSL_NET_BUFFER_SIZE); write_buffer = ByteBuffer .allocate(OneSwarmSslTransportHelperFilterStream.SSL_APP_BUFFER_SIZE); sslFilter = new OneSwarmSslTransportHelperFilterStream(transport, outbound, OneSwarmSslTransportHelperFilterStream.SslHandShakeMatch.SSL_CLIENT_CERT); selected_protocol = CRYPTO_SSL; sslFilter.doHandshake(read_buffer, write_buffer); transport.resumeReadSelects(); transport.resumeWriteSelects(); } else if (protocol_state == PS_OUTBOUND_1) { // ************************************************************ if ( write_buffer == null ){ // A sends B Ya + Pa byte[] padding_a = getRandomPadding(getPaddingMax()/2); // note that /2 also used in calculating max initial packet size above write_buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( dh_public_key_bytes.length + padding_a.length ); write_buffer.put( dh_public_key_bytes ); write_buffer.put( padding_a ); write_buffer.flip(); } write( write_buffer ); if ( !write_buffer.hasRemaining()){ write_buffer = null; protocol_state = PS_INBOUND_2; } }else if ( protocol_state == PS_INBOUND_1 ){ // B receives Ya read( read_buffer ); // ******************************************************* // check if the incoming connection is a SSL connection //System.err.println("ssl matching " + read_buffer.position() + "/" + OneSwarmSslTransportHelperFilterStream.SSL_HEADER_MIN_LENGTH); if (read_buffer.position() > OneSwarmSslTransportHelperFilterStream.SSL_HEADER_MIN_LENGTH) { byte[] data = new byte[read_buffer.position()]; System.arraycopy(read_buffer.array(), 0, data, 0, data.length); if (sslMatch == null) { sslMatch = OneSwarmSslTransportHelperFilterStream.isSSLClientHello(data); } //System.out.println("ssl match: " + isClientHello.name()); if (sslMatch.equals(SslHandShakeMatch.SSL_CLIENT_CERT) || sslMatch.equals(SslHandShakeMatch.SSL_NO_CLIENT_CERT)) { selected_protocol = CRYPTO_SSL; if (write_buffer == null) { write_buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(OneSwarmSslTransportHelperFilterStream.SSL_APP_BUFFER_SIZE); } read_buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(OneSwarmSslTransportHelperFilterStream.SSL_NET_BUFFER_SIZE); read_buffer.put(data); sslFilter = new OneSwarmSslTransportHelperFilterStream(transport, outbound, sslMatch); sslFilter.doHandshake(read_buffer, write_buffer); transport.resumeReadSelects(); transport.resumeWriteSelects(); continue; } } if (!read_buffer.hasRemaining()) { // ********************************************************* read_buffer.flip(); byte[] other_dh_public_key_bytes = new byte[read_buffer.remaining()]; read_buffer.get( other_dh_public_key_bytes ); completeDH( other_dh_public_key_bytes ); read_buffer = null; protocol_state = PS_OUTBOUND_2; } }else if ( protocol_state == PS_OUTBOUND_2 ){ // B->A: Yb PadB if ( write_buffer == null ){ byte[] padding_b = getRandomPadding( getPaddingMax()/2 ); write_buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( dh_public_key_bytes.length + padding_b.length ); write_buffer.put( dh_public_key_bytes ); write_buffer.put( padding_b ); write_buffer.flip(); } write( write_buffer ); if ( !write_buffer.hasRemaining()){ write_buffer = null; protocol_state = PS_INBOUND_3; } }else if ( protocol_state == PS_INBOUND_2 ){ // A receives: Yb if ( read_buffer == null ){ read_buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( dh_public_key_bytes.length ); } read( read_buffer ); if ( !read_buffer.hasRemaining()){ read_buffer.flip(); byte[] other_dh_public_key_bytes = new byte[read_buffer.remaining()]; read_buffer.get( other_dh_public_key_bytes ); completeDH( other_dh_public_key_bytes ); // A initiates SKEY so we can now set up crypto setupCrypto(); read_buffer = null; protocol_state = PS_OUTBOUND_3; } }else if ( protocol_state == PS_OUTBOUND_3 ){ // A->B: HASH('req1', S), HASH('req2', SKEY)^HASH('req3', S), ENCRYPT(VC, crypto_provide, len(PadC), PadC, len(IA)), ENCRYPT(IA) if ( write_buffer == null ){ int initial_data_out_len = initial_data_out==null?0:initial_data_out.remaining(); // padding_a here is half of the padding from before int pad_max = getPaddingMax(); byte[] padding_a = getRandomPadding(pad_max/2); byte[] padding_c = getZeroPadding(pad_max); write_buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( padding_a.length + 20 + 20 + ( VC.length + 4 + 2 + padding_c.length + 2 ) + initial_data_out_len ); write_buffer.put( padding_a ); // HASH('req1', S) SHA1Hasher hasher = new SHA1Hasher(); hasher.update( REQ1_IV ); hasher.update( secret_bytes ); byte[] sha1 = hasher.getDigest(); write_buffer.put( sha1 ); // HASH('req2', SKEY)^HASH('req3', S) hasher = new SHA1Hasher(); hasher.update( REQ2_IV ); hasher.update( shared_secret ); byte[] sha1_1 = hasher.getDigest(); hasher = new SHA1Hasher(); hasher.update( REQ3_IV ); hasher.update( secret_bytes ); byte[] sha1_2 = hasher.getDigest(); for (int i=0;i<sha1_1.length;i++){ sha1_1[i] ^= sha1_2[i]; } write_buffer.put( sha1_1 ); // ENCRYPT(VC, crypto_provide, len(PadC), PadC, len(IA) write_buffer.put( write_cipher.update( VC )); write_buffer.put( write_cipher.update( new byte[]{ 0, 0, 0, my_supported_protocols })); write_buffer.put( write_cipher.update( new byte[]{ (byte)(padding_c.length>>8),(byte)padding_c.length })); write_buffer.put( write_cipher.update( padding_c )); write_buffer.put( write_cipher.update( new byte[]{ (byte)(initial_data_out_len>>8),(byte)initial_data_out_len })); if ( initial_data_out_len > 0 ){ int save_pos = initial_data_out.position(); write_cipher.update( initial_data_out, write_buffer ); // reset in case buffer needs to be used again by caller initial_data_out.position( save_pos ); initial_data_out = null; } write_buffer.flip(); } write( write_buffer ); if ( !write_buffer.hasRemaining()){ write_buffer = null; protocol_state = PS_INBOUND_4; } }else if ( protocol_state == PS_INBOUND_3 ){ // B receives: HASH('req1', S), HASH('req2', SKEY)^HASH('req3', S), ENCRYPT(VC, crypto_provide, len(PadC), PadC, len(IA)), ENCRYPT(IA) if ( read_buffer == null ){ read_buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( 20 + PADDING_MAX ); read_buffer.limit( 20 ); SHA1Hasher hasher = new SHA1Hasher(); hasher.update( REQ1_IV ); hasher.update( secret_bytes ); padding_skip_marker = hasher.getDigest(); protocol_substate = 1; } while( true ){ read( read_buffer ); if ( read_buffer.hasRemaining()){ break; } if ( protocol_substate == 1 ){ //skip up to HASH('req1', S) int limit = read_buffer.limit(); read_buffer.position( limit - 20 ); boolean match = true; for (int i=0;i<20;i++){ if ( read_buffer.get() != padding_skip_marker[i] ){ match = false; break; } } if ( match ){ read_buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( 20 + VC.length + 4 + 2 ); protocol_substate = 2; break; }else{ if ( limit == read_buffer.capacity()){ throw( new IOException( "PHE skip to SHA1 marker failed" )); } read_buffer.limit( limit + 1 ); read_buffer.position( limit ); } }else if ( protocol_substate == 2 ){ // find SKEY using HASH('req2', SKEY)^HASH('req3', S) , ENCRYPT(VC, crypto_provide, len(PadC), read_buffer.flip(); final byte[] decode = new byte[20]; read_buffer.get( decode ); SHA1Hasher hasher = new SHA1Hasher(); hasher.update( REQ3_IV ); hasher.update( secret_bytes ); byte[] sha1 = hasher.getDigest(); for (int i=0;i<decode.length;i++){ decode[i] ^= sha1[i]; } synchronized( global_shared_secrets ){ shared_secret = (byte[])global_shared_secrets.get( new HashWrapper( decode )); } if ( shared_secret == null ){ throw( new IOException( "No matching shared secret" )); } // System.out.println( "inbound - using crypto secret " + ByteFormatter.encodeString( shared_secret )); setupCrypto(); byte[] crypted = new byte[VC.length + 4 + 2]; read_buffer.get( crypted ); byte[] plain = read_cipher.update( crypted ); byte other_supported_protocols = plain[VC.length+3]; int common_protocols = my_supported_protocols & other_supported_protocols; if (( common_protocols & CRYPTO_PLAIN )!= 0 ){ selected_protocol = CRYPTO_PLAIN; }else if (( common_protocols & CRYPTO_XOR )!= 0 ){ selected_protocol = CRYPTO_XOR; }else if (( common_protocols & CRYPTO_RC4 )!= 0 ){ selected_protocol = CRYPTO_RC4; }else if (( common_protocols & CRYPTO_AES )!= 0 ){ selected_protocol = CRYPTO_AES; }else{ throw( new IOException( "No crypto protocol in common: mine = " + Integer.toHexString(my_supported_protocols) + ", theirs = " + Integer.toHexString(other_supported_protocols))); } int padding = (( plain[VC.length+4] & 0xff ) << 8 ) + ( plain[VC.length+5] & 0xff ); if ( padding > PADDING_MAX ){ throw( new IOException( "Invalid padding '" + padding + "'" )); } read_buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( padding + 2 ); // skip the padding protocol_substate = 3; }else if ( protocol_substate == 3 ){ // ENCRYPT( len(IA)), { ENCRYPT(IA) } read_buffer.flip(); byte[] data = new byte[read_buffer.remaining()]; read_buffer.get( data ); data = read_cipher.update( data ); int ia_len = 0xffff & ((( data[data.length-2] & 0xff ) << 8 ) + ( data[data.length-1] & 0xff )); if ( ia_len > 65535 ){ throw( new IOException( "Invalid IA length '" + ia_len + "'" )); } if ( ia_len > 0 ){ read_buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( ia_len ); // skip the padding protocol_substate = 4; }else{ read_buffer = null; protocol_state = PS_OUTBOUND_4; break; } }else if ( protocol_substate == 4 ){ // ENCRYPT(IA) read_buffer.flip(); byte[] data = new byte[read_buffer.remaining()]; read_buffer.get( data ); data = read_cipher.update( data ); // hack alert - we can delay the writing of the outbound_4 packet if this is an incoming packet with // a piggybacked bt handshake as we know that we'll be sending our own handshake back out pretty soon // and it'll take the delayed data with it. To be more generic we'd need to add a callback to the pattern // matcher to allow it to decide whether delaying was sensible / or stick a timer on the delayed data delay_outbound_4 = new String( data ).indexOf( "BitTorrent" ) != -1; // System.out.println( "Initial Data In: " + new String( data ) + "->delay=" +delay_outbound_4 ); initial_data_in = ByteBuffer.wrap( data ); read_buffer = null; protocol_state = PS_OUTBOUND_4; break; } } }else if ( protocol_state == PS_OUTBOUND_4 ){ // B->A: ENCRYPT(VC, crypto_select, len(padD), padD, // len(IB)), ENCRYPT(IB) if ( write_buffer == null ){ int pad_max = getPaddingMax(); byte[] padding_b = getRandomPadding( pad_max/2 ); // half padding b sent here byte[] padding_d = getZeroPadding( pad_max ); write_buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( padding_b.length + VC.length + 4 + 2 + padding_d.length ); // + 2 + initial_data_out.length ); write_buffer.put( padding_b ); write_buffer.put( write_cipher.update( VC )); write_buffer.put( write_cipher.update( new byte[]{ 0, 0, 0, selected_protocol })); write_buffer.put( write_cipher.update( new byte[]{ (byte)(padding_d.length>>8),(byte)padding_d.length })); write_buffer.put( write_cipher.update( padding_d )); //write_buffer.put( write_cipher.update( new byte[]{ (byte)(initial_data_out.length>>8),(byte)initial_data_out.length })); //write_buffer.put( write_cipher.update( initial_data_out )); write_buffer.flip(); } if ( delay_outbound_4 ){ if ( transport.delayWrite( write_buffer )){ write_buffer = null; handshakeComplete(); }else{ delay_outbound_4 = false; } } if ( !delay_outbound_4 ){ write( write_buffer ); if ( !write_buffer.hasRemaining()){ write_buffer = null; handshakeComplete(); } } }else if ( protocol_state == PS_INBOUND_4 ){ // B->A: ENCRYPT(VC, crypto_select, len(padD), padD // , len(IB)), ENCRYPT(IB) if ( read_buffer == null ){ read_buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( VC.length + PADDING_MAX ); read_buffer.limit( VC.length ); padding_skip_marker = new byte[VC.length]; padding_skip_marker = read_cipher.update( padding_skip_marker ); protocol_substate = 1; } while( true ){ read( read_buffer ); if ( read_buffer.hasRemaining()){ break; } if ( protocol_substate == 1 ){ //skip up to marker int limit = read_buffer.limit(); read_buffer.position( limit - VC.length ); boolean match = true; for (int i=0;i<VC.length;i++){ if ( read_buffer.get() != padding_skip_marker[i] ){ match = false; break; } } if ( match ){ read_buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( 4 + 2 ); protocol_substate = 2; break; }else{ if ( limit == read_buffer.capacity()){ throw( new IOException( "PHE skip to SHA1 marker failed" )); } read_buffer.limit( limit + 1 ); read_buffer.position( limit ); } }else if ( protocol_substate == 2 ){ // ENCRYPT( crypto_select, len(padD)) read_buffer.flip(); byte[] crypted = new byte[4 + 2]; read_buffer.get( crypted ); byte[] plain = read_cipher.update( crypted ); selected_protocol = plain[3]; if (( selected_protocol & my_supported_protocols ) == 0 ){ throw( new IOException( "Selected protocol has nothing in common: mine = " + Integer.toHexString(my_supported_protocols) + ", theirs = " + Integer.toHexString(selected_protocol))); } int pad_len = 0xffff&((( plain[4] & 0xff ) << 8 ) + ( plain[5] & 0xff )); if ( pad_len > 65535 ){ throw( new IOException( "Invalid pad length '" + pad_len + "'" )); } read_buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( pad_len ); // + 2 ); protocol_substate = 3; }else if ( protocol_substate == 3 ){ read_buffer.flip(); byte[] data = new byte[read_buffer.remaining()]; read_buffer.get( data ); data = read_cipher.update( data ); handshakeComplete(); read_buffer = null; break; /* int ib_len = 0xffff & ((( data[data.length-2] & 0xff ) << 8 ) + ( data[data.length-1] & 0xff )); if ( ib_len > 65535 ){ throw( new IOException( "Invalid IB length '" + ib_len + "'" )); } read_buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( ib_len ); protocol_substate = 4; }else{ read_buffer.flip(); byte[] data = new byte[read_buffer.remaining()]; read_buffer.get( data ); initial_data_in = read_cipher.update( data ); handshakeComplete(); read_buffer = null; break; */ } } } if ( handshake_complete ){ transport.cancelReadSelects(); transport.cancelWriteSelects(); loop = false; complete(); }else{ if ( read_buffer == null ){ transport.pauseReadSelects(); }else{ transport.resumeReadSelects(); loop = false; } if ( write_buffer == null ){ transport.pauseWriteSelects(); }else{ transport.resumeWriteSelects(); loop = false; } } } }catch( Throwable e ){ // e.printStackTrace(); failed( e ); if ( e instanceof IOException ){ throw((IOException)e); }else{ throw( new IOException( Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e))); } }finally{ process_mon.exit(); } } /* **** OUTBOUND_1 A sends B odd/even byte + Ya + Pa **** INBOUND_1 B receives Ya B computes Yb B computes S and HS **** OUTBOUND_2 B sends A Yb + HS( "supported methods" + len(Pb)) + Pb **** INBOUND_2 A receives Yb A computes S and HS A receives HS( "supported methods" + len(Pb)) and decrypts using HS A skips len(Pb) random bytes **** OUTBOUND_3 A sends SHA1(S) + HS( "selected method" + len(Pc)) + Pc + selectedCrypt( payload ) **** INBOUND_3 B skips Pa bytes until receives SHA1(S) B decrypts "selected method" + len(Pc) and skips len(Pc) bytes to get to selectedCrypt( payload... ) B sends A selectedCrypt( payload... ) */ /* protected void process() throws IOException { try{ process_mon.enter(); if ( handshake_complete ){ Debug.out( "Handshake process already completed" ); return; } boolean loop = true; while( loop ){ if ( protocol_state == PS_OUTBOUND_1 ){ if ( write_buffer == null ){ // A sends B odd/even Ya + Pa byte[] padding = getPadding(); write_buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( dh_public_key_bytes.length + padding.length ); write_buffer.put( dh_public_key_bytes ); write_buffer.put( padding ); write_buffer.flip(); } write( write_buffer ); if ( !write_buffer.hasRemaining()){ write_buffer = null; protocol_state = PS_INBOUND_2; } }else if ( protocol_state == PS_OUTBOUND_2 ){ // B sends A Yb + HS( "supported methods" + len(Pb)) + Pb if ( write_buffer == null ){ byte[] padding = getPadding(); write_buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( dh_public_key_bytes.length + 4 + 2 + padding.length ); write_buffer.put( dh_public_key_bytes ); // 4 bytes for my supported protocols write_buffer.put( write_cipher.update( new byte[]{ 0, 0, 0, my_supported_protocols })); write_buffer.put( write_cipher.update( new byte[]{ (byte)(padding.length>>8),(byte)padding.length })); write_buffer.put( padding ); write_buffer.flip(); } write( write_buffer ); if ( !write_buffer.hasRemaining()){ write_buffer = null; protocol_state = PS_INBOUND_3; } }else if ( protocol_state == PS_OUTBOUND_3 ){ // A sends SHA1(S) + HS( "selected method" + len(Pc)) + Pc + selectedCrypt( payload ) if ( write_buffer == null ){ byte[] padding = getPadding(); write_buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( 20 + 4 + 2 + padding.length ); write_buffer.put( sha1_secret_bytes ); write_buffer.put( write_cipher.update( new byte[]{ 0, 0, 0, selected_protocol })); write_buffer.put( write_cipher.update( new byte[]{ (byte)(padding.length>>8),(byte)padding.length })); write_buffer.put( padding ); write_buffer.flip(); } write( write_buffer ); if ( !write_buffer.hasRemaining()){ write_buffer = null; handshakeComplete(); } }else if ( protocol_state == PS_INBOUND_1 ){ // B receives marker + Ya read( read_buffer ); if ( !read_buffer.hasRemaining()){ read_buffer.flip(); byte[] other_dh_public_key_bytes = new byte[read_buffer.remaining()]; read_buffer.get( other_dh_public_key_bytes ); completeDH( other_dh_public_key_bytes ); read_buffer = null; protocol_state = PS_OUTBOUND_2; } }else if ( protocol_state == PS_INBOUND_2 ){ //A receives Yb //A computes S and HS //A receives HS( "supported methods" + len(Pb)) and decrypts using HS //A skips len(Pb) random bytes if ( read_buffer == null ){ read_buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( dh_public_key_bytes.length + 6 ); protocol_substate = 1; } while( true ){ read( read_buffer ); if ( read_buffer.hasRemaining()){ break; } if ( protocol_substate == 1 ){ read_buffer.flip(); byte[] other_dh_public_key_bytes_etc = read_buffer.array(); completeDH( other_dh_public_key_bytes_etc ); byte[] etc = read_cipher.update( other_dh_public_key_bytes_etc, DH_SIZE_BYTES, 6 ); byte other_supported_protocols = etc[3]; int common_protocols = my_supported_protocols & other_supported_protocols; if (( common_protocols & CRYPTO_PLAIN )!= 0 ){ selected_protocol = CRYPTO_PLAIN; }else if (( common_protocols & CRYPTO_XOR )!= 0 ){ selected_protocol = CRYPTO_XOR; }else if (( common_protocols & CRYPTO_RC4 )!= 0 ){ selected_protocol = CRYPTO_RC4; }else if (( common_protocols & CRYPTO_AES )!= 0 ){ selected_protocol = CRYPTO_AES; }else{ throw( new IOException( "No crypto protocol in common: mine = " + Integer.toHexString((byte)my_supported_protocols) + ", theirs = " + Integer.toHexString((byte)other_supported_protocols))); } int padding = (( etc[4] & 0xff ) << 8 ) + ( etc[5] & 0xff ); if ( padding > PADDING_MAX ){ throw( new IOException( "Invalid padding '" + padding + "'" )); } read_buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( padding ); protocol_substate = 2; }else{ read_buffer = null; protocol_state = PS_OUTBOUND_3; break; } } }else if ( protocol_state == PS_INBOUND_3 ){ // B skips Pa bytes until receives SHA1(S) // B decrypts "selected method" + len(Pc) and skips len(Pc) bytes if ( read_buffer == null ){ read_buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( 20 + PADDING_MAX ); read_buffer.limit( 20 ); protocol_substate = 1; } while( true ){ read( read_buffer ); if ( read_buffer.hasRemaining()){ break; } if ( protocol_substate == 1 ){ int limit = read_buffer.limit(); read_buffer.position( limit - 20 ); boolean match = true; for (int i=0;i<20;i++){ if ( read_buffer.get() != sha1_secret_bytes[i] ){ match = false; break; } } if ( match ){ read_buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( 6 ); protocol_substate = 2; break; }else{ if ( limit == read_buffer.capacity()){ throw( new IOException( "PHE skip to SHA1 marker failed" )); } read_buffer.limit( limit + 1 ); read_buffer.position( limit ); } }else if ( protocol_substate == 2 ){ read_buffer.flip(); byte[] etc = read_cipher.update( read_buffer.array()); selected_protocol = etc[3]; int padding = (( etc[4] & 0xff ) << 8 ) + ( etc[5] & 0xff ); if ( padding > PADDING_MAX ){ throw( new IOException( "Invalid padding '" + padding + "'" )); } read_buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( padding ); protocol_substate = 3; }else{ read_buffer = null; handshakeComplete(); break; } } } if ( handshake_complete ){ read_selector.cancel( channel ); write_selector.cancel( channel ); loop = false; complete(); }else{ if ( read_buffer == null ){ read_selector.pauseSelects( channel ); }else{ read_selector.resumeSelects ( channel ); loop = false; } if ( write_buffer == null ){ write_selector.pauseSelects( channel ); }else{ write_selector.resumeSelects ( channel ); loop = false; } } } }catch( Throwable e ){ failed( e ); if ( e instanceof IOException ){ throw((IOException)e); }else{ throw( new IOException( Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e))); } }finally{ process_mon.exit(); } } */ protected void read( ByteBuffer buffer ) throws IOException { int len = transport.read( buffer ); //System.out.println( "read:" + this + "/" + protocol_state + "/" + protocol_substate + " -> " + len +"[" + buffer +"]"); if ( len < 0 ){ throw( new IOException( "end of stream on socket read - phe: " + getString())); } bytes_read += len; } protected void write( ByteBuffer buffer ) throws IOException { //System.out.println( "write pre:" + this + "/" + protocol_state + "/" + protocol_substate + " - " + buffer ); int len = transport.write( buffer, false ); //System.out.println( "write:" + this + "/" + protocol_state + "/" + protocol_substate + " -> " + len +"[" + buffer +"]"); if ( len < 0 ){ throw( new IOException( "bytes written < 0 " )); } bytes_written += len; } public boolean selectSuccess( TransportHelper transport, Object attachment, boolean write_operation ) { try{ int old_bytes_read = bytes_read; int old_bytes_written = bytes_written; process(); if ( write_operation ){ return( bytes_written != old_bytes_written ); }else{ boolean progress = bytes_read != old_bytes_read; if ( progress ){ last_read_time = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); } return( progress ); } }catch( Throwable e ){ failed( e ); return( false ); } } public void selectFailure( TransportHelper transport, Object attachment, Throwable msg ) { failed( msg ); } protected byte[] bigIntegerToBytes( BigInteger bi, int num_bytes ) { String str = bi.toString(16); while( str.length() < num_bytes*2 ){ str = "0" + str; } return( ByteFormatter.decodeString(str)); } protected BigInteger bytesToBigInteger( byte[] bytes, int offset, int len ) { return( new BigInteger( ByteFormatter.encodeString( bytes, offset, len ), 16 )); } protected int getPaddingMax() { if ( transport.minimiseOverheads()){ return( PADDING_MAX_LIMITED ); }else{ return( PADDING_MAX_NORMAL ); } } protected static synchronized byte[] getRandomPadding( int max_len ) { byte[] bytes = new byte[ random.nextInt(max_len)]; random.nextBytes(bytes); return( bytes ); } protected static synchronized byte[] getZeroPadding( int max_len ) { byte[] bytes = new byte[ random.nextInt(max_len)]; return( bytes ); } protected static KeyPair generateDHKeyPair( TransportHelper transport, boolean outbound ) throws IOException { synchronized( dh_key_generator ){ if ( !outbound ){ byte[] address = transport.getAddress().getAddress().getAddress(); int hit_count = generate_bloom.add( address ); long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); // allow up to 10% bloom filter utilisation if ( generate_bloom.getSize() / generate_bloom.getEntryCount() < 10 ){ generate_bloom = BloomFilterFactory.createAddRemove4Bit(generate_bloom.getSize() + BLOOM_INCREASE ); generate_bloom_create_time = now; Logger.log( new LogEvent(LOGID, "PHE bloom: size increased to " + generate_bloom.getSize())); }else if ( now < generate_bloom_create_time || now - generate_bloom_create_time > BLOOM_RECREATE ){ generate_bloom = BloomFilterFactory.createAddRemove4Bit(generate_bloom.getSize()); generate_bloom_create_time = now; } if ( hit_count >= 60 ){ Logger.log( new LogEvent(LOGID, "PHE bloom: too many recent connection attempts from " + transport.getAddress())); throw( new IOException( "Too many recent connection attempts (phe)")); } long since_last = now - last_dh_incoming_key_generate; long delay = 100 - since_last; // limit key gen operations to 10 a second if ( delay > 0 && delay < 100 ){ try{ Thread.sleep( delay ); }catch( Throwable e ){ } } last_dh_incoming_key_generate = now; } KeyPair res = dh_key_generator.generateKeyPair(); return( res ); } } protected void complete() { // System.out.println( (outbound?"out: ":"in :") + " complete, r " + bytes_read + ", w " + bytes_written + ", initial data = " + initial_data_in.length + "/" + initial_data_out.length ); processing_complete = true; adapter.decodeComplete( this, initial_data_out ); } protected void failed( Throwable cause ) { // System.out.println( (outbound?"out: ":"in :") + " failed, " + cause.getMessage()); processing_complete = true; transport.cancelReadSelects(); transport.cancelWriteSelects(); adapter.decodeFailed( this, cause ); } @Override public boolean isComplete( long now ) { return( processing_complete ); } @Override public TransportHelperFilter getFilter() { return( filter ); } public long getLastReadTime() { long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); if ( last_read_time > now ){ last_read_time = now; } return( last_read_time ); } public String getString() { return( "state=" + protocol_state + ",sub=" + protocol_substate + ",in=" + bytes_read + ",out=" + bytes_written); } }