/* * Created on 28-Apr-2004 * Created by Paul Gardner * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Aelitis, All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * AELITIS, SAS au capital de 46,603.30 euros * 8 Allee Lenotre, La Grille Royale, 78600 Le Mesnil le Roi, France. * */ package org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.update; /** * @author parg * */ import java.util.*; import java.util.zip.*; import java.net.URL; import java.io.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.html.HTMLUtils; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.internat.MessageText; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.installer.PluginInstaller; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.installer.StandardPlugin; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.logging.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.update.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.resourcedownloader.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.config.ConfigSection; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.model.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.update.sf.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.update.CorePatchChecker; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.DeleteFileOnCloseInputStream; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.versioncheck.VersionCheckClient; public class PluginUpdatePlugin implements Plugin { private static final String PLUGIN_CONFIGSECTION_ID = "plugins.update"; public static final int RD_SIZE_RETRIES = 3; public static final int RD_SIZE_TIMEOUT = 10000; protected PluginInterface plugin_interface; protected SFPluginDetailsLoader loader; protected LoggerChannel log; private String last_id_info = ""; public void initialize( PluginInterface _plugin_interface ) { plugin_interface = _plugin_interface; plugin_interface.getPluginProperties().setProperty( "plugin.version", "1.0" ); plugin_interface.getPluginProperties().setProperty( "plugin.name", "Plugin Updater" ); log = plugin_interface.getLogger().getChannel("Plugin Update"); UIManager ui_manager = plugin_interface.getUIManager(); final BasicPluginViewModel model = ui_manager.createBasicPluginViewModel( "Plugin Update"); final PluginConfig plugin_config = plugin_interface.getPluginconfig(); boolean enabled = plugin_config.getPluginBooleanParameter( "enable.update", true ); model.setConfigSectionID(PLUGIN_CONFIGSECTION_ID); model.getStatus().setText( enabled?"Running":"Optional checks disabled" ); model.getActivity().setVisible( false ); model.getProgress().setVisible( false ); log.addListener( new LoggerChannelListener() { public void messageLogged( int type, String message ) { model.getLogArea().appendText( message+"\n"); } public void messageLogged( String str, Throwable error ) { model.getLogArea().appendText( error.toString()+"\n"); } }); loader = SFPluginDetailsLoaderFactory.getSingleton(); loader.addListener( new SFPluginDetailsLoaderListener() { public void log( String str ) { log.log( LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, "[" + str + "]" ); } }); BasicPluginConfigModel config = ui_manager.createBasicPluginConfigModel(ConfigSection.SECTION_PLUGINS, PLUGIN_CONFIGSECTION_ID); config.addBooleanParameter2( "enable.update", "Plugin.pluginupdate.enablecheck", true ); UpdateManager update_manager = plugin_interface.getUpdateManager(); update_manager.addListener( new UpdateManagerListener() { public void checkInstanceCreated( UpdateCheckInstance inst ) { SFPluginDetailsLoaderFactory.getSingleton().reset(); } }); final PluginManager plugin_manager = plugin_interface.getPluginManager(); PluginInterface[] plugins = plugin_manager.getPlugins(); int mandatory_count = 0; int non_mandatory_count = 0; for (int i=0;i<plugins.length;i++){ PluginInterface pi = plugins[i]; boolean pi_mandatory = pi.isMandatory(); if ( pi_mandatory ){ mandatory_count++; }else{ non_mandatory_count++; } } final int f_non_mandatory_count = non_mandatory_count; final int f_mandatory_count = mandatory_count; update_manager.registerUpdatableComponent( new UpdatableComponent() { public String getName() { return( "Non-mandatory plugins" ); } public int getMaximumCheckTime() { return( f_non_mandatory_count * (( RD_SIZE_RETRIES * RD_SIZE_TIMEOUT )/1000)); } public void checkForUpdate( UpdateChecker checker ) { if ( checkForUpdateSupport( checker, null, false ) == 0 ){ String[] rps = VersionCheckClient.getSingleton(). getRecommendedPlugins(); boolean found_one = false; for (int i=0;i<rps.length;i++){ String rp_id = rps[i]; if ( plugin_manager.getPluginInterfaceByID( rp_id ) != null ){ // already installed continue; } final String config_key = "recommended.processed." + rp_id; if ( !plugin_config.getPluginBooleanParameter( config_key, false )){ try{ final PluginInstaller installer = plugin_interface.getPluginManager().getPluginInstaller(); StandardPlugin[] sps = installer.getStandardPlugins(); for (int j=0;j<sps.length;j++){ final StandardPlugin sp = sps[j]; if ( sp.getId().equals( rp_id )){ found_one = true; checker.getCheckInstance().addListener( new UpdateCheckInstanceListener() { public void cancelled( UpdateCheckInstance instance ) { } public void complete( UpdateCheckInstance instance ) { if ( instance.getUpdates().length == 0 ){ installRecommendedPlugin( installer, sp ); plugin_config.setPluginParameter( config_key, true ); } } }); break; } } }catch( Throwable e ){ } } if ( found_one ){ break; } } } } }, false ); update_manager.registerUpdatableComponent( new UpdatableComponent() { public String getName() { return( "Mandatory plugins" ); } public int getMaximumCheckTime() { return( f_mandatory_count * (( RD_SIZE_RETRIES * RD_SIZE_TIMEOUT )/1000)); } public void checkForUpdate( UpdateChecker checker ) { checkForUpdateSupport( checker, null, true ); } }, true ); update_manager.addListener( new UpdateManagerListener() { public void checkInstanceCreated( UpdateCheckInstance instance ) { log.log( LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, "**** Update check starts ****" ); } }); } protected void installRecommendedPlugin( PluginInstaller installer, StandardPlugin plugin ) { try{ installer.requestInstall( MessageText.getString("plugin.installer.recommended.plugin"), plugin ); }catch( Throwable e ){ log.log(e); } } public UpdatableComponent getCustomUpdateableComponent( final String id, final boolean mandatory ) { return( new UpdatableComponent() { public String getName() { return( "Installation of '" + id + "'" ); } public int getMaximumCheckTime() { return( ( RD_SIZE_RETRIES * RD_SIZE_TIMEOUT )/1000 ); } public void checkForUpdate( UpdateChecker checker ) { checkForUpdateSupport( checker, new String[]{ id }, mandatory ); } }); } protected int checkForUpdateSupport( UpdateChecker checker, String[] ids_to_check, // explicit ids or null for all boolean mandatory ) { int num_updates_found = 0; try{ if ( (!mandatory) && (ids_to_check == null ) && // allow custom actions through (!plugin_interface.getPluginconfig().getPluginBooleanParameter( "enable.update", true ))){ return( num_updates_found ); } PluginInterface[] plugins = plugin_interface.getPluginManager().getPlugins(); List plugins_to_check = new ArrayList(); List plugins_to_check_ids = new ArrayList(); Map plugins_to_check_names = new HashMap(); for (int i=0;i<plugins.length;i++){ PluginInterface pi = plugins[i]; if ( pi.isDisabled()){ continue; } String mand = pi.getPluginProperties().getProperty( "plugin.mandatory"); boolean pi_mandatory = mand != null && mand.trim().toLowerCase().equals("true"); if ( pi_mandatory != mandatory ){ continue; } String id = pi.getPluginID(); String version = pi.getPluginVersion(); String name = pi.getPluginName(); if ( ids_to_check != null ){ boolean id_selected = false; for (int j=0;j<ids_to_check.length;j++){ if ( ids_to_check[j].equals( id )){ id_selected = true; break; } } if ( !id_selected ){ continue; } } if ( version != null ){ if ( plugins_to_check_ids.contains( id )){ String s = (String)plugins_to_check_names.get(id); if ( !name.equals( id )){ plugins_to_check_names.put( id, s+","+name); } }else{ plugins_to_check_ids.add( id ); plugins_to_check.add( pi ); plugins_to_check_names.put( id, name.equals(id)?"":name); } } String location = pi.getPluginDirectoryName(); log.log( LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, (mandatory?"*":"-") + pi.getPluginName() + ", id = " + id + (version==null?"":(", version = " + pi.getPluginVersion())) + (location==null?"":( ", loc = " + location))); } String[] ids = loader.getPluginIDs(); String id_info = ""; for (int i=0;i<ids.length;i++){ String id = ids[i]; SFPluginDetails details = loader.getPluginDetails( id ); id_info += (i==0?"":",") + ids[i] + "=" + details.getVersion()+"/"+details.getCVSVersion(); } if ( !id_info.equals( last_id_info )){ last_id_info = id_info; log.log( LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, "Downloaded plugin info = " + id_info ); } for ( int i=0;i<plugins_to_check.size();i++){ if ( checker.getCheckInstance().isCancelled()){ throw( new Exception( "Update check cancelled" )); } final PluginInterface pi_being_checked = (PluginInterface)plugins_to_check.get(i); final String plugin_id = pi_being_checked.getPluginID(); checker.reportProgress( "Loading details for " + plugin_id + "/" + pi_being_checked.getPluginName()); boolean found = false; for (int j=0;j<ids.length;j++){ if ( ids[j].equalsIgnoreCase( plugin_id )){ found = true; break; } } if ( !found ){ if ( !pi_being_checked.isBuiltIn()){ log.log( LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, "Skipping " + plugin_id + " as not listed on web site"); } continue; } String plugin_names = (String)plugins_to_check_names.get( plugin_id ); //final boolean plugin_unloadable = ((Boolean)plugins_to_check_unloadable.get( plugin_id )).booleanValue(); log.log( LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, "Checking " + plugin_id); try{ SFPluginDetails details = loader.getPluginDetails( plugin_id ); if ( plugin_names.length() == 0 ){ plugin_names = details.getName(); } boolean az_cvs = plugin_interface.getUtilities().isCVSVersion(); String pi_version_info = pi_being_checked.getPluginProperties().getProperty( "plugin.version.info" ); String az_plugin_version = pi_being_checked.getPluginVersion(); String sf_plugin_version = details.getVersion(); String sf_comp_version = sf_plugin_version; if ( az_cvs ){ String sf_cvs_version = details.getCVSVersion(); if ( sf_cvs_version.length() > 0 ){ // sf cvs version ALWAYS ends in _CVS sf_plugin_version = sf_cvs_version; sf_comp_version = sf_plugin_version.substring(0,sf_plugin_version.length()-4); } } if ( sf_comp_version.length() == 0 || !Character.isDigit(sf_comp_version.charAt(0))){ log.log( LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, "Skipping " + plugin_id + " as no valid version to check"); continue; } // System.out.println("comp version = " + sf_comp_version ); int comp = PluginUtils.comparePluginVersions( az_plugin_version, sf_comp_version ); // if they're the same version and latest is CVS then stick a _CVS on // the end of current to avoid confusion log.log( LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, " Current: " + az_plugin_version + (comp==0&&sf_plugin_version.endsWith( "_CVS")?"_CVS":"")+ ", Latest: " + sf_plugin_version + (pi_version_info==null?"":" [" + pi_version_info + "]")); if ( comp < 0 && ! ( pi_being_checked.getPlugin() instanceof UpdatableComponent)){ // only update if newer verison + plugin itself doesn't handle // the update String sf_plugin_download = details.getDownloadURL(); if ( az_cvs ){ String sf_cvs_version = details.getCVSVersion(); if ( sf_cvs_version.length() > 0 ){ sf_plugin_download = details.getCVSDownloadURL(); } } log.log( LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, " Description:" ); List update_desc = new ArrayList(); List desc_lines = HTMLUtils.convertHTMLToText( "", details.getDescription()); logMultiLine( " ", desc_lines ); update_desc.addAll( desc_lines ); log.log( LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, " Comment:" ); List comment_lines = HTMLUtils.convertHTMLToText( " ", details.getComment()); logMultiLine( " ", comment_lines ); update_desc.addAll( comment_lines ); String msg = "A newer version (version " + sf_plugin_version + ") of plugin '" + plugin_id + "' " + (plugin_names.length()==0?"":"(" + plugin_names + ") " ) + "is available. "; log.log( LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, "" ); log.log( LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, " " + msg + "Download from "+ sf_plugin_download); ResourceDownloaderFactory rdf = plugin_interface.getUtilities().getResourceDownloaderFactory(); ResourceDownloader direct_rdl = rdf.create( new URL( sf_plugin_download )); // work out what the torrent download will be, if it exists // sf_plugin_download will be something like ../plugins/safepeer_2.4.zip // torrent is safepeer_2.4.zip.torrent String torrent_download = Constants.AELITIS_TORRENTS; int slash_pos = sf_plugin_download.lastIndexOf("/"); if ( slash_pos == -1 ){ torrent_download += sf_plugin_download; }else{ torrent_download += sf_plugin_download.substring( slash_pos + 1 ); } torrent_download += ".torrent"; ResourceDownloader torrent_rdl = rdf.create( new URL( torrent_download )); torrent_rdl = rdf.getSuffixBasedDownloader( torrent_rdl ); // create an alternate downloader with torrent attempt first ResourceDownloader alternate_rdl = rdf.getAlternateDownloader( new ResourceDownloader[]{ torrent_rdl, direct_rdl }); // get size so it is cached rdf.getTimeoutDownloader(rdf.getRetryDownloader(alternate_rdl,RD_SIZE_RETRIES),RD_SIZE_TIMEOUT).getSize(); String[] update_d = new String[update_desc.size()]; update_desc.toArray( update_d ); num_updates_found++; // see if unloadable boolean plugin_unloadable = true; for (int j=0;j<plugins.length;j++){ PluginInterface pi = plugins[j]; if ( pi.getPluginID().equals( plugin_id )){ plugin_unloadable &= pi.isUnloadable(); } } if ( plugin_unloadable ){ checker.reportProgress( "Plugin is unloadable" ); } Update update = addUpdate( pi_being_checked, checker, plugin_id + "/" + plugin_names, update_d, sf_plugin_version, alternate_rdl, sf_plugin_download.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar"), plugin_unloadable?Update.RESTART_REQUIRED_NO:Update.RESTART_REQUIRED_YES, true ); update.setRelativeURLBase( details.getRelativeURLBase()); update.setDescriptionURL(details.getInfoURL()); } }catch( Throwable e ){ log.log(" Plugin check failed", e ); } } }catch( Throwable e ){ log.log("Failed to load plugin details", e ); checker.failed(); }finally{ // any prior failure will take precedence checker.completed(); } return( num_updates_found ); } public Update addUpdate( final PluginInterface pi_for_update, final UpdateChecker checker, final String update_name, final String[] update_details, final String version, final ResourceDownloader resource_downloader, final boolean is_jar, final int restart_type, final boolean verify ) { final Update update = checker.addUpdate( update_name, update_details, version, resource_downloader, restart_type ); update.setUserObject( pi_for_update ); resource_downloader.addListener( new ResourceDownloaderAdapter() { public boolean completed( final ResourceDownloader downloader, InputStream data ) { // during the update phase report any messages // to the downloader LoggerChannelListener list = new LoggerChannelListener() { public void messageLogged( int type, String content ) { downloader.reportActivity( content ); } public void messageLogged( String str, Throwable error ) { downloader.reportActivity( str ); } }; try{ log.addListener(list); installUpdate( checker, update, pi_for_update, restart_type == Update.RESTART_REQUIRED_NO, is_jar, version, data, verify ); return( true ); }finally{ log.removeListener( list ); } } }); return( update ); } protected void installUpdate( UpdateChecker checker, Update update, PluginInterface plugin, // note this will be first one if > 1 defined boolean unloadable, boolean is_jar, // false -> zip String version, InputStream data, boolean verify ) { log.log( LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, "Installing plugin " + plugin.getPluginID() + ", version " + version ); String target_version = version.endsWith("_CVS")?version.substring(0,version.length()-4):version; UpdateInstaller installer = null; try{ InputStream orig_data = data; data = update.verifyData( data, verify ); log.log( " Data verification stage complete" ); boolean update_txt_found = false; String plugin_dir_name = plugin.getPluginDirectoryName(); if ( plugin_dir_name == null || plugin_dir_name.length() == 0 ){ // update to a built-in plugin log.log( LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, " This is a built-in plugin, updating core" ); CorePatchChecker.patchAzureus2( update.getCheckInstance(), data, plugin.getPluginID() + "_" + version, log ); // always need to restart for this update.setRestartRequired( Update.RESTART_REQUIRED_YES ); }else{ final File plugin_dir = new File( plugin_dir_name ); final File user_dir = new File( plugin_interface.getUtilities().getAzureusUserDir()); final File prog_dir = new File( plugin_interface.getUtilities().getAzureusProgramDir()); // .jar files get copied straight in with the right version number // .zip files need to be unzipped. There are various possibilities for // target dir depending on the contents of the zip file. Basically we // need to remove any zip paths to ensure it ends up in the right place // There's also the issue of overwriting stuff like "plugin.properties" // and any other config files.... boolean force_indirect_install = false; // for windows Vista we may not have write access to the plugin directory and have // to use an installer + restart to copy the files (as the restart can elevate // permissions) if ( Constants.isWindowsVistaOrHigher ){ // test with .dll as this will fail write to virtual-store as required File test_file = new File( plugin_dir, "_aztest45.dll" ); boolean ok = false; try{ if ( test_file.exists()){ test_file.delete(); } FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(test_file); os.write(32); os.close(); ok = test_file.delete(); }catch( Throwable e ){ } if ( !ok ){ log.log( "Can't write directly to the plugin directroy, installing indirectly" ); force_indirect_install = true; } } File target_plugin_dir; File target_prog_dir; File target_user_dir; if ( force_indirect_install ){ File temp_dir = AETemporaryFileHandler.createTempDir(); target_plugin_dir = new File( temp_dir, "plugin" ); target_user_dir = new File( temp_dir, "user" ); target_prog_dir = new File( temp_dir, "prog" ); target_plugin_dir.mkdirs(); target_user_dir.mkdirs(); target_prog_dir.mkdirs(); installer = update.getCheckInstance().createInstaller(); update.setRestartRequired( Update.RESTART_REQUIRED_YES ); }else{ target_plugin_dir = plugin_dir; target_user_dir = user_dir; target_prog_dir = prog_dir; } File target_jar_zip = new File( target_plugin_dir, plugin.getPluginID() + "_" + target_version + (is_jar?".jar":".zip")); FileUtil.copyFile( data, new FileOutputStream(target_jar_zip)); if ( !is_jar ){ /** * PIAMOD: BUGFIX this never gets removed if zip file. * * But apparently vista needs it (since the updater is separate from the app), so leave for now. */ //target_jar_zip.deleteOnExit(); ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream( new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( target_jar_zip ) )); // first look for a common dir prefix and platform-specific stuff String common_prefix = null; String selected_platform = null; List selected_sub_platforms = new ArrayList(); try{ while( true ){ ZipEntry entry = zis.getNextEntry(); if ( entry == null ){ break; } String name = entry.getName(); if ( !( name.equals( "azureus.sig" ) || name.endsWith("/"))){ if ( common_prefix == null ){ common_prefix = name; }else{ int len = 0; for (int i=0;i<Math.min(common_prefix.length(), name.length());i++){ if ( common_prefix.charAt(i) == name.charAt(i)){ len++; }else{ break; } } common_prefix = common_prefix.substring(0,len); } int plat_pos = name.indexOf( "platform/" ); if ( plat_pos != -1 ){ plat_pos += 9; int plat_end_pos = name.indexOf( "/", plat_pos ); if ( plat_end_pos != -1 ){ String platform = name.substring( plat_pos, plat_end_pos ); String sub_platform = null; int sub_plat_pos = platform.indexOf("_"); if ( sub_plat_pos != -1 ){ sub_platform = platform.substring( sub_plat_pos+1 ); platform = platform.substring(0,sub_plat_pos); } if ( (Constants.isWindows && platform.equalsIgnoreCase( "windows" )) || (Constants.isLinux && platform.equalsIgnoreCase( "linux" )) || (Constants.isUnix && platform.equalsIgnoreCase( "unix" )) || (Constants.isFreeBSD && platform.equalsIgnoreCase( "freebsd" )) || (Constants.isSolaris && platform.equalsIgnoreCase( "solaris" )) || (Constants.isOSX && platform.equalsIgnoreCase( "osx" ))){ selected_platform = platform; if ( sub_platform != null ){ if ( !selected_sub_platforms.contains( sub_platform )){ selected_sub_platforms.add( sub_platform ); } } } } } } byte[] buffer = new byte[65536]; while( true ){ int len = zis.read( buffer ); if ( len <= 0 ){ break; } } } }finally{ zis.close(); } if ( selected_platform != null ){ String[] options = new String[selected_sub_platforms.size()]; selected_sub_platforms.toArray( options ); if ( options.length == 1 ){ selected_platform += "_" + options[0]; log.log( LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, "platform is '" + selected_platform +"'" ); }else if ( options.length > 1 ){ String selected_sub_platform = (String) update.getDecision( UpdateManagerDecisionListener.DT_STRING_ARRAY_TO_STRING, "Select Platform", "Multiple platform options exist for this plugin, please select required one", options ); if ( selected_sub_platform == null ){ throw( new Exception( "Valid sub-platform selection not selected" )); }else{ selected_platform += "_" + selected_sub_platform; log.log( LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, "platform is '" + selected_platform +"'" ); } } } if ( common_prefix != null ){ int pos = common_prefix.lastIndexOf("/"); if ( pos == -1 ){ common_prefix = ""; }else{ common_prefix = common_prefix.substring(0,pos+1); } zis = new ZipInputStream( new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( target_jar_zip ) )); try{ while( true ){ ZipEntry entry = zis.getNextEntry(); if ( entry == null ){ break; } String name = entry.getName(); OutputStream entry_os = null; File origin = null; File initial_target = null; File final_target = null; boolean is_plugin_properties = false; try{ if ( name.length() >= common_prefix.length() && !( name.equals( "azureus.sig") || name.endsWith("/"))){ boolean skip_file = false; String file_name = entry.getName().substring( common_prefix.length()); if ( selected_platform != null ){ if ( file_name.indexOf( "platform/" ) != -1 ){ String bit_to_remove = "platform/" + selected_platform; int pp = file_name.indexOf( bit_to_remove ); if ( pp != -1 ){ file_name = file_name.substring(0,pp) + file_name.substring(pp+bit_to_remove.length()+1); }else{ // stuff from other platform, ignore it skip_file = true; } } } File install_root; File origin_root; if ( file_name.startsWith( "shared/lib" )){ // updating shared resources, force restart update.setRestartRequired( Update.RESTART_REQUIRED_YES ); // indicate that we can't go ahead and load the plugin // later in the code unloadable = false; if ( plugin.isShared()){ origin_root = prog_dir; install_root = target_prog_dir; }else{ origin_root = user_dir; install_root = target_user_dir; } }else{ origin_root = plugin_dir; install_root = target_plugin_dir; } origin = new File( origin_root, file_name ); initial_target = new File( install_root, file_name ); final_target = initial_target; if ( origin.exists()){ if ( file_name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".properties") || file_name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".config" )){ is_plugin_properties = file_name.toLowerCase().equals("plugin.properties"); String old_file_name = file_name; file_name = file_name + "_" + target_version; final_target = new File( install_root, file_name ); log.log( LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, "saving new file '" + old_file_name + "'as '" + file_name +"'" ); }else{ // if it is a versioned artifact then we don't need to do anything as the update contains // the same version of the file if ( isVersioned( file_name )){ log.log( LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, "Version '" + file_name +"' already present, skipping" ); skip_file = true; }else{ log.log( LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, "overwriting '" + file_name +"'" ); File backup = new File( origin.getParentFile(), origin.getName() + ".bak" ); // back up just in case if ( force_indirect_install ){ if ( backup.exists()){ installer.addRemoveAction( backup.getAbsolutePath()); } installer.addMoveAction( origin.getAbsolutePath(), backup.getAbsolutePath()); }else{ if ( backup.exists()){ backup.delete(); } if ( !initial_target.renameTo( backup )){ log.log( LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, " failed to backup '" + file_name +"', deferring until restart" ); if ( installer == null ){ update.setRestartRequired( Update.RESTART_REQUIRED_YES ); installer = update.getCheckInstance().createInstaller(); } File tmp = new File( initial_target.getParentFile(), initial_target.getName() + ".tmp" ); tmp.delete(); installer.addMoveAction( tmp.getAbsolutePath(), initial_target.getAbsolutePath()); final_target = tmp; } } } } } if ( !skip_file ){ FileUtil.mkdirs(final_target.getParentFile()); entry_os = new FileOutputStream( final_target ); } } byte[] buffer = new byte[65536]; while( true ){ int len = zis.read( buffer ); if ( len <= 0 ){ break; } if ( entry_os != null ){ entry_os.write( buffer, 0, len ); } } }finally{ if ( entry_os != null ){ entry_os.close(); } } if ( is_plugin_properties ){ // we've got to modify the plugin.version in the existing // file (if it exists) otherwise we keep downloading the new // version! Or, if the key doesn't exist, add it! // if we were smarter we could merge values from the // old one into the new one, however this is too much like // hard work // hmm, we really need to at least merge in the new // predefined values such as // plugin.name, plugin.names // plugin.class, plugin.classes // plugin.langfile Properties old_props = new Properties(); Properties new_props = new Properties(); List props_to_delete = new ArrayList(); Map props_to_replace = new HashMap(); Map props_to_insert = new HashMap(); try{ FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream( origin ); old_props.load( fis ); try{ fis.close(); }catch( Throwable e ){ } fis = new FileInputStream( final_target ); new_props.load( fis ); try{ fis.close(); }catch( Throwable e ){ } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); } new_props.put( "plugin.version", target_version ); String[] prop_names = { "plugin.name", "plugin.names", "plugin.class", "plugin.classes", "plugin.version", "plugin.langfile" }; for (int z=0;z<prop_names.length;z++){ String prop_name = prop_names[z]; String old_name = old_props.getProperty( prop_name ); String new_name = new_props.getProperty( prop_name ); if ( new_name != null ){ if ( prop_name.equals( "plugin.name")){ props_to_delete.add( "plugin.names" ); }else if ( prop_name.equals( "plugin.names")){ props_to_delete.add( "plugin.name" ); }else if ( prop_name.equals( "plugin.class")){ props_to_delete.add( "plugin.classes" ); }else if ( prop_name.equals( "plugin.classes")){ props_to_delete.add( "plugin.class" ); } if ( old_name == null ){ props_to_insert.put( prop_name, new_name ); }else if ( !new_name.equals( old_name )){ props_to_replace.put( prop_name, new_name ); } } } File tmp_file; if ( force_indirect_install ){ // install into temp dir so we don't need to create a temp file and then rename // later as this installer will do this tmp_file = initial_target; }else{ tmp_file = new File( initial_target.getParentFile(), initial_target.getName() + ".tmp" ); } LineNumberReader lnr = null; PrintWriter tmp = null; try{ lnr = new LineNumberReader(new FileReader( origin )); tmp = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter( tmp_file )); Iterator it = props_to_insert.keySet().iterator(); while( it.hasNext()){ String pn = (String)it.next(); String pv = (String)props_to_insert.get(pn); log.log(" Inserting property:" + pn + "=" + pv ); tmp.println( pn + "=" + pv ); } while(true){ String line = lnr.readLine(); if ( line == null ){ break; } int ep = line.indexOf('='); if( ep != -1 ){ String pn = line.substring(0,ep).trim(); if ( props_to_delete.contains(pn)){ log.log(" Deleting property:" + pn ); }else{ String rv = (String)props_to_replace.get( pn ); if ( rv != null ){ log.log(" Replacing property:" + pn + " with " + rv ); tmp.println( pn + "=" + rv ); }else{ tmp.println( line ); } } }else{ tmp.println( line ); } } }finally{ lnr.close(); if ( tmp != null ){ tmp.close(); } } File bak_file = new File( origin.getParentFile(), origin.getName() + ".bak" ); if ( force_indirect_install ){ if ( bak_file.exists()){ installer.addRemoveAction( bak_file.getAbsolutePath()); } installer.addMoveAction( origin.getAbsolutePath(), bak_file.getAbsolutePath()); }else{ if ( bak_file.exists()){ bak_file.delete(); } if ( !initial_target.renameTo( bak_file)){ throw( new IOException( "Failed to rename '" + initial_target.toString() + "' to '" + bak_file.toString() + "'" )); } if ( !tmp_file.renameTo( initial_target )){ bak_file.renameTo( initial_target ); throw( new IOException( "Failed to rename '" + tmp_file.toString() + "' to '" + initial_target.toString() + "'" )); } bak_file.delete(); } }else if ( final_target != null && final_target.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( "update.txt" )){ update_txt_found = true; LineNumberReader lnr = null; try{ lnr = new LineNumberReader( new FileReader( final_target )); while(true){ String line = lnr.readLine(); if (line == null ){ break; } log.log( LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, line ); } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); }finally{ if ( lnr != null ){ lnr.close(); } } } } }finally{ zis.close(); } } } // if ( !is_jar ) if ( unloadable ){ // check unloadability AGAIN in case changed during activities String plugin_id = plugin.getPluginID(); PluginInterface[] plugins = plugin.getPluginManager().getPlugins(); boolean plugin_unloadable = true; for (int j=0;j<plugins.length;j++){ PluginInterface pi = plugins[j]; if ( pi.getPluginID().equals( plugin_id )){ plugin_unloadable &= pi.isUnloadable(); } } if ( !plugin_unloadable ){ log.log( "Switching unloadability for " + plugin_id + " as changed during update" ); update.setRestartRequired( Update.RESTART_REQUIRED_YES ); unloadable = false; } } if ( force_indirect_install ){ // create installation move actions for the files that have been installed // into temp location addInstallationActions( installer, target_plugin_dir, plugin_dir ); addInstallationActions( installer, target_prog_dir, prog_dir ); addInstallationActions( installer, target_user_dir, user_dir ); // don't delete temp store, it'll get deleted on restart }else if ( unloadable ){ log.log( "Plugin initialising, please wait... " ); plugin.reload(); // this will reload all if > 1 defined log.log( "... initialisation complete." ); } } String msg = "Version " + version + " of plugin '" + plugin.getPluginID() + "' " + "installed successfully"; if ( update_txt_found ){ msg += " - See update log for details"; } log.logAlertRepeatable( update_txt_found?LoggerChannel.LT_WARNING:LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, msg ); }catch( Throwable e ){ String msg = "Version " + version + " of plugin '" + plugin.getPluginID() + "' " + "failed to install - " + (e.getMessage()); log.logAlertRepeatable( LoggerChannel.LT_ERROR, msg ); }finally{ update.complete(); } } protected void addInstallationActions( UpdateInstaller installer, File from_file, File to_file ) throws UpdateException { if ( from_file.isDirectory()){ File[] files = from_file.listFiles(); if ( files != null ){ for (int i=0;i<files.length;i++){ addInstallationActions( installer, files[i], new File( to_file, files[i].getName())); } } }else{ installer.addMoveAction( from_file.getAbsolutePath(), to_file.getAbsolutePath()); } } protected boolean isVersioned( String name ) { // assumption: versioned names are of the form <prefix>_<version>.<extension> // where version is mixture of digits and .s int pos = name.lastIndexOf('_'); if ( pos == -1 || name.endsWith("_")){ return( false ); } // remove everything up to _ String rem = name.substring(pos+1); pos = rem.lastIndexOf( '.' ); // remove extension (e.g. .jar) if ( pos != -1 ){ rem = rem.substring(0,pos); } for (int i=0;i<rem.length();i++){ char c = rem.charAt(i); if ( c != '.' && !Character.isDigit( c )){ return( false ); } } return( true ); } protected void logMultiLine( String indent, List lines ) { for (int i=0;i<lines.size();i++){ log.log( LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, indent + (String)lines.get(i) ); } } }