package com.aelitis.azureus.core.speedmanager.impl.v2; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.speedmanager.impl.SpeedManagerAlgorithmProvider; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.speedmanager.impl.SpeedManagerAlgorithmProviderAdapter; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.speedmanager.SpeedManagerPingSource; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.SystemTime; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Created on Aug 5, 2007 * Created by Alan Snyder * Copyright (C) 2007 Aelitis, All Rights Reserved. * <p/> * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * <p/> * AELITIS, SAS au capital de 63.529,40 euros * 8 Allee Lenotre, La Grille Royale, 78600 Le Mesnil le Roi, France. */ public class SpeedManagerAlgorithmProviderPingMap implements SpeedManagerAlgorithmProvider, COConfigurationListener { private SpeedManagerAlgorithmProviderAdapter adapter; private long timeSinceLastUpdate; private int consecutiveUpticks=0; private int consecutiveDownticks=0; //SpeedLimitMonitor private SpeedLimitMonitor limitMonitor; //variables for display and vivaldi. //private int lastMetricValue; private float lastMetricValue; //use for ping. private static int numIntervalsBetweenCal = 2; private static boolean skipIntervalAfterAdjustment = true; private List pingTimeList = new ArrayList(); //<Float> //if we want to average variance pings. private boolean hadAdjustmentLastInterval = false; private int intervalCount = 0; //for managing ping sources. PingSourceManager pingSourceManager = new PingSourceManager(); //NOTE:: PingSourceManager is something that should be moved up one level!!! int sessionMaxUploadRate = 0; SpeedManagerAlgorithmProviderPingMap(SpeedManagerAlgorithmProviderAdapter _adapter){ adapter = _adapter; limitMonitor = new SpeedLimitMonitor( adapter.getSpeedManager()); COConfigurationManager.addListener( this ); SMInstance.init( _adapter ); limitMonitor.initPingSpaceMap(); } public void destroy() { COConfigurationManager.removeListener( this ); } public void configurationSaved(){ try{ limitMonitor.readFromPersistentMap(); limitMonitor.updateFromCOConfigManager(); skipIntervalAfterAdjustment=COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( SpeedManagerAlgorithmProviderV2.SETTING_WAIT_AFTER_ADJUST); numIntervalsBetweenCal=COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter( SpeedManagerAlgorithmProviderV2.SETTING_INTERVALS_BETWEEN_ADJUST); limitMonitor.initPingSpaceMap(); SpeedManagerLogger.trace("..VariancePingMap - configurationSaved called."); }catch( Throwable t ){ SpeedManagerLogger.log(t.getMessage()); } }//configurationSaved /** * Reset any state to start of day values */ public void reset() { log("reset"); log("curr-data-m: curr-down-rate : curr-down-limit : down-capacity : down-bandwith-mode : down-limit-mode : curr-up-rate : curr-up-limit : up-capacity : upload-bandwidth-mode : upload-limit-mode : transfer-mode"); log("new-limit:newLimit:currStep:signalStrength:multiple:currUpLimit:maxStep:uploadLimitMax:uploadLimitMin:transferMode" ); log("consecutive:up:down"); log("metric:value:type"); log("user-comment:log"); log("pin:upload-status,download-status,upload-unpin-timer,download-unpin-timer"); log("limits:down-max:down-min:down-conf:up-max:up-min:up-conf"); limitMonitor.resetPingSpace(); } /** * Called periodically (see period above) to allow stats to be updated. */ public void updateStats() { //update some stats used in the UI. int currUploadLimit = adapter.getCurrentUploadLimit(); int currDataUploadSpeed = adapter.getCurrentDataUploadSpeed(); int currProtoUploadSpeed = adapter.getCurrentProtocolUploadSpeed(); int upRateBitsPerSec = currDataUploadSpeed + currProtoUploadSpeed; int currDownLimit = adapter.getCurrentDownloadLimit(); int downDataRate = adapter.getCurrentDataDownloadSpeed(); int downProtoRate = adapter.getCurrentProtocolDownloadSpeed(); int downRateBitsPerSec = downDataRate+downProtoRate; //update the bandwidth status limitMonitor.setDownloadBandwidthMode(downRateBitsPerSec,currDownLimit); limitMonitor.setUploadBandwidthMode(upRateBitsPerSec,currUploadLimit); //update the limts status. (is it near a forced max or min?) limitMonitor.setDownloadLimitSettingMode(currDownLimit); limitMonitor.setUploadLimitSettingMode(currUploadLimit); limitMonitor.updateTransferMode(); if( limitMonitor.isConfTestingLimits() ){ limitMonitor.updateLimitTestingData(downRateBitsPerSec,upRateBitsPerSec); } //update ping maps limitMonitor.setCurrentTransferRates(downRateBitsPerSec,upRateBitsPerSec); //only for the UI. if( upRateBitsPerSec > sessionMaxUploadRate ){ sessionMaxUploadRate = upRateBitsPerSec; } //"curr-data" .... logCurrentData(downRateBitsPerSec, currDownLimit, upRateBitsPerSec, currUploadLimit); } /** * log "curr-data" line to the AutoSpeed-Beta file. * @param downRate - * @param currDownLimit - * @param upRate - * @param currUploadLimit - */ private void logCurrentData(int downRate, int currDownLimit, int upRate, int currUploadLimit) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("curr-data-m:"+downRate+":"+currDownLimit+":"); sb.append( limitMonitor.getDownloadMaxLimit() ).append(":"); sb.append(limitMonitor.getDownloadBandwidthMode()).append(":"); sb.append(limitMonitor.getDownloadLimitSettingMode()).append(":"); sb.append(upRate).append(":").append(currUploadLimit).append(":"); sb.append( limitMonitor.getUploadMaxLimit() ).append(":"); sb.append(limitMonitor.getUploadBandwidthMode()).append(":"); sb.append(limitMonitor.getUploadLimitSettingMode()).append(":"); sb.append(limitMonitor.getTransferModeAsString()); SpeedManagerLogger.log( sb.toString() ); } /** * Called when a new source of ping times has been found * * @param source - * @param is_replacement One of the initial sources or a replacement for a failed one */ public void pingSourceFound(SpeedManagerPingSource source, boolean is_replacement) { //We might not use ping source if the vivaldi data is available. log("pingSourceFound"); //add a new ping source to the list. pingSourceManager.pingSourceFound(source, is_replacement); } /** * Ping source has failed * * @param source - */ public void pingSourceFailed(SpeedManagerPingSource source) { //Where does the vivaldi data for the chart come from. log("pingSourceFailed"); pingSourceManager.pingSourceFailed(source); } /** * Called whenever a new set of ping values is available for processing * * @param sources - */ public void calculate(SpeedManagerPingSource[] sources) { limitMonitor.logPMDataEx(); //Get new data to ping-source-manager. int len = sources.length; for(int i=0; i<len; i++){ pingSourceManager.addPingTime( sources[i] ); int pingTime = sources[i].getPingTime(); //exclude ping-times of -1 which mess up the averages. if(pingTime>0){ //pingTimeList.add( new Integer( sources[i].getPingTime() ) ); intervalCount++; }//if }//for //if we are in a limit finding mode then don't even bother with this calculation. if( limitMonitor.isConfTestingLimits() ){ if( limitMonitor.isConfLimitTestFinished() ){ endLimitTesting(); return; }else{ //will increase the limit each cycle. SMUpdate ramp = limitMonitor.rampTestingLimit( adapter.getCurrentUploadLimit(), adapter.getCurrentDownloadLimit() ); logNewLimits( ramp ); setNewLimits( ramp ); } }//if - isConfTestingLimits long currTime = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); if( timeSinceLastUpdate==0 ){ timeSinceLastUpdate=currTime; } //use the variance ping times instead. if ( calculatePingMetric() ){ return; } log("metric:"+ lastMetricValue); logLimitStatus(); //update the metric data //limitMonitor.addToPingMapData(lastMetricValue); float signalStrength = determineSignalStrength(lastMetricValue); //if are are NOT looking for limits and we have a signal then make an adjustment. if( signalStrength!=0.0f && !limitMonitor.isConfTestingLimits() ){ hadAdjustmentLastInterval=true; float multiple = consectiveMultiplier(); int currUpLimit = adapter.getCurrentUploadLimit(); int currDownLimit = adapter.getCurrentDownloadLimit(); limitMonitor.checkForUnpinningCondition(); SMUpdate update = limitMonitor.modifyLimits(signalStrength,multiple,currUpLimit, currDownLimit); //log logNewLimits(update); //setting new setNewLimits( update ); }else{ hadAdjustmentLastInterval=false; //verify the limits. It is possible for the user to adjust the capacity down below the current limit, so check that condition here. int currUploadLimit = adapter.getCurrentUploadLimit(); int currDownloadLimit = adapter.getCurrentDownloadLimit(); if( !limitMonitor.areSettingsInSpec(currUploadLimit, currDownloadLimit) ){ SMUpdate update = limitMonitor.adjustLimitsToSpec(currUploadLimit, currDownloadLimit); logNewLimits( update ); setNewLimits( update ); } } //determine if we need to drop a ping source. pingSourceManager.checkPingSources(sources); } private void endLimitTesting() { int downLimitGuess = limitMonitor.guessDownloadLimit(); int upLimitGuess = limitMonitor.guessUploadLimit(); SMUpdate update = limitMonitor.endLimitTesting(downLimitGuess, upLimitGuess ); //print out the PingMap data to compare. limitMonitor.logPingMapData(); //reset Ping Space Map for next round. limitMonitor.resetPingSpace(); //log logNewLimits(update); //setting new setNewLimits( update ); } /** * Log the limit status. Max, Min and Conf. * log("limits:down-max:down-min:down-conf:up-max:up-min:up-conf"); */ private void logLimitStatus(){ StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer(); msg.append("limits:"); msg.append(limitMonitor.getUploadMaxLimit()).append(":"); msg.append(limitMonitor.getUploadMinLimit()).append(":"); msg.append(limitMonitor.getUploadConfidence()).append(":"); msg.append(limitMonitor.getDownloadMaxLimit()).append(":"); msg.append(limitMonitor.getDownloadMinLimit()).append(":"); msg.append(limitMonitor.getDownloadConfidence()); SpeedManagerLogger.log( msg.toString() ); }//logLimitStatus /** * Variance PingMap data is the metrics used. Calculate it here. * @return - true if should exit early from the caluculate method. */ private boolean calculatePingMetric() { //Don't count this data point, if we skip the next ping times after an adjustment. if(skipIntervalAfterAdjustment && hadAdjustmentLastInterval){ hadAdjustmentLastInterval=false; pingTimeList = new ArrayList(); intervalCount=0; return true; } //have we accululated enough data to make an adjustment? if( intervalCount < numIntervalsBetweenCal ){ //get more data before making another calculation. return true; } //we have enough data. find the median ping time. lastMetricValue = (float)adapter.getPingMapper().getCurrentMetricRating(); //we have now consumed this data. reset the counters. intervalCount=0; return false; } private void logNewLimits( SMUpdate update ) { if( update.hasNewUploadLimit ){ int kbpsUpoadLimit = update.newUploadLimit/1024; log(" new up limit : "+ kbpsUpoadLimit +" kb/s"); } if( update.hasNewDownloadLimit ){ int kpbsDownloadLimit = update.newDownloadLimit/1024; log(" new down limit: "+kpbsDownloadLimit+" kb/s"); } } /** * Just update the limits. * @param update - SMUpdate */ private void setNewLimits( SMUpdate update ){ adapter.setCurrentUploadLimit( update.newUploadLimit ); adapter.setCurrentDownloadLimit( update.newDownloadLimit ); } private float determineSignalStrength(float lastMetric){ //determine if this is an up-tick (+1), down-tick (-1) or neutral (0). // range should be -1.0 (bad) to +1.0 (good) float signal = convertTestMetricToSignal( lastMetric ); if( signal > 0.0f){ consecutiveUpticks++; consecutiveDownticks=0; }else if(signal < 0.0f ){ consecutiveUpticks=0; consecutiveDownticks++; }else{ //This is a neutral signal. } log("consecutive:"+consecutiveUpticks+":"+consecutiveDownticks); return signal; } /** * * @param testMetric - float -1.0f to +1.0f * @return signal as float with 0.0 meaning don't make an adjustment. */ private float convertTestMetricToSignal( float testMetric ){ if( testMetric>=1.0f ){ return 1.0f; } if(testMetric<=-1.0f){ return -1.0f; } //here we will map the neutral region to -0.5f to +0.5f to singal = 0; if( testMetric>-0.5f && testMetric<0.5f ){ return 0.0f; } //map weak up signal. if( testMetric > 0.0f ){ return ( (testMetric - 0.5f) * 2.0f ); } //map weak down signal return ( ( testMetric+0.5f ) * 2.0f ); } /** * The longer were get the same signal the stronger it is. On upticks however we only increase the * rates when if the upload or download is saturated. * * @return - */ private float consectiveMultiplier(){ float multiple; if( consecutiveUpticks > consecutiveDownticks ){ //Set the consecutive upticks back to zero if the bandwidth is not being used. if( limitMonitor.bandwidthUsageLow() ){ consecutiveUpticks=0; } multiple = calculateUpTickMultiple(consecutiveUpticks); }else{ multiple = calculateDownTickMultiple(consecutiveDownticks); limitMonitor.notifyOfDownSignal(); } return multiple; } /** * Want to rise much slower then drop. * @param c - number of upsignals recieved in a row * @return - multiple factor. */ private float calculateUpTickMultiple(int c) { float multiple=0.0f; if(c<0){ return multiple; } switch(c){ case 0: case 1: multiple=0.25f; break; case 2: multiple=0.5f; break; case 3: multiple=1.0f; break; case 4: multiple=1.25f; break; case 5: multiple=1.5f; break; case 6: multiple=1.75f; break; case 7: multiple=2.0f; break; case 8: multiple=2.25f; break; case 9: multiple=2.5f; break; default: multiple=3.0f; }//switch //decrease the signal strength if bandwith usage is only in MED use. if( limitMonitor.bandwidthUsageMedium() ){ multiple /= 2.0f; } return multiple; } /** * Want to drop rate faster then increase. * @param c - * @return - */ private float calculateDownTickMultiple(int c) { float multiple=0.0f; if(c<0){ return multiple; } switch(c){ case 0: case 1: multiple=0.25f; break; case 2: multiple=0.5f; break; case 3: multiple=1.0f; break; case 4: multiple=2.0f; break; case 5: multiple=3.0f; break; case 6: multiple=4.0f; break; case 7: multiple=6.0f; break; case 8: multiple=9.0f; break; case 9: multiple=15.0f; break; default: multiple=20.0f; }//switch return multiple; } /** * Various getters for interesting info shown in stats view * * @return - */ public int getIdlePingMillis() { //return the vivaldi time. return 0;//lastMetricValue; }//getIdlePingMillis public int getCurrentPingMillis() { return 0; } public int getMaxPingMillis() { return 910; //Currently a fixed number to be sure of algorightm. } /** * Returns the current view of when choking occurs * * @return speed in bytes/sec */ public int getCurrentChokeSpeed() { return 0; } public int getMaxUploadSpeed() { return sessionMaxUploadRate; } public boolean getAdjustsDownloadLimits() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return true; } protected void log(String str){ SpeedManagerLogger.log(str); }//log }