package org.bouncycastle.asn1; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Vector; /** * a general purpose ASN.1 decoder - note: this class differs from the * others in that it returns null after it has read the last object in * the stream. If an ASN.1 NULL is encountered a DER/BER Null object is * returned. */ public class ASN1InputStream extends DERInputStream { private DERObject END_OF_STREAM = new DERObject() { void encode( DEROutputStream out) throws IOException { throw new IOException("Eeek!"); } }; boolean eofFound = false; public ASN1InputStream( InputStream is) { super(is); } protected int readLength() throws IOException { int length = read(); if (length < 0) { throw new IOException("EOF found when length expected"); } if (length == 0x80) { return -1; // indefinite-length encoding } if (length > 127) { int size = length & 0x7f; length = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { int next = read(); if (next < 0) { throw new IOException("EOF found reading length"); } length = (length << 8) + next; } } return length; } protected void readFully( byte[] bytes) throws IOException { int left = bytes.length; int len; if (left == 0) { return; } while ((len = read(bytes, bytes.length - left, left)) > 0) { if ((left -= len) == 0) { return; } } if (left != 0) { throw new EOFException("EOF encountered in middle of object"); } } /** * build an object given its tag and a byte stream to construct it * from. */ protected DERObject buildObject( int tag, byte[] bytes) throws IOException { if ((tag & APPLICATION) != 0) { return new DERApplicationSpecific(tag, bytes); } switch (tag) { case NULL: return new DERNull(); case SEQUENCE | CONSTRUCTED: ByteArrayInputStream bIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); ASN1InputStream aIn = new ASN1InputStream(bIn); ASN1EncodableVector v = new ASN1EncodableVector(); DERObject obj = aIn.readObject(); while (obj != null) { v.add(obj); obj = aIn.readObject(); } return new DERSequence(v); case SET | CONSTRUCTED: bIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); aIn = new ASN1InputStream(bIn); v = new ASN1EncodableVector(); obj = aIn.readObject(); while (obj != null) { v.add(obj); obj = aIn.readObject(); } return new DERSet(v); case BOOLEAN: return new DERBoolean(bytes); case INTEGER: return new DERInteger(bytes); case ENUMERATED: return new DEREnumerated(bytes); case OBJECT_IDENTIFIER: return new DERObjectIdentifier(bytes); case BIT_STRING: int padBits = bytes[0]; byte[] data = new byte[bytes.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(bytes, 1, data, 0, bytes.length - 1); return new DERBitString(data, padBits); case UTF8_STRING: return new DERUTF8String(bytes); case PRINTABLE_STRING: return new DERPrintableString(bytes); case IA5_STRING: return new DERIA5String(bytes); case T61_STRING: return new DERT61String(bytes); case VISIBLE_STRING: return new DERVisibleString(bytes); case GENERAL_STRING: return new DERGeneralString(bytes); case UNIVERSAL_STRING: return new DERUniversalString(bytes); case BMP_STRING: return new DERBMPString(bytes); case OCTET_STRING: return new DEROctetString(bytes); case UTC_TIME: return new DERUTCTime(bytes); case GENERALIZED_TIME: return new DERGeneralizedTime(bytes); default: // // with tagged object tag number is bottom 5 bits // if ((tag & TAGGED) != 0) { int tagNo = tag & 0x1f; if (tagNo == 0x1f) { int idx = 0; tagNo = 0; while ((bytes[idx] & 0x80) != 0) { tagNo |= (bytes[idx++] & 0x7f); tagNo <<= 7; } tagNo |= (bytes[idx] & 0x7f); byte[] tmp = bytes; bytes = new byte[tmp.length - (idx + 1)]; System.arraycopy(tmp, idx + 1, bytes, 0, bytes.length); } if (bytes.length == 0) // empty tag! { if ((tag & CONSTRUCTED) == 0) { return new DERTaggedObject(false, tagNo, new DERNull()); } else { return new DERTaggedObject(false, tagNo, new DERSequence()); } } // // simple type - implicit... return an octet string // if ((tag & CONSTRUCTED) == 0) { return new DERTaggedObject(false, tagNo, new DEROctetString(bytes)); } bIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); aIn = new ASN1InputStream(bIn); DEREncodable dObj = aIn.readObject(); // // explicitly tagged (probably!) - if it isn't we'd have to // tell from the context // if (aIn.available() == 0) { return new DERTaggedObject(tagNo, dObj); } // // another implicit object, we'll create a sequence... // v = new ASN1EncodableVector(); while (dObj != null) { v.add(dObj); dObj = aIn.readObject(); } return new DERTaggedObject(false, tagNo, new DERSequence(v)); } return new DERUnknownTag(tag, bytes); } } /** * read a string of bytes representing an indefinite length object. */ private byte[] readIndefiniteLengthFully() throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int b, b1; b1 = read(); while ((b = read()) >= 0) { if (b1 == 0 && b == 0) { break; } bOut.write(b1); b1 = b; } return bOut.toByteArray(); } private BERConstructedOctetString buildConstructedOctetString() throws IOException { Vector octs = new Vector(); for (;;) { DERObject o = readObject(); if (o == END_OF_STREAM) { break; } octs.addElement(o); } return new BERConstructedOctetString(octs); } public DERObject readObject() throws IOException { int tag = read(); if (tag == -1) { if (eofFound) { throw new EOFException("attempt to read past end of file."); } eofFound = true; return null; } int length = readLength(); if (length < 0) // indefinite length method { switch (tag) { case NULL: return new BERNull(); case SEQUENCE | CONSTRUCTED: ASN1EncodableVector v = new ASN1EncodableVector(); for (;;) { DERObject obj = readObject(); if (obj == END_OF_STREAM) { break; } v.add(obj); } return new BERSequence(v); case SET | CONSTRUCTED: v = new ASN1EncodableVector(); for (;;) { DERObject obj = readObject(); if (obj == END_OF_STREAM) { break; } v.add(obj); } return new BERSet(v); case OCTET_STRING | CONSTRUCTED: return buildConstructedOctetString(); default: // // with tagged object tag number is bottom 5 bits // if ((tag & TAGGED) != 0) { int tagNo = tag & 0x1f; if (tagNo == 0x1f) { int b = read(); tagNo = 0; while ((b >= 0) && ((b & 0x80) != 0)) { tagNo |= (b & 0x7f); tagNo <<= 7; b = read(); } tagNo |= (b & 0x7f); } // // simple type - implicit... return an octet string // if ((tag & CONSTRUCTED) == 0) { byte[] bytes = readIndefiniteLengthFully(); return new BERTaggedObject(false, tagNo, new DEROctetString(bytes)); } // // either constructed or explicitly tagged // DERObject dObj = readObject(); if (dObj == END_OF_STREAM) // empty tag! { return new DERTaggedObject(tagNo); } DERObject next = readObject(); // // explicitly tagged (probably!) - if it isn't we'd have to // tell from the context // if (next == END_OF_STREAM) { return new BERTaggedObject(tagNo, dObj); } // // another implicit object, we'll create a sequence... // v = new ASN1EncodableVector(); v.add(dObj); do { v.add(next); next = readObject(); } while (next != END_OF_STREAM); return new BERTaggedObject(false, tagNo, new BERSequence(v)); } throw new IOException("unknown BER object encountered"); } } else { if (tag == 0 && length == 0) // end of contents marker. { return END_OF_STREAM; } byte[] bytes = new byte[length]; readFully(bytes); return buildObject(tag, bytes); } } }