* RapidMiner
* Copyright (C) 2001-2014 by RapidMiner and the contributors
* Complete list of developers available at our web site:
* http://rapidminer.com
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
package com.rapidminer.operator.features.construction;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import com.rapidminer.example.Attribute;
import com.rapidminer.example.Example;
import com.rapidminer.example.ExampleSet;
import com.rapidminer.example.table.AttributeFactory;
import com.rapidminer.operator.OperatorDescription;
import com.rapidminer.operator.OperatorException;
import com.rapidminer.operator.ports.metadata.AttributeMetaData;
import com.rapidminer.operator.ports.metadata.ExampleSetMetaData;
import com.rapidminer.operator.ports.metadata.MDReal;
import com.rapidminer.operator.ports.metadata.MetaData;
import com.rapidminer.operator.ports.metadata.SetRelation;
import com.rapidminer.operator.tools.AttributeSubsetSelector;
import com.rapidminer.parameter.ParameterType;
import com.rapidminer.parameter.ParameterTypeDouble;
import com.rapidminer.parameter.UndefinedParameterError;
import com.rapidminer.tools.Ontology;
import com.rapidminer.tools.math.container.Range;
* Creates a gaussian function based on a given attribute and a specified mean and standard deviation sigma.
* @author Ingo Mierswa
public class GaussFeatureConstructionOperator extends AbstractFeatureConstruction {
public static final String PARAMETER_MEAN = "mean";
public static final String PARAMETER_SIGMA = "sigma";
public GaussFeatureConstructionOperator(OperatorDescription description) {
protected MetaData modifyMetaData(ExampleSetMetaData metaData) throws UndefinedParameterError {
AttributeSubsetSelector selector = getSubsetSelector();
double mean = getParameterAsDouble(PARAMETER_MEAN);
double sigma = getParameterAsDouble(PARAMETER_SIGMA);
for (AttributeMetaData amd: selector.getMetaDataSubset(metaData, false).getAllAttributes()) {
AttributeMetaData newAttribute = amd.clone();
newAttribute.setName("gauss(" + amd.getName() + ", " + mean + ", " + sigma + ")");
newAttribute.setMean(new MDReal());
newAttribute.setValueRange(new Range(0, 1), SetRelation.SUBSET);
return metaData;
public ExampleSet apply(ExampleSet exampleSet) throws OperatorException {
AttributeSubsetSelector selector = getSubsetSelector();
double mean = getParameterAsDouble(PARAMETER_MEAN);
double sigma = getParameterAsDouble(PARAMETER_SIGMA);
List<Attribute> newAttributes = new LinkedList<Attribute>();
for (Attribute attribute : selector.getAttributeSubset(exampleSet, false)) {
newAttributes.add(createAttribute(exampleSet, attribute, mean, sigma));
// adding constructed attributes
for (Attribute attribute : newAttributes) {
return exampleSet;
private Attribute createAttribute(ExampleSet exampleSet, Attribute base, double mean, double sigma) {
Attribute newAttribute = AttributeFactory.createAttribute("gauss(" + base.getName() + ", " + mean + ", " + sigma + ")", Ontology.REAL);
for (Example example : exampleSet) {
double value = example.getValue(base);
double gaussValue = Math.exp((-1) * ((value - mean) * (value - mean)) / (sigma * sigma));
example.setValue(newAttribute, gaussValue);
return newAttribute;
private AttributeSubsetSelector getSubsetSelector() {
return new AttributeSubsetSelector(this, getExampleSetInputPort(), Ontology.NUMERICAL);
public List<ParameterType> getParameterTypes() {
List<ParameterType> types = super.getParameterTypes();
types.add(new ParameterTypeDouble(PARAMETER_MEAN, "The mean value for the gaussian function.", Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 0.0d));
types.add(new ParameterTypeDouble(PARAMETER_SIGMA, "The sigma value for the gaussian function.", Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 1.0d));
return types;