package ic2.api; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.Set; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import; /** * Represents the 6 possible directions along the axis of a block. */ public enum Direction { /** * -X */ XN, /** * +X */ XP, /** * -Y */ YN, //MC-Code starts with 0 here /** * +Y */ YP, // 1... /** * -Z */ ZN, /** * +Z */ ZP; private Direction() { int side = ordinal() / 2; int sign = getSign(); xOffset = side == 0 ? sign : 0; yOffset = side == 1 ? sign : 0; zOffset = side == 2 ? sign : 0; } public static Direction fromSideValue(int side) { return directions[(side + 2) % 6]; } public static Direction fromEnumFacing(EnumFacing dir) { return fromSideValue(dir.ordinal()); } /** * Get the tile entity next to a tile entity following this direction. * * @param tileEntity tile entity to check * @return Adjacent tile entity or null if none exists */ public TileEntity applyToTileEntity(TileEntity te) { return applyTo(te.getWorld(), te.getPos()); } /** * Get the tile entity next to a position following this direction. * * @param world World to check * @param x X coordinate to check from * @param y Y coordinate to check from * @param z Z coordinate to check from * @return Adjacent tile entity or null if none exists */ public TileEntity applyTo(World world, BlockPos pos) { if (world != null && world.getBlockState(pos).getBlock() != Blocks.air) { try { return world.getTileEntity(pos); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("error getting TileEntity at dim "+world.provider.getDimensionId()+" "+pos); } } return null; } /** * Get the inverse of this direction (XN -> XP, XP -> XN, etc.) * * @return Inverse direction */ public Direction getInverse() { return directions[ordinal() ^ 1]; } /** * Convert this direction to a Minecraft side value. * * @return Minecraft side value */ public int toSideValue() { return (ordinal() + 4) % 6; } /** * Determine direction sign (N for negative or P for positive). * * @return -1 if the direction is negative, +1 if the direction is positive */ private int getSign() { return (ordinal() % 2) * 2 - 1; } public EnumFacing toFacing() { return EnumFacing.VALUES[toSideValue()]; } public final int xOffset; public final int yOffset; public final int zOffset; public static final Direction[] directions = Direction.values(); public static final Set<Direction> noDirections = EnumSet.noneOf(Direction.class); public static final Set<Direction> allDirections = EnumSet.allOf(Direction.class); }